Type Moon: Me! Magic King! I Want To Marry Timmy!

Chapter 331 Red Nero: It's Over! I Became A Stand-In! ?

"This is different from what I thought. His Majesty the Emperor himself made a triumphant return. Is this the public's reaction?"

Gu Dazi spoke out the doubts of everyone.

It can't be said that there was no reaction, it can only be said that only some people responded, but the reaction was not very enthusiastic, at least no one came forward to express condolences.

"Hmm, this is mainly due to the different customs on the Roman side.

Nero stood up and introduced: "The custom in Rome is that after the war, the victorious troops distribute part of the spoils to the people. I am afraid that they are a little disappointed because we are so light-packed."

In order to hurry, Marne put away all the extra things.

When the public saw that they were lightly dressed, they naturally felt that there was nothing cheap to get together.

"Is it so realistic?" Gu Dazi expressed surprise.

Nero sweated for a while, and quickly defended: "You can't blame them, after all, the customs are like this, and they also have their own lives."

Yes, they are just ordinary people, they also have to live and work, they have no interests, their emotions are not in place, and they have such customs, it is already very good to be able to smile 16 faces.

Just look at the calm expressions of those soldiers, and they have no objection to this.

"What you said is correct, but the main thing is that they are used to it, or it doesn't matter."

Red Nero stood up and refuted Nero.

At the same time, her expression became a little ugly.

But he also slowly revealed the real reason for this situation.

The main reason is that since the start of the mutation, wars have been going on all over Rome, and there is not a day when there is no war. Over time, the people have gradually become numb.

Another thing is that the United Empire is also Roman.

Moreover, after the capture of the city, they neither robbed nor killed, but only managed the city's revenue, and the lives of the local people did not change much, just changed the manager.

Even with those cities that have been occupied, there can still be commercial circulation.

This also made the people no longer nervous, because no matter how much they fought, they would not be able to blame them, so they began to care less about this war.

After hearing this explanation, everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

They never expected that Red Nero's current situation would be so miserable.


It's miserable.

A king is fighting on the front line for the country, but most people don't care about it. This is the loss of popular support.

If this continues, I am afraid that Red Nero may lose the support of the people.

And when a king loses the subjects who support him, then he will no longer be a king.

"In that case."

Marne also thought of this, and felt that it was necessary to save the situation for Red Nero.

Ever since, he raised his hand to build dozens of carts of meat, and some fruits and vegetables, at least hundreds of tons.

"Mr. Marne! You..."

Seeing this, Red Nero didn't understand what Marne was doing, and couldn't help being moved.

Of course, the main reason is that the pen is too big and too real.


In this day and age of Rome, it cannot be said that there is not something for everyone, but it is not for every meal.

Marne smiled and said: "Let's distribute it, how can the king's triumph be so shabby, let the whole city rejoice for you today.

"This...is not very good."

Red Nero was not happy at all, but rather sad.

The reward she promised has not been given to Marne and the others, and now she has to take so much food from others, I feel very sorry.

However, looking at so much food.

She was moved, because these food eaters were enough to feed the whole city for a few days.

Marne also guessed what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I created these out of thin air, and I don't need money."

"Even if it wasn't for the fear of impacting the economy, I could conjure up a bunch of gold coins.

"And the food won't last long if it's not distributed."

Nero also said with a smile: "That's right, don't think too much, the performer is not someone who will suffer so easily, not to mention, helping you is helping us."

"If you don't come, then Yu Lai will do it for you."

Saying so, she greeted the last group of soldiers.

When the soldiers saw this other His Majesty the Emperor, they naturally did not dare to disobey. They obediently obeyed the orders, pushed the carts, and began to distribute food along the road.

Soon, the people gathered when they saw the East-West faction, and more people came after hearing the news.

Not long after, the pomp and circumstance of welcoming the triumphant return began.

That is, when Nero came forward, he hid silently behind to avoid being discovered by others.

Seeing the people shouting "Long Live Your Majesty" to Nero, their expressions are so wonderful.


I actually became a stand-in!?

But it's no wonder that these people will admit their mistakes, after all, the two are exactly the same, but the costumes are different.

Since Nero joined Marne, he has gradually become conscious of being a woman, and his dress has become more and more conservative. Now there is basically no shame.

As for Red Nero, it was still the classic rose dance costume.

Even the people on the Chaldean side, apart from Marne and Nero being together day and night and being able to tell them apart at a glance, actually rely on the difference in their costumes to tell the difference between the two.

The same goes for those soldiers.

But the people don't know about it.

They didn't know that their Emperor His Majesty had an extra one.

Although it is strange why His Majesty changed his attire today, but what about 063, the emperor has a lot of clothes, and they don't care if he changes them every day. The free food in front of him is more important.

Ever since, under the voices of the people and Red Nero's complicated gaze.

Nero, who regained the feeling of being an emperor, even gave a wave of inspiring speeches, which won the hearts of the people.

I don't know if the people listened or not. Anyway, the voices and atmosphere at the scene were quite high.

But it's true, if you get it for nothing, you will agree with it no matter what, after all, people in this era are quite simple.

At the same time, the returned soldiers were almost satisfied with the attention of the people.

They went to the front line to fight, in fact, it was for this moment of glory.

After a wave, the people took advantage, the soldiers won the glory, and Nero gained the hearts of the people, three wins!

It's just that Red Nero always feels weird and uncomfortable.

But she didn't say anything in the end, let alone stop her.

Silently hiding in the team, he followed the troops around the city and distributed the meat. After dawdling for an hour, Red Nero sent the troops back to the station, and he brought Marne and his party back to the palace.

After that, it took some time to deal with the government affairs, get rid of those members of the House of Representatives, and then interviewed Marne and others alone.

......To be continued.......

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