Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270 First encounter with Tie’ao

“Kaz! Be careful!”

As soon as Camus saw that the Jim II that Katz was driving was surrounded by three high Zakus, he immediately rushed up with the ZETA Gundam.

I saw that ZETA Gundam, under the control of Camus, first raised his hand to fire 2 bursts of grenades on his wrist. After blocking the action of the two Gozagu approaching Jim II, he immediately raised his beam rifle and fired continuously.

“Om! Om!”

The two Gao Zakus whose actions were blocked by the grenade were shot through the cockpit by the beam of the beam rifle and exploded.

Kaz, who was relieved with the assistance of Camus, gritted his teeth, pressed the fingers of his right hand repeatedly, raised the shield in Jim II’s hand, and blocked it in front of the cockpit, blocking the thermal tomahawk that Gozagu had chopped down. , Immediately drew out the beam saber and stabbed towards Gao Zaku’s cockpit in one breath.

In a blink of an eye, Gozagu, who had lost the cockpit, immediately fell into silence.

“Hoo·······have, got saved! Camus, thank you!”

Facing an enemy who had suddenly become crazy, as a half-old and new rookie pilot, Katz was also a little confused. Even if he had gone through a lot of difficulties in the hellish simulation training, it was the first time that he faced a desperate enemy.

“No, it’s okay! What’s the condition of the body? If it doesn’t work, I will go back to Agama for emergency preparation. I am afraid that this battle will take a while.” Camus cast his gaze in the direction of Gripps II.

Even if the front line is in full swing, Gripps II still maintains a weird silence. As if this battle has nothing to do with it.

The more he felt this way, the more worried Camus was.

This is not,

With a heart palpitation, Camus suddenly noticed a small spot of light quickly emerging from the direction of Gripps II, and rushed towards the direction of Phoenix Gundam.

“No! Katz, can you go back to the Agama by yourself?”

Camus’s pupils shrank, and without even giving Katz a chance to answer, he directly controlled ZETA Gundam to change into MA form, and rushed towards the direction where Phoenix Gundam was.

“Wait, wait! Camus!”

Katz yelled a few times, and finally glanced helplessly at the remaining amount of fuel displayed on the screen. Sure enough, I still have to go back to Agama.

In fact, at the moment that light spot appeared, it was not only Camus who had his heart palpitations, but He also felt the inexplicable driving Phoenix Gundam.

Unlike Camus, why inexplicably knows the source of this palpitations.


Under the gaze, the expected bloated figure appeared.

The small head, the extremely fat body, and the pitiful little, only armed configuration with a beam rifle, this is undoubtedly the THE·O that once made countless OL players fearful! ! Started the awakening, wielding four beam swords, and slaughtered the Quartet Teao! !

“Fortunately meeting!”

Under the control of as many as fifty situation control nozzles, the bloated Tieao actually slowed down flexibly and hovered not far in front of Phoenix Gundam.

“Fortunately! I didn’t expect Sir Sirok to really seize the power of Titans.”

Be the first to win,

Inexplicably, He took the lead in seizing the right to speak before Sirocco introduced himself.


Sirocco’s eyes were slightly surprised.

He didn’t expect He Moming to know his existence, and even seemed to know him.

“Unexpectedly, your Excellency knows me so well. I wonder if you are the inexplicable General He who is known as the legendary general in the Earth Federation. How about General He? Seeing it today, he really deserves his reputation.

Sirocco’s counterattack came immediately.

He inexplicably smiled and did not answer. And Phoenix Gundam also raised the beam Merlin in his hand at this moment.

The greeting has already been called.

The ideas of the two parties have long been destined to be non-coexistent and non-integrable. Therefore, everything has to be seen under the hand.

“Hmph! Come on! Let me see the strength of the legendary general.”

Sirocco’s eyes flashed coldly, and Tie’ao immediately raised the beam rifle in his hand and fired at Phoenix Gundam.

But Phoenix Gundam did not dodge, directly controlling the robotic arm, blocking the two floating shields in front of his chest.


Both floating shields opened up their mental skeletons, propped up an I force field, and blocked Tie’ao’s shooting.

“I force field? Mental skeleton?”

Sirocco was a little surprised when he saw this, but after seeing the appearance of Phoenix Gundam completely, he was relieved.

“That’s it. Is there a third single-player? It’s really beyond my expectation.”

Immediately afterwards, Tieao moved again.

This time, Siroc did not hesitate to pick up the beam rifle in Tie’ao’s hand, and threw it towards Phoenix Gundam, and then took the opportunity to accelerate towards Phoenix Gundam.

In a blink of an eye, Tie’ao had beam swords in both hands.

Phoenix Gundam’s floating shield blocking his chest was one space forward, separated from the middle to the left and right sides, and swept away the beam rifle that Tio had thrown away.


He inexplicably brightened his eyes, and the light was brilliant.

At this time, Phoenix Gundam had pulled out two beam sabers with both hands, blocking the beam saber in the hands of Teo who quickly rushed in front of him.


Sirocco gave a compliment and immediately controlled Tie’ao to retreat, avoiding the GN fangs that suddenly rushed up from the bottom left.

After Tieao retreated a certain distance, there were already six large GN fangs flying around Phoenix Gundam.

“Oh? Floating cannon? NEWTYPE special weapon!”

At this moment, Sirok finally knew how difficult the opponent he faced was.

From the two previous encounters, Sirocco, who has the genius for MS development, has already seen from the outside that the strength of Phoenix Gundam should not be underestimated.

But I didn’t expect that Phoenix Gundam, who had never taken the initiative to take the initiative, would so easily block all Teo’s attacks, and there was a faint sense of calmness.

Whether it is the performance of the machine or the quality of the pilot, Sirocco has a fear.

Teo is undoubtedly an excellent MS.

Sirocco knew this.

But when facing offensive and defensive, and there should be a Phoenix Gundam who has not shown his hole cards, Teo seems to be a little under-read.

“Is there no way?” Sirocco’s gaze crossed the Phoenix Gundam and landed on the colonial satellite of the Industrial No. 7 surrounded by the Seventeenth Independent Fleet.

Intuitively, Sirocco’s puzzled song should come from there. If you don’t solve the singing that still rang in your ears, Titans’ formation will only be a matter of time.


Swinging the sword again, rushed up!

No matter what Sirocco thinks, this battle is inevitable!

Facing Tie’ao’s huge body, the GN tusks flying around Phoenix Gundam did not take advantage of the momentum to rush up, intercepting Tie’ao, but scattered around, watching his master, Phoenix Gundam draws his sword again, Get a piece with Tieao.

Such a change made Sirok happy, but he couldn’t help but become cautious.

Obviously he has an advantage, but he voluntarily gave up his advantage. I’m afraid there may be any traps in it.

Various thoughts flashed through Sirocco’s mind like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Sirocco’s face changed, and after controlling Tie Ao’s imaginary move, he immediately accelerated and retreated.

At the same time, three particle beams appeared from the upper right side one after another, passing straight ahead of Phoenix Gundam.

If Tie’ao still stayed in that position, he would definitely be hit by these three particle beams, and would be injured, even if he was almost lucky, he would suffer serious injuries.

“Reinforcement? That’s how it is.” Sirocco squinted his eyes and watched from MA form to MS form. After ZETA Gundam, who was on the left and right with Phoenix Gundam, flanking Teo, he immediately drove Teo to accelerate back. , And after passing the wreckage of the fuselage floating around, took the opportunity to turn around and evacuated at full speed.

“Camus, don’t chase!”

From the beginning to the end, He inexplicably never showed too much desire to attack, but only unilaterally defended. In order to let Sirok retreat.

The current battlefield trend is definitely leaning towards a situation that is unfavorable to Titans.

Under the leadership of the protagonists of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet with many protagonists and auras, most of the elites have been wiped out by the Titans, and it is difficult to resist the raids of the protagonists who are equipped with many special machines. .

The death knight driven by Shiro Amada and the pale knight driven by Yukashima have become the two sharpest sharp knives on this battlefield, one left and the other right, leading his team to shatter the Titans formation in front of him. Tossed up.

Not to mention other aspects.

If this continues, the only thing waiting for Titans is defeat.

What’s more, from the beginning to the present, He inexplicably hasn’t made several serious shots.

“General! Does it really matter?”

Unlike Ho Inexplicably, Camus didn’t seem to want to let go of the enemy that made his heart palpitations.

“No. Now, it doesn’t matter. Our goal is not him, but hidden in the abyss of Titans. Therefore, what we can do now is to push Titans to an end as soon as possible.”

Ho’s inexplicable gaze fell on Gripps II.

“Only in this way, the enemy will be all alone and use the power hidden in his hands.”

Camus frowned, thought about it, and accepted the statement.

On the other side, after discovering that Phoenix Gundam and ZETA Gundam had not chased him, Tie’ao landed on a relatively large wreck and looked far away in the direction where Phoenix Gundam was.

“Didn’t chase it?”

Sirocq frowned, and then figured out what was inexplicable.

“Huh! Is it to force me to use my hole cards? How arrogant is this! The legendary general is nothing but that!”

It can be figured out that Titans, who has lost half of its forces due to the strafe of the MACROSS King Kong’s MACROSS Cannon, has faintly lost its strength in the situation where the alliance fleet is getting better and better now. Case.

Not to mention, not long before Ainna took effect, he suffered a failed masterpiece because of Cruze.

Sirocco also regretted thinking of Cruze.

Unexpectedly, this man who was valued by Djamitov turned out to be a hidden spy. This fact really made Sirok regret the same strike.


At this time, a burst of communication noise sounded.

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