Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 241 The Brave King is stealing the house

Orion didn't know he was being targeted.

And the target was a top boss.

But Orion is very confident now.

We Orion are finally going to stand out!

This beautiful Earth will be our colony!

"Hahahahaha!!!!!! Let's get started! Go! The gas we rely on for survival! Let's make Earth our colony! Hundreds of pyramids acting together will surely succeed! Hahaha!"

Then, red smoke began to spread.


There is only one pyramid.

Only one pyramid is in action.

As for the support from Orion.

The Brave King is demolishing the house on the other side.

The Brave King has a new weapon, designed by Cui Ming, called the Golden Hammer.

Originally there was an upgraded version, but that needs to wait until Hikari is finished.

But this one is enough now!

"Gold! Impact!!! Turn into light for me!!!!"

As the Brave King's hammer pressed down, another Sphinx turned into light.

It really turned into light.

This is the power of the Brave King.

Orion is now regretting, very regretful.

How could he offend this killing god? !

Although I have heard that the Brave King has a relationship with the Earth, you came as soon as we sent a signal.

Isn't this a bit too fast?

But at this time, it is useless for Orion to say anything, because the Brave King has gone crazy!

Orion, a group of guys who invade other planets and use other planets as colonies!

They can be killed!

The most important thing is that these guys have set their sights on their hometown Earth!

Although to be honest, I am actually made in another dimension.

But now my hometown is Earth!

So, the Kingdom of Light will not say anything if I launch a counterattack for the Earth.

"I am the Brave King from Earth! Orion! Your trick will be broken! Watch my fist!!!!"

"No! Big brother, we are wrong, okay! Stop fighting!! You will tear it all down! Woo woo woo!"

It's so hateful! I have never seen such a shameless guy!

You said we were so skilled at tearing it down!

Are you the reincarnation of a demolition machine? !

Hey! You guessed it right, the Brave King has the data of Barga, and Barga is a giant crane that specializes in demolishing buildings!

On the other side.

The plan of the Orion star is being broken

You release your red gas, we have the typhoon of Barry Kane.

Although it may affect the weather in Japan, who makes the situation urgent now? Who knows what kind of disgusting thing the enemy released? It is better to let Barry Kane take it away directly.

And Barry Kane did not disappoint.

Barry Kane dissipates the energy in his body through the high-speed rotation of the disk above his head to produce a super-strong large typhoon accompanied by tornadoes and heavy rains, with a wind speed of 150M/S. The typhoon was first generated 500 kilometers northeast of Saipan that year, but it disappeared in a short time.

Then, a huge tornado occurred in the sea 50 kilometers south of the Ogasawara Islands, causing great damage to large oil tankers that were blown into the mountains of the islands. These abnormal weather conditions were all caused by the typhoon controlled by Barry Kane.

The storm created by Barry Kane has the power to blow away small and large ships, as well as the MAT Airo, and even Jack Ultraman in flight was blown away.

And this is the typhoon created by the Barry Kane that is weaker than the current Barry Kane.

The strong ones now have strong air capabilities.

Of course, the harm of this typhoon is the same.

Barry Kane has a jellyfish-like figure and is called the "magician of nature" for controlling rain and wind. Since ancient times, there has been an idea that typhoons will give birth to people with great power all over the world, and Barry Kane is a monster that embodies this point.

Barry Kane has the habit of absorbing and radiating typhoon energy, and can freely generate typhoons or make them disappear.

By rotating the outer part of the head at high speed, it can produce typhoons accompanied by tornadoes and heavy rains; the tentacles hanging from the head of Barry Kane are a kind of body hair, and there are no fingers on the hands and feet, but they are all very slender.

And by the way, the luminous body on its chest looks like an eye, but it is not an eye, but a decoration used to confuse the enemy. The real eye is located on the top of the head. Barry Kane's whole body is full of electricity, and it has a strong skin that is not even hurt by missile attacks. It will become calm when the energy is insufficient.

And Barry Kane can also absorb the power of electricity

The huge long whip-like wrist has strange power, which can whip and lash the enemy, and can wrap the enemy's neck to strangle it. In close combat, it uses both arms to hit fiercely and overwhelm Jack, which is in an advantageous position. In addition, in addition to the two wrists, the tentacles growing vertically from the skull can also use 50,000 volts of electric current to radiate attacks in close combat.

The bright red mouth on the abdomen has an amazing attraction. In addition to being able to absorb everything, it also invalidates Jack's Specium Ray, is in a favorable position, and can convert the energy accumulated in the body into gas jets.

And this guy also has a means of blasting. Through the red light-emitting organ on the head, it can emit 1 million watts of electric light and blast the target.

So this guy is still quite outrageous

In a sense, they can be worshiped as gods. After all, no one who can summon wind, rain, thunder and lightning is simple.

Many of these monsters with unique abilities on Earth are actually more of a form of self-protection for the Earth.

After all, many monsters do have special abilities.

Ultraman is sometimes difficult to deal with, but the Earth can directly create some monsters specifically designed to restrain them, which shows the uniqueness of the Earth's ability.

At this time, the Orions looked at the current situation in disbelief.

how so? !

Why? ! Why does it become like this!

Shouldn't our plan have hundreds of pyramids acting together? !

Why are we the only one in action now? !

Where are the other Orions? !

Have you betrayed me? !

Why betrayal!

Just as it was thinking about it, it suddenly discovered something.

Why? !


Pyramid signal! Are we alone? !

“This is broken”

The Orions immediately understood their current situation.

To put it bluntly, they are now isolated.


"No, we must prepare for action. Now our pyramid is the only one on earth that can still be used, but the enemy has the ability to restrain us."

The Orions never thought about it.

The most perfect start turned into a hellish start!

Why is this? !

Aren’t our previous plans ready? !

Why are we the only ones left now? !

"No, something is not right with the earth now! Flood Island! Go and sneak into human territory!"

"Huh? Me?"

The Orion, known as Liudao, was speechless.

No, we are all like this.

Just go home.


But the Orion boss doesn't care about this.

It also wanted to go home, but now Liangzi took over.

Go back without paying anything?

How could such a good thing happen?

So this drift island became the target of being pushed out.

"The mother planet will definitely come to support soon. You go and complete the mission first!"

"Ah, this is..."

There's nothing we can do about it on the island.

He is just a soldier.

Then more red gas began to appear crazily.

But it didn't look good enough in front of Ballycairn.

Ballycairn easily swept away the gas.

Eat a roasted whole beef as you roll away.

Brother Kiras’ devotion to his family.

Of course, salting their souls is also indispensable.

Since the two brothers followed Cui Ming, I don't know if it is because they have eaten well, so they have let themselves go.

He wasn't angry at all about becoming Cui Ming's thug, he was even very proud.

When they were miniaturized, the two of them liked to wear sunglasses and act as the second general of Humph next to Cui Ming all day long.

When something goes wrong, he just goes over to beat up the cosmonauts. When nothing happens, the two brothers barbecue together.

And Cui Ming can still afford to raise them.

These two guys really competed and fought without any hesitation.

Very powerful.


Just have Ballycairn in charge.

The brothers also enjoy being chefs.

At this time, the Orion man on the island looked at the current situation and said to his superior: "If I go out now, I feel that I will be discovered directly!"

"You are right, I will give you some support, go ahead!"

Speaking of the Orion's increased release of red smoke.

Liudao was silent after watching this.

No, this is your support?

Otherwise, I just go out and tell the other side to give me a shot.

"Go! Flood Island!"


The level of officialdom is overwhelming.

At this time, just surrender and run away. The Kingdom of Light generally will not kill everyone.

Of course, the Kingdom of Light won’t, but Cui Ming will.

At this time, Cui Ming looked at the red smoke that the Orions kept emitting and said, "Well, no wonder it makes Mother Earth so angry. It's a thing that changes the environment."

At this time, Tigulis who was underground said: "I think about it, these guys seemed to have sneaked into the underground, and almost all of them were eaten. I didn't expect that there was one left here. Let me tell you, you If you tell other underground monsters, they will be very happy to come and open the box. ’

'Forget it, let the troops practice their skills.'

‘That’s good, you humans are finally starting to be useful. You humans all needed our protection before. Even the space monsters came and couldn’t help us much. Now we are finally starting to be useful. ’

But to be honest, Tiguris recently discovered that human technology is a bit outrageous?

Are you sure Mother Earth will approve of the planet-exploding stuff you come up with?

Forget it, although this thing is indeed scary, it can also be regarded as a deterrent.

In fact, many cosmic people nowadays don’t really want to provoke the earth directly. After all, there are some outrageous things happening on the earth. The earth has the unity of heaven and earth.

There are many weapons specifically designed to explode stars.

It's a pity that the Orions were slow to accept the news, so...

Now the big daddy, the King of Braves, will go first. When necessary, the King of Braves will come back to Earth and bring the super weapon R1 to your house. You should stop being arrogant.

The senior members of the group were right, this was indeed a marathon running while vomiting blood.

But there is no way, there are too many aliens with malicious intentions.

The one who deserves special mention here is the Pedan star.

As for what the Pedan people did, I was actually a little embarrassed when the senior said that he was running a marathon while spitting blood.

After all,

the other side can tear up the peace agreement directly.

What else can't they do?

Humans must arm themselves, and monsters must also arm themselves.

Everything is to avoid becoming slaves of the enemy and not being exterminated by the enemy.

Everything is for the survival of the race.


The universe is too dangerous. We may not win the war, but we can die with you directly!

Don't let us know where your home is!

If we know, we will directly use the super weapon R1 to explode with you!

In fact, EDF did this in the past.

But Cui Ming can understand.

The other side has built nests directly in the city. If this continues, the earth will completely become a paradise for those monsters.

For the survival of mankind, some sacrifices can only be made.

The most important thing is that many officers don't have tickets and go with them.

So Cui Ming has nothing to say.

For the continuation of the human race.


In fact, Cui Ming also learned this trick.


Just like what I said before.

The earth is too dangerous now.

Necessary ground cleaning attack is also a necessary means

Although it is cruel, it is the last resort.

Of course, this ground cleaning plan was slightly modified by Cui Ming, such as first determining the coordinates of the enemy base and then directly attacking with all super weapons R1.


No way.

You don't want us earthlings to have an easy life, so we earthlings can only choose to protect ourselves. I believe you aliens will understand, right?

Cui Ming is not a demon.

I just want everyone to understand each other.

Let's go together!

This is how we humans treat invaders.

Of course, this is also the way of EDF.

Although it may be a little extreme, who can blame us EDF for our martial virtues.

The commander-in-chief, that idiot, likes to lead the team when he has nothing to do.

You are the commander-in-chief!

What should we do if something happens to you?

However, it is also because of the habit of the commander-in-chief that Cui Ming can accept some outrageous operations.

What else can we do?

Everyone has fought hard to survive.

And now the Orion people don’t know what level of living father they have offended.

The most important thing is that the Brave King who belongs to the earth knows the coordinates.

Then you are miserable.

When the Brave King comes back, he will blow you up with the super weapon R1, and the Kingdom of Light will not say anything.

Of course, based on what the Brave King is doing over there now, it is estimated that these guys can’t stand it.

After all, the Brave King’s strength is still very scary. He defeated Baraba with the power of Sarus together with Ace.

It can be said that he is already a strong level among the Ultra Brothers.

In addition, many attacks of the Sphinx Ultra Beast of Orion are useless to the Brave King.

Orion has hit a super iron plate.

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