Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 160 Bull God: I have behaved myself, please let me go

It was delicious, it was so delicious!

No one expected that the Bull God Super Beast was so delicious!

Red King was really nice.

"How could it be so delicious?"

Looking at the remaining meat of the Bull God Super Beast, Shan Zhong was a little curious.

"After all, the beef that was eaten is used for sacrifice, so the taste must be excellent."

Cui Ming said and looked in the direction of the Bull God.


The Bull God had a look of 'Brother, I was wrong' on his face.

The Bull God said that he was honest and asked for forgiveness!

Who can you go to for justice?

I was used by others.

Looking at the Bull God, Cui Ming nodded.

I'll let you go this time, but what about next time?

Cui Ming's meaning was very clear.

The Bull God also nodded honestly.

Damn Yabo people! ! !

It's all your fault!

To be honest, the Bull God is grateful to the Light of the Earth for not killing him this time.

As for eating beef in front of the Bull God, and the Bull God Super Beast


The Red King's eyes are very strange when he looks at me now

When the time comes, I will ask the Light of the Earth to help and beg for mercy, so that he won't stare at me like that.

The Bull God thought that he was just a god worshipped by the resentment of 6 million eaten cows.

The Red King killed a lot of cows in one meal.

I am just a dish in front of him.

The next morning, everyone in the Bull God Shrine looked at Cui Ming and others with mixed feelings.

What you ate last night was the Bull God we worshipped

But they didn't dare to say anything.

The Alpha team is now ready to beat people up.

"Um, Mr. Storm One, do you know what you are eating?"

"Enemy, what's wrong? Is there a problem? Do you want to eat?"

Just as Cui Ming finished speaking, the Alpha team behind him had already shown their batons.

Do you think we are too polite when eating, so we are easy to talk to?

How can you talk to our dear commander!

The Alpha team said, the commander is such a good person! How dare you talk to our commander loudly?

You deserve to be punished, right?

".No, you are welcome"

The priests are bullies.

Maybe when facing villagers or tourists, they can hit hard, but Cui Ming, even the EDF and Alpha team behind Cui Ming

They really don't dare to provoke

If you provoke this gentleman, you will get planes, cannons and even monsters!

If you provoke the ones behind, it is said that those people dare to beat even the commander

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that I heard that the Storm One in front of me likes those who make trouble, and it is said that they will be conscripted.

Oh my God! God of Bull! Please think of a way!

The Bull God said: No, I'm begging this gentleman not to bully me.

At this time, the priests had only one idea.

If only Ultraman could help them.


Belia ate the roasted beef with the leaves.

"Well, it's really good. The sauce recipe given by Lao Cui is good."

Other Ultraman's human bodies were also eating beef.

"It's really delicious. Is Mr. Cui Ming's cooking so good?"

"Hey, you don't understand, right? Lao Cui is very capable."

Belia said as he ate another piece of meat.

Fragrant! So fragrant!

It's mainly because of Cui Ming's recipe that the beef tastes fat but not greasy! It's so delicious that it makes people bite their tongues!

And these Ultramen who came to support now like to taste delicious food like Belia.

As for whether this is too decadent?

How to say it

The per capita moral level of the Kingdom of Light is still too outrageous

So that this level of enjoyment will not have any impact on them.

And the people on the EDF side are really good.

In the eyes of Ultramen, there is no better comrade than this.

EDF's mechas, tanks and even planes dare to help them block the enemy's attacks!

After all, these Ultramen can't compare with Belia.

Although these Ultramen have participated in the Interstellar Alliance War, they are still a little bit behind the invasion of the Anperla Starman.

Belia is really a senior among seniors.

He is of the same generation as Ultra Father!

"By the way, Senior Belia, have these star guides always been so hateful?"

"Humph, of course. The damn Kururus who came recently are a bunch of damn things!!!"

Kururu, this group of evil god-like things

Not only do they look disgusting, but they are also particularly good at mocking.

The most disgusting thing about them is that they have shields that can defend against most human attacks, and then they attack with their own guns.

But when facing Ultramen, their shields are useless.

By the way, Ultramen are full of praise for the professor.

The weapon plan provided by the professor is really useful!

It just ruins the professor's hair a bit

In fact, Cui Ming also understands that the professor does play a very important role. After all, many of Cui Ming's weapons were developed with the help of the professor.

In fact, it is quite interesting to fight the time machine with the professor

Sometimes Cui Ming will deliberately tease the professor, after all, in this endless reincarnation

Only the professor can tease him

Because Lin did not participate in the reincarnation, Cui Ming could not tease her in this way.

Cui Ming's way of teasing the professor was very simple. Once Cui Ming deliberately stayed away from the professor, and the professor almost cried, "Partner, what's wrong? You don't recognize me anymore?"

Later, when he found out that Cui Ming was teasing him, he could understand.

Because the professor at the time had already discovered

Maybe Cui Ming has experienced more reincarnations than he has

Of course, being a professor is not easy. Every time I worry that Cui Ming has forgotten an important combat point, he reminds Cui Ming: "They don't know that the ring has that device."

"Today is the day the journey begins"

"We are experts in this battle"

"You are used to this battle, it will go smoothly."

This is the professor's confidence in Cui Ming. Even if the Star Guide increases the defensive force again and again, Cui Ming still cannot be stopped.

By the way, EDF's science classes are actually divided into "Advanced Technology Research Department" and "Advanced Science Institute".

The surveillance drone Cui Ming used when he served as an air raider belonged to the Technology Research Department, which studies existing human technology. The Research Institute specializes in studying alien technology.

The professor was actually the director of the Technology Research Department, which specialized in human technology. However, the two research departments were later integrated and the professor was still the director. After all, the professor had indeed been playing with aliens for so many years. Even if he was originally Even a layman has become a professional

And because he had been with Cui Mingyan for many reincarnations, he even vomited his favorite cheeseburger.

Of course, humans can achieve their current results without the power of EDF itself.

Although sometimes the Major of the Intelligence Department was indeed quite mean, both the Professor and Cui Ming could understand. The Major did not read the Professor's report at first, and later rejected some orders to suspend the annihilation plan.

But the professor and Cui Ming also knew that the professor's data was insufficient. He could only rely on his mind to memorize the data and he really couldn't hold back a convincing report.

The professor always gave his speech very late in time.

Later, both the major and the staff believed that the reason for the creation of the professor's timeline was Cui Ming, a monster-level hero who was far beyond common sense.

RTA defeats the enemy one after another. As the professor said later, "The person who can best prove that time movement actually exists is Storm 1 itself!"

The fact that an elite monster that can be unmatched by EDF soldiers can be unmatched by Storm 1 is really outrageous in the eyes of EDF.

The professor was indeed great. In Cui Ming's opinion, the credit for the victory was actually split equally between the two.

The professor is responsible for strategic affairs, and Cui ordered Storm 1 to be responsible for tactical battles. Both sides are indispensable.

After all, without Cui Ming, a super reckless guy like Storm 1, Professor, a guy who can’t even aim his gun accurately, wouldn’t be able to go to the front lines to kill monsters.

Of course, in the eyes of Ultraman, EDF is a rare organization that is so united when foreign enemies come.

They talked a lot with people from the Intelligence Department, and they also knew whether the major and staff had any professors they trusted before.

However, the Ultramans can understand that they believe that the Major and Staff Officer of the Intelligence Department are actually in their right minds.

Although some of the major's combat orders may seem ruthless at times, the proportion of sacrificing a small number of people to protect the overall situation is also a difficult decision for the major.

The same goes for staff officers. In fact, staff officers are very simple. As long as you can convince him, he can start from planning long-term world strategic goals very far-sightedly. However, Cui Ming himself did not expect that aliens would use time tactics at the beginning. He had never experienced anything and the war situation worsened. Ultramans cannot be said to be pedantic.

Just like Cui Ming, the Storm No. 1, has been saying: "I am just an insurance. I cannot save mankind by fighting alone."

This beautiful timeline is now possible because of the collective efforts of countless soldiers who participated in the battle, the people behind it, and even civilians.

There will be many "wartime orders" in future coastal urban operations. Including the people who are well-trained to evacuate, and the government that is willing to bear all the losses to the city during the EDF battle!

When Cui Ming was fighting the Storm 1, he tried every means to find a reinforcement headquarters for Cui Ming!

The soldiers who rushed over to support us even if they didn't hesitate to demolish buildings and lose their ranks, those in the air raid communications, and the Stormtroopers who threw their lives and blood together!

Cui Ming and the Ultraman all know how difficult it is for humans to win! But it is inevitable.

Now, the Ultramans, who are like mechanical gods, have been directly invited!

It was the efforts of mankind and the heroic unit Cui Ming, Storm One, that successfully made everything develop towards the best ending.


Human beings still need to work hard on their own instead of waiting for blank redemption.

"Star Guides, what a bunch of disgusting guys"

The more I fight with EDF soldiers, the more I understand how disgusting these Star Guide guys are.

Ultramans also know how to look at people.

They have all seen the arrogance of these Star Guides.

In addition, the BYD gang of Star Guides come to blow up the statues of Ultra's Father, Ultra's Mother and Beria every day.

So disgusting!

I have never seen such a disgusting guy!

However, EDF seems to be at odds with these star guides.

How crazy are you guys? How much have we re-carved! ! ! Come if you dare!

In the eyes of the Star Guides, humans are provoking them! ! !

You dare to continue making statues for that giant! ! !

You humans have never learned your lesson!

Although we Star Guides don’t know why we can’t go to the past, we still have the power to wipe you out!

We Star Guides are in the future! ! !

Then the Star Guides’ fleet was torn apart by the Ultramen.

You Star Guides really think that our Ultramen don’t exist?

By the way, the little silver man appeared recently

And then

He was beaten by the Ultramen.

You can be reborn, right?

Then beat you until you can’t be reborn again!

Oh, I can only say that Belia and the others beat them too brutally.

The professor cheered with popcorn in his hand!

After all, the professor's wife and children died countless times because of these BYD star guides.

The professor is a good man who cares about his family.

He just likes to keep telling Cui Ming how good his wife is.

Children: 6.

Cui Ming can't do anything about it. After all, Cui Ming's wife is not dead.

The professor's wife is dead.

Although Cui Ming didn't get married to Lindis.

But in fact, everyone knew their relationship in the wasteland.

Every time he saw Cui Ming and Lin hunting together, the professor would think of his wife, and then he would come to Cui Ming to tell her that he must save her this time.

As a partner, Cui Ming could only accompany him.

After all, the professor could only complain to Cui Ming.

How can you let the professor complain to others?

It's good enough that he doesn't treat the professor as a lunatic.

But unfortunately, the little silver man still went back.

I don't know how these star guides did it.

"The war will not end easily."

Belia said at this time.

"The star guides' self-esteem will not let them admit defeat."

"Then fight until they are all destroyed, and this is also an inevitable result."

An Ultraman said something that could shock other cosmic people.

Aren't you from the Land of Light peace-loving?

Yes, the Land of Light is indeed peace-loving, but the Land of Light is also full of martial virtues.

When it's time to kill, the Ultraman from the Land of Light are extremely brutal!

And by the way, the more civilians there are in the Land of Light, the more fierce they fight.

In addition, with the countless veterans of the Land of Light, the Land of Light is not afraid of the enemy's coalition forces.

Therefore, Hikari is still doing his job as the director of the Science and Development Bureau, but Torrekia.

Now he has started to work with Taro on missions.

Originally, Torrekia thought that all this was difficult mode.

But when he started to do some tasks.

He found out.

Oh my god, although the monsters are indeed very strong.

But compared with those insidious things on Catachan, these monsters are so cute.

He and Taro fought these guys like a game.

"Tregia, these guys are so weak."

Taro easily defeated a giant space monster, and Torrekia pinched the neck of a Bemundstan and said, "Yeah. This side is much simpler than Catachan. As long as you understand the enemy's ability, it is still easy to deal with, don't you think?"

Tregia looked at Bemundstan, whose eyes were about to pop out because of his pinching.

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