Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 176 Gauss: Here you go, this is my transformation device

Want to talk

Because the matter is relatively big.


Based on the principle of proximity, Cui Ming sent a message to the five bosses and then took the Ultramans to the EDF headquarters on Earth.

At that time, the five big guys were stunned.

In the middle of the night Japan time, Storm One suddenly said, Ultraman are coming to discuss things, and I will prepare the venue first.

Originally, everyone was still a little confused.

But wait until you react.

Ouch, what a fool! ! ! Storm No. 1, what did you do? ! ! !

At this time, in the EDF conference room, the Ultraman were having a meeting.

Gauss is explaining to everyone the horror of the Kaos virus.

"That is a terrible virus of light. The violent impact of this virus has a great impact. I have been dealing with this but"

Gauss looked at Cui Ming.

"Cui Ming, how did you do it? Excrete the Kaos virus from your body."

Cui Ming watched Gauss take out his Evolved Truster.

"Here, the reasons are all here. I can only say that the Kaos virus cannot affect me for the time being."

Hearing what Cui Ming said, Gauss took the evolution truster handed over by Cui Ming.


Gauss saw the memory of Cui Ming who had been fighting

Just like watching a TV show.

After Gauss quickly read Cui Ming's battle memories with the help of his evolutionary trustworthy

Gauss gave Cui Ming a thumbs up.

"You are a true warrior."

Is Cui Ming cruel?

To be honest, Gauss thought it was quite cruel.

But Gauss understood Cui Ming very well.

After all, we have fought so much. I can’t even count them.

Cui Ming tried his best to catch the space-time fleet.

As for the number of reincarnations

Let's put it this way. Take out a dictionary and it's full of numbers.

Then Gaussian can tell 伱, this is the directory.

After all, it’s a probability

Five years, 365 days in a year, a leap year means a total of 1,826 days.

And Cui Ming wants to test the odds in these one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six days of continuous reincarnation.

Even if you don’t count the period of time at the doomsday line, there is still a random probability of more than a thousand days.

The Star Guide's space-time fleet randomly teleports to a location and then begins to change history.

Cui Mingsheng turned this situation of almost zero chance into necessity.

Cui Ming suffered a crime.

Anyway, Gauss felt that Cui Ming had a really good temper.

After all, although Gauss himself is usually in Luna Mode, a state that specializes in breaking up fights.

But I'm really angry. Gauss has a corona mode, which is specifically designed to fight idiots.

And in fact, Gauss can usually give advice. But he doesn’t listen? Corona! Full firepower! ! ! die!

That's pretty much it.

"Although I don't want to say this, the Kaos virus is really nothing to me. At least in my opinion, the Kaos virus is not interesting enough."


It seems that what Cui Ming said is true.

Think about it, everyone.

Judging from Cui Ming's fighting intensity, he still suffered a lot.

It is really difficult for the Kaos virus to affect Cui Ming

Just the fact that Cui Ming wants to fight monsters like Kururu and Kraken that drop SAN is disgusting enough.

Despite this negative state, Cui Ming survived.

Such terrifying willpower.


"Well can I know what it is?"

Mephilas, who had been beside him at this time, suddenly asked.

Cui Ming said: "No, I don't trust you yet."

"What a shame."

Mephilas didn't mind.

It is true that he cannot directly gain Cui Ming's trust like Ultraman.


It's really good. It felt like fighting with Cui Ming before.

That feeling of being able to trust your comrades behind you.

It's really great.

"I'm sorry Mephilas, I can't let you know about this important matter for the time being."

The father of Ultra next to him also spoke.

Mefilas also nodded in understanding.

In fact, what surprised him most was that he was actually invited to attend the meeting.

Now that he knew about this thing called the Kaos virus, Mefilas decided to go back and check it out.

If it doesn't work, ask Gauss for help and check again.

This chaos virus is so insidious!

Ultraman Cui Ming's EDF is having a meeting, and Sergeant's Storm 2 team and Death team are helping to protect them.

Also coming to help were Team Tucker, Team Kurt, Ultra Guard (Seven era) and the Monster Special Attack Team.

"Oh, it's true that Xiao Cui suddenly said that he needed help with something big. I didn't expect it to be such a big thing."

Yi Chu yawned.

Next to him, Lan Dai helped the tree hole: "Are you tired? There's coffee over there."

"Uh, isn't that what Xiao Cui has?"

Yichu accidentally drank Cui Ming's special coffee before and immediately sprayed it.


"That's good"

At this time, the captains of the four teams were chatting with the sergeant and Captain Death.

Everyone could tell by looking at each other that they were captain-level figures.

"Storm One seems to have brought back very important information this time."

The sergeant took a sip of coffee and said, "This situation caused so many Ultraman to come directly to Earth."


Ryugoro looked across the conference room.

"He suddenly came to us in the middle of the night and told us that something big happened.

And then coming back with a bunch of Ultraman as the vice-captain is really cool."

"That guy from Storm One is like that, hahahaha. He likes to be on the front line. He must have gone to the universe to do something."

Because it's too safe here, too safe

So Captain Death can no longer speak as a mercenary.


Look at the Ultra warriors who are helping to stand guard, and then look at the energy replenishing device next to them.

"That guy from Storm One really secretly prepared a bunch of good stuff."

"The continuous energy replenishment device prepared for Ultraman, as well as the continuous nano-treatment device. Tsk. Storm One can really hide things."

The sergeant was also quite emotional.

On the other side, other team members were also chatting with each other after the rotation.

"Really, the boss always appears in the center of important events." Zhu scratched his head.

"As a result, when I see the boss now, I always subconsciously think about what happened."

Numata, who was eating rations next to him, said: "It should be said that he always rushes to the center of the incident. He is so tired."

"Yes, I am indeed too tired."

The stars on one side were very emotional.

Xiao Cui is really tired.

But according to Xiao Cui, a battle of this level is just a vacation for Cui Ming.

The meetings held by the Ultramen here are actually very efficient.

After the meeting ended, Ultra's father walked out.

"That's the general problem. We also need to inform humans now and let them be careful."


The people who followed Ultra's father this time were all veterans of the Kingdom of Light.

It belongs to Ultraman and they all call him "senpai" when they see him!

Mainly because Mefilas quickly went to the Kingdom of Light and told Cui Ming that he needed help.

Then there is no more

After leaving enough combat power to protect the Kingdom of Light, a group of veterans of the Kingdom of Light acted together with the Father of Ultra!

Rescue! Cui Ming must be rescued immediately! ! ! !

Of course, the current situation also frightened the Yabo people.

no! I haven't done anything yet! ! ! Why are you all here suddenly? !

Is Ultraman finally going to take action on me? ! !

You Kingdom of Light don’t want it. Oh, that’s right.

Their Kingdom of Light has abundant troops.

"Humans, please be careful of the Chaos virus."


The five big guys were silent here.

Father of Ultra, you personally said that we will definitely be careful

"Is Storm One okay?"

"Don't worry, his will is very strong." Ultra's father said, admiring Cui Ming.

"When mankind needs to face the most terrifying darkness, Storm One must break through the darkness and bring the light of dawn."


Can the Berserker Storm One be given such a high rating?

Good things are good things.

But why do you feel like you Ultramans want to steal Storm One from us humans?

That is our human God of War baby!

Then Gauss said: "If the Kaos virus is discovered, go to Storm One, he knows how to call me."

"I understand, thank you for your help Ultraman."

"No, this is my duty. Remember, the Kaos virus is terrible."

The five bosses all nodded.

Kaos virus is so scary

Directly make people feel that they are not themselves!

Anyone who dares to research will be shot!

Unless Ultraman Gauss is watching! ! !

But they seem to be very busy

Indeed, Gauss also dealt with the Kaos virus everywhere

And there is a troublesome guy on Gauss' side to deal with.

Or two

One of them is called Sandros, a super monster of destruction that likes the desert environment and wants to turn everything into darkness and destroy it. It usually turns into a gas energy body and lurks in the darkness, controlling Scorpius to destroy multiple planets. It can spit out destructive rays from its mouth. In addition to releasing powerful telekinetic waves, its hands can also transform into giant blades to surprise enemies in dark spaces.

The nickname "Super Demonic Beast of Destruction" for this guy Sandros is inseparable from his character.

Sandros has a cruel and ferocious character. He believes in the truth that strength is supreme and the strong destroy the weak. He uses powerful power to turn everything around him into darkness. He likes to live in deserted and desolate environments. He creates a large number of monster weapons Scorpius and controls them freely. , attacking all living planets in the universe, is a veritable evil.

However, it is said that 2000 years ago, Sandros was a creature similar to humans. It also had passionate emotions such as dreams and love, but it gradually lost itself in the powerful power. Dracion, who protects the order of the universe, predicted that Sandros would harm the universe in the future and decided to eliminate Sandros; but at that time, Ultraman Justice chose to give Sandros another chance, hoping that it would repent.

But in the end, Sandros went down the evil path.

Another trouble is Dracion, who is considered a prophet. As an entity that acts as a cosmic court and sanction machine, Dracion has predicted the emergence of many threats to the stability of the universe.

Dracion was very confident in his prediction, after all, there was the example of Saint Deros.

Dracion will choose to send a fleet to destroy these units that he predicts will be harmful.

Among them is an existence called Giga Endora. It is Dracion's trump card. It can emit annihilation energy from its 6 arms and focus on the center to emit high-heat reset rays of up to 10 million degrees. It can destroy the earth and other planets. All life is instantly reset and eliminated.

But honestly, if Dracion really pulls out Giga Endora.

Then Cui Ming might have to come over in a passionate state to tear it down.

Because this thing looks like the third type of Star Guide drone

If the Kaos virus is spreading everywhere, then Sandros is killing people and setting fires everywhere.

Dracion is directly killed by neutrons

Of course, Sandros also has his own subordinate, Skpis.

And there are still countless mass-produced ones, because Skpis is a biological weapon mass-produced by Sandros in order to destroy the planet. It is a space monster that looks like an insect. Its main weapon is a destructive light bomb released from its head that can turn the earth into desert. , and the light of disintegrating objects spit out of the mouth. With a ferocious and cruel temperament, they use swarms of attacks to completely destroy all life on a planet.

After receiving the energy of Sandros, it will become even more violent, and even carry out self-destruction attacks, faithfully executing all orders of Sandros.

Being a mass-produced creation, Scorpius' mind loyally accepted and carried out Sandros' orders to completely wipe out all life on a planet.

Moreover, Scorpio's skin is very hard and can completely ignore low-level bombings.

At the same time, Scorpius has huge sharp blades on his shoulders, which are very sharp and can effectively stab enemies in close combat. Scorpio's feet are powerful and can support his 60,000-ton body to move, but the speed is not fast.

They have huge insect-shaped wings inside, and there are many hanging limbs extending to the waist. When flying, they will fold their legs into them, switching from land combat mode to high-speed flight mode. The front end of Scorpius's tail grows into a scissor shape, and there are poisonous needles on the tip. When it stings the enemy, it injects poison into the enemy's body. And the tail can be extended and retracted at will to attack distant enemies.

The most disgusting skill is desertification. The destructive light bombs these guys can release from their foreheads can be fired continuously. The amazing power once wiped out the defense force's fighter formation in an instant. In addition to physical lethality, light bombs also contain highly toxic gases that can wither plants and desertify the earth.

This is definitely a level of deadly hatred for the earth!

Didn’t you see that EDF’s design of a chlorine destroyer made the earth unhappy?

Not to mention the desertification of these guys.

Moreover, coupled with the extermination-level actions and insect appearance of these guys, if you meet Cui Ming

The two sides must be mortal enemies.

After all, Cui Ming was rescued by Mother Earth.

If you want to turn into a desert, then I will fuck you.

This is why Gauss gave Cui Ming a transformation device that allows him to use his own power.

This can allow Cui Ming to transform into Gauss, or directly call Gauss to help himself!

Cui Ming only has one idea now.

Do you have too many transformers here?

And its fitness with Gaussian.


If I were to say it, I might first use Moon God Tai Chi to knock the opponent down, then pinch the opponent's neck and ask: "Do you know you are wrong?"

I don’t know if I’m wrong, direct corona mode!

Will there be big differences between myself and that peaceful warrior?

What to do then?

How much advice would you give me before killing me?

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