Triple Strength

281. Progress: Wiremu

281. Progress: Wiremu

Mayakku’s workshop at the quarry is larger than the wagon. I stayed as Maia as that is what Matua knows me as, and if he saw Tama, I am sure he would know we are the same person from his spiritual senses.

Matua and Laura were there, but not the Colonel this time. Captain Lee came with the new slave, who was a young human male. It was the same Slave Master.

Mayakku and I had six options to try this time. We had learned from the last time, and Mayakku worked a way to separate the three main sections. The Monster Core runes were one section, and then there was the section that changed the flavour of the energy. The last section was the delivery and control section. We should just be able to swap out the different flavour sections.

We also weren’t going to try to go the whole way this time. We would go halfway with each of the variations to see which were the most compatible, and then we take that one and test to about three-quarters. We might attempt the full power if we thought it would work after that.

This was also the last slave we had available for about two weeks. Sorry dude, but we need to make the most of this. We won’t prolong the slavery if we can reliably remove the class, though. The Slave Taskmaster was a month away, unfortunately. We could have done with testing our creation against the real thing. We didn’t plan on being here a month from now.

Before we started, I spent some time carefully looking at the slave class and his other classes. We rushed far too fast with Rhia, and we need to slow down and make sure with Tom. Tom was an apprentice-level slave. He was also a farmer with specialisations in crops and spiritually enhancing crops. This would make him quite valuable as a slave, especially as he would have enhanced Spiritual Attributes. I talked to his Master, and she said he was hired out to the farmers around the area in the six weeks he was in her care. Half the money went to pay for his upkeep, and the other half was banked for him so he would have something when he was free.

Once Mayakku was ready, she started the ritual, and I watched the bond and class. This first one was the same one we tried last time. We were getting a feel for its effects at half-power. Then, we swapped it out for the first variation. Was it better or worse than the last one? We did that for all six variations and then ranked them. I could not tell the difference between them from a sensitivity point of view, but Mayakku and Matua could, and there were a couple of long discussions there.

From my point of view, options 2 and 5 were the smoothest and had the least effect on Tom. We decided variation 5 would go to ¾ first. Then, we would compare it to the 2nd variation. At three-quarters, there was a lot of fluctuation, and I thought cracks would start appearing, so we eased it back and let the spiritual energy dissipate. I was wracking my brain trying to remember if this was worse than when Nelson did it and, if so, by how much. This was all a judgement call that is dangerous when someone’s future is on the line. I could sense Tom tiring, and he was the most affected by the procedure. We called it a day and told him to rest, and we would be back at it after the weekend. Mayakku and I had work to do, but it is now Mayakku and Matua mostly, as Matua has knowledge of a lot more runes than Mayakku. I am there for my Copy Skill, Granite and the occasional advice on the bond.

That means Tāoke and I can get away for a couple of nights hunting before the Colonel's hangi. I gear up dressed as Tama and Mount Mosey and gallop off into the sunset. Ok, we Mosey’ed off into the sunset. We rode north all night. This was a populated area, and it took a while to get away. Near Dawn, I found a nice river and settled down with my fishing pole while Tāoke curled up on a rock.

It was a large river and had a good supply of fish. I caught a couple of trout before the sunrose and cooked them for breakfast over heated Granite. There was no smoke or fire to worry about. Just fresh fish. If we have time later, I might bring Ruku back here.

After breakfast, I waded in the shallows with a spear and got a couple of eels. I used to go eeling as a kid, and we would take them back to the village, and they would put them in the smokehouse to cook them.

As I wandered along the bank, I saw tracks from deer and boar. There was a mountain lion in the area and a small wolf pack. A decent boar would be good to take back for the Hangi, but I will try to find one closer to home. Hunting is not my main purpose for being here. It is mostly alone time.

Something big stirred the water out in the river. I extended my senses, and it was big. Huge even, possibly even a monster. It was shaped like a Catfish. Catfish are bottom feeders, so I wonder what brought it to the surface. I watched for a bit but didn’t sense much more, so I kept wandering. You leave me alone, and I will leave you alone. However, on second thoughts, more monster cores are useful. Nah, this is a relaxing trip. If we get desperate, I will bring Ruku out and watch an expert in action.

My mind wandered to my family and my childhood memories. I wasn’t supposed to be an only child. Apparently, my older brother had been born dead, and there were several miscarriages later, which were beyond the local herbalist/healer's ability.

Mum apparently had some siblings, so I suppose there were uncles and cousins somewhere. Maybe even grandparents, but I had not met any of them in my seventeen years of village life. The village of Kohekohe had been my family. We came to Freebourne once every couple of years for a few weeks, but I much preferred the bush to the town. I still do.

I found a sunny hollow not far from the river and lay down for a few hours sleep in the sun. I call it my Tāoke impersonation. Mosey and Tāoke would wake me if anything came near. I had the eel for lunch with some blackberries I found.

This is the life. No pressure, no impersonations, no secrets. Shame I have to head back tomorrow.

Late afternoon, I saw a hawk high in the sky hunting. My Telescopic Sight followed it for a bit, but it appeared just to be a hawk. Maybe I should find its nest and get some eggs for my menagerie business. No, they will be chick at this time of year. I am not equipped to cart live chicks back, or at least that is my excuse, and I am sticking to it.

I am supposed to be helping Nne find a bond, and she will be joining us again soon. Tatu has a bond, and it was not the big hairy tarantula he was so enamoured with. It was a sleeker, more dangerous Brown Widow spider. Moja was not happy, but that is life. Nne is different as she is a stealth scout and needs something that can keep up with her. Maybe I should go and find the hawk chicks.

Nne may have found her own bond by now. She gets around, and they don’t need me once they have the basic ability. I do like bonds and finding bonds for people. I guess that is why I picked up the Bond Master Class so easily. If you are good at something, it will be easier for you.

I reached through my bond to Tāoke. He was watching a nest with some late-season eggs. He always did like his eggs. I am clearing my mind and realising that I am home, but home is not necessarily for me now. I have grown and changed. I was forced out of my home too early, but now I can make a home in several different places. I would like to make a home with Kelda, but I would struggle in a city. Hrothgar does have some rugged mountain ranges around it, and she did mention a hunting lodge at one point. Duhovno and the Steam Lands would make a nice home, and I have a farm there.

I screwed up my nose. Tabitha said something about me owning properties throughout the Kingdom. I assume Tāttā and the Elemental Traders are managing them. I should probably get a list off her some time. I own a quarry in Freebourne. I could make a home here. That doesn’t seem right. I could never be Wiremu Hunter here. I guess I can never be Wiremu Hunter anywhere, and I did it to myself when I put the contract out in my own name.

I could live near Waiouru as well. It has a mixture of desert and jungle nearby. Tāoke is a desert snake. He would like that. And that is the thing. It isn’t just about me now. I lost my family, but I have a new family. A Clan. It is a strange clan and an international clan. Citizens from the Free Republic, the Empire and the Kingdom. Three humans and two orcs. Umreti is a jungle warrior. Next time I come out here, I will bring Ruku and Umreti for some male bonding time. That’s a good idea.

Umreti is looking for a bond as well, and that is something I can help with. Ooh, I think I know what would suit Umreti. Lowland Gorillas are very rare, though, particularly in this part of the world. In fact, I am pretty sure there is only one colony close, and it is in the dense bush in the mountains between the Free Republic and the Empire. We would have to detour from the road to Yelets, but it shouldn’t add more than ten days to the trip. The gorillas are strong but very family-orientated. As herbivores, they are only aggressive when attacked. It is the caring nature and the quiet strength that I think will match with his First Aid Classes and maybe help him heal. I will investigate when I get to Freebourne. It was about time I visited their Lore Society. We will make some progress there.

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