Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210 The depths of Chabro

When I saw the huge red Zaku III with wisps of flames jumping up and down, dragging a puff of smoke across the wall of fire, standing like a demon returning from **** to the world like a mythical story. In front of the Chaburo defensive unit that had already destroyed Zagu III, these infantry units without MS cover ran away in panic.

“Huh. Is it only this level?”

He inexplicably took a cold look at the soldiers who jumped off the guided missile vehicle and ran to the distance, and then controlled Zaku III to destroy all the missile vehicles that had lost their operators.




In the rolling flames of the guided missile vehicle, Sandas also followed with his men.

“Major. Are you okay!”

When Sandas saw the wreckage of the missile car over and over, he was taken aback.

“No. It’s just a small problem! Sandas, keep up! We are running out of time.”

He said inexplicably, then looked around.


A burst of explosions came from the cave in the other direction, and the rumbling was as shocking as bursts of thunder.

Needless to say, you know that Chabro’s main battlefield should be there. This also happens to give He inexplicably convenient for a group of people to move.

The seven mobile suits, including Zaku III, moved swiftly all the way at an extremely fast speed without any restraint. It didn’t take much time to get to the depths of Chabro.

Seeing the passage that was narrowed to the point where MS could not pass through, he knew inexplicably that the next action could not rely on the convenience provided by MS.

“Sundas. Prepare, you follow me in, and the remaining two Jim IIs will stay here to guard!”

He inexplicably fumbled out a semi-automatic rifle, several magazines and three grenades behind the driver’s seat, then opened the communication and called Sandas.

“Yes! Colonel! Arrange it now.”

Sandus moves so fast.

When deciding to attack Chaburo, once a member of the 08MS squad, an elite team on the Southeast Asian front, he naturally knew what kind of situation he would encounter in a complex terrain environment.

Now, why inexplicably called him to go together to explore the cave in front of him, Sandus was not surprised by this.

After leaving his landline, Sundas made a cautious gesture to the two remaining team members before catching up with He inexplicably.

As the two moved forward quickly, they soon moved a long distance in this cave channel that seemed to have no guarding power.

Suddenly, Sandus noticed an unspeakable sense of uneasiness hanging over him without warning.


Sundas opened his mouth, looked around, changed his name, and asked:

“General. Are there those things here too?”

What Sundas said was naturally the variant that the Seventeenth Independent Fleet had been fighting with since the Delaz Rebellion.

He inexplicably looked a little solemn, but he didn’t draw any conclusions. Just said something vaguely.

“I don’t know. I just feel something in front of me.”



It would be useless to say more. After the two checked the weapons in their hands again, they staggered the order, shielded each other all the way, and continued to advance quickly toward the deeper part of the cave.

Before long, a huge iron gate made of cold steel stopped the two of them like a stumbling block.

Inexplicably, the moment he saw this huge iron gate, that uncomfortable feeling subsided a lot.

“It seems that the things inside are what we are looking for.”

He looked around inexplicably, and when he saw the electronic lock on the right side of the huge iron gate, he walked up quickly and tried to crack the code on it.

But before he could get the combination lock inexplicably, Sandus, who was searching on the other side, made a new discovery.

“General. Come here! There is a situation.”

Hearing the sound, He inexplicably dropped the code lock, and quickly ran to Sandus, who was standing on the other side, covered by a huge stalactite for most of his body.

“this is?”

As soon as he ran over, He inexplicably saw a middle-aged man in a white coat with large patches of blood oozing from his chest and abdomen.

Judging from the amount of bleeding, the middle-aged man has died so much that he can no longer die.

“Sundas, what did you find?”

He asked inexplicably after scanning the mountain of suspected researcher’s corpse several times with his eyes.

Sundas raised his hand and handed He Inexplicable a diary that was mostly stained with blood.

“It was found under him. Judging from the posture I maintained when I was discovered, this middle-aged man seemed to want to protect this diary.”

“Really?” He frowned inexplicably. After looking at the corpse, he took the diary and turned it over.

As soon as the diary was opened, why inexplicably felt the owner of this diary from the short text, that is, the middle-aged who had died before his life should be a rigorous and ideal person.

The diary wrote:

At 00:34 on November 13, UC0083, a huge shadow large enough to cover the sky flew over Chaburo and fell to North America, completely destroying the North American agricultural area, and also allowing tens of millions of civilians. death.

This is the Delaz Rebellion!

This is the hateful Zeon remnant party!

From that moment on, I even wanted to drive a mobile suit, attack like Amuro Ray, and wipe out those **** Zeon remnants! !

But I can’t!

I am not an MS pilot.

I am just a researcher, a genetic researcher.

“The Delaz Rebellion. So you can be regarded as a witness!” Seeing this diary, why can’t help but think of Simma Karahao who was inadvertently saved by him, but couldn’t see him again on Axis.

He inexplicably sighed secretly, then turned a few pages again. After skipping the pages of the diary that had been soaked with blood stains, he saw the clearer text again.

The diary wrote:


That night was Christmas Eve.

I remember this diary very clearly.

Because that was the day I proposed to the beautiful Marceau,

Also, because that was the day I saw with my own eyes the hero I have been dreaming of since the One Year War, Amuro Ray.

When I first saw it, I had no idea that Amuro Ray was such a young person. Except for those brilliant records, nothing really matches what I imagined.


It should be said that Amuro Ray seems to have lost the fearless, courageous, and never-say-fail spirit that he had in the One Year War. The behavior and manners he showed made people feel that what he was afraid of?


The hateful thing is that, before I could ask, those in Titans uniforms arrogantly asked me to continue to check and…

Blood draw,

Draw Amuro Ray’s blood.

Seeing this, He Moming suddenly clicked in his heart, as if an indescribable feeling was about to rush from the bottom of his heart, but he was still unable to do so.

Turning another page, He was inexplicably surprised to see the traces of the large amount of torn paper.

“Could it be that the content he wrote was discovered, and after being taken away, it was taken back by him, leading to the execution here?”

A general outline of the event gradually came to He inexplicably minded.

There are so many pages torn away, and the remaining pages are so many that there are only so many words that have no meaning to the current situation.

Suddenly, why inexplicably stared at the last page of this diary.

The above just made a simple chart with Jiugongge plus traditional Chinese numbers.

I saw that land was written on the first line, two, there was a gap between the two numbers.

The second line says Wu, with one space on the left and right.

The third line says Ba and Si, with a space in the middle.

no doubt,

Seeing this chart, He suddenly blessed his soul.

“That’s it! If I guessed correctly, thank you very much!”

He inexplicably closed the diary, stood at attention and saluted the researcher who had been protecting the diary until his death, then turned and walked quickly to the code lock.

“General, the password is written in the diary?” Sundas doesn’t know Chinese, so he is now confused as he watches He inexplicably fiddle with the password lock.

“Well. If I guessed correctly, the answer is so simple.” He nodded inexplicably, and entered the group of numbers “7931” on the password lock according to the prompt of Jiugongge numbers.


With the sound from inside the iron gate, the code lock was unlocked.

“Thank you very much. Unknown researcher.”

He inexplicably solemnly placed the diary in his hand, and again picked up the semi-automatic rifle, preparing to enter the world behind the iron gate.

“General. Aren’t you afraid that the password was wrong just now?” Sandas didn’t move slowly, but at the same time he couldn’t help asking his own question.

“Is there a difference between wrong and right? It was originally a chance.” He inexplicably curled his mouth and replied indifferently.

Sundas was stunned, and while showing a look of relief, he even took the lead and rushed into the world behind the iron gate before he was inexplicable.

“This, this is!!!”

At that moment, Sandus felt that his first step was right. At least, he was able to issue a warning to He inexplicably the first time.

“This, this is the Institute of Biochemistry?!”

The sight in front of him was extremely shocking for Sandas. But for He Inexplicable, it is already unknown how many times he has seen it.

The huge but empty cultivation troughs are neatly arranged,

The energy lines that are chaotic, but different because of the different colors,

This is undoubtedly a biochemical research institute with a certain scale.

At this time, He suddenly remembered that he had read the paragraph about Amuro in his diary.

“No? It’s such a coincidence?”

At this moment, He Moming himself seemed to be unable to believe that speculation.

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