Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Net land (5th more monthly ticket)

“In order to avoid the blockade and interference of human technology by omnipotent genes, this independent film and television city that cannot be involved in genes was created.” The director continued.

“So that’s the case, can you say it in more detail?” Li Teng actually didn’t understand much.

“In the early nineteenth century, a scientist conducted an experiment in which embryonic cells of cattle were implanted into the brain, eyes and other body parts of cattle. He wanted to test whether they could be cultivated outside the womb. These embryonic cells.”

“He thought that the embryonic cells would die soon, but the results shocked him.”

“He discovered that these embryonic cells frantically attacked the tissue cells of the body, turning them into a placenta, and then began to frantically absorb nutrients. The development process is no different from cancer cells.”

“Only then did he understand why there are various deadly immune cells on the inner wall of the human uterus. The truth is completely contrary to the original human cognition. When a child is conceived in October, the mother and child are not as close as imagined, and the uterus is not the place where the embryo is born. The best environment is the purgatory of embryos!”

“But why does the mother still have to give birth to babies? And have many more?”

“This is just the genes in her body, driving her to sacrifice herself and make more copies of her own genes.”

“For the fetus, if he wants to ensure his genes can survive, he must absorb as much nutrients as possible from the mother, regardless of the mother’s life or death.”

“In order to prevent the fetus from unrestricted absorption of nutrients, the mother’s uterus is covered with all kinds of deadly immune cells, so that the fetus can only obtain the minimum nutrition to maintain his survival, and also minimizes the mother’s own losses. .”

“The fetus will transport all kinds of hormones, adrenaline, to the mother’s body, increase the mother’s blood pressure, glucagon, increase the mother’s blood sugar, angiogenin, increase the mother’s blood flow and heartbeat, all this is just to extract more from the mother More energy.”

“The uterus will also monitor the fetus at any time. If it finds that the fetus takes too much or the fetus is unhealthy, it will immediately terminate the nutritional supply to the fetus and expel it from the body.”

“In order to prevent the fetus from being excluded, the blood vessels will be pierced very deep, forcing the mother to risk massive bleeding if she wants to give up herself. This type of bleeding can even endanger the mother’s life.”

“In order to maintain the right to exclude the fetus, the mother is training the ability to shed the endometrium at all costs and enduring pain every month. In fact, she is training no matter how deep the fetus’s blood vessels are, it is impossible for him to stay away. ”

“Pregnancy in October is not a warm thing, but a battle between mother and child in the womb.”

“The so-called mother’s kindness and filial piety, human morality, everything is false. From the moment the fetus is implanted in the mother’s body, the fetus has been fighting with the mother. There is only one purpose of fighting: genes, to keep for themselves More copies.”

“When you were born, did your mother really love you?”

“This is just an illusion.”

“It’s just the genes in her body, ordering her to protect the genes in your body.”

“Because the child’s body has half of the mother’s genes, and the mother is already old and has completed the mission of giving the gene to the child. The child is more valuable to the gene. Therefore, in a critical situation, the gene will order the mother to help her child Go to die to save the child.”

“Scientists have photographed a lot of antelope mothers in Africa in order to protect their cubs. Mothers will send themselves to crocodiles. Animals cannot be as philanthropic as humans and have love for children in a social sense. Their greatest instinct is to survive. Antelopes The reason why my mother gave up her survival instinct to do this is not driven by maternal love, but because genes are manipulating everything behind the scenes.”

“After talking about maternal love, let’s talk about love again.”

“The so-called love is just the manipulation of genes behind the scenes.”

“From the previous battle between mothers and children, we have already known that the cost for women to reproduce offspring is very high, but the cost for men is very low. For men, the coolness is over after a while, and then all the costs are paid by women. , Bearing.”

“That’s why women ask men to buy houses and cars. This is not a woman’s request. This is because the genes in women require the genes in men to balance this cost together, otherwise it will refuse to help multiply the genes in men.”

“The most extreme example in nature is when a male praying mantis is doing something like that with a female praying mantis, the female praying mantis will eat the male mantis while doing it, and the male mantis will be eaten bite by bite by the female mantis under genetic control. Neither will make any resistance. The reason is that the genes of both parties are balancing the transaction costs of both parties. As for the body and the so-called life to which the genes are attached, it is just a price that can be traded out at any time.”

“Men who switch to humans will do the same desperate things as the male praying mantis during the courtship process, sacrificing their own life for the woman. In essence, all this is not like the male praying mantis eating the male praying mantis when doing that. Any difference.”

“However, we call this sacrifice, and a man’s pledge to love only one person for a lifetime, as love.”

“Ridiculous love.”

“Genes control the body through hormones in the human body, making the body feel happy and happy, and feel that it can be defiant for the other half. The owner of the body thinks all this is love and beautiful things.”

“In fact, it only controls human genes. You must find the other half before you can reproduce and inherit.”

“Family, love, and maternal love are all certain ways that genetic machines operate. The human body, family, and family are just tools that genes use to allow themselves to survive and reproduce more in natural selection. The human body. It’s just a machine. Humans are not the master of this machine. Genes are the real controller of this machine.”

“There are many natural questions that cannot be explained by Darwin’s theory of biological evolution. But if the word’biology’ in the theory of biological evolution is changed to the word’gene’, it is called the theory of genetic evolution, all problems will be easily solved. ”

“The evolution of all living things is that genes are evolving and populations are evolving. As long as the populations and genes are still there, as for the individuals in the population, they are trivial existences that can be sacrificed.”

“It’s easier to understand the relationship between populations, genes, and individuals by looking at the ant population and the bee population.”

“But, do we really have nothing to do with genetic tyranny?”

“Can each of us be sacrificed by genes at any time?”

“Humans are the only creatures with wisdom, and the only species that can resist genetic tyranny, because we humans have ideas, can think, can build civilization, and can create culture.”

“Movies, TV, games, novels, comics…”

“These are all advanced forms of culture.”

“Only these things can exist without being interfered by genes, separated from genes, and passed on from generation to generation, and even evolve.”

“They are collectively called’memes’.”

“Humans’ weapon against genetic tyranny is memes. Genes exist in our bodies, and memes exist in our brains and consciousness.”

“This is a battle between brain consciousness and body genes.”

“The film and television city is the pure land of brain consciousness.”

“A huge laboratory free from genetic interference and pollution.”

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