Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217 Eve before the snowstorm



In the flickering lights, the sound of a chain of footsteps dragging to the ground echoed in the dim and narrow aisle.

“Tread, step…”

When the hard soles of the leather shoes stopped hitting the ground, a rusty and blood-stained iron door was roughly opened.

“Squeak ”

The iron door opened.

I saw that the two tall shadows raised their arms together and threw them with force, and a limp figure was thrown into this room like garbage.

The next second, a pale, tired face appeared from the darkness, leaning against the figure that was thrown into the room, and quickly checked it.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it,

At first glance, it was frightened.

A few hours ago, even though I looked very tired, I still saw that after the person’s companion was taken out, when he came back, it became…

This look like a ghost or a ghost or a human being.

The scars all over the back, the scars all over the face, a trace of blood quietly flowed out of the mouth where most of the teeth had been extracted.

This chilling wound was formed within a few hours! ! !


What kind of treatment have you suffered! !

“You, you guys! What did you do?!!!”

The man lying beside his companion stood up abruptly, and shouted at the two burly guards who were standing by the door and watching coldly.

Standing on the left side of the gate, the guard with falling eyes and a horse face sneered and said coldly:

“Nothing! It’s just to promote the friendship between us and the inhabitants of the universe!”

“Friendship!! What kind of friendship is this! This is just unilateral abuse…”


Before the man could finish speaking, a whip swung in front of him. The force was so fierce that he even knocked some gravel on the ground into the air and hit the person hard, causing pain.

“Huh! Don’t be too proud!”

The man with a scar on his left cheek standing next to the horse’s face gave a sharp scream.

“Even if you are a prisoner who has been specifically ordered to be treated differently, don’t give pointers to our actions!”

After finishing speaking, the scarred man put away his whip and pointed at the figure who fell on the ground and said: “What’s the problem with this? All the inhabitants of the universe are potential terrorists! In order to protect the earth, in order to protect our family, there is only a trace of suspicion , We can kill any inhabitant of the universe! Therefore, Amuro Ray, even if you were the hero of your One Year War, and now you are now a prisoner, what else can you do!!!”

“You!!” The person who was identified by the prison guard was about to rush up, but when he thought about it, his right foot was caught.

Amuro froze for a moment, lowered his head and found that his companion was enduring the pain caused by the wound, and shook his head slightly.

“Huh! Remember! Amuro Ray! Don’t be too proud! Otherwise, it will fall into our hands and you will have to bear it!”

After seeing Amuro being held by the prisoner who had gone half-life, the two prison guards sneered, and after dropping a warning, they closed the door and turned away.

After being silent for a while, after listening carefully to the movement outside, Amuro sighed secretly, turned around and carefully helped the half-life companion up and placed it on the bed.

“Thanks, cough cough, thank you.”

The man just wanted to talk, but he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

“Don’t talk! Take a break first! You can’t toss it anymore now.” Amuro shook his head and motioned to his companion to stop talking.

The corners of the man’s mouth moved, but a painful expression immediately appeared on his face. It seems that according to his current situation, moving his mouth is a difficult problem.

“Cough…cough cough cough.”

“I, I’m fine.”

The man coughed a few times and breathed a sigh of relief. He continued, “Your Excellency Amuro, I’m very sorry! I didn’t expect that there would be traitors among our Avengers. Poor Link, and Danny, they didn’t expect it. My father, as well as my husband, would betray all his comrades in arms at a critical juncture and kneel to his enemies.”

Hearing this, Amuro’s face immediately flashed with a gloomy look. These words like now have been heard many times since he was caught by Titans and sent here.

Unexpectedly, when everyone was approaching to board the shuttle to the universe, Titans rushed in under the leadership of that person, and captured everyone including Amuro with lightning speed. In the end, Fall into this.

Amuro looked up at the small window high above, bringing a gleam of light into this cell.

Even if he couldn’t see the situation outside the window, he heard the gust of wind outside the window and felt the room temperature beginning to drop.


The man’s laughter was mixed with a cough, but he couldn’t stop his gradual smile.

“Your Excellency Amuro! Please hold on! Although there are traitors between us, rescue will come soon! Hold on… Hold on… Jian…”

Amuro was shocked, leaned forward quickly, grabbed the man by the shoulder and shook it, yelled twice quickly and loudly, but didn’t get any response.

In the end, Amuro gritted his teeth and handed the slightly trembling fingers under the man’s nose. The next moment, Amuro understood.

“Ah ah ah ah! Damn it!!”

Amuro shouted angrily, slammed his fist against the cold wall and the rusty blood-stained iron door until his hands were blood-stained.



one more! ! !

Since being brought here, the people he just met in the Avengers have been used by the prison guards in various names one by one. Sometimes they are lazy, and they don’t even take verbal names. People take away.

Soon after, a corpse was returned! !

“Damn!!! Damn!!! The inhabitants of the universe are also humans!!! Why do you treat your compatriots like this!!! You beasts!!!”

Amuro’s roar echoed in the aisle over and over again, but he couldn’t get any response.

After a long time, Amuro’s voice became hoarse and tired.

He slowly turned around and looked at the companion who had fallen on the bed and had lost all the breath of life. He slid feebly to the ground, clenched his fists hard, and gritted his teeth and groaned that he couldn’t even hear him. Clear words.

Outside the window, there was still a lot of wind.


The door opened.

A man in a wind coat walked into a room with a lighted fireplace, which seemed very warm.

“Oh! Captain. You are back! What’s the situation?”

A blond man with a slightly old face, combing his hair like a big back, smiled and raised the cup in his hand, and smiled at the man who entered the house.

“Stop calling me Captain. Captain Southes.”

The man said while taking off the wind coat.

“Oh. Then don’t call me a captain either. After all, our two old guys are retired.” The blond old man, who is South, turned around and filled the other one on the table with hot coffee. Picked up the cup and passed it over.

“Come on! Warm up with a cup of coffee. This horrible weather has become so fast.”

“Oh! Thank you! After all, before and after the One Year War, after several satellite falls, the earth’s environment is now barely maintained.” The man took the cup, took a sip, and felt the feeling from the inside to the outside. After warming up, he took a sigh of relief and continued: “I have confirmed a few things when I go out this time.”

Upon hearing this, Southes immediately put down the cup, took out the pen and paper from the cabinet next to him, showing an expression of seriousness.

“One. Recently, an MS team flying from the south of the Pacific entered Fairbanks. From visual intelligence, this MS team should be composed of four mobile Zakus and a new model of unknown model. The crew is complete. According to my analysis, I am afraid it will affect the next operations.”

After speaking, the man picked up the cup again and took a sip of hot coffee, waiting for Southes to finish recording by the way.

Before the coffee was swallowed, Southes cast a questioning look. In desperation, the man had no choice but to finish the sip of coffee and put it on the table casually, continuing his work.

“Second, from the recent analysis of the frequency of waste vehicles, I have come to a conclusion that is 80% credible. That is, except for Amuro, the rest of the Avengers who were sent to Fairbanks. I am afraid that all the staff have been killed.”

After a pause, the man’s eyes flickered a few times, and he said unbearably: “Add a speculation! Also, according to my speculation, Amuro Ray may suffer some unequal treatment.”


Southeth’s pen stopped.

Somewhat confused, he raised his head and looked at the man.

“Send it all at once!” The man nodded.

“Then, okay!” Southes brushed the floor a few times before writing it down. “Anything else?”

The man nodded and continued:

“Three, according to recent weather forecasts, within the next week, within 300 kilometers centered on Fairbanks, there may be a blast of cold air from the Arctic, and there may be a storm at that time.”

“Proposal, if the commander is brave enough, perhaps he can rely on this blizzard to launch a surprise attack.”

Southes blinked, and wrote down the man’s words one by one, and finally glanced at the man, preparing to get up and send the information to the rear.

“and so on.”

At this moment, the man called Southeth.

Southes turned around, looked at the man, and waited for orders.

“Well, add my name to the suggestion! Thanks to General Rebir’s rescue after the Delaz Rebellion, now is the time to show up! Otherwise, you will not be able to gain a foothold in front of the members of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet !”

Southeth’s eyes lit up, and he immediately saluted:

“Yes! Colonel Eppa Sinaps!”

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