Triple Strength

286. Exit: Wiremu

286. Exit: Wiremu

Mayakku had delayed the final attempt, citing more work. She was carving my flesh, which was taking longer than expected, and I needed some breaks. In the breaks, she carved Ruku and Umreti as well because they wanted to. We were pretty confident this would work. It was spaced out over four days. We made copies of everything, including the Flesh Enchanting formation. We included how to become a flesh enchanter, which was for an enchanter to kill a monster. There are no guarantees, but that is how Mayakku got the specialisation.

Tabitha couriered four copies to the Kirghiz Kingdom. One to the King, one to Kelda, one to Tāttā and one to the Lore Society in Waiouru care of Duchess Irena. We were spreading the knowledge. We had three to leave here, one with the Colonel, one with the Lore Society and one with the Enchanters Guild care of Matua.

Our wagons rolled out a full week before we were ready under the leadership of Modrica and Umreti, helped by the Famous Five. Astrid stayed to watch me get my chest carved up. She said it was in case I needed extra healing, but she didn’t seem to pay much attention to me. I had to be careful with the Regeneration Skill and make sure it healed around the Runes and didn’t destroy them. This was the first step in adding them to the template.

The morning arrived, and the Colonel and Captain Lee arrived at the quarry an hour before the scheduled time.

“I don’t suppose there is anything I can do to make you stay?” The Colonel said.

“No, Colonel. There is a war coming, and if we stay here, it will come here instead of the Kirghiz Kingdom,” I said. Tabitha was not here. She claimed to have too much to do. She would also stay for a few days after we left and watch our trail.

“Not many know about the coming war,” he said, “although the rumours are growing. I am not sure you have thought this through,” the Colonel continued, “If you are successful today, and your preparations indicate you think you will be, then when you get to the empire you will start freeing slaves.”

I nodded.

“What are you going to do with the ex-slaves? Many will be damaged, many traumatised. You have freed them. You have a responsibility to them, and you are in hostile territory. What is your plan?”

That had been worrying me, and I did not have an adequate answer. Freeing slaves was a one-at-a-time affair, and it was slow. We would not have hundreds of freed slaves at once, but even a half dozen people who are struggling to cope with just living is going to be a burden.

“What are your suggestions,” I asked, as he definitely came here with a plan.

“You know you can’t free all the slaves by yourself, right?”

I nodded. That was obvious. I pointed to a package lying near the door, “A copy of everything for you, including the experimental procedure we are planning for today.”

He nodded, “Thank you. There are several ways we could do this. Essentially, the Free Republic can’t take the burden of caring for a lot of freed slaves. Some, yes, but not a lot.”

I figured that would be the case, so my first idea of breaking slave bonds, or killing the masters, and assigning a new master from the Republic and taking them out of the empire to free them was not going to work.

“We also can’t expend the cost of the enchanting and monster cores to do that.” he continued.‘We will probably equip our border forts with this, but it is not cheap.”

I expected that “The experiment we are conducting today should mitigate a lot of the cost if it works.”

“The cost is not just in the enchanting, but in supporting ex-slaves until they can become productive members of society. Our experience is that less than half of them ever make it that far. I am aware you sent some packages to the Kirghiz Kingdom. I assume they contained that?” he pointed to the package.

I nodded.

“That will ease the burden and split the Empire’s attention.”

Which is why you letting them be sent was the unspoken message. “You are taking a long time to get to your suggestion.”

“There is another factor you may not be aware of. The Healers say the chance a slave will rehabilitate drops significantly if they are taken out of the culture they grew up in. It is much better if they have family or relatives around, but a strange culture exasperates the adjustment issues.”

“So it is better they stay in the empire, regardless of it being hostile.”

“Yes. The advice I have been given is that your best way forward is to set up a network of underground communities that can either free the slaves themselves or at least care for them once they have been released. We realise this is not something you have probably done before, and there are risks involved. Captain Lee here has offered to come and help you.”

I looked at her suspiciously.

“It involves me taking an extended leave of absence for the Defence Force,” the Captain said.

They assume underground networks are foreign to us, but that is exactly what Tabitha has been doing for the last eight years, and she has a Class for it, and my Spy class is not unrelated.

“I will have to discuss that with the others,” I said. Tabitha was not here to discuss it, but I was not going to commit to another government agent without talking to her first.

“I grew up in the Empire and spent my first thirty-five years there.” Captain Lee said. “Things went bad, and I escaped one step ahead of the slavers. I have spent the last fifty years working for the Defence Force.”

“She has infiltrated the empire for us multiple times. She knows how to get in and out.” the Colonel said.

They were trying to sell her skills to me. All that has done is make me wonder if she is a double agent. Truth Sensing was not giving me any issue, but I know it is not infallible. Maybe I am being too suspicious. Hanging around Tabitha too much.

“I will have to discuss it,” I reiterated.

The Slave, Evonne, arrived, and we prepared for the ritual. Everyone was looking at Mayakku, puzzled when she didn’t pull out the Enchanted Granite. Instead, she stepped back, and I took her place.

I drew the runes and then got out the silk and needles. I started to push Spiritual Energy through the runes carved in my chest. I inspected Evonne, and she was a Mid-Apprentice Slave. This would be a good test.

Mayakku had made the exit point of the Ilaiya Formation to be a rune on my left shoulder. With a small trickle of energy running through the rune, Mayakku put her hand on my shoulder as one last test. Matua was there and was watching closely. It is likely Mayakku told him what was happening so he could be a backup for her.

I then stabbed my shoulder with a needle connected to six threads and proceeded to place them in the runes on Evonne, directing the Slave Master as required. Once all six were placed, I sensed the flow using my Spiritual Senses. This was the only sense I had that could follow the Spiritual energy that was not mine, and this energy was no longer mine after it passed through the formation.

I used my Interrogate Status to check what was happening with the Class. My Bond Care was keeping watch on the bond, but it was the Class that was important. The Class had minor fluctuations happening, so I started to increase the Spiritual Flow, monitoring the fluctuations and watching for any cracks.

Increase. More. Slow to maintain. Check. Increase, More. Slow, Check. Increase, more, almost there. The fluctuations were happening wildly now. I was using Bond Care to smooth the bond, but it is the class that is important. More. Touch more. I thought I saw a small crack appear, so I grabbed the energy and started to withdraw it. I was letting it disperse, but I was not sure I had done enough. Then the class started reducing in levels, Yes! I kept a steady flow out, watching the class levels drop, and then it reached zero, and the job was done with only minimal spiritual damage.

I looked at Mayakku, and her grin was humongous. I grinned back, and we grabbed each other's arms in congratulations. Matua and the Slave Master were the other two who knew we were successful, and they were both loudly proclaiming the fact.

Mayakku helped me disconnect Evonne from the cords and dragged her ex-master to attend to her.

“Congratulations,” the Colonel came up to us. Captain Lee was following him. “To both of you. I assume that was the Flesh Enchanting at work.” Mayakku nodded. He looked at Mayakku, “We would like to employ you to enchant some of our key personnel. You will be remunerated well,” he pulled out a document, “Please read this. It is a twelve-month contract. Security is provided as part of the package.”

This was not totally unexpected, as Mayakku had indications she would be offered something. We had discussed it, and I knew she didn’t really want to go up into the Empire. Now that the Flesh Enchanting worked, there was actually no need for her to go.

“Thank you, Colonel,” she said, taking the document, “I will read it and consider the offer.”

I know what Mayakku really wanted, and that was to get back to her family. She had made a big sacrifice coming with me as they are a close-knit family. She was no longer the main income earner in her family, so chose to come and work on the enchanting to free the slaves. While she would continue to refine her work, she was no longer needed to accompany me.

“If you take up the offer,” the Colonel continued, “you will leave as soon as possible for the capital of Free Port. That will be the base for your teaching and enchanting and the most protected area. You will also receive full Republic Citizenship, giving you the rights and privileges all citizens enjoy, including protections from legal attempts to take you out of the country. We are the Free Republic, and those freedoms will be protected. If you want to leave after the contract ends, then you are free to do so.”

“Thank you, Colonel, I will think about it.”

The Colonel looked at me, “Are you leaving straight away?”

“Yes, within the hour.” That was not strictly true. Tabitha was still busy in town, so while we would disappear, it would be a day or so before we actually left.

The Colonel looked at Mayakku, “Are you leaving immediately, too?”

“I am booked for the night at the Central Inn. Astrid and I will celebrate, and I will look over your offer.”

“I don’t see Putia anywhere. Did she leave with the wagons?”

I nodded, even though Tabitha/Putia was still in the city and would be for a while. She and Dusk would have no problems catching up with the wagons. Ruku is the one who is going to play decoy and ride out for the wagons in the next hour while I disappear.

“What about my offer to come with you?” Captain Lee said.

“We will contact you when I have discussed it with the others.”

“But you are leaving,” she said puzzled.

“If we contact you, there will be some hard riding needed,” I said vaguely.

We cleaned up and shuffled people out. Then Ruku, dressed as me, rode out on Mosey to join the caravan. I switched to my redheaded merchant persona I hadn’t used in far too long. It is the red goatee beard I like, and Tabitha hates.

I discreetly followed Mayakku and Astrid to the inn, then left to find Tabitha.

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