Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 mutation

Turn on the lights, and what catches your eyes is a standard single bedroom. After opening the door, I saw a semi-open cabinet. On the left hand side is a single bed, beside the bed is a few chairs and a small table. He inexplicably walked to the cabinet, reached out his hand to take out the coffee powder and water from it, and after a few random tricks, He inexplicably lay on the bed and waited for the water to boil.

Staying in the quiet bedroom, He inexplicably relieved his nerves that had been tense due to repeated battles. Thoughts flew aimlessly in my mind. Thinking of the original world, thinking of the first time in Macross, thinking of the first meeting with Lin Mingmei, thinking of the previous desperately blocking the gunboat’s main gun. and so on. gunboat? He inexplicably thought of the gunboat, and immediately jumped out of the bed. I opened the system interface and saw that, as expected, a small reminder box was constantly flashing in the corner. He inexplicably jumped his eyelids. So far, all the spoils gained in the battle for Ho inexplicably have been obtained by checking the information on the system by himself. Logically speaking, as a fortress AI of a suspected super-tech level, it shouldn’t even not remind you of loot acquisition. Is there any factor in this? Shaking his head, on this point, why inexplicably believe that as long as the main storyline of the current Macross world is passed, the truth of all this will be known. He inexplicably put his gaze back into the reminder box again, and a line of text appeared in front of him as always.

“Challenger 633 You sank a Zenith Starman gunship. Reward points: 1000. Bonus reward for killing alone: ​​Silver chest*1.”

It’s the box again. He looked at the box floating in his hand in surprise. Unexpectedly, he got another box. It seems that this box is worthless. maybe. He muttered inexplicably and opened the box easily. After a burst of white light, a shiny golden object emerged from the void.

“Battlefield Nano Total Repair Device: On the battlefield where gunfire is flying, a severely damaged body often cannot persist until it returns to the mothership for repair. Therefore, the battlefield nano total repair device came into being, which can be used in a very short time. Repair all damaged parts of the body, so that the weight of the aircraft can gain combat power. Attention! This device is a disposable device, please use the timing carefully.”

Seeing the golden light floating in the air, He inexplicably stretched out his hand and took it down. This time the luck is not bad. Although it is a one-time device, because of the anti-sky effect of the previous ten times acceleration device, He is still full of confidence in the device obtained this time. After all, this is a repair device, isn’t it? One more life. He inexplicably weighed the device in his hand, and after taking back his portable space, he fell asleep happily. As for coffee or something, it’s up to him!

“State of emergency! State of emergency! All ship combatants return to their posts and wait for the attack order! Repeat! All ship combatants return to their posts and wait for the attack order!”

As soon as He inexplicably approached the hangar, there was an emergency broadcast from the broadcast. After scratching his head and looking at the remains of the VF-1S still parked in place, he pulled up his feet and walked deep into the hangar where there was a VF-1 prepared for him. Although it hasn’t been debugged well, we still have to seize the time to get a chance to attack.

The boss of the maintenance squad who was instructing the busy people of the maintenance squad saw He inexplicably walk in from the door of the hangar, Limara lived in inexplicable, and apart from anything else, He inexplicably pushed He inexplicably onto the VF-1 that was already prepared. Inexplicably, He simply put the helmet aside, picked up the keyboard, bowed his head and started debugging.

“Hey! Inexplicable. Please answer when you hear.” While He was inexplicably debugging, Roy’s voice sounded from the communication.

“Received. I am debugging the body. I will be able to attack soon.” After He connected the communication inexplicably, without raising his head, he replied smoothly.

“Understood. You guys have to hurry up. Otherwise, there will be no meat to eat after you attack.” Roy said frivolously.

“An Xin. An Xin. Debugging is complete. The bridge, request an attack.” He inexplicably crackled the last few keys and threw the keyboard aside with a “slap”, directly opening the communication with the bridge.

“Has the fuselage been debugged?” Hayase Misa had already learned about the inexplicable transfer of fuselage, so he asked one more question.

“Completed. Request to attack.” He nodded with confirmation inexplicably.

“Understand. The attack is allowed. Channel 2. The third attack sequence.” Hayase Misa was as straightforward as ever, and arranged the attack procedure without much effort.

“Passage No. 2, the third attack sequence.” After He inexplicably gave a thumbs up to the maintenance squad who had already packed their tools and stood aside, he entered the attack procedure with the lift up.

Not long ago, I was driving a VF-1S to fight in this space, but now I am driving a VF-1 to this space again. He inexplicably flew around Macross 1, and the sharp-eyed He inexplicably saw Lin Mingmei beckoning to him on the bridge platform. He inexplicably transformed the VF-1 into an adult form, and after paying a military salute to Lin Mingmei, he transformed into a fighter plane again and accelerated to the front line.

“Hi. Inexplicable. It feels okay. Don’t dislike the VF-1 just because you are used to the VF-1S. Otherwise, your new partner will be sad,” Mark said jokingly when he saw He inexplicably enter the formation.

“How come?” He inexplicably is still making subtle adjustments based on the actual flight status.

“Inexplicable. Is the state okay?” Roy asked worriedly.

“OK. It’s okay.”

At this time, the radar has shown that the enemy has entered the detection range. The bridge also began to send combat instructions.

“Direction 280, enemy aircraft: 100, gunboat: 3, cruiser: 3. Distance…impossible? How far away?” Hayase Misa’s voice was surprised.

“Huh? It’s a bit far away. Are you afraid of singing? The whole plane, the missile locks on the enemy plane, waiting for the order.” Roy was puzzled, and then gave the order. After the distance between the enemy and ourselves reached the maximum lethal distance, the entire crew fired all the missiles at one go after an order was issued. For a time, sparks continued to bloom in the airspace between the enemy and ourselves.

After inexplicably throwing away all the mounts, He took the lead and rushed towards the enemy group. He’s inexplicable behavior immediately attracted the attention of many enemy planes, and they turned their guns one after another. Suddenly, VF-1 was surrounded by countless lasers. He inexplicably learned the elementary spatial induction based on what he had learned some time ago, and constantly shuttled through the gap of the laser.

“Sure enough, there is still a gap.” Although the VF-1 flexibly shuttled through countless lasers, there were still a few lasers wiping the surface of the body. After breaking out of the firepower net constructed by the enemy aircraft group, He inexplicably found that the surface of the aircraft was scorched. Why inexplicably too late to sigh for this situation, he immediately carried out many maneuvers. Lock, shoot, transform, super maneuver, lock, shoot. He inexplicably repeated the action of pulling the trigger again and again. As an enemy plane was shot down, the corner of the eye was constantly shining with a little bit of starlight-a reminder of destroying the enemy plane.

VF-1 rushed out of the spark-blooming area with a wound on his body. He inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. Although the VF-1 was adjusted by the maintenance team and He Moming according to the actual situation, it still has a gap with the VF-1S in operation. The scars on this body are the result of this slight gap. He looked around inexplicably, chose a direction, and flew over at an accelerated speed.

“Oh. Is it you inexplicably?” Roy was about to make a counter-kill action against the enemy who was biting behind him, when he found a fighter plane suddenly flying above, sweeping out a series of cannon shells to beat the enemy plane. All sorts of things.

“Yo. Captain. You owe me a favor.” He inexplicably gestured to Roy through the canopy.

“Hey. Go back and buy you a drink. How about the body? It seems to be quite fortunate.” Roy asked worriedly, looking at the exhaustion on the surface of the inexplicable car.

“No problem. It’s just a small problem.” He Moming just wanted to say a few words to Roy, a few lasers suddenly swept from above, Roy and He inexplicably dispersed immediately, each evading in a roundabout way. When several enemy planes above saw the inexplicable two dispersed, they also set up a small team to chase the two.

Laser beams were continuously swept out from the six o’clock direction behind the body, and the skin on the body surface was scorched under the high temperature brought by the laser. The cabin is always bright and dark, why inexplicably look back at the position of the enemy plane, and sometimes make maneuvers to get rid of the enemy plane. But because the enemy plane bite too hard, why gritted his teeth inexplicably. The VF-1’s auxiliary nozzle exploded with a powerful thrust, and the airframe, under the effect of this thrust, forcibly reduced the extremely fast flight speed to 350 kilometers in an instant. The enemy plane that had bitten behind him also passed inexplicably at the same time because of the change in speed between the enemy and the enemy. He inexplicably endured the overload caused by this maneuver, manipulated the body to transform into a half-human form, and raised the muzzle. Locking on the target, after a fierce burst of fire, the enemy who was chasing him has turned into cosmic garbage.

The ups and downs of each other, the sparks that bloomed in the dark space gradually ceased. Under He Inexplicably and his teammates’ fighting, the incoming enemy plane finally couldn’t stand the heavy casualties and began to retreat. The gunboat that had kept the bridge in terror has been hanging in the distance, motionless. This made Grobal very puzzled. But in any case, it is an indisputable fact that the incoming enemy plane was repelled.

“The enemy planes retreat. All planes are defending on the spot. They cannot be pursued.” A new order came from the bridge. After the order was issued, Roy assigned a team to clean the battlefield and search for the wounded as much as possible.

Inexplicably, He also released the joystick. This time the VF-1 he was driving was full of pressure. The operating differences brought about by different bodies have made He feel a strong sense of discomfort for many times. Perhaps this is related to driving skills. Why inexplicably think so. Just as He was about to enter the patrol formation inexplicably, AI Velos’ voice suddenly rang in his mind.

“Due to the challenger’s behavior, the main task has undergone tremendous changes. The second task of the main task is now cancelled, and a new task of the main task has been re-released: complete Saturn’s circuitous operations and repel the incoming Hehertland fleet. Reward points for task completion: 5,500 points . Bonus: Golden Treasure Box*1. Mission failure: obliterate.”

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