Try and Catch Me

Chapter 98 - He Says - His Lucky Charm (3)

He Says – His Lucky Charm (3)
Tim crossed the room and sat on the bed. “We have one prisoner to take back in the capital now. But don’t you think, if your hunch is correct, those behind Unseen would want to kill him once we arrive?”

Eldric sneered. “I’d like to see them try.”

“I’ve already settled everything to the inn, by the way. You don’t have to worry about that. They even gave us a discount after what their staff did.”

“Are we sure that the management is not in cahoots with him?”

“We asked the owner. Because of the festival, they hired part-timers and he was one of them. Seems to me that they planted a mole in just about every inn, just in case.”

Eldric knew too well what Tim meant by ‘asking’ so he did not say anything else.

“Is there anything else you want me to do?”

Eldric nodded. “Will you help her study for the exam at least until we reach the capital?”

“Really? Studies at this time?” Tim asked incredulously.

“There’s no better time than now. She needed something else to think about. Studying would take her mind off the recent events.”


“Thank you. I’ll be leaving now as we have a long day tomorrow. What?” He asked when he noticed the funny look on his friend’s face.

Tim shook his head, stood up and started tidying the room. “You care about her so much, it’s shocking.”

“Shocking?” Eldric chuckled. “Well, she’s my lucky charm.”

His friend cocked his eyebrow at Eldric. “Lucky charm, you say.”

“We’ve been having leads since I met her. Hell, we almost got ‘him’ at one point. And now, this. Soon we’ll know who’s really backing up this organization.”

“If you put it that way, I’m bound to think that Lia was leading us… maybe to a trap? What if this is all planned?” When Eldric glared at him, Tim held up his hands. “I’m just saying. You know me, I don’t believe in coincidences and this is too much of a coincidence.”

“Nah. It’s–,” Eldric shook his head.

“What is it?” Tim narrowed his gaze at his friend.

Eldric shook his head once more. “I don’t like to put it this way, but it’s more like she’s the bait.”

“That… kind of sucks being caught in the middle of something as terrible as the Unseen. She’s like a magnet for bad people.” Tim let out a soundless ‘ah!’ and smirked at Eldric. “I see. Now I see. That makes perfect sense. That’s why you can’t leave her alone. Not to mention she falls under your favorite type.”

When Eldric was about to make his protest, Tim held out his index finger and imitated his friend’s voice. “All women are lovely in my eyes.” He smirked when he saw Eldric grimaced. “I know you love them. If you could, you would have probably given a piece of your heart to every girl you meet. But you have a favorite type of them all and she happens to fall into that category.”

Eldric sighed. “But they are all lovely. Though I would rather give all of me to the one.”

“Ugh.” Tim wrinkled his face. “You’re really quite the romanticist.” He smirked then added, “Tell that to your harem members.”

Eldric scowled, threw a pillow at his friend, and went back to his room.

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