Try and Catch Me

Chapter 103 - The City

The City
The Imperial Capital was as big, noisy, and crowded as any other major city in Lia’s world. Save for the carriages and carts used instead of cars. Still, she could not help but be astonished and gaped at the sight of a larger place than the towns she had stayed at.

The city had a different vibe too. Unlike in the town where there was a monotonous and somewhat sluggish feel, the capital oozed with energy that it was easy to get caught and be swiped at its current. But while Lia enjoyed this change of pace, she was wary as well. If there was something she had learned from living in another city in her previous life, it was dangerous to show your naivete in a place like this. Show even just a small sign and soon these well-dressed ‘wolves’ would come jumping at you.

There were too many ‘wolves’ hounding her at the moment that adding another was the last thing she wanted. She donned her disguise, a large white shirt and loose pants with a cap over her cropped hair. She was not Lia but Eric again.

‘Right. Time to find where to stay.’

Her hand subtly brushed her hidden pocket where she kept her money. Before they parted, Eldric gave her a pouch of coins that would keep her alive for half a year if she was thrifty. He wanted to give more but Lia refused him until they settled with less money but still far too much for her.

She left the group without looking back. She did not want them to see that she, too, felt reluctance in leaving. Eldric might use that as a reason to keep her with them. But right now she had other concerns.

Finding a cheap inn was easy. Because of the large volume of people coming and going to the capital, the competition between the inns was high. Lia had not gone far when she already found one but still, she took her time looking around and getting accustomed to the feel of the city.

It was past noon when she settled for an inn, one that had a restaurant below and a place close to the main road. She thought the Unseen would think twice before moving boldly in a place where there were always people who could see them.

She ate her lunch at the restaurant and asked for her dinner to be delivered in her room. Tomorrow she would start her job-hunting. But she could still not work out where and how she would study for the exam. The candidates must have been studying like crazy right now. It felt like the entrance exam season in her previous world. And she was the only one not doing anything to pass.

Tim told her that passing the exam meant that she would be classified in which department they would be included depending on what area they excel based on their scores. Those good with arithmetic would go to finance and taxes, those who specialize in medicine and sciences will work with the physicians. Those good with arts and literature will join the other scholars.

Lia aimed to get to the medical field since that was the one that she had the most experienced with. She was already familiar with plants and concoctions used in this world.

But, for now, sleep. Lia grinned and stretched lazily.

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