Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219 Blizzard raid

In that snowstorm, a black castle dotted with many lights was silently sitting in the snowy field in front of you.


Except for this huge black castle, there is nothing else on this snowy field.

On weekdays, this endless, flat snowfield not only provides a good view, but also naturally prevents the prisoners here from fleeing here.

You know, on this snowy field with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, apart from this black castle that serves as a prison, there are no other human settlements, not even a house, let alone the supplies needed by other humans.

Of course, for survival madmen, this snowy field may not be a Jedi. But for the prisoners who are being monitored all the time, this snowy field with no cover and lack of survival materials is a place of death.

The wind is roaring.

Snow is flying.

As the cold air of the Arctic Circle descends south, the blizzard destined to sweep the entire Alaska has reached its peak.

“Kang dang, bang dang…”

Under the violent wind, even the fixed windows will inevitably show some shaking and vibration. This gust of wind that roared with the heavy snow that was constantly flying in the air outside the window really made the humans who first came to this land feel uneasy.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry! Miss Rosamea Badam. We have become accustomed to the snowstorms here. All preparations have been done very well.”

A middle-aged man wearing a school-level uniform with a colonel’s rank at the neckline walked up to the window with a glass of red wine in each hand, looking at the wind and snow outside the window. The man with long purple wavy hair and a charming face The young woman said softly.

The young woman withdrew her gaze from the window and fell on the red wine in the hands of the colonel. She glanced at the red wine, then raised her gaze to look at the colonel’s very gracious smile, and shook her head slightly.

“Sorry! Colonel Franco. Although our schedule has been delayed by this snowstorm, I am now in the middle of a mission, so I am very sorry! Please forgive me!”

The young woman’s words made Colonel Franco’s face stiff, an anger suddenly appeared on his face, and the hands holding the red wine burst into light.

It seemed that there would be a violent attack in the next moment, and he would personally subdue the ignorant woman in front of him and violently.


Even in the face of the fierce power of Colonel Franco, who has oversaw thousands of appointments in the entire prison, the young woman still doesn’t change her face and has no intention of giving in.

Because she knew that the head of the Oakland Research Institute had notified her before she set off. This time everything must be based on the safety of Amuro Ray. In addition, everything must make way for this benchmark.

So, she judged that drinking the glass of red wine in front of her would affect her task execution, so she refused without hesitation.

Seeing so ignorant, but behind the back there was a young woman who had just taken refuge in Titans but was immediately supported by the Auckland NT Institute, which was highly valued by the upper management, Colonel Franco finally endured this breath.


At the moment when Colonel Franco took the initiative to relieve the atmosphere, a piercing sound suddenly overwhelmed the gust of wind outside the window and slammed towards the black castle from a distance.


In an instant, a loud noise accompanied the dazzling light that broke through the night sky and a strong shock swept the entire black castle.

Even near the center of the explosion area, the glass windows that had just been fixed and glued with tape were shaken into countless pieces by the violent shock wave.

Had it not been for the tape that had been glued in advance, the soldiers patrolling the corridors would have ended up as hedgehogs pierced by glass fragments.

“what’s the situation?!!!”

The sudden accident caused Colonel Franco to immediately forget the unhappiness caused by the young woman, and suddenly picked up the phone and asked the control tower.

“Enemy attack!! Now Gate A is encountering an unknown attack. In terms of scale, it should be an attack from MS. According to visual observation, the MS attacked is not less than one squad!!”

“What!!! Enemy attack!? Are all the guards placed outside in the bed? Quick! Let the MS attack! Let them figure out who is attacking us!”

After snarling at the phone for a while, Colonel Franco put down the phone angrily and turned to look at the young woman.

However, before he could speak, the young woman took the lead and said her thoughts.

“Major! Now in order to confirm the safety of Amuro Ray, we must act immediately! Goodbye!”

The young woman, Rosamia Badam, dropped the sentence neatly and turned and left the room.

Seeing that the beauty who is hard to come by to this horrible place left like this, Colonel Franco suddenly burst into a fierce anger.

“Damn it! No matter who you are, if you dare to ruin my good deeds, please send me to hell!”

As a result, under the order of Colonel Franco, the only two Jim cold zone squads used to suppress riots in the prison rushed into the blizzard amid the roar of their backpacks, and directed the bombardment source indicated by the radar. The coordinate location rushed over.

of course.

Acting with such a big fanfare, naturally, it can’t hide from the eyes of those who are interested.

“The mongoose calls the groundhog!! The mongoose calls the groundhog!! The snow wolf has been dispatched! The snow wolf has been dispatched! The target number is six, the size of two teams, and the model is Jim Cold Zone. Over!”

A pair of eyes lurking in the thick snow watched the actions of the two Jim cold zone teams from start to finish.

The next second, a low baritone sounded on the other end of the communicator.

“The groundhog received! The mongoose can evacuate the current coordinates! Be careful!”

“Yes! The mongoose received it!”

After confirming the retreat order, there was a trace of movement in the snow, and it quietly moved toward the depths of the blizzard.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Under the acceleration of the gunpowder, the shell that rushed out of the barrel broke through the wind and snow, and after drawing an arc in mid-air, it screamed and fell towards the black castle in the distance.

“Fries, continue to suppress firepower! Those wolf cubs are out!” Philip Hughes, one of the members of the Groundhog team, encouraged teammate Samana Fries.

Although he knows that Samana Freys’ MS driving skills are not outstanding, but Jim Cannon in front of him is indeed the most suitable for him to drive.

“Understood! Continue to suppress firepower! Captain! Snow wolf is dispatched!” Samana Freys responded, and continued to maintain a state of mental concentration, methodically firing shells at the black castle in the distance.

“Confirm mission objectives!”

With the sound of a rather flat male voice, the snowdrift not far from Jim Cannon’s right was suddenly overturned. A blue-painted Jim Cold Zone type appeared in front of the two of them in the flying snow.

It was the landline of Kashima Yu, the captain of the groundhog squad.

“Captain! Are you going to be on it?!!!” Philip’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t wait to ask.

“No! The colonel has ordered it.” Kashima shook his head and continued to say flatly.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the woods on the right side of the groundhog squad.

The branches covered with flying snow also danced wildly in the commotion, and scattered the falling snow that had accumulated on the branches all over the ground.


With the roar of the propeller, two huge figures, one red and one gold, arbitrarily broke through the obstacles of the woods, flew over the hillside in front of them with bursts of snow, and crashed onto the snowy field.

The groundhog squad was stunned by such an overbearing way of playing.

“That, that is the legendary red comet Char Aznable?!” Samana Freys blinked, and asked while forgetting to keep the firepower suppressed.

“Yes, it should be! Red Zagu, extremely fast…” Philip opened his mouth and looked at Kashima and asked: “Captain, the golden plane is Ogu’s Kuvatro Ba Captain Gina?”

“Yes!” Kashima answered, then stopped talking, just staring at the two red and gold silhouettes.

In the blizzard, the particularly eye-catching red and gold caught the attention of the two Jim cold zone teams as soon as they appeared.

I saw a figure wearing a cloak wearing snow while on the move, with a sound and prestige figure, as long as it is not blind, they will definitely notice their existence for the first time.

Therefore, under the command of the squad leader, two Jim cold belts equipped with assault equipment set up the rocket launchers in their hands.





Launch again!

One shot,

Two shots,

Three shots,


In just a few minutes, the ammunition of the two rocket launchers were all emptied, and only the rockets that were firmly attacked toward the front target during the storm were left.




In a few breaths, all the rockets fired landed around Zaku III and Baishi successively, and caused a burst of violent explosions.

However, these seemingly mighty offensive rockets failed to cause a trace of damage to Zaku III and Baishi. Instead, they used the snow and dust from the explosions to cover up and disappear. Before Jim’s cold zone team.

“Be careful!” The team leader just said this, and the Jim cold belt next to him immediately exploded countless electric sparks, struggling to fall to the ground.

“What? Enemy attack!!” The team leader changed his words again.

However, in the next second, one of the two Jim Cold Belt equipped with assault equipment standing behind the team was suddenly cut off by a ray of light rising from the darkness.

This time, everyone, including the team leader, saw clearly the true identity of the murderer who launched the raid.

That is, Red Zaku! !

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