Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-05: Applicant Test II

The next day followed up, and Veronica was still a bit confused when her status said she had a lover. But, she didn't dwell on it long, focusing on her week long tests.

Today's test was to see what everyone's physical strengths and weaknesses were, as well as a physical examination. Less of a test, and more figuring out a strict but simple routine.

Veronica was worried, as the most exercise she's ever gotten was just simply walking around, due to her health, she couldn't quite do anything strenuous. Though, she was in a much better condition now, so perhaps she could really focus on physical strength now, without worrying she'll collapse.

She was certain that both Cassidy and Aviris would fare well for the test, as they were both in great physical shape. But Veronica? It would be a miracle if she could even do a single push-up.

Instead of a group workout, they were split into groups, each group had a trainer, usually a senior student. In Veronica's group, they had Tisha, so they got either real lucky, or the exact opposite. 

Gladly, the only thing they were doing for the first part is noting down everyone's limit, and having a quick chat to see how they might be able to push past it.

"Veronica Dornan. You seem awfully frail. Do you not exercise often? Or perhaps not enough food?" Tisha asked, ready to write down some notes.

"No, well, not exactly. I've been rather sickly growing up. It was somewhat recently, where I wasn't as sick. But I was still advised to not do much that could stress my body out."

"A small, frail, sickly girl with a Spirit meant for the frontlines. Either you are unlucky, or perhaps it is a message. Well, we'll see what we can do to get you in shape without killing you. Go to the next line and get your physical check up finished." Tisha said, finishing her notes and moving to the next applicant.

Veronica slowly moved, but then it hit her.

'Wait, a physical? Does that mean I need to... I-I can't do that! Someone's going to find out! It's not like I have a choice... Amaranth, I pray, please don't have them find out about this.' Veronica thought, as she stepped into line.

She took a quick peek in front, and luckily, all girls. The guys were off at a different section. And, Veronica noticed that all she'll have to do is take her shirt off, nothing more than that. She breathed a sigh of relief as she calmed down.

"Checking out the hotties? I would too, but there's only one hottie for me." A voice that was instantly recognizable as Cassidy surprised Veronica.

"Cass! Geez, don't sneak up in me like that." Veronica said, taking a deep breath and holding her chest.

"That's the fun part though! But anyways, I just saw that you looked worried about something. What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." Veronica lied, with an obviously fake smile.

"Oh... your embarrassed because you're on your period, right? Luckily, they're not going that far." Cassidy stated nonchalantly.

"R-Right. Yeah, sure. That." She lied again, but glad that Cassidy wasn't suspicious for any other reason.

"Though, your period shouldn't start in another two weeks though. Fits the pattern as usual." Or perhaps, Cassidy was still suspicious. "Well, if you don't want to say, then I won't push any further. For now."

If Cassidy were one thing, it would be honest. Loud-mouthed, but honest.

"So, um... one of my abilities can be upgraded now." Veronica accidentally blurted out.

"What? Since when? Which ability? Did you already upgrade it?" Cassidy shot her questions one after the other rapidly.

"I mean, I don't think I'll use it much! So, I don't see a reason to upgrade it. Plus, it's embarrassing."

"Embarrassing? How could it be embarrassing? It's an ability. What could it do?"

"It's just... it's a... not a warrior ability. Or... really any ability with normal practicality."

"Spit it out, cutie. What is it?"

"Fine, it's a..." Veronica hesitated, leaning in to whisper to Cassidy. "It's a lewd Charmer ability." She answered with a blush.

"I... have no words. Why would... why would a warrior class Spirit have a Charmer class ability? A lewd one at- Mmmph!" Cassidy tried saying, before Veronica put her hand over her mouth.

"I don't know. A-And I don't know if I should even upgrade it..."

"I mean, if it's a Charmer ability, it should help the other one to be upgraded, right? Plus, being able to talk your way out would be pretty valuable."

"I guess. I'll... I'll upgrade it. I doubt I'll have any use for this one though." Veronica stated, moving forwards in the line, her turn almost up.

"It's fine! I didn't mean to pressure you into it. Sorry. I just got a little excited that you can upgrade one. Though, it wasn't the one we were working, right?"

"No, no. I actually have no idea how this challenge even completed. But I guess a freebie is always good."

It was Veronica's turn next, and the doctor was ready to exam Veronica. She took her shirt off, the slightly cool breeze of the cooling Summer on her skin.

Cassidy stared at Veronica, namely her chest, or what she could see anyways. It was small, but with a better diet and some exercise, sure Veronica could end up as a busty maiden.

With the physical examination finished, they had their paperwork signed and gave it to their assigned trainers, who looked them over.

"Also, Ver. I found some other candidates. One of them is rather shy. Gives you a run for your money. Ooo~ I wonder who would be the top in that situation?"

And so, the following day would officially be the day they start testing themselves.

Last daily chapter for now. Starting today, chapters will be released every Sunday and Wednesday at 12:00PM EST. I hope all you lewd readers enjoy and have a nice day!

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