Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 229 Busujima Saeko: It turns out that it can really be pulled out

Bruton, this thing is quite disgusting.

You never know what Bruton is going to spit out of your mouth.

In this case, you can't kill it directly.

After all, you don’t know whether the death of this thing will give birth to a more troublesome Glizza.

Find a way to expel me?

After the five bosses knew the specific situation, they all praised Cui Ming's choice.

Well done.

As for the matter of not even asking for samples.

The five big guys also understand.

Not to mention the five big bosses, there are also many people who are sick of the forces behind one of you.

Even Japan itself has its own problems.

Everyone remembers the poison gas bombs back then.

Some people in Japan need to clean up now

after all

Although Ultraman solved this virus this time, what about next time?

Who knows what will happen?

"Storm One, is that person okay?"

"Under surveillance."

"Well, then I'll leave it to you. After all, you are the only one who can deal with this."

Everyone knows that Storm One is the main force in dealing with these unique things, and now everyone else is more responsible for taking action.

The identity of Busujima Saeko was quickly determined.

"Your identity certificate, and I have also arranged your place of residence for you. Since you need to be monitored, it cannot be too far from my home."

"I see."

Busujima Saeko is not a fool. He must be monitored in this situation. It would be good for Cui Ming to say it directly.

"You may not adapt to your current life. After all, this is the past for you? They are all old things."

After Cui Ming finished speaking, he took out a knife.

"Given your situation, although this is against the rules, if someone wants to arrest you, you are allowed to kill them with a knife. After all, you are now considered a reserve team member, and it is normal for you to receive some preferential treatment."

Busujima Saeko's eyes lit up when he saw the thunder blade that Cui Ming handed to him.

"Good knife."

"Of course, Zoffie agreed."

Just as he was talking, Cui Ming noticed that some people came outside. They were wearing these clothes.

Someone from the Japanese regional headquarters?

"Bushima, please wait."

Cui Ming said and stretched his muscles.

"Next, I will tell you that the first principle of my team is to kill the enemy with the belief that it must be killed after identifying the enemy, and no matter the means, it only takes a little, even if you beat the enemy into pieces, it will not There is a problem, because what we are about to face are terrifying cosmic beings. We don’t know what kind of terrifying abilities these cosmic beings have, so for the sake of safety, we must ensure that our actions can completely make the enemy lose the ability to fight back, although I am happy to You can grab some samples, but the first rule is to kill them.”

Cui Ming said and walked towards those people.

"While taking these actions, I am your person in charge, so you can only listen to me in all your actions."

"Storm One, this is an order from the Japanese command, hand that girl over to us."


Cui Ming said nothing.

But the pressure Cui Ming put on the other side without speaking was terrible.

"The headquarters doesn't even know her name? Don't say I'm unkind. I'll give you 20 seconds. If you don't want to die, just leave. I don't even know what I will do next."


Some people behind the man turned and walked away.

Should I fight Storm One?

How much is the salary for being so desperate?

Everyone knows that the headquarters definitely wants to arrest people.

The official's eyes twitched when he saw this.

These people are really unreliable.


Now Storm 1 is not under the control of the headquarters at all.

But who made anyone in the headquarters think that there might be some virus left in this girl that could be used?

There will be new weapons by then, which can enhance Japan's international status and so on.

Cui Ming would laugh out loud if he knew what they were thinking.

If, if there really is any residual virus.

So what gives them the courage to think they can control something that even Ultraman can't detect?

So it’s too much to take for granted.

However, this person's current goal is not to really conflict with Cui Ming, but to delay time.

after all

The real capture force has already taken action.

At this time, the arresting force.

"Ya Zhi Butterfly!!!"

Click! ! ! !

As Misato smashed a watermelon into pieces with her hammer, she wiped away the remaining sweat and said to Busujima Saeko who was chopping meat next to her: "Look, this is our code of conduct, you Isn’t it quite adaptable?”


After Busujima Saeko heard this, he stopped and looked at the enemies being cut everywhere.

"I feel this way"

"Tsk, there's no need to worry, and you're not right."

Asuka came over carrying her own ax.

"Look at me, remember that our mission is to ensure that the enemy will not be resurrected. Even if it is a human, it is best to chop it into small pieces and then burn it when the time comes."

Asuka said and pointed to the side.


It’s all stuffing.

Asuka doesn’t know what’s going on, but now she’s getting more and more mad when fighting with an axe.

However, the improvement in combat effectiveness is also very strong.


I always feel that Asuka's fighting style is becoming more and more gangster?

Especially since Asuka recently asked Cui Ming to prepare a defensive cloak for her.

When the time comes, wearing a hood can basically withstand most attacks.

Of course it has something to do with Asuka's current physique.

But no matter what, Asuka's fighting power is getting more and more outrageous now.

At the same time, he also likes to pester Cui Ming more

But Cui Ming was also happy to accompany her.

At least when it comes to spending time with family members, no one has any objections.

Although Cui Ming usually seems to be a workaholic, since Misato and the others came, Cui Ming actually started taking normal vacations.

Of course, if the team members need help, Cui Ming will also help.

Especially in the mountains.


Who made Shanzhong pay too much?

Not to mention anything else, the very useful genes brought back by Yamanaka are enough for Cui Ming to take over Yamanaka's job.

Although Yamanaka himself doesn’t know it, it’s just that he

According to the current information, it seems that Yamanaka has helped collect more than 50 samples of aliens from space.

What does this mean?

No need to say more.

In the mountains! In the mountains! ! !

The main reason is that now we simply don’t know what means the enemy used to take away the mountain.

Finally, Yamazaka came back without knowing anything.

In the mountains! ! !

We will avenge you!

As for why the headquarters didn’t look for Yamanaka?

The one in the mountain was being watched by the five big guys, specifically waiting for the ditch in the mountain to see if they could get some more gold coins.

The headquarters took action today, and within ten minutes the whole family was missing.

As for Cui Ming, why don't the five big guys care about it?

Why! Don't say I didn't remind you, we have given Storm One the right to do whatever it wants. If you mess with Storm One, we won't care about burying it!

Just like now.

Asuka, Misato and Lin killed each other so smoothly that they didn't even blink.

Originally, Busujima Saeko was a little worried.

Is this going too far?

But slowly.

Let's learn from it.

Let’s do it directly!

No need to be polite!

Busujima Saeko was so cool

And the other side.

"No, no, no!!!! Storm One! Don't do this! Don't do this!!!!"

Cui Ming was grabbing the head of the guy who was taking the lead.

"I want to see if you are an alien."

"I'm not! I'm not!!!"

But Cui Ming couldn't let him go, and then...

As Cui Ming slowly exerted his strength, the watermelon was picked.

"It's human."

Why is Cui Ming more and more fond of pulling out the heads of his enemies?

Mainly because this tactic works!

The enemy's head can command the enemy himself, and after Cui Ming pulled it out, he at least made the enemy's body lose control first.

Although most enemies will basically die after their heads are pulled off.

"Storm No. 1 is reporting. Someone in the Japanese headquarters may be trying to cause trouble. He wants to take Busujima Saeko away. His head will be taken away by you when the time comes. You see who it is, and I won't care."

"Well, leave this to us."

The person on the other end of the communicator was also quite angry.

There are still a little too many people in the Japanese headquarters.

Need to deal with it.

Everyone can guess what these guys want to do with their feet!

Isn’t it just a virus weapon?


If you dare to study this thing today, you dare to use it on us tomorrow! You must die!

In short

The headquarters is about to clean up.

In fact, at the Japanese headquarters, some people from the old Japanese army also know that this time it is a do-or-die scheme.

Having special weapons can at least have a little weight, but


"Everyone, the plan has failed."


Several staff officers from the old Japanese army looked at each other.

Prepare to commit seppuku.

But before they could take action, a few stun guns knocked them down instantly, and then they were taken away.

Want to commit suicide out of fear of crime?

It's not that simple.

"You're getting used to it pretty well, but that's okay."

Cui Ming did not expect Busujima Saeko to be so adaptable to the current battle.


"Remember, this lightning blade can be used for long-range attacks. It takes three hours to charge, but it can be used for one day."

As Cui Ming spoke, he explained the use of the thunder blade to Busujima Saeko.

"It's good this time. That's what it's like. But you have to be sure that you are an enemy before you can do this. Otherwise, I will be angry if you complain too much."

After Cui Ming finished speaking, he looked around

"Okay, let me handle it."

As he said that, Cui Ming took out the flamethrower and started burning it.

TM is so unlucky

If it weren't for the fact that monsters mainly appear in Japan, so Ultraman has to fight in Japan all the time, Cui Ming would not bother to care about what would happen to Japan.

But then again.

There is indeed something good about Japan. As a region with unique taunting abilities, it can always help attract some monsters or aliens with unique abilities.

That's good, at least you don't have to travel all over the world.

At this point, the storm has temporarily passed.

But there is a follow-up.


"A real time bomb that exploded after giving birth to a child is no wonder it was exterminated."

To be honest, Cui Ming didn't pity Homgar at all, just for what he did.

Who can allow it to coexist with humans?

Or who dares to coexist with it?

Although humans and earth monsters are now in peace, they even help each other sometimes.

But they will still fight each other.

But this Holmgar

That was unanimously determined by the Earth monsters.

Must die!


Because this creature and this tribe are sick!

Can't you just walk away after eating the energy?

This group of guys doesn't!

After they are full, they will run around everywhere!

Even wreak havoc everywhere!

And the most disgusting thing about this thing is that it will explode directly in other people's homes!

You give birth to a child in someone else's home?

No wonder it was exterminated later.

This monster is really a model of killing itself.

Of course, they have also tried to find a way

A unique spirit has become their lobbying method.


At that time, the Earth monsters said.

We provoked you first! It's best if you die!

The Earth monsters don't care what your difficulties are. If you give birth to a child and explode in someone else's home, then you will die!


The Holmgar tribe was destroyed.

Now, what Bruton spits out is obviously from another world.


When people from other Earths come, our Earth will follow our rules!

If someone asks how Cui Ming can represent the Earth, sorry! He really can!

Cui Ming has all three lights of the Earth.

Gaia, the light of the earth, Aguru, the light of the ocean, and Bahamut, the light of the sky.

Qualifications are definitely enough.

"Then. Now we just need to see how to kill this Holmgar."

Cui Ming said and looked at Long Wulang.

"The main task recently is to kill this guy."

"Well, the monster that can self-destruct does need to be killed."

After reading the intelligence, Long Wulang was sure that this thing must die!

Whether it is for humans or the Earth itself.

This thing is simply a moving disaster.

"Okay, Captain, I'll let the reconnaissance team continue to keep an eye on it."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Long Wulang said and remembered something.

"By the way, Captain Muramatsu and his team have now completely completed the handover. From now on, the commanders of the headquarters will be Muramatsu and his team."

"That's good. Finally, there are normal people."

"By the way, Team Leader Xiang said he has something to ask you. It's about the freezing technology of the Misterra people. He has already obtained it."

"Oh? Perfect! We can freeze that annoying Holmgar directly."

"But. The Misterra people said they hope to live a peaceful life."

"It's okay."

Cui Ming waved his hand.

"All I need is freezing technology. I don't need anything else. Since the Misterra people want to live a peaceful life, don't bother them."


Ryu Goro also thought that this was enough.

This freezing technology can really help a lot.

Afterwards, Cui Ming went to see Xiang Hideki.

"Thanks, Xiang."

"Nothing, but the Misterra people..."

"Don't worry, all I need is freezing technology."

After hearing this, Xiang also believed that Cui Ming's goal was only this.

"By the way, should we prepare for something?"

"Prepare for what?"

"The problem with Holmgar."

Xiang felt that Holmgar was a nuisance.

"Of course, we had to take him to a safe place before, but now we just need to cool him down."

Cui Ming was ready to kill Holmgar.

And an elf was ready to persuade Cui Ming and the others.

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