Triple Strength

237. Allies: Wiremu

237. Allies: Wiremu

“Thank you,” said Kelda again. I got a kiss on the cheek as well. Kelda was cooking in the kitchen, and Liten was helping, sort of. I think Liten was tasting everything, testing her new Tasty Skill. Kelda was cooking us dinner. She moved slowly and carefully, but she enjoyed working in the kitchen. She had a light cloth mask covering her upper face. We didn’t want to do anything about the empty eye sockets until the specialist in Waiouru could see if her eyes could be regrown.

We were still waiting for Tabitha, Ruku and Runa, who were seeing Krov’ away, and we wanted the inside story as to what went on. I am not surprised there was no fight. The only way he could hope to keep the city was to defend it from a fortified position. When he arrived, a whole Infantry division was in that fortified position. I just want to know what went on, and Tabitha was in the thick of it as the Acting Duchess.

The errant trio finally arrived, and I helped Kelda dish up the meal.

“Ok, you three, spill!” I said.

“Wait till I get a drink at least,” Runa said, “After all, you two spent all day and two whole nights playing in the bedroom while some of us had to work.”

Kelda blushed at the inference.

“What happened after the alarm bells rang?” I prompted.

“Nothing. It was the advanced scouts letting us know he was close. He didn’t actually arrive until dawn, and it was planned that way.” Tabitha said.

“How many were with him?” Kelda asked.

“He had all two hundred of his Blood Bitches, plus another five hundred troops. I was surprised that not all his Blood Bitches were female. It was a mix, although they were all wolfkin.”

“You should have seen his face when he marched up, and the gates were closed, and the walls were lined with infantry.” Runa smiled at the memory.

“Krov’ and his Blood Bitches all had the same thick leather collar on with metal studs. It made them easy to recognise,” Ruku said.

“He demanded to speak to Duke Boris and claimed to have been invited. Colonel Peters was fantastic. That man is wasted in the army. He informed Krov’ of the sad, sad news of Duke Boris’ unfortunate and untimely passing. His body is lying in state in his mansion if Krov’ wants to come and pay his respects. He was obviously a good friend and ally to have come so far and only missed him by a few days.”

“Ya should have seen Krov’s face, man. He looked raving mad and barely held on to it.” Runa said.

“One of his commanders stepped to speak because Krov’ was “obviously overcome with emotion,” Peters asked why they had come with far more than an honour guard into an allies territory. It took Commander Olga a bit to think about that before she said, ‘Our dear ally, Duke Boris, had said the city was being overrun with beast attacks, and so we came to help defend the city.”

“Bloody lying bitch,” Runa inserted.

“Well, they are called the Blood Bitches,” Tabitha observed, earning a rude gesture from Runa. “Colonel Peters didn’t bat an eye and went on for quite some time about the Kingdom being grateful to have such loyal allies willing to come to their aid. Peters then introduced me as the acting duchess, and I know Krov instantly blamed me for this turn of events. The bitch commander did too, but she was much more controlled.”

“Tabitha played the part superbly.” Ruku added, “She was dressed as a rich noble who rarely stepped outside her luxurious halls. Certainly, she appeared never to have been in a fight before.”

“Ruku and I played her bodyguards,” Runa added.

“It is just as well they stayed close as I think Krov’ and his key commanders all wanted to attack me immediately, army or no army. I obviously insisted they couldn’t just leave. They had come so far to help we had to put on a feast to celebrate such loyal allies.”

“I swear she was trying to make them attack her,” Ruku said.

“Peters pipes up in agreement and says they also had to tour the new permanent army base they were building. This was just extending what the good Duke Boris had started, and there would be a permanent garrison and training ground. Troops would continually be rotated through here for jungle survival training and developing specialised Jungle fighting classes.”

“The colonel sounded very enthusiastic,” Ruku took up the tale. “He insisted Krov’s troops make camp outside the walls, “as there was no space inside until we could get the new base built.” The army was there to help if they couldn’t manage. Peters then took them for an extended and detailed tour of the facilities even though only the foundations were started.”

“We excused ourselves from that to go and prepare for the feast to celebrate our allies and remember the poor Duke,” Tabitha added.

“The Colonel kept them busy all day while the army watched his troops,” Ruku said.

“We had a lovely feast last night,” Tabitha said. “I got most of the chefs to prepare their best vegetarian dishes because,” and she put on her innocent noble act, “This is all the rage in the capital, and we simply must have the best for our allies.”

“Only one member of Krov’s entourage was not a wolfkin.” Runa hooted in laughter. “You should have seen them picking at the food. Not sure what they were eating!”

“Krov’ had to be restrained by his commander from throwing a temper tantrum,” Ruku said. “I am sure the commander was on to you, but your performance was so smooth. You played with fire and got away with it.”

“I am a professional actress. Sapient Lore went to the Journeyman level. Messing with other sapients is good. I also levelled my Performance Skill, and my Entertainer Class went up a level, so somebody thought it was entertaining.”

“I think that was Colonel Peters. I caught him trying not to laugh several times,” Ruku said.

“The wolfkin didn't know what to make of you,” Runa said. “Were you the evil mastermind foiling their plan or a bumbling idiot noble put up as an expendable front person? I think the latter won out.”

“I know Krov’ wanted to make you expendable,” Ruku said. “What happened with those two Blood Bitches that almost cornered you?”

“Obviously, I tripped and fell, and the big, strong army corporal had to save me,” Tabitha said. She threw a couple of coin pouches on the table. “I discovered being a Blood Bitch doesn’t pay much, so I hope there are other benefits. My Pickpocketing Skill also went up a level. Who knew being an acting Duchess would bring me so many levels?”

I saw Kelda sitting there shaking her head. I think she was partly horrified at Tabitha’s antics. Kelda had grown up being taught how to act in formal situations, being groomed as the next Duchess of Hrothgar.

“I still think Tabitha was trying to start a war,” Ruku said, with Runa nodding.

“Who me? Surely not.” Tabitha said innocently.

“What happened this morning?” I asked.

“I think Krov’ just wanted out of here, but Colonel Peters insisted on a full military parade as a send-off. He was clearly sending the message this was a Kingdom city and is defended by Military might. They escaped just before lunch, even though I said I had prepared a special lunch for them.” Tabitha said with a smile.

“How rude,” I said.

“That’s what I thought,” Tabitha agreed.

“The Colonel’s report is going to be interesting to read,” Ruku said.

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