Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Self taught

Without an altimeter, Li Teng didn’t know what height he was at now.

The captain on the plane just said that the target height is 10,000 meters. It hasn’t been a long time to fall. It should be at an altitude of eight or nine kilometers?

Can’t see the ground.

Li Teng felt that he could not be idle either.

In order to survive, he must do his best now.

Although there is no parachute, a hard landing will definitely fall into a box, but what if something changes below?

If he finds a way to land safely at that time, such as placing a huge anti-drop bullet net or a huge cushion sponge at a certain place, but he cannot fly to the landing site due to technical problems, it would be too sad. Up.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of this precious time to teach yourself as soon as possible and learn the skills of flying with wings.

Just do what he said, Li Teng immediately began various flight tests.

As a layman flying in wing suits, Li Teng had no knowledge of the skills of wing suit flying, so he could only explore it by himself.

Turn, dive, raise your head and slow down, sense the wind, and then use the wind to rise or fall, etc.

“It’s not that hard!”

Soon Li Teng mastered these basic skills, although he didn’t know whether these skills were really winged flying skills. Without an instructor, he could only master these skills by himself.

If you don’t think about it without a parachute, there is a high probability that it will end in a box. Speaking of winged flight, it is indeed a very exciting and fun sport. It allows a person to fly freely in the sky like a bird, achieving thousands of In the past few years, human beings have truly spread their wings in the sky and dream of flying independently.

After Li Teng initially mastered the skills he found out by himself, he simply forgot about the **** mode he was shooting now, and devoted himself to the enjoyment of flying with wings.

Enjoy before dying.

After various lane changes, turns, and rolls, Li Teng felt a little tired, so he opened his arms and legs and decided to lie in the air and rest for a while. After thinking about it, Li Teng turned over again and lay on his back in the air. .

While falling, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face, the whole world is extremely quiet.

It’s like dreaming.

Li Teng is already familiar with this feeling.

Because most of the time on the stone pillars is spent like this.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, just blocking the sun above Li Teng.

Li Teng was caught off guard, and only reacted a moment later.

Is this another actor?

Flew to him?

“Is it Anna?”

Li Teng couldn’t see clearly when the person came carrying the sun.

This person’s flying skills were obviously better than Li Teng’s flying skills. After quickly lowering the altitude, he approached Li Teng and successfully grabbed one of Li Teng’s arms, and then pulled hard to turn Li Teng’s body over and then grabbed it again. Li Teng’s other arm.

After the two looked at each other at close range face to face, Li Teng finally saw clearly.

It is indeed Anna!

Although wearing goggles, oxygen mask and flight suit, the hair and face shape can be roughly recognized.

After the two stabilized, Anna took off the oxygen mask and wanted to say something to Li Teng, but one mouth and her mouth were deformed by the wind, and the whistling wind in her ears made it impossible for her to reach Li Teng’s ears.

Anna quickly put on the oxygen mask again.

After thinking for a while, Li Teng stretched out his hand to get closer to the two of them, and then tried to put his ear to Anna’s mouth.

After Anna wanted to understand, she took off the oxygen mask again and put her mouth to Li Teng’s ear.

“Find the surface! The body is 30 degrees, and the feet are in the water first!” Anna said aloud to Li Teng several times before Li Teng could hear clearly. Because it was not easy to stabilize her body, her mouth hit his ear several times in the air.

“Okay! I can’t fly! You take me!” Li Teng also replied to Anna a few words according to the gourd painting, fearing that she would not hear him, so he kissed her ear several times.

How could she not take advantage of it?

“Why are you biting me?” Anna asked Li Teng.

“No! You are passionate!” Li Teng bites again.

“Follow me! Follow my moves!” Anna couldn’t afford to hide, and quickly let go and flew in front.

Seeing her skilful flying maneuvers, she is definitely an old driver.

Anna flew in front, Li Teng followed.

However, Li Teng soon discovered that the old driver was nothing but the same, just the few movements, he had already practiced almost without a teacher.

Later, Anna did some more difficult moves, such as a sudden stop, a sharp drop and a sharp turn, etc. Li Teng was a little rushed, but after practicing it a few times, he was almost able to master it.

“Extreme sports, I thought it was so difficult! But that’s all, it’s not difficult at all.” Li Teng murmured.

Of course, this is high in the sky, so it’s not difficult to play.

The safety factor of high-altitude wing suits carrying parachutes is very high, even higher than that of driving a car on the ground.

It’s different at low altitude. Close to the ground, the airflow is extremely turbulent, and the terrain is extremely complicated. If you don’t pay attention, you will be knocked to pieces.

High-altitude winged flight and low-altitude winged flight are completely two sports.

High altitude is a sport of performance, and low altitude is a sport of death.

Just like airplane skydiving and cliff skydiving, they are both skydiving, but airplane skydiving is very safe, with triple insurance, and it can land safely according to normal operations. Skydiving from the cliff is only one chance to open the umbrella, and you may encounter the wind and hit the wall at any time, and you will be broken if you are not careful.

Li Teng is now engaged in another sport.

That is the wing-suit flying movement at an altitude of 10,000 meters without an umbrella.

And there is no altimeter, and nothing is known about the ground.

The other six actors have long disappeared. Anna was lucky to find him. She may have jumped off the plane later than Li Teng, but not too late, otherwise the straight-line distance between the two would be too far.

Perhaps when she jumped off the plane, Li Teng only had a small spot in the distance in her field of vision.

There may be several such small spots.

She must also make a quick choice to determine which little spot is Li Teng.

It seemed that she was wrong, or she had found someone else first, and after confirming that it was not Li Teng, she continued to fly to find the next one.

Only by chance can the two get together before they die.

After mastering the basic flight movements, Anna has nothing to teach Li Teng.

They just chased and flew freely at high altitude.

That’s how the term Biyishuangfei came from.

I don’t know how long it took.

Finally, the two passed through the clouds.

Finally, I can see the ground situation a little more clearly.

Everything on the ground was shocking when people saw it.

The two are now at least two thousand meters away from the ground.

However, those huge patterns on the ground can already be seen clearly.

The ground was divided into countless grids.

I don’t know if it is the woods, the road, or the effect of painting.

The white grid is endless, making people feel that the world below seems very unreal.

It’s like a virtual game world in a computer.

In every grid, there are some patterns.

But these patterns are not clear for the time being.

Li Teng had a hunch that his way of life might be in these grids.

In the grid pattern here.

The altitude continues to fall.

Finally, Li Teng could see the patterns in those grids clearly.

Inside is a string of numbers!

In each grid is a string of numbers!

I don’t know what to use to brush the huge numbers on the ground.

The number in the grid directly below is 2713, and the grid in front is 2803…


Li Teng turned his body around and corrected all the numbers in the grid.

The number in the grid directly below is 2713, the grid in front is 2625, the grid behind is 2801, the grid on the left is 2711, and the grid on the right is 2715.

The left and right are two numbers progressively, and the front and back are equal differences of 88.

What does this mean?

Li Teng quickly started mental calculations.

Anna flew over, and it was obvious that she had also noticed these grids and numbers.

“I know where I’m going! There must be a safe landing spot! Follow me!” Li Teng took off the oxygen mask and shouted excitedly in Anna’s ear.

Time is running out, at this height, he may not be able to rush to that grid before landing.

After releasing Anna, Li Teng turned again and flew to the rear left, which is the direction marked with the number 2799.

Then it was 2973.

After finding 2973, Li Teng was even more convinced that his judgment was correct.

If you guess correctly, the next number passed should be 3059 or 3147.

Anna didn’t know why Li Teng flew like this, and she didn’t have the opportunity to confirm to her what reason his judgment was based on, but since Li Teng was so sure, she still chose to trust him.

Will a miracle happen this time?

PS: The book will be on the shelves tomorrow noon. This is a very small counter-trend suspense abuse main article. The reader base is small, the collection is not many, and the subscription will not be good.

How sad it will be when there are only so-called cool texts left on the web! The author is in Wuhan, and his family of three has no income for more than half a year. Everyone is able to support the book as genuine as possible! Xiaozhongwen is difficult to survive and needs your support! Kow!

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