Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 174 Storm One is so weird

“No!!!! Beraokeen!!!!”

The screams of the Yabo people were filled with sadness!

Beraokeen!!! Beraokeen!!!

That was the first super beast I created and sent to Earth!!!

It had unique feelings!!!

But now!!!

The evil Storm One not only emptied my Beraokeen and transformed it into a machine! Now it is using Beraokeen to self-destruct in front of me!!!

Storm One!!!!!!

Killing people and destroying their hearts!

Really killing people and destroying their hearts!!!

"Hahahaha!!! Ahhahahahaha!!! How does it feel? How does it feel! Yabo people!!! How does it feel to see your own super beast being hollowed out and only a shell is left? And how does it feel to see this mechanical super beast being blown up! Hahahaha!!! I learned from Draklas!"


That deputy captain, you are laughing more evilly than Yabo people now.

"How is it? Yabo people!!! In terms of killing people and destroying their hearts! You are far behind! I have seen guys who are more capable of killing people and destroying their hearts than you."

".Who! Who is it!!!"

Yabo people asked angrily.

"My other group of nemesis, the Star Guides. They are much more capable of killing people and destroying their hearts than you. It is also because of them that I have become what I am now, hehe."


The surrounding cosmic people began to remember this so-called Star Guide.

What kind of evil thing could force out such a perverted Storm One?

However, it was different for Yabo people. It noticed a word!


"Storm No. 1! Your nemesis can only be us Yabo people!!!!"

"Although you say so, there are indeed Star Guides among my nemesis."

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I will find them! And then let them know the power of us Yabo people!!!"

Sitting in the fighter plane, Cui Ming suddenly showed an expression of a plan.

'Humph, it turns out that the pride of the Yabo people does not allow me to have a second nemesis'

As long as the Star Guides dare to appear in this universe, the Yabo people can teach them how to be human!

Although Cui Ming intends to destroy the Yabo people, it is best to make things difficult for the Star Guides.

What if? What if the Star Guides really appear here?

At that time, other aliens can also be more cautious against these guys.

Of course, in fact, all kinds of aliens are now very afraid of Cui Ming

Oh my god! I have seen people who kill people and destroy their hearts! But I have never seen someone like Cui Ming!!!

At this moment, they all felt a little sympathetic towards the Yabo people.

Why mess with such a thing when there are so many other people to mess with

The Yabo people were actually quite tired

In the past, it was us Yabo people who disgusted others, but now.

While they were talking, the body of the black pigeon had been pulled away by humans.

Cui Ming discovered that this black pigeon was very strong.

It can even be said that it was the strongest of all the super beasts that the Yabo people had so far.

It was a pity that they were all skills against creatures. For the mechanical Beraoken, most of the skills of the black pigeon were useless.


Beraoken now looked like a super beast, but in fact, Cui Ming had already ordered people to hollow it out and make it into a mechanical monster.

Missile? I have to say that Beraoken's own defense is really good.

It is actually at the same level as the black pigeon.

It is precisely because of this that the self-explosion prepared by Cui Ming was enough to kill the black pigeon.

When he was just mocking the Yabo people, Cui Ming had already signaled the recovery troops to act immediately!

Cui Ming's main attack was a goose-plucking beast that left its skin behind!

No way

I am afraid of being poor

The hardship of the battle on the Doomsday Line has trained Cui Ming to have a terrifying scavenging skill

If Cui Ming takes a fancy to the enemy's things, he will collect them after confirming that they are okay!

Hey! Why are you holding my things?

Once, Cui Ming specially trained his scavenging ability in the simulation training

The effect is good, and the creatures in the simulation training all cried.

I have never seen anything more edible than us!

Oh, by the way, the object of Cui Ming's simulation is a race called Tyranids

The setting is that no one knows where they come from. They are locusts in the universe, devouring one vibrant planet after another in large areas.

After the colony planet of the Human Empire, Tyran, was devoured by these creatures in a short period of time, people used the word "Tyranid" to refer to these terrifying aliens.

The evolution speed of the Tyranids is the fastest in the universe. They are the ultimate predators, destined to take away the survival resources of other lives. The Human Empire and other alien civilizations have been attacked cruelly and ruthlessly by this monster. These monsters, called Tyranids by other species, are the pinnacle of biological evolution, and exist for a single purpose: to reproduce, and reproduce endlessly.

By digesting and absorbing the organic matter of the entire planet, these monsters multiply, and they continue to absorb genes to transform themselves into more deadly killing machines. Only a fool would mistake the cruelty and bloodlust of the Tyranids for their lack of intelligence. The Hive Mind controls the activities of all Zerg colonies with cold precision to ensure the survival of the entire race. They have already devoured several extragalactic systems, and now they are unwilling to be stopped by any resistance.

These creatures' goal is biomass.

So it is simply impossible to compete with them.

But Cui Ming was able to overtake them in EDF's simulation training and make these guys cry!

During the simulation training, Tai Lun looked at the ground that was cleaner than his own face. They didn’t understand.

Where did this hungry guy come from?

The business lost money! ! ! !

Although Cui Ming couldn't make the people who recovered the troops be on the same level as him, he could at least guarantee that if the Yabo people didn't recover the super beast within ten minutes, they would find nothing.

But now, the Yabo people finally reacted.

That’s not right!

Where is my black pigeon body? !

BYD Storm No. 1! ! ! !

You even stole my black pigeon! ! ! ! !

"The technology of the Yabo people is really terrifying."

The super beast Black Pigeon was killed by the self-explosion of the mechanical Beroken.

In order to ensure that it died more thoroughly, Cui Ming directly ordered a craniotomy!

Take the brain out and destroy it!


After seeing that the brain of the black pigeon is actually the brain of Kojiro, the homing pigeon

Cui Ming was silent.

The technology of the Yabo people is really terrifying.

"But there are advantages. At least this brain can be returned to Saburo."

".Are you sure you want to do this?"

Lindis looked at Cui Ming.

"Anyway, pigeons lack brains, so I think it's good to give them back their own brains."


Well, as expected of you.

Soon, Sanlang met Cui Ming again.

"Kid, this is Kojiro's brain."


Sanlang looked at the bird brain in the jar in Cui Ming's hand and fell silent.


"At least let Kojiro's body be intact. Maybe his brain will return to normal?"


Sanlang always feels unreliable

But it’s true, what if it really succeeds?

Afterwards, Cui Ming began to show Sanlang his craftsmanship.

Cui Ming is proficient in various emergency treatments and advanced surgeries!

However, Kojiro's brain is indeed in a different situation, and no one knows how the Awa people did it.

In that case, open it and take a look


The technology of the Yabo people is so good, just put the brain back.

Fortunately, I brought special tools with me.

Finally, Kojiro can open his eyes!

But still stupid and stupid.

But this is the best result for Saburo, he must study hard! Let's see if we can cure Kojiro!

This kid's idea is actually good, but by the time he succeeds, I wonder if Kojiro will have died of old age.

"It's really scary. Now I understand again why Cui Ming always asked us to disguise ourselves." Asuka sympathized with Saburo's experience, but at the same time she also understood why Cui Ming had been so cautious.

So true!

The Yabo people are really terrible!

If Cui Ming hadn't always maintained a ruthless persona, who knows whether the Yabo people would have captured people as hostages by their own means, or even directly used human brains as the brains of super beasts.

This forces people to make terrible choices.


Cui Ming looked at Asuka.

"Don't underestimate the Yabo people. Their evil is beyond our imagination. Okay, I'm going to get ready. I'm in charge of tonight's dinner."

"All right."

Asuka helped Cui Ming get the clothes.


While Cui Ming started cooking, Asuka and the others were chatting together.

"Hey, I can't even imagine what would have happened if I didn't cooperate with Cui at that time."

Misato couldn't imagine the terrible consequences if her relationship with Cui Ming was exposed at that time when she saw the current appearance of Kojiro's carrier pigeon.

"Oh, the damn Abo people"

Asuka whispered.

After all, she also wanted to put her relationship with Cui Ming on the bright side.

But what about the evil guy Abo?

It's just disgusting!

With the Abo people around, this guy's evil plans will always target other people's weaknesses.

"So, everyone should also provide vigilance themselves."

Lindis said looking at everyone.

"Okay, let's eat first."

Cui Ming came over carrying stewed meat.

"The meat is specially delivered and slaughtered. I checked it many times."

If you can eat well, you must eat well. This is Cui Ming's creed.

While Cui Ming's family was eating, Yabo was deep in thought.

"Why do I feel that Storm One doesn't seem to care much about that shrine?"

The Yabo man said and looked at his subordinates.

"Look, he actually asked Belokn to blow himself up at the shrine."

"Sir, do you think it's possible that Storm One is not Japanese?"


Yabo was stunned for a moment.

"Storm One is called Cui Ming, right?"

"Yes, my lord."

The Yabo man began to think carefully.


Storm One’s name is Cui Ming

It’s Chinese, wait!

The people of Abo went to look up the history.

Ouch, what a fool! ! ! !

I made a mistake! ! !

Flooding the shrine with fertilizer yourself will not only have no impact on Storm One, but will also have a good entertainment effect! I guess he's still laughing now! ! ! !

Damn it! ! !

"Let's prepare for the next one. Children are the future of mankind, so we must use children as a breakthrough!"

King Kappa, this is the new super beast prepared by the Yabo people.

A super beast that resembles a kappa, a legendary Japanese creature, was created by combining a lotus flower with a space monster.

The kappa is a legendary creature in Japanese folklore. It has the beak of a bird, the limbs of a frog, the body of a monkey and the shell of a turtle. It is like a synthesis of many animals. Legend has it that its weak point is the saucer on its head. If the kappa is tricked into bending over and letting the water in the saucer above his head drain out, he will lose all his energy.

Their skin is very slimy and they are well adapted to living in this humid environment. Kappas can change the color of their skin according to the surrounding environment like a chameleon, but most of the time they remain green all over.

Kappas like to play pranks. They often fool humans, but occasionally they also help people do good deeds. However, kappas are still very dangerous. They sometimes attack horses drinking water by the water and children playing by the river. Kappas will suddenly appear. Killing them and eating their internal organs shows how dangerous kappas can be.

And with the opening of the Yabo people's super beast manufacturing machine, the new super beast Kappa King was directly created.

Just like their legend, the Kappa King can gain energy by sucking the belly buttons of children. Children whose navels are sucked off will have strange skin all over their bodies and become insane. In the end, they will live like robots. The weak point is the top of the Kappa King's head. There is a swimming pool several meters in diameter overhead. It can create whirlpools that drag swimming children into the bottom of the pool. It has the ability to absorb water. If the water in the swimming pool above your head dries up or is spilled, you will die.

So the water in these swimming pools must stay in the "swimming pool", otherwise the Kappa King may be killed.

As for the attack method, Kappa King can release rockets from the ends of his fingers. This is considered an old trick of Super Beast.

It can also emit gas from its mouth that tortures its enemies, and it can also emit flames from its mouth.

But because I was afraid of burning the pool above my head.

So this trick will basically not be used casually.

The Yabo people were silent for a moment as they looked at their super beast Kappa King.

"Why is there a weakness? The Super Beast Manufacturing Machine is still the same."

The Super Beast Making Machine seems to have a somewhat random nature.

Therefore, the super beasts born from the fusion of any creature and space monster look different.

The abilities are certainly different.

In fact, the Yabo people don't want to leave any weaknesses for the super beasts.

But this is the problem with the instruments made by super beasts.

So random

Although many super beasts can be mass-produced, the formula required is still the same formula

"Hey, the black pigeon was also taken away by the damn humans! Just like fucking hungry ghosts!"

It has always been us Abo people who disgusted other people, but this time we Abo people were disgusted! ! !


"Hmph, I misunderstood Storm One as Japanese. This should make you very angry."

This time! I won once! ! !

Big win! ! ! !

If you are so angry that Cui Ming will succeed once!

The Abo people have recently become a little bit more interested in the spiritual victory method.

"Okay, let's prepare our new plan."

"Yes! Sir!"

snort! Storm One! I ruin the future of Japanese children! What are you going to do?

You should be able to take care of it, probably.

The Yabo people themselves are not very confident.

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