Triple Strength

262. Introductions: Tabitha.

262. Introductions: Tabitha.

"Lady Black," Lord Nelson approached. I have been promoted from a “Mss”. “My guards are here to see to my safety, but my agreement is for information. That is why I came.”

“You have not yet done anything to earn that information.”

He nodded in agreement, “However, I believe some information is necessary at this point.”

“I would have thought the example we just had provided you with a lot of information.” He nodded again. “Well, tell us what you have learned.”

“The cloud was your second bond, and it is an elemental bond, either cloud, darkness or shadow. It is probably one of the latter two, but it is a very powerful dark or shadow elemental to operate at that strength in the bright desert sun. It would be easier for a Cloud Elemental.”

I realised I had not been helping Ny as much as I expected to, maybe she was getting stronger.

He continued, “From the sense of the bond the fire came from the snake, Tāoke. However, I don’t know how the body burned so quickly.” Again I was not going to clarify that it was from Puia, another elemental. Tāoke could have done it, but not so quickly.

“The Elemental is your bond, so you also have that affinity. Somebody with an affinity is always known, but with an elemental bond, you should be famous, but I have not heard of anyone with an elemental bond outside of the elves or the Emperor.”

“You have gained plenty of information,” I said.

“Lady Black, bonds are my speciality and affinities are an offshoot of that. This has clarified what I sensed back at the camp. This is what I want to study more of. I should know if you have an elemental bond, you would be famous.”

So it is this passion to learn, particularly about bonds, that is why they are still here. That is good information and Nelson may have a similar class to Wiremu. Wiremu can make use of that. “So you want to know who I am?” He nodded. “Knowing won’t help you feel more secure if that is what you are wanting for your people.”

“Who are you and why have I not heard of you?”

“Very well. You have heard of me. I am famous.” He looked puzzled. “Do you not listen to the bard’s stories?”

“Oh, fuck no!” exclaimed the second good fighter of the group.

I pulled out the Blacksteel war knife and pointed to her “Fuck yes. She’s worked it out.” A lot of them were looking at the knife I pulled out of thin air. “For those of you who are too slow, you have heard of me because I am the Black Butcher of Jern.” I looked at Nelson, “Does that make you feel more comfortable?”

“Ah…” He was speechless.

“I have decided we won’t camp but will push through the day. Be ready to ride out in fifteen minutes. I will be back then.” I mounted Dusk, and we rode out of sight. I wasn’t going to be able to relax around them anyway, so we might as well keep riding. The sooner I get to Ruku and Rodion, the easier I will feel. This is a very stressful ride. This guy had better turn out to be useful.

When we appeared on the top of the hill after fifteen minutes, they were mounted and ready to ride. There was a lot of nervousness there. I led them back onto the road, and we rode in silence. Nobody approached me or challenged me. Maybe I should have started with proper introductions.

Some of the weaker members of the group were struggling by early afternoon when we stopped for a few hour's rest, getting ready for a strong push through the night. I was resting but staying alert when I heard.

“Lookout, that wild dog is trying to steal our food.”

I jumped up and saw one of Rodion's pack trying to sneak into camp. The one who shouted had a spear he was going to hit him with to chase him away. The discovered dog was crouched, growling at him but not retreating. Several others were looking their way, thinking this was some sport.

I pulsed, Intimidating Aura to make everyone pause. When they were looking at me, I said, “What were the first rules I gave about animals?”

“You fool,” Lord Nelson said, “That dog is a bond.”

“You were very nearly dog food. And maybe I should have let that happen.” I said as I crouched down, and the dog came to me. I patted it and gave it some water. The spear guy did not believe the dog was that dangerous. What he didn't know was that Tāoke was poised to strike. What a bunch of idiots. Some people need more than one example to be made. I turned my back on them as Todd and Nelson tore into the offender verbally. I hope everybody learned something.

Once things settled down and the dog was resting in Dusk’s shade, I sensed Nelson watching the dog. “What is it?” I asked.

“I have read about pack bonds but never sensed one, but that is the only thing this could be. He has multiple thin bond connections, which add to a stronger overall bond. I didn’t think Pack bonds were possible for humans.”

Bloody racist assumptions by this old fart. I didn’t bother answering him, I just turned away. He will learn soon enough that Rodion is Wolfkin.

The sun was still up when we set out again. The dog trotted happily beside Dusk. We had only been going for an hour, and the sun was setting when the dog started barking. There were answering barks around us and then a wolfkin howl. Then, three figures appeared on a nearby hill.

Ruku has Umreti with him. It is good to know Umreti found his way to them. I will be interested to see whether Nelson survives this introduction.

Rodion was the third figure with several dogs at his feet. He was obviously wolfkin from his outline, even from this distance, and I heard the racist old fart mutter, “Ah! That makes sense.”

I stopped everybody as they came toward us. I pointed to Nelson and Todd, “You two come with me.”

Todd said, “Sandra, as well.”

The group’s second good fighter came forward. So that was her name. I guess they were supposedly here to protect the old fart, so I didn’t protest. We rode forward slowly. What was not obvious from a distance was that Umreti was an orc or that he was a slave. I picked up the subtle movements in Nelson when he sensed those things. So that was his range. Good to know.

I could sense Ruku and Rodion's puzzlement at the group with us. “Ruku, Rodion, Umreti,” I pointed to each in turn, “This is Lord Nelson, a high-level Slave Taskmaster and I suspect a Bond Master.” He looked at me in surprise, confirming my guess. He really should have spent some time playing cards so he didn’t give things away so easily, but I was glad he hadn’t. “These are Todd and Sandra, the best of his protection detail, the rest of whom are down there.”

Rodion crouched down to greet his dogs and muttered, “Nothing ever goes according to plan, does it.” Everybody nearby heard him.

“Ruku, I said you would be the key liaison between the groups. Nelson has been warned any interference with bonds or people without permission will result in his death. That includes mentally.”

I caught the subtle surprise from him, but only because his body was an open book to my Spatial Awareness. His clothes hid it from everyone else. He again confirmed what I suspected, that he had some mental skills. Introductions are, in fact, very useful.

Ruku stepped forward, “I will indeed be the key point of contact here. Let me introduce myself properly. I am Ruku, formally Major Ruku of the Royal Kirghiz Marine Corp.” I saw Todd and Nelson both recognise that name. He was well known and known to have an affinity. “If anybody has a problem with that, now is the time to speak up.” He was making a point as these will be people with loyalties leaning toward the empire.

Todd spoke up, “Is this a Kingdom-sponsored group?”

“No,” I said. “This group is sponsored and run entirely by myself and my brother. Several ex-Kirghiz military members have been recruited from there, as that is where we have come from. The group is entirely independent.”

I am not sure I was totally believed, but Nelson could tell I was not lying.

Todd spoke again, “I will make sure there are no problems, Major.”

“It’s just Ruku, now.”

“Is this the slave you want freeing?” Nelson asked, indicating Umreti.

“Yes,” I said, “but we will wait until we are back with the main group.”

“And what is a Kirghiz Major doing with four slaves?” he added.

“This is not the only slave we want freed,” Ruku said.

“Hmmm.” was the only reply.

Ruku continued, “Let me introduce you to my bond, Wai.” Wai crawled out from under his sleeve, then turned around and went back. The dry air is a problem for him.

I spoke up again, “Lord Nelson has not yet introduced us to his bond.”

He looked sharply at me. Seriously, you don’t get so good at bonds without having one yourself. Even I could figure that out.

“She is not close at the moment.” was the reply.

I know that, or I would have sensed her. I am fairly sure it will be a bird that is scouting around—one of his hidden cards. Introductions are very useful things.

“Just make sure you let us know when she is coming. As you have seen, some of our bonds are quite protective of us.”

“I am surprised there is only one empty saddle,” muttered Rodion in a voice we all heard.

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