Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 213: Taking a vacation is not a normal way

Due to the fragments of the Yabo people's death scattered all over the universe, there are also many on Earth.

Therefore, many creatures were affected.

Of course, now that there are Nix mechas with wheels, the battle is still very easy.

These slightly weaker super beast-like creatures were suppressed and defeated by various troops.

Some were simply made into research materials.

The sergeant played a huge role in this battle.

In fact, I said before that the sergeant had already been a captain.

But because they were used to Cui Ming calling him sergeant, everyone was used to calling him sergeant.

"Attention, all units, target found! Brother Kiras! You two are ready to attack at any time, troops press on!"


"The Ba Lia Tank troops go up! And the Titan troops also go up! Fire suppression first! Storm One has prepared so many vehicles."

The sergeant thought it was too rich!

In the past, when we fought with the Star Guide, the Star Guides cut off our supplies. Now we finally have enough support!

Cool! This is the real way to fight!

"The Death God troops have arrived and started to blast the surroundings. Please provide air fire support from the Tucker team. Don't worry, we will avoid the attack."


Captain Death God, you are really bold.

We have planes here!

Forget it, let's cooperate.

Now Konno understands why Cui Ming said that wearing power armor is a life-threatening move.

That means you really have to fight monsters in close combat.

Even if this equipment can hit 90 meters, it's the same.

After all, the height of monsters and super beasts is there.

"Action, all units should pay attention to cooperation!"

While everyone was fighting.

Cui Ming's family was on vacation.

And everyone had no objection, after all, Cui Ming had slaughtered the logistics of the Yabo people before.

This is a great achievement!

So, it's normal for the deputy captain to take a break.

Speaking of which, the people from other dimensions are also unlucky. They met the deputy captain, a killer.

They really have psychological traumas when they fight.

What do you do when you are on vacation?

To be honest, for Misato, Lin and Asuka, there is nothing fun now.

After all, we are all people who have experienced a better world.

Let's go to the amusement park.

There's nothing exciting there.

Finally, everyone decided.

Catch ghosts!

Yes, catch ghosts for fun!

Since the influence of the resentment of the Yabo people, there have been many haunted things on Earth recently.

Although these guys were beaten without any resistance when humans were full of martial virtue.

And Cui Ming's family regarded catching these urban legends as a means of relaxation.

The first one to suffer the most was an urban legend called the Gap Woman.

The story of the Gap Woman is that there was a man who had been living alone for a long time. Because of a job transfer, he was going to move closer to the company to facilitate commuting.

When the man moved to this new apartment, he always felt that someone was staring at him. At first, the man felt that he had not adapted to the new place, so he had this illusion.

But later, this feeling of being stared at became stronger and stronger, as if someone in the room was always peeping at him.

But he was obviously the only one living in the house. Finally one day, the man who was tired of being stared at decided to check the whole house. "Maybe someone installed a camera or a bug in my house." The man thought so and checked the whole house.

But he found nothing except the dust in the corner. He sat on the ground and looked around the house. "What on earth is it?" His eyes swept through every corner of the room. When his eyes swept through the gap between the wardrobe and the wall, the man was stunned.

In the narrow gap between the wardrobe and the wall, there was a woman's face, and the woman's eyes were staring at him.

It was a very scary story, and people dared not look at the gap.

But when this story met Cui Ming's family,

the style of the painting changed.

The gap woman was waiting for her prey.

However, today, for some reason, her heart was pounding, as if something terrible was staring at her.


I am the urban legend, why am I afraid?

Unless it is the legendary Storm One, but that is not right.

Storm One should be.

However, just as she was thinking, she found five heads looking at her through the gap

Damn! The Tian Gang is the opposite!!!


These five.

I know two of them!

One is a 8-foot-tall woman, and the other one.

Damn! Storm One!!!

The gap girl who reacted wanted to run, but Cui Ming did not take the usual route. He punched through the cabinet and grabbed this guy.

"We have something to talk about. Can we take up some of your time?"


Do I dare to say no?

Are all your family members so murderous?

Misato has a hammer on the left and a sledgehammer on the right, Asuka has two axes, and Lindis has a murderous sword.

Not to mention the 8-foot-tall woman.

This person is murderous.

Of course, the most terrifying one is Cui Ming.

Cui Ming looks harmless now, but the murderous aura on her body.


It's scary.

And at this time she realized.

The urban legend circulating in the urban legend is true.

Storm One is really the ultimate killer.

How many creatures did he kill? !

Cui Ming looked at the girl in front of him and asked, "Have you ever harmed anyone?"

"No, no."

"Well, I'll give you a choice. Do you want to become a non-staff member responsible for intelligence work?"

".Me! I join!"

The gap girl knows that if she chooses not to join, she will be dead.

These guys are all filled with murderous intent.

"Very good, then let me ask you, do you know the location of the foot seller?"


The story of the Foot Seller is actually very simple. This urban legend will carry a large leather bag and appear as an old woman on the children's way home after school. As long as she passes by her, she will ask "Do you need your feet?". If you answer "no", she will take the feet off forcibly. If you answer "yes", she will also have her feet removed. Attach one leg to become three legs.

No matter whether you answer "yes" or "no", you will encounter unfortunate results. It is said that the only way to save her is to tell her "I don't need it, and ask her to find xx elsewhere." There are also theories that he was pulling a stroller or appearing in the toilet on the fourth floor of the school.

Cui Ming and the others are now specifically looking for the bad luck of these hard-to-find guys. As for other urban legends that are particularly easy to find.

There are people who are specifically responsible for dealing with it.

For example, I discovered an urban legend called Twisting Around. This urban legend is that someone returned to his hometown in Akita County in the countryside with his brother. After returning to his hometown, he was very excited to go out to play with his brother on the edge of the farmland. At the same time, he and his brother saw a group of human-like objects twisting around in the field far away!

He originally thought it was a scarecrow, but after a closer look, he found that it was not a scarecrow, but a white thing twisting in the distance. Although it was weird, the victim still defined him as a new type of scarecrow. It was blown and twisted by the wind, but this explanation was quickly dispelled.

Because they were at noon, there was no wind at all, but the thing was still twisting around weirdly!

The victim's brother was more curious about what it was, and ran home to get a telescope. When his brother used the telescope again to find out, suddenly his brother turned pale and dropped the telescope and ran away. The victim was frightened by this sight. Just when he picked up the telescope and was curious to see what kind of object it was, suddenly the victim's grandfather ran over eagerly, knocked the telescope out of the victim's hand, grabbed him and walked home. On the way, the victim even discovered that his grandfather was actually there. I cried anxiously. When my grandfather told his family about the incident after returning home, the victim found that their family members actually started crying too.

After that, the victim's brother began to behave abnormally, often imitating the object and twisting around the house, until his brother died mysteriously a year later.

This urban legend means you can't look carefully at that thing.

This is simple!

Directly shoot it!

At that time, the shelling was just like the Chinese New Year.

Cui Ming still remembers the scene of twisting and twisting and being blown up and flying everywhere.


This kind of fixed-location urban legend is easy to handle, but it is more troublesome for these guys.

But now, the hard days of urban legends are coming.

After all, Cui Ming and his family have nothing to do during the holidays, so let's do these urban legends.

Anyway, it feels really comfortable to play.

Of course, urban legends are not so comfortable.

Ever since Cui Ming and his family started taking vacation.

Urban legends begin to have bad luck.

For example, there is a Japanese urban legend about the Girl's Day doll with long hair.

March 3rd is Doll's Day in Japan. Families with daughters will display beautiful and exquisite dolls wearing classic kimonos. The richer the family, the more and more exquisite the dolls will naturally be. But as mentioned before, things with human form always have the concept of "soul" attached to them, but Hinamatsuri dolls also add more "missing", because when these daughters grow up, The dolls will be abandoned, and the resentment will grow longer and longer along with the hair...

These Japanese dolls are all girls with Japanese hairstyles and kimonos. Dolls originated in the Edo period. When daughters of samurai families got married, there was often a custom of taking away dolls as dowries, which meant that they could ward off disasters. Nowadays, Japanese families generally use dolls as decorations. Place inside the house.

The Japanese believe that dolls have spirituality, and many of them are filled with some kind of curse and resentment. Therefore, it is not advisable to keep dolls at home for too long, or to put them away after use (for example, the custom of Japanese Girls' Day is to place dolls at home), or It should be sent to a temple or shrine as an offering.

The most famous one is a doll called Aju

On August 15, Taisho 7, Suzuki Eikichi of Hokkaido visited the Sapporo Exposition and bought a "mushroom-headed" Japanese doll wearing a kimono on his way home. My 2-year-old sister Juzi likes it very much and hugs it to sleep every day. But in January of the next year, Kikuko suddenly contracted a cold and died. The grieving Suzuki Eikichi placed his sister's remains and the doll in front of the Buddhist shrine for worship.

However, something strange happened: the doll's hair began to grow little by little until it became a long shawl. The family believed that this was the "possession of Juzi's soul" and made more pious offerings. It was not until the 13th year of the Showa era (1938) that Suzuki Eikichi moved to Karata (southern part of Sakhalin Island) and entrusted the dolls to the Manenji Temple in Kurizawa Town, Hokkaido.

After the war in 1945, Suzuki Nagiji came to the temple again and was surprised to find that the puppet's hair had grown longer, down to his waist.

To this day, this guy's hair is still growing...

What Cui Ming is particularly complaining about is

Do all Japanese like this kind of abstract-looking thing as a toy?

Of course, these things are scary. When Cui Ming's family came with a lava cannon, an ultra-high temperature flamethrower, each of them came, the Japanese puppets would be the ones to scream

After all

In short

Cui Ming's family is not afraid of these things because they are murderous.

Even now, they are specifically looking for non-staff members.

After all, in Cui Ming's view, if these urban legends cannot be used, they can only be killed.

Don't let the fragments of the Yabo people control them at that time.

That would be more trouble than gain.

Cui Ming likes to take precautions.

Now it's time to catch that old woman selling her feet.

By the way, Asuka chopped a human-faced dog with an axe on the way here.

It is said that human-faced dogs will quietly appear on rainy nights or in dimly lit alleys with few pedestrians. This monster with a human face and a dog body can be traced back to 1989, when a female weekly reporter fabricated such a news story out of thin air, but never thought that more and more witnesses would claim to have seen human-faced dogs, and some even called the police to ask the police to intervene in the matter...

The human-faced dog met Asuka at that time, and the result was...

Asuka took out her axe and threw it directly.

At the same time, she shouted spiral flying axe!

Then she jumped in close combat!

The human-faced dog was shocked at the time.


Sister, we won't be like this!

Why is your axe so murderous?

The result is that before the human-faced dog could react, Asuka's flying axe had knocked it down, and then Asuka dropped from the sky and chopped it with an axe.

And then there was nothing else.

Asuka, who had fully learned the true teachings of Cui Ming, chopped the human-faced dog into pieces.

If someone who didn't know saw it, they would probably think that Asuka was the bad guy.

By the way, Cui Ming felt that Asuka's red outfit would look better if she matched it with a cloak.

It felt like she was invincible.

Prepare a long-handled axe and a sickle for Asuka when you have time. It feels more appropriate.

Strange, why do you feel this way?

"Gap Girl, let's go. I hope you won't commit suicide.

After all, it would be a waste of time to deal with you."


What kind of person is this!

Isn't this bullying our urban legend?

Hasak-chan, you traitor! ! !

Gap Girl saw it

Hasak-chan was basically slept with by this man! ! !

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