Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 208 Yabo people: I said the logistics would cause a storm

Unexpectedly, Yabo people did not expect that what they were most worried about would happen.

That beast from Storm One still found the entrance to another dimension.

But how did this guy find his way in? !

No! Now he must rescue his subordinates! !

"Everyone! Start taking action! The target is the area where Storm One is located! Rescue those who can be saved!!!"


The Yabo people were convinced that they had to act immediately, otherwise who knows what more beastly things that monster Storm One would do?

When the rescue force of the Abo people arrived.

Many Yabo people vomited when they saw the miserable situation at this time.

There are corpses of slain space monsters everywhere, and many of them are super beasts.

Storm No. 1 is a beast.

After coming to another dimension, he completely turned into a killer embryo!


Compared with the corpses of space monsters and super beasts, the worst thing is the agents of the Yabo people.

Each of these guys was disemboweled.

It can be said that none is complete.

"Damn! We're late!"

The Yabo man said angrily.

He didn't expect Storm One to be so cruel.

Kill them all.

And there is no one who is completely dead

"grown ups."

The men of Arbor looked at the Arbor man.

"Find out and find Storm One!"


At this time, Storm One, Cui Ming, had already sneaked into the area of ​​another Yabo spy race.

I have to say that this extra-dimensional kingdom of the Yabo people is really quite big.

It's really convenient for Cui Ming to destroy it.

As for whether this would seem extreme?

Ultraman said, not extreme! Not extreme at all.

As far as the beastly things done by the Abo people are concerned, you are not extreme about them no matter what.


What the Ultraman didn't expect was that in order to save resources, Cui Ming used a slightly different way of killing enemies.

Not very humane

Cui Ming relied on the defensive power and powerful cutting ability of his Antonla armor to really launch an indiscriminate killing-level attack on these Yapo people's agent race.

After all, Cui Ming would also confirm what these guys had done before taking action.

The final result is.

Kill, you can kill! It must be killable!

In order to make the super beasts stronger, some of these guys even capture other cosmic beings or humans or even their own race to feed the super beasts.

At this moment, in front of Cui Ming, these super beasts and space monsters are no match for Cui Ming.

Cui Ming relied on his flexible movement ability and quick reaction ability to directly disembowel these space monsters and super beasts.

Of course, this is not Cui Ming's most brutal fighting method.

Facing some troublesome super beasts, Cui Ming will first cut open the enemy's skin directly and then enter the enemy's body to attack the enemy.

Cut off all the enemy's organs!

For those enemies that cannot be enlarged, Cui Ming is even simpler.

This kind of enemy doesn't need Cui Ming to use a gun!

Solve it directly with melee combat!

Some enemies are directly cut in half.

Some enemies were directly punched through the body and then had their internal organs removed.

Some of them simply had their heads pulled out.

And some had their heads crushed directly.

And this actually does not include those killed by terrain.

Cui Ming will make full use of every place.

Some people from other dimensions are directly hung on the wall.

Some of them were cut off by Cui Ming using the terrain.

In short

The Yabo people's worst fears finally came true.

Logistics is in a storm!

"Damn! This guy Storm One!!!"

When arriving at the second place.

The Abo people found that they were still late.

All the subordinates here have been killed

Not only that, some super beast corpses still have teeth marks on them


Storm One really does what it says.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Now the Arbois men were panicking.

How to fight this!

The one on the other side kills even super beasts like a dog.

"Don't panic. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone to help."

The Yabo people also know that they can no longer carry it to death.

Looks like we need to find some reinforcements.

Thinking like this, the Yabo people thought of the Pedan people.

"Hehehe, I just want to use it for a little bit. Please help me contact the Pedan and Bell people and tell them that I need their help with something important!"


Subsequently, Yabo's men began to contact Severn's two old rivals.

One is from the Pedan star, and the other is from the Bell star.

The Bell Stars created a suspected space (simulated space X) within the Earth's atmosphere, attracting aircraft to enter and hunt down the Earthlings lost in the space.

The Bell Star's whole body will emit a strange sound wave like a bell, which can disrupt people's brain waves and make people miserable.

In addition, the Bell Stars will appear suddenly and teleport away like the undead.

Bell has been on Earth for at least 2 years. He captured an aircraft from the Earth Defense Force's Washington Base 2 years ago. The Earth Defense Force dispatched troops to search for him but found nothing. It was during the parachuting training of the Ultra Guard. Two members, Soga and Amagi, inhaled a suspected space when they were parachuting. While Bell sent out strange sound waves to torture the two, he also constantly created various traps such as swamps and space spider Gumonga to capture the two. Fortunately, the Ultra Guard found the suspected space in time and rescued the two.

Bell chased the Ultra Guard and fought with Ultraman Seven transformed by Zhuxing Tuan. At the beginning, he used strange sound waves to interfere with Seven and took the advantage, but was soon counterattacked by Seven. Bell's fighting skills were not as good as Seven. He was suppressed by Seven during the close combat. He finally had the opportunity to fly away but was shot down by Seven. He was finally killed in the swamp by Seven. After Bell's death, the suspected space he created gradually disintegrated and disappeared, and was finally completely destroyed.

Soon, Pedan and Bell started to contact Yabo.

"Yabo, I didn't expect you to come to us. What's the matter?"

Yabo said directly, "I need help."

Pedan was a little surprised.

"Oh? Yabo, you actually asked for help, it's amazing."

"Humph, if possible, I don't want to, but the enemy this time is too strong."

Yabo covered his head in pain.

"You can see for yourself."

Then, Yabo showed everyone the miserable situation inside. It can only be said that after seeing the miserable situation of Yabo, they understood why Yabo needed to call for help.

"It seems to be a big problem. We Pedan can help you, but Yabo don't forget our reward."

"I know, pay the deposit first."


Pedan said, "Pay first, then do it."

However, Yabo shook his head.

"No, I can pay the Bell people first, but you Pedan people can't. Don't you know what's wrong with you?"


The Pedan people looked at the Yabo people angrily.

And the Bell people said: "Indeed, everyone knows what you Pedan people did, so don't talk about the spirit of the contract."


The Pedan people were speechless.

After all, they didn't do very well.

Not to mention anything else, the direct breach of contract made their own credibility zero.

"Humph, our Jinguqiao is a powerful war machine, your problem is easy to solve."

"So is our Bell people's Gumonga."

Gumonga is a monster of the Bell people. Gumonga looks like a spider, with a body color of lavender and iron blue. It has long legs and can emit strong blue-black poisonous gas from its nose. Its eyes are white and yellow, and its pupils are black. It usually hides among the grass and trees. When the prey approaches, it sprays strong blue-black poisonous gas from its nose, and then wraps the prey with its long legs.

Attacked Amagi and Soga who accidentally entered the virtual space during airborne training, but was knocked down by Soga with a flamethrower. Another was defeated by other members of the Super Guard who came to rescue with a super pistol.

They are giant spiders created by Bell Star and live in quasi-space. They usually hide in the bushes and spray a blue gas to make the victim unconscious after finding prey.

There were a total of two Bell Stars when they came to Earth, and then they were killed by the Ultra Guard's Ultra Gun.

However, there are similar blood-sucking plants in the virtual space. But in general, it is more like a crab than a spider, and it has no chance of winning once it confronts head-on.

"But even so, we do need your cooperation, Yabo."

Bell Star looked at Yabo and continued, "I will open the simulation space X! At that time, attract your target."

Simulation space X, this is a virtual dimension space created by Bell Star, located 3,000 meters above the ground. The exterior is disguised as a strange and huge floating cloud, and the space has an independent ecosystem similar to the earth's environment. The Bell people can create all kinds of environmental traps they want (blood-sucking cicadas, space spider Gumonga) to catch and kill creatures that fall into this space. This space is maintained by the Bell people. Whenever the Bell people are hurt, part of the space and the internal objects will also disintegrate and disappear.

Now the idea of ​​the Yabo people is to let the Bell people control the Storm One, and then cooperate with the King Gu Bridge of the Pedan people

It should be able to delay the Storm One

At least it can allow them to organize an evacuation operation...

That's right, the Yabo people never thought that the Bell people and the Pedan people could kill the Storm One.

"Prepare your rewards."

The Pedan people said and ended the communication.

However, what he didn't know was that after confirming that he had ended the communication, the Bell people said: "Yabo, be careful, the Pedan people are not trustworthy."

"Don't worry, I understand it very well. Remember not to go to Storm One by yourself. You can't beat it. Just let the Pedan people be bait. I didn't think you could kill Storm One."

"I understand."

The Bell people were not angry.

After all,

it had watched the battle broadcast of Storm One.

Fuck! Use the Magma people as swords directly.

This human is not normal!

Is it crazy to want to fight this thing?

"Then, let's do it this way for now."

"Well, we have received the reward. Finally, remember not to pay the Pedan people first!"

This is the credibility of the Pedan people.

"Mazha people"

"Tsk, what do you want from me?"

"I feel like I might die."


The Maza people were silent

But no.

Storm One is here, which means that humans have mastered the method of entering another dimension.

As expected, it would be better for me to hide in the magma.

The Maza people are people from another dimension like the Yabo people. They are the accomplices of the Yabo people, also known as Magma Superman. His human body is that of an old man floating on the sea, while his true form usually lurks in the crater of Mount Fuji, using magma as energy source.

"Don't worry, Yabo. After you die, I will find a way to resurrect you, and of course I will use your fragments."

"no problem."

The Arbo people don't mind if pieces of themselves are used.

"Hahaha, humans wouldn't think that you could cause trouble to them even if you die."

One of the scary things about the Yabo people is that even if they die, their body fragments in the other-dimensional world can be scattered throughout the universe. At that time, the Maza people, who are the comrades of the Yabo people, managed to make it rain blood from the sky, and the flowers that the blood rain sprinkled on those people or the cosmic people would be possessed by the terrifying energy of another dimension. It is the combined effect of the Yabo fragments and the blood rain. Unknown red spots will appear on the backs of the possessed people or cosmic beings. If they are pregnant women, it will be even worse, because they will be controlled by the Mazar people and distort the maternal energy of the fetus. , thus giving birth to the super beast Mathareus, and those mothers will also turn into white-haired witches with skulls wrapped around snakes. At that time, the Mazar people can control the super beast Mathareus transformed from babies to attack the world. .

And the most terrifying thing is that this super beast has no entity before it is completely born. As long as the mother, who is the mother body, is okay, the super beast can gradually turn into an entity and start to destroy.

At this time, it was the opponent's turn to make painful choices.

Of course, the Mazar people also know that this trick is at best used to deal with the moral Ultraman.

Something like Storm One.

Forget it, face an enemy like Storm One who has lower moral standards than you.

Forget it, forget it

It's still safe in magma.

Storm One is only a human being and cannot enter magma.

"Mazha people, remember not to expose yourself easily."

"Don't worry, that's right. Just remember to kidnap more children. At least this should make the people in Tucker's team take advantage of them."

"You make it simple. You don't know how outrageous the rest of the world is."

"I know"

The Mazar said with a painful look on his face: "I tried to control an Indian's dream to intimidate him into doing something for me.


The way he looked at me, I knew there was something wrong with these people and he wanted to fuck me.”

"No, why are you trying to influence the Indians? Forget about their problems, you really don't know."

When the Abo people thought about it, it was true

The Maza people don't know enough about the earth.

"Remember! You must be careful on Earth! My incarnation almost died after taking a sip of water from India. It can be said to be the most aggrieved incarnation that almost died!"

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