Triple Strength

260. Thinking: Tabitha.

260. Thinking: Tabitha.

The only Slave Taskmaster anywhere close to us was the one who was called to turn Wiremu into a slave. They were riding from Janub. If they got to Almaeadin and the chaos there, they would just turn around and ride straight back to Janub. Janub has Imperial Inquisitors and an army base, which is why we are avoiding it.

Can I catch them on the road? Dusk is fast. The caravan passed the turn-off to Janub a week ago, which is a bit over two days gallop for Dusk. We saw no sign of them when Modrica and I left Almaeadin. We did cut overland off the road.

I think it is worth an attempt. However, I am not as dumb as Wiremu. Okay, maybe it is just I need to learn from his mistakes. If you go it alone, you are more vulnerable than if you go with backup. The main problem is that no one here can keep up with Dusk, and we will need to move fast.

The fastest people here are Wiremu, Ruku, Rodion and maybe Cōmpēṟi, although Cōmpēṟi is more of a sprinter, and this will be a marathon. Wiremu has not healed yet, so he is out.

I called them together and told them what I was thinking.

“You are not thinking properly,” Ruku said. “You have missed the one person here who can keep up with you.”

I looked at him, puzzled.

“Umreti has enhanced Physical and Spiritual Attributes from his slave class. Dusk wouldn’t have to slow very much for him to keep up. He is a Jungle Warrior, and he has movement Skills and the enhanced Spiritual Energy to keep them up. He is a tracker. He is also a survivalist and is the best person to keep you alive if you run into trouble.”

I looked to Modrica. She nodded. Then I looked at Umreti. He looked at Ruku, his master, who nodded and said in Orcish, “She is my representative, the same as Modrica, and they are Krvne Sestre. Treat her the same as you would treat Modrica.”

Umreti looked at Modrica, who nodded again. Umreti looked at me and nodded with an affirmative grunt. I am lost as to Umreti’s relationships, but I can’t sort it out now.

Ruku said, “Rodion and I will follow as closely as possible.” Rodion nodded. “Send Nyx if you need to guide us. If we are lucky, Mercenaries will be protecting him. If we are not lucky, he will have at least one troop of Imperial soldiers, probably more.”

I nodded and looked at Umreti, “Gear for fast travel and a fight. We leave in five minutes.”

Ruku said, “I have some gear you can use. Come with me.”

I went to get Dusk saddled and filled all the water bladders I could find.

I popped in to see Wiremu before I left and he said, “I have been thinking you need more back up. It is easy enough for you to carry Tāoke. He can change a fight quickly.”

We took some time to eat, and then all of us hit the road. Rodion and Ruku ran at the pace Rodion's pack could comfortably handle while Umreti and I soon pulled away. We travelled at speed through the night with few stops.

Riding fast on a formed road leaves a lot of time to think. I am not the only one who was not thinking things through. Umreti may be able to keep up with us and keep me alive if I get into trouble, but he is also a big risk. In fact, I can’t have him fight beside me. He can not even come close. We are going up against a Slave Taskmaster who can snatch his bond away and override any instructions, including the language fail-safe. Then we want to take him or her with us, alive. Umreti should not be here.

I can bind and gag them, but they can probably still feel and manipulate the bonds around them. Barbra only had her slaves, and when Umreti arrived, bonded to another, he killed her before she could do anything. She tried, though, and what is the range of the skill? It is probably a function of one of the mental attributes which Slave Taskmaster focuses on. Bloody Goblin Shit. I should have just come alone. Do I send him back?

Our chances of finding the Taskmaster are not good anyway. I instructed Umreti not to approach people until I had checked them out. And we travelled on through the day's heat, only stopping for a few hours sleep in the afternoon. We turned off and cut overland instead of following the road all the way back to the turnoff. The plan was to keep going and ask people as we passed them if they had seen a body of troops pass them. I very much doubt we are in front of them.

The first caravan we came to on the Janub road was a long line of laden camels. I sent Umreti way out into the desert to circle around them as I approached.

“Good evening,” I greeted.

I got nods in return, and everybody had a hand close to a weapon. The only solo riders out here were couriers, and they didn’t stop to chat. I had changed my looks to be similar to a private courier.

“I have a message,” I said loudly, “for the Slave Taskmaster travelling this way. Does anyone know where they might be? Should be with a troop of guards.”

I got a lot of negative shakes in my head. I kept asking all the way up the line of camels, then let Dusk move forward at a gallop at the completely negative response.

It was late afternoon the next day when I approached a small oasis, which was a popular stop for travellers. I had passed a small caravan heading south to Almaeadin, which said they passed a heavily armed group, so I hoped to catch up either here or tonight.

I had Umreti wait well back for Ruku and Rodion as I approached the camp. There were two groups camped there with a clear separation between them. I was watched carefully as I approached the well that had been dug, drew water for Dusk and myself and refilled the bladders and drink bottles. As I did, I was carefully watching the armed group. Some were clearly imperial Soldiers, and some were clearly not. I wasn’t sure if they were personal guards or mercenaries hired for the trip. Their loyalties will make a difference.

There was a full troop of Imperials under a Lieutenant or whatever the Imperials called them. I am not a military person. Ten troopers plus the lieutenant, then there were another ten guards. Six slaves were doing the camp work. I am pretty sure one belonged to the lieutenant, but I am unsure about the others. I am not like Wiremu and can trace the bonds, or taste the bonds or whatever the shit is that he does. This is going to be a tough nut to crack.

The Slave Taskmaster’s identity was clear. His Status was impervious to my Spatial Awareness. I didn’t want to poke it and give any warning, but he clearly had the strongest Mental attributes here. It was a human male who was quite elderly, well over the century mark, possibly nearing a century and a half. He was resting in a spacious tent, reading a scroll.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I approached the senior guard on duty and said, “I am looking for the Slave Taskmaster. I want to hire him for a job.”

“He doesn’t do private contracts these days. You will need to put a request through the right channels at Janub.” was the reply, as all the guards paid attention to me, even those not on duty. Assassins were a tricky bunch, and these would have been chosen to counter assassins. The non-imperials anyway.

“We pay very well, and the job is not far from here rather than travelling all the way to Janub and back.” I could sense the Slaver listening as tents are not soundproof.

“Piss off before you find yourself broke. After all, that is a fine horse you have there.”

“And touching the horse will get you killed,” the Slave Taskmaster said as he came out of the tent. “It is a bond to the young woman here. It is not an old bond but is quite strong.”

Shit, this Taskmaster is like Wiremu and can sense bonds. More guards formed up as a protection detail.

“You are a curious one, young lady, as you have two bonds, and there is a third here that is not yours. I am Lord Nelson. How may I address you?”

“I am known as Black.”

“Black? That is obviously an alias, but it is also true. Yes, Miss Black, I have a Skill to detect when someone lies, so don’t bother.”

Shit. This is going to test my acting. I don’t have a straight-up deception Skill like Wiremu, so this will test my Mimic, Distract, Adjuster and Performance Skills. I need to put on quite the performance here. My initial approach as a messenger is not going to work. Lowly messengers don’t have multiple bonds. Sticking as close to the truth as possible is required.

“I have a job for you. I am the co-owner of a Trading House, and we can afford to pay well.”

“You are assuming I am interested in Coins at my age. I have enough coins. What brought me out of my tent was sensing something different. It is not often you find new things the older you get. I am interested in your bonds and the bond that is not yours. These bonds have a different aspect to them than others. Tell me about yourself.”

“All knowledge has a price.”

“Ah yes, this job. Tell me about this job.”

“We want the Slave Class removed from someone. I assume you are high enough levelled to do that?”

“And thus, you reveal knowledge that is not common. Yes, I can remove the class, but being a slave affects people, and it is often not a kindness to remove it. It also costs a lot of energy.”

Now was not the time to argue over the kindness of slavery. “This person has only been a slave for a few months, and sometimes what is necessary takes precedence over kindness.”

“That is true. I can sense you and the horse and the third bond, but the third bond also appears to be you. That is the first mystery. Then there is the aspect of the bond that is something I have never sensed. Then, there is the bond that is not yours. That is completely different again. Whatever skill they are using to hide themselves is also limiting my ability to locate the bond. That is a high-level skill.”

“Master level is my understanding. He is an ambush predator. It is in his nature.”

“And he is in a position to ambush me.” That was a statement, and the guards were looking much closer at their surroundings now.

“I would assume so, but as you say, he is not my bond.”

“Are you here to kill me, Miss Black?”

“No. If I were here to kill you, you would never see me.”

“That was definitely no lie. I understand the threat. If I got these men to kill you, I would not survive.”

“Neither would most of them.”

“And that is also no lie, which is quite a claim. It also makes me extremely reluctant to go anywhere with you..”

“Aren’t you curious?”

“Yes, but at what cost? I don’t believe these secrets will be revealed for the price of releasing one slave.”

“That would be true.”

“I also believe one miss-step will cost me my life.”

“That would also be true, but if it is any consolation, we are not interested in collecting the bounty.”

“And there we have another mystery, as it is quite the bounty.” he indicated the number of troops he had with him, and I knew the daily cost of that.

“I can’t believe you are seriously considering going with this self-confessed killer.” the Lieutenant piped up.

“I am considering it, Patrol Leader.” Right, they are called Patrol Leaders, not Lieutenants. “However, there appear to be no guarantees I would survive, and Miss Black here seems to have no problem attacking imperial troops, so the threat of the empire hunting them is not going to carry a lot of weight.” He looked at me, “Can you offer any guarantees, Miss Black?”

“I can only guarantee that your life or death will depend on your actions.”

“But will I know what actions will trigger my death in advance?”

“I can’t give you a list if that is what you are asking. I can tell you interfering with any bond, including slaves, will result in death. If you interfere with any person in any way without permission, it will end in your death.”

“You are seriously going to take her word for all this?” The Patrol Leader asked.

“She hasn’t directly lied yet, although I believe she has not told the whole truth in some parts. Are you a person of authority in your group, Miss Black? Will your word stand?”


“And will I have the opportunity to leave with the knowledge I gain?”

“Yes, but if you leave in a negative way, my brother will hunt you down, and I am not talking about an incompetent empire here. My brother is a Master Level Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Monster Hunter and Assassin. He is also the other half of this third bond here who has demonstrated master-level Skills.” It sounded good, even if there was some exaggeration there. There were unhappy people there when I said incompetent imperials, but too bad. “If you come, you are welcome to bring your guards, but Imperial Troopers are not welcome.”

“And what will you do if I don’t come?”

This guy might be too smart. “I am not sure yet,” I said truthfully. This conversation had not gone anything like I expected. It was worse than dealing with the king. This Lord Nelson is smart, and I know he has some hidden Skills, or he wouldn’t even be thinking about this. He will have an escape plan. “I am going to ride out that way for an hour and find a camping spot. I will stay there until midnight. If you want to come, then come and find me.”

“Miss Black.” he called, “make sure you take all the bonds with you.”

I nodded, “If those two archers hidden behind the tents try to shoot me in the back, they will be the first to die.”

I mounted and rode out without being shot. The second camp at the oasis was all up and listened to everything. rumours will spread.

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