Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244 Great fleet!


The imposing battleship cluster suddenly appeared in this void in a neat and uniform fleet formation.

Looking around, in this scene with a diameter of nearly 80 kilometers and a total length of 130 kilometers as the background, there are hundreds of ships, and the variety involves almost all-round functions. A large fleet of various types of warships is lined up neatly waiting for someone’s return.

With the passage of time, less than half an hour before the agreed time, it was the flagship of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet that occupied the leading position of this large fleet.

“Confirm the response signal! Don’t miss any signal that may appear!” As soon as Lambalar gave the order to strengthen the search, the radar immediately had a feedback signal.

“Report! Found the signal source! After comparison, it is the Trojan Horse of my fleet!”

As soon as he heard the long-awaited news, Lambaral immediately lifted his spirits.

“Report! Behind the Trojan Horse, a huge warship with a huge hull projection was found!!!”

Suddenly, the signal fed back by the radar made Lambalar stunned, and then immediately reacted.

You know, before the assembly of the fleet, Lambaral received a message from Industry Seven. Among them, it was mentioned that there will be a more powerful flagship to replace the Aurora in the flagship position of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet.

However, what he didn’t expect was that this new flagship, which took away the flagship position of the Dawn as soon as it opened its mouth, was so horrifying.

“Sir, is this a surprise?” The captain of the Arubian, which was on the left side of the Aurora, pulled on the cap and asked with some interest.

“Probably, isn’t it!” Lambral twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded helplessly.

No wonder there is such a big tone, daring to take away the flagship of the Dawn.

The hull that is at least one kilometer in length alone has the qualifications to become the flagship of any Earth Federation fleet. Not to mention the weapon systems equipped throughout its hull.

“Send a signal! Welcome to the return of General He to the Seventeenth Independent Fleet!!” After thinking about it, Lambalar relaxed and ordered.

Whether the flagship is the Dawn or not, it doesn’t matter if we look at it now!

The existence of the flagship originally meant that the significance of deterrence was greater than the significance of actual combat. If the flames of war force the flagship to dispatch, then there is only one situation. The entire fleet is in an extreme situation on the front line of life and death.

Therefore, letting this huge and terrifying warship serve as the flagship of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet really deserves its name.

A flare was continuously fired from the Dawn, and bursts of light curtains composed of three colors of yellow, red and green were exploded over the fleet one after another.

When the light curtain was lit up, the fleet headed by Aurora and Arubian also began to move.

I saw that with the Aurora, Arubian was the leading ship on the left and right, and each led the left and right fleets to separate from it, and was giving way to a passage that was large enough for the huge new flagship to pass through.

This scene is shocking!

The space battleship, the crystallization of mankind’s highest technology, is acting neatly and uniformly at this moment, laying out a warm welcome formation for the commander who is about to return to the fleet.

This is a painstaking effort!

“These guys. It’s really troublesome!”

Ho, who was put on the general’s dress, stood straight in the bridge of the King Kong, and smiled helplessly as he watched the moment when the fleet changed its formation on the main screen.

“Yes! These are all happy for the general’s return!” Matsunaga, who was first aboard the King Kong, was curious about the King Kong, but he still faithfully performed his duty as a soldier.

“Don’t be nervous. I didn’t blame them.” He smiled inexplicably and looked back at King Kong. “King Kong. No problem, right?”

King Kong smiled confidently. “No problem! Admiral.”

It’s near.

It’s near.

When the large fleet was divided into two rows and a welcome formation was placed, the Trojan Horse, as the pilot ship, took the lead in entering the welcome channel vacated by the large fleet.

At this moment, the eyes of all members of the entire fleet stopped for a while on the Trojan Horse, and then turned to look at the strange, huge and visually powerful kilometer-level giant battleship.

“Macros King Kong?”

Lambral looked at the latest identification number displayed on the home screen. This is the identification number specially issued by King Kong to the Seventeenth Independent Fleet when the King Kong entered the welcome channel.

When the identification number of King Kong was fully incorporated into the identification of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet, it meant that the flagship position of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet had been transferred to the MACROSS King Kong.

In this process, the sound of surprise and admiration seemed to have become the main theme of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet. Whether it is beside the portholes or in the bridge, there are crowds of people who have been taken away by the MACROSS King Kong and overwhelmed by it.

“Macros King Kong! Unexpectedly, our general is still hiding such a hand! Hehe! It’s amazing!” Aipa touched his chin and said in surprise.

Banninger, who was standing by, also nodded.

“Yes! Our general hides deep enough.”

After speaking, they looked at each other with Aipa, and the two suddenly laughed.

“However, this is interesting!” Aipa laughed for a while, suddenly looked straight, straightened his waist, and saluted the MACROSS King Kong, which was slowly passing in front of the fleet.

On the side, Banninger did the same.

This is a shocking moment.

After the surprise, after the admiration, what is left is the admiration of the MACROSS King Kong.

Standard military salutes continue to appear on the warships of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet, and their tribute target is the MACROSS King Kong that slowly passes in front of the fleet. This process continued until the MACROSS King Kong was like a proud general, after patrolling the powerful fleet it commanded, and entering the flagship position, it ended.

“It’s amazing! General! Where is this battleship made? Mars? Jupiter? Although Anaheim has a strong industrial strength, I don’t think they can design this super battleship of the kilometer class.”

This is the first speech of Lambaral after boarding the MACROSS King Kong.

“Haha. Lamba, although this is true, there is no need to belittle everyone in Anaheim too much. After all, this battleship is indeed too difficult for humans now.” He smiled inexplicably, little The ground explained it for Anaheim.

You know, this battleship is not as simple as it looks. Its mental core, King Kong, is standing in front of Lambaral. If you don’t say it inexplicably, Lamba is afraid that it will be impossible for a lifetime to guess the truth.

No, after Lambaal glanced at King Kong, who had a sense of presence, he suddenly showed a smile that a man would understand.

“General, good luck.”

Then, Lambaral looked straight, took a step back, and solemnly saluted Ho inexplicably.

“Lamba Lal, the command of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet will now be returned to the Major General of the Earth Federation. What an inexplicable general! Please give instructions!”

He inexplicably raised his hand to salute and nodded solemnly.

“Confirmed! Thank you for your hard work! Lamba Lal.”

After all, why inexplicably put down his right hand and stretched out towards Lamba Laer.

When Lamba saw this, he laughed and stretched out his hand to hold He inexplicably.

“Now, I finally put the burden down completely! General, after this battle is over, you have to retire me! Otherwise, I won’t be able to watch my baby girl grow up day by day!”

He inexplicably heard the words and glanced at Lambara speechlessly. “Lamba, don’t you think it would be frustrating to say these things before the war?”

“Hahahaha! Let the general laugh! In fact, if I really want to die, I would have been doomed to die during the One Year War! It’s just that I was lucky enough to meet the general!”

In this regard, Lambaral said that he didn’t care if he had set up FLAG, and laughed outright.

“You guy!”

At this time, He was completely speechless.

The time for gathering the old is soon over.

Now the fleet composition information of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet has also been sent to He Inexplicably.

The first in the data is the Dawn. At the beginning of the construction of this ship, some of the technologies used by Agama were referenced, and a new warship created by the new technology developed by Luna V itself was added. Before the King Kong appeared, she faithfully held the job that belonged to the flagship.

Next came the Pegasus-class assault battleship, Arubian and the Trojan Horse. The qualifications of these two warships naturally do not require much retelling.

Next comes the main force of the fleet.

The Salamis class is converted into a light cruiser, the number is 53 ships, and it is also the capital ship of the MS force.

Then, there is the aspect of firepower replenishment.

Although since the One Year War, there have been many defects. In particular, the inability to carry MS is the most fatal flaw, but in view of the fact that a certain degree of combat power can be formed in a short time, and the firepower of the fleet is supplemented, the Magellan-class space battleship, which is gradually retiring, has also been received by Rebir. In the establishment of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet.

The number of them is 21 ships, which can be mobilized with three ships as a small squadron.

The rest are all kinds of transport ships that serve as the fleet nurses. Among them, the most widely used Columbus-class transport ship of the Earth Federation Fleet is here.

With the size of the Columbus-class transport ship, in addition to ensuring the combat consumption of the fleet, it can also carry a large number of mobile suits in the large cargo compartment.

After reading these battleship information, why inexplicably closed the documents in hand. Rambalal, who was standing on the side, blinked and couldn’t help but ask:

“General. There is also the MS part…”

He shook his head inexplicably, put the file down, and said, “No. No need. I believe in general, and in Lamba you, and I believe everyone on Luna 5 can give me an answer that makes me satisfied.”

As he spoke, He smiled inexplicably with everything under control.

“Furthermore. No matter how well the Seventeenth Independent Fleet is built, no matter how perfect it is, the only place that can verify whether the power it possesses is strong is the battlefield.”

Lambral’s eyes lit up and he was about to speak.

He inexplicably raised his hand to stop Lambaral.

“Lamba, send a message to General Rebil. Just say I hope he can come back to sit on Luna V.”

“Yes! Do it now!”

Finally, He turned around inexplicably and looked at the scenery outside the porthole.

Looking around, on the side of the MACROSS King Kong.

The first thing that catches the eye is the Dawn, Arubian, and the Trojan Horse.

Then came the Salamis modified-class light cruiser as the main force of the fleet, and then came the Magellan-class space battleship.

Finally, it is the Columbus-class transport ship.

The various types of warships are clearly structured and have the momentum that a large fleet should have.

As the large fleet sailed out of the shadow of Luna V, the stellar light was constantly flashing back and forth on the battleship’s cold armor, He inexplicably raised his hand and clenched his fist and waved in the direction of the moon.

“Pass my order. Seventeenth Independent Fleet, the whole ship is going forward!!”

“Goal, Lunar City Von Braun!”

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