Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 234 The situation opens

The next morning, Cui Ming took Misato, who was clinging to him like an octopus, off from him and started to prepare breakfast.

Then he thought about today's Tucker Team mission.


"Heh! What are we going to eat this morning? Let me smell it first."

Misato, who was wearing a cool outfit, directly put her chin on Cui Ming's shoulder to smell what she was going to eat today.

"Just make something."

Although Cui Ming said to make something casual, there must be a bowl of soup or porridge, and eggs are also a must.

In short, Cui Ming must ensure the nutrition of the family's breakfast.


Bukushima Saeko looked at Cui Ming.

I didn't expect the teacher to get up so early

I must have done a lot of physical labor yesterday

"Necessary vigilance, Saeko, necessary vigilance. Okay, let's eat. After eating, we still have to go to the Tucker Team for a meeting, and then I need to explain some situations to you in advance, about the Yamanaka team members."

"Yamanaka team members?"

Bukushima Saeko was a little strange.

She had indeed seen the Yamanaka team member, he was just an ordinary person.

"There are some things about Yamanaka that I don't know how to say. You eat first and I will explain it to you on the way."

When Cui Ming said this, the others couldn't hold it back.

I'm sorry, Yamanaka, but your deeds are really legendary.

We can't hold it back.

Although Busujima Saeko was curious, she also obediently ate first.

On the way to the Tucker team, Cui Ming began to explain the situation of Yamanaka to Busujima Saeko.

After all,

it's too complicated!

"In other words, everyone knows that Yamanaka was trapped, but there is nothing they can do, and Yamanaka himself doesn't know it?"

After listening to Yamanaka's amazing record, Busujima Saeko finally understood why Cui Ming asked her to tell him after dinner.

"That's right. Remember, don't mention this in front of Team Yamanaka. I'm telling you because if you encounter this situation in your next operation, just ignore it for now. We are worried that the enemy will directly kidnap Team Yamanaka. Team Yamanaka is a hero who has provided a large number of cosmic samples to the earth. We can't let the hero bleed and cry."


Yamanaka is really bleeding.

There were several sphincter tear injuries.

That was real bleeding!

The only thing we can do now is to protect Yamanaka's innocence


Bukushima Saeko didn't expect this to happen.


"The people behind also hope that Team Yamanaka can help collect more samples, right?"

Bukushima Saeko directly stated the problem, and Cui Ming didn't mean to hide it.

"Yes, the people behind think so. But we must help Yamanaka if we can. After all, Team Yamanaka is our comrade-in-arms. Although he didn't perform well before, I admire him for being a man because he was able to endure being fucked by the Metron aliens."

The same sentence.

Now Beidou has no opinion on Yamanaka!

Beidou admires Yamanaka!

He is a real man of iron and blood!

He was not exposed even after being treated so badly by the Metronians!

A Yabo, who claims to be Cui Ming's nemesis.

Although he was defeated, he can play in the resurrection match.

The special ability of the Yabo people is that they can be resurrected as long as they have resentment.

But what the Yabo people can't hold back is

How the hell can they be controlled? !

Now is not the time when the Yabo people can be resurrected by their own strength. Now the Yabo people find that if they want to be resurrected, they must break through the siege first!

What's going on? !

Is it so lively here at Storm One? !

But today, a newcomer has come.

It's a monster.


This Homgar has a lot of resentment towards Storm One.

But it's a good thing!

This way it can be used.

"Ahhhhhh! Damn Storm One! Damn Storm One!!! You are so cruel! You killed my child!!!!"

The Yabo people looked at the monster and the elf.

Thinking that Storm One is getting more and more cruel

It doesn't even let go of the monster cubs.

It is worthy of being my nemesis. It has a terrible murderous heart.

But this monster may help to play some resurrection games.

Thinking so, the Yabo people started to act.

The Yabo people went straight to Homgar.

"Friend, what's the situation with you?"

Although I almost understand the situation of Homgar, I still need to pretend.

"What else could I be like? I just want to have a baby, but those hateful Ultraman, humans, and even monsters won't let me! Not only that, the baby I finally gave birth to was killed by them! Damn, that's my baby!!!! Ahhhh!!!!"

Hearing her words, Yabo felt that this person was also quite miserable.


"Why do they all want to kill you?"

"Because I want to have a baby."

"No, what will happen when you give birth that will make them want to kill you?"

Yabo is not a fool. If Homgar thinks that his little tricks can deceive Yabo, it's really nonsense.

Although Yabo was suppressed by Cui Ming before, that was because although Cui Ming looked like a berserker, he was actually a seasoned veteran.

Cui Ming could see through many of Yabo's plans.

Moreover, Cui Ming's beating by the Star Guide is basically not affected by the individual.

Therefore, many of the Yabo people's plans are simply ineffective for Cui Ming.

In short, Cui Ming is not afraid of the tactics of these enemies and does not really represent Yabo people.

Why was Cui Ming so strict with the Yabo people?

It was because Cui Ming could tell that the Yabo people were so calculating.

Do you think Cui Ming dared to expose his relationship with Misato and the others while the Yabo people were still alive?

Cui Ming was terribly cautious in this regard, but he was also very correct.

Even if the Abo people were resurrected and knew about this, they would be emotional rather than angry.

Because in his opinion, this is Storm One's recognition of himself.

If he was not powerful, could Storm One prepare so much to deal with him?

Who is the real opponent of Storm One~

Anyway, the Yabo people are definitely not stupid.

Now let’s get right to the point.

At this time, the elf also saw it

This guy is out of luck.

That being the case

"Okay, I admit that I do have some problems, but there's nothing we can do about it! Our family will self-destruct when we have children!"

".Then you choose to blow yourself up in a human city? No wonder they want to beat you to death."

Yabo people said that this guy Ke Zhen would put money on his face. Wouldn't this mean that he would blow himself up and then blow himself up in someone else's house?


Self-destruct? !

The Yabo people reacted.

At this time, a bunch of moves were coming towards Homgar.

"Holy crap!!!!"

boom! ! ! !

The resurrection of the people of Abos will be postponed again.

Although Star Guide is disgusting, at least it is still playable as a teammate.

But this Homgar is simply a time bomb on his side!

"This is Storm One, conducting interception operations against Tyrochis."

At this time, on the earth side, Cui Ming was driving the battle fairy Xuefeng to chase a monster.

This monster is called Tyroches.

It is an ancestral bird creature that survives to this day in the Cretaceous period. It is related to dinosaurs and modern birds.

At that time, he was one of Jack's enemies. At the same time, Tyrochis was a nocturnal carnivore in his habits and was very disgusted with noise. Therefore, he attacked supersonic airliners and sea cruise ships that made loud noises, causing several tragedies. Terochese originally lived on an evil island far away from the coast of Tokyo. Because he had a premonition that the volcano was about to erupt, Terochese came to Tokyo, where the climate environment was similar to that of the evil island, and used crystalline threads to cover many buildings and structures. He built his own bird's nest "Silver Castle" and prepared to move to Tokyo.

When Terochese's threads mixed with the acidic pollution gas in Tokyo's air, a large amount of red poisonous gas was produced, causing many residents to go blind and plunging Tokyo into chaos.

The Monster Special Attack Team found Terochese's lair on the evil island and started a battle with him. Hideki Go even transformed into Ultraman Jack to join the battle. However, Terochese's aerial combat ability was too strong, the monster special attack team was frustrated, and Ultraman Jack was shot down into the sea. Tyrochis left the Evil Island after his victory, and moved into his lair in Tokyo after defeating the Air Force.

The Monster Special Attack Team formulated a combat plan to destroy the monster bird's nest with a thermal cannon, but the plan was delayed because Saburo Matsumoto and Yukiko entered the building where the nest was located. The Monster Special Attack Team launched a general attack on Tyrochis, and Ultraman Jack also appeared again to fight the monster bird. After being suppressed by Ultraman Jack in the ground battle, Tyrochis flew to high altitude to fight, but was immediately caught in the air by Ultraman Jack, and was hit hard by Ultraman Jack's "air spin drop" Falling to the ground, Tyrochas died on the spot.

This individual is now the new Tyrochus.

Although the Yabo people died, there are still many monsters and enemies on the earth itself.

Especially cosmic beings.

And this Tyrochis was an emergency.

In order to ensure that this guy would not cause any more mass casualties, Cui Ming had already escaped when Long started preparing the battle plan.

So much so that this was the situation when Long Wulang turned around to discuss with Cui Ming.

"Vice Captain, we need to make a plan Vice Captain?! Where is the Vice Captain?!"

"Already set off."

Beidou reminded from the side.

".It's still the same."

Ryugoro is used to it.

And now Cui Ming is constantly attacking this guy with high-temperature light.

We thank Gurungon for technical assistance.

Golangon is a monster native to the earth, but it has no territorial disputes with humans at all.

Because it likes magma, even Golangon's cells have similar characteristics to minerals. When its body comes into contact with magma, whether the body is injured or blown to pieces, Golangon can instantly heal with the help of the power of lava. regeneration.

So it just needs humans not to invade its territory.

On the human side, one thing was determined after Gurangon provided lava thermal energy technology.

Whoever touches Gulangong in the future will have no problem killing him!

"Storm No. 1 Cui Ming here has begun to attack the enemy's wings. Captain, how is your plan going?"

"We have already set off towards you with the EMC. We will be there soon."

"Very good, I hope we can end the battle soon."

Since the situation of Tyrochis has been determined, this time I plan to directly use EMC to determine the outcome with one blow.

The output power of EMC is still trustworthy.

As long as the monster is not the type that specializes in absorbing energy, EMC can basically fight it.


Tyrochas was now in great pain, for his wings were set on fire.

Cui Ming didn't pay attention to its screams, but kept firing various missiles and attacks. Cui Ming even prepared weapons at the bottom of the box.

The super-temperature difference ray is a weapon made using the power of Golangon and Lagoras. It uses freezing rays and fireball rays at the same time. After combining the energy of the two extreme attributes of ice and fire, it forms a huge spherical light that blasts towards enemy. The super temperature difference caused by the ice and fire rays can instantly evaporate a large area of ​​the earth's surface.

Because it is extremely powerful and is an incomplete weapon, it is generally used in the air.

Isn't this a coincidence~ Mr. Tyrochas.

"This is Storm One. We are about to begin a thorough attack on the enemy. Captain, you'd better hurry up."

"Already arrived at the location."

"Very good! Ultra-temperature difference light emission! Yukikaze! Show them!"

Super temperature difference light emission!

The spherical light hit Tyroches directly.

Tyrochis screamed in pain, his wings were completely evaporated and he fell towards the ground.

This time it was basically broken into pieces.

After all, Jack had used throwing skills to kill members of their clan before.

At this time, Ryugoro said: "You see the target, take action, sergeant."

"Understood, everyone! EMC launch!"

boom! ! ! ! ! *N

Several EMCs happen together, by the way.

Balga and Balam are holding an external EMC to emit beams.

Although weapons cannot be mounted on it, we can use guns directly!

After being attacked, Tyrochis screamed in pain a few times before exploding.

"Quick, quick, quick! Logistics class! Collect materials!"

Cui Ming reminded while driving Xuefeng.

Cui Ming then touched Xuefeng's cockpit.

"Hey partner, happy working together."

Xuefeng is indeed the most advanced EDF technology specially manufactured for ourselves.

"This is Storm 1. Captain, I'm returning first."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Watching Cui Ming pilot the Xuefeng back, Beidou said with some envy: "That's great. The Xuefeng is really a very good fighter."

"Indeed. It's a pity that there is only one like this so far."

Konno said next to him.

"And the vice-captain is not allowed to be touched except in special circumstances."


The sergeant smiled and said: "After all, these are combat equipment, and the baby Storm 1 is normal. Let's return home."

This is actually the most ordinary day for Team Tucker and EDF.

after all

There are many monsters and there is no shortage.

Even if humans no longer take the initiative to provoke the earth monsters, there will still be some space monsters coming.

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