Truth Of The Forgotten Age

2-01: Team Benefits 🍋

Well, it was time to create a team. Four people minimum. Well, Veronica and Cassidy were two. And if they could get Aviris on board, that would be three.

"Hey, Avi!" Cassidy greeted from afar, catching Aviris' attention. 

"Wanna join our team?" Veronica continued, quieter than her friend.

"Sure, no one else has asked. So, who many does that make?"

"Three. Just one more. Though, who could that be?" Cassidy responded.

The three tried thinking, but nobody was coming to mind. Though, it didn't really help that they didn't really make any friends during the week.

"Ahem. May I join you three?" A clear, prominent voice thrustsed itself into the girls' ears.

When they turned to look, Cassidy and Veronica were quite surprised, nearly buckling over themselves.

"Your High-!" Cassidy nearly blurted, before Veronica put her hand over her mouth.

"Eleanora. Hello. Did I hear that correctly?"

"Indeed. I wish to join you three."

"Uh... I don't mind. Honestly, saves us a lot of searching. Ah, by the way, Eleanora, meet Aviris, Aviris, this is Eleanora. The uh... second princess." Veronica awkwardly tried to acquaint them.

"Greetings, Aviris. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well, my lady." Aviris calmly greeted.

"Well, that makes four! Now what? I don't remember us getting a form. How do they know when our teams are formed?" Cassidy wondered.

"No clue. But they did say a week, right? Maybe something then?"

"Maybe. But, now that I think of it, if a lot of people team up with their friends, why would they give us a week to find a team?" Veronica responded, a hand on her chin.

"Perhaps to give time for people who are anti-social, or came here without befriending anyone?" Aviris continued,  laying down on her bed.

"I guess that would make sense. Get to know some people here, as you wouldn't want to be stuck in a team with people you don't like." Eleanora added.

And so, the girls formed their team, and for the rest of the week, the four stayed together, making sure of everything that they'd need for them to be able to work as one.

Luckily, the four worked well together, and so far, they all liked each other. So, when the day came to officially form teams, they were already setup.

The Headmaster took the stage once more, and delivered her speech.

"In this one week, you all should've formed a team that consisted of at least four members. Please line up with your team members, leaving enough space to separate other teams. We will then assign one of our experienced staff members to be your guide, and they shall lead you to your new dorm rooms."

Everyone made sure that their teammates were close, and that there was a good distance between them and the next team. Veronica and her merry group were excited. They'll get a dorm all to themselves, proper training, and new lessons.

Though, Veronica and, unbeknownst to her, Cassidy were not too optimistic on who their guide would be. As the Headmaster came closer and closer, assigning more and more staff, the one she has yet to assign was Tisha. The woman who was manipulating Veronica for a decent while, though she did stop recently. But, if she becomes their guide, who knows what'll happen.

And soon, against their wants, Tisha was assigned to them. While Eleanora and Aviris here glad, Cassidy had faked her excitement, while Veroncia just simply smiled nervously.

Tisha was calm and collected though, and led the girls to their brand new dorms. It was pretty fancy, compared to what three of the four had seen before. Very clean, comfortable, magic stones that could heat up or cool down each individual room, perfect plumbing. The academy spared no expense to make sure their students were comfortable.

"This will be your new home for the remainder this school year. I will be living here with you, however, as a member of staff, I will not always be here. Tomorrow is your first official day. Make sure to be in class by 7:00 in the morning, if not earlier. If any of you need me..." She trailed on, focusing on the word 'need' as she looked at Veronica. "I'll be in the staff room, gathering everything you'll need. Don't worry about uniforms, they have already been delivered and are in your closets. And please, don't ruin them. They cost more than you think." Tisha finished as she left the girls in their dorm.

"So... what do we do now?" Aviris asked.

"I'm going to explore around a bit. Get used to this place." Eleanora said, as she went to inspect the kitchen area.

"Hey, Ver! Let's go check out the bedrooms!" Cassidy exclaimed, dragging Veronica with her.

"O-Okay!" She could barely get out as she was pulled along.

The bedrooms were all the same, though that was to be expected. Each room came with enough space to leave some form of personal customization, a decently sized bed, and a large closet, which already had five uniforms already there.

Pristine, without even the slightest wrinkle, strand of hair, or even dust. Whoever cleans these uniforms would probably kill you if you so much as got them wet with a single drop of rain.

"Wow... these rooms are larger than back home! I could fit both our rooms in here and still have space left over!"

"I know. And to think we'll live like this for a few years..."

Cassidy laughed a little. But, soon, she calmed down and looked towards the floor, blush growing across her face.

"Cass? You alright?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. It's um... I found out about... your secret..."

Veronica's face grew redder than Cassidy's, her hands darting down to cover what wasn't even exposed.

"H-How did you find out!?"

"I... I followed you and Tisha... a-and saw you doing those things... And hated how she was acting toward you..."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Ugh... Look, I'm your best friend, and I don't want some fake hero bitch to fuck around with you. So, I figured that if you ever need to... relieve yourself, I'm here for you." Cassidy tried to say, as calm as possible, trying to make herself seem cool.

"That's um... nice and all, but... I-I don't know if I'm ready to do that..." Veronica nervously twitched around, feeling herself growing harder at the thoughts growing in her brain.

"We don't have to fuck immediately. I just want to help you."

Veronica's mind went blank for a moment, and when she came back, she gulped for what she was about to do.

"T-Then... could we... um... do it now? B-Before we go see Avi and Eleanora?"

"Now?" Cassidy questioned, but quickly turned her questioning demeanor into a devious look. "Sure, just hop up on the bed and let me take care of you~"

Veroncia did so, allowing Cassidy to take a little control. She was on her knees, slowly removing Veronica's shorts, and seeing the very noticeable bulge in her underwear. When she removed that, Veronica's penis sprung to life, and made itself an obelisk in Cassidy's eyes.

"This is... wow..." Cassidy knew she had it, but was still shocked to see it up close.

Veronica faced away, her cheeks glowing hot, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Cassidy.

Cassidy reached towards the throbbing girlcock in front of her, and gently grasped it, stroking it slowly, making her friend moan. Her devious smile growing even bigger as she continued to pump her fist.

"Maybe a little taste wouldn't hurt." Cassidy said quietly, before running her tongue along the underside of Veronica's shaft, making her gasp.

"Not bad~"

"W-Wait! Th-that's not-"

"Sshhhh... I'm supposed to take care of you, right? Allow me to do that."

She opened her mouth and softly put Veronica's penis into it. It was weird at first, but as she got used to it, she moved her head forwards a small amount until she was halfway down, not wanting to go any further in fear of her gag reflex.

Cassidy bobbed her up and down, sucking the cute girl's cock, making her moan more and more. Veroncia, without a single though in her head, place her hand on Cassidy's head, gently digging into her silky black hair, her hips slightly bucking.

"C-Cass, I'm about to..."

"Mmm... yoo cun do it inshide." She struggled to say with Veronica still in her mouth.

Veronica shut her eyes tightly as she bucked her hips harder a few times, her twitching cock painting Cassidy's mouth with her semen. Perhaps due to Veronica's spirit, there was more than expected, causing Cassidy's shirt to get stained with cum.

After a couple more ropes, Veronica finally calmed down, looking down at Cassidy, who had a mouth full of her cum, with some even running down her chin, dripping down between her cleavage. Cassidy closed her mouth, swallowing the new substance, and showed Veronica that she indeed did so.

"That was... oddly sweet. But not in a bad way. I liked it~"

"It... It was sweet?"

"Yeah! And, oh man... I got it on my shirt... and between my boobs too... that's gonna be a pain... I call dibs on the shower!"

The sudden return of excited Cassidy made Veronica giggle as she laid down. Perhaps this Spirit wasn't that bad. It just needs the right people.

Finally onto the second arc! And thank you all for your support! I never expected so many people to read this. So, as a little celebration, I'lllet you in on a little fact. I've been doing all this on my phone. Yep, the reason some of you have seen so many errors is mainly due me fat fingering the teeny tiny keys. I hope to get a computer soon. Anyways, thank you all, once again!And I hope you all have a nice day/night wherever you may be.

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