Try and Catch Me

Chapter 105 - The unexpected meeting

The unexpected meeting
Lia stepped out of the inn, determined to take action on her plans. Before she left, she asked the owner of the inn for information about places looking for a part-timer. They gave her a list of places seeking an additional helping hand.

She brushed her index finger over her upper lip. “But how would I find Jeremiah?” she muttered to herself. She could not just barge in and asked for an audience, right? A part of her regretted that she did not think this part well enough. Maybe she could have taken Eldric’s offer then find Jeremiah while inside the palace… and then what? Slip away after using Eldric? It was already bad enough to rely on connections to take the exam.

Squaring her shoulders, she decided to take her chances and made way to the palace. As expected, she was stopped by the guards and told her that she needed to have an appointment if she wanted to meet with the royal physician.

“Can I still register for the exam then?” She tried to pull off an innocent look in the off-chance the guard would take pity on an ignorant country ‘boy’ like her.

“No.” A flat response that invited no more discussion and a rather respectful way to tell her to get lost.

That was what she did. She expected the answer, though knowing it did little to lessen the sting of rejection. After a moment, she exhaled, expelling the negativity the build up within her. ‘I still have a lot to do.’

Before she continued, she cast a quick glance in her surroundings. No one seemed to tail her. Good. But she still had to be alert all the time.

Once she was sure that she was not being followed, she went through the list of places, hoping she might score a job before the day ends. To her dismay, the establishments she had gone to always find something to dislike about her — too thin, too short, too plain. Lia rolled her eyes inwardly at the last one.

By lunch, she was tired and hungry and feeling a little dizzy because of the heat, the crowd, and the noise. The stillness of her old home in the forest must have lowered her tolerance on these things.

She passed by a restaurant where the delicious aroma of food wafted in the air, freezing Lia on her spot momentarily. She had enough money to afford to eat in a fancy place like this but she would rather save them. There must be some cheaper foods around, right?

Just as she was about to pass the place, someone came out of the restaurant, wearing the usual soft gaze and amiable smile as he talked to the person with him. Lia paused in her steps.

The man also stopped when he noticed her staring at him. “Lia?”

A smile broke out of her face. “Jeremiah!” Seeing a familiar face was comforting. But what luck? She needed to see him and now he was here?

“I was having lunch with a colleague here,” he gestured to the restaurant. Almost in an instant, her mind went back to the sumptuous meal the place had to offer.

Jeremiah must have seen it in her eyes too when he said, “Come inside. I’ll treat you to lunch. I have already eaten though, so I hope you don’t mind me take my tea instead. In return, fill me in on what you’ve been up to.”

In between bites, Lia began her tale starting from the time Jeremiah and the rest left their town. She told him the same version she told to Eldric.

“So now you’re looking for a place to work while studying for the exam?”

Lia looked at him sheepishly. “I know I’ve rejected your offer before but–”

Jeremiah cut her off. “It’s fine. Everyone changes their minds all the time. Yours, it’s your situation. And of course, my offer still stands. I’ll give you a recommendation letter for the exam. As for your job…” He stroked his chin as if deep in thought. “I think I know just the perfect place.”

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