Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 80: War in the Desert Area

For the past like... ten minutes after I had easily defeated the Area Boss, Gary, I am currently just flying forward in the Ashen Desert, looking out for other players who may be part of the Red Legion or the Bug Legion.

But so far, I have not seen a single soul in this large patch of grey.

Just how big did the devs make this place!?

Fortunately, just as I was about to give up the search, I heard a faint noise in the distance. And it wasn't some monster or something.

No... It was the sound of people fighting.

"Ah ha! There they are."

Two crowds of players are engaging in combat with the other party. Their Lamp Bugs shone brightly throughout the battlefield. However, both sides are not equal in numbers. Yet, they seem to be of equal footing.

The reason for that is because the side with fewer players has a legion of Bug-type monsters fighting alongside them.

I'm assuming they are the Bug Legion. Which means that the other team will have to be the Red Legion.

That assumption was further reinforced when I spotted the kid, Red, and his maid fending off against the other team with the bugs on their side.

They are pretty recognizable even though I have only seen them once from a distance.

He seems to be doing very well against them actually. However, I have also noticed something strange about the rest of the Red Legion players who are fighting around him.

Those guys. They aren't taking damage.

Or to be exact, they seem to be taking very little damage from the Bug Legion players and their bugs.

On the other hand, Red, himself, seemed to be taking a lot of damage.

I should be stopping this war. But out of curiosity, I decided to observe for the time being and moved closer to the battlefield.

"Push them back! Eradicate those bugs!" Players of the Red Legion shouted.

"Kill them, all of you! For the mistress!" Players of the Bug Legion shouted back.

Their war continued to wage on, where both sides tried their best to eliminate the other.

During that moment, Red was starting to become breathless.

"Alright! Red's HP is low. Finish him quickly!" One of the Bug Legion players shouted, as the rest focused their attacks on the kid.

But, rather than panicking at the sight of dozens of grown men coming at him, Red forged a smile on his face as his eyes lit up with excitement.

"My HP is low, you say? Who decided that!?" He yelled and raised his shield up high.

"Holy Sacrifice!" He said, using a skill, as his body was then enveloped in a soothing light, restoring his HP back to full.

His attackers stopped their assault for a moment when they saw that his HP was restored. But decided to advance anyway. Unleashing their own skills on him.

"Critical Strike!"


"Aura Blade!"

"Bleeding Strike!"

"Triple Slash!"

"Mana Blast!"

"Counterstrike!" Red then uses another skill, repelling his attackers' attacks back to them. Killing them instantly.

Wow. The kid's really good.

But even with his flashy show of power, the Bug Legion players continue to target him.

"Don't stop! Get him!"

"Shadow Art: Raining Shurikens!"

However, as they approach him, they were intercepted by Red's maid who threw a great amount of shurikens at the enemies, where some died as a result but most survived with heavy damage taken.

"You will not touch the Young Master while I live." She said.

Oh wow. It's a ninja maid.

However, while their fight is going well, the other Red Legion players seem to be falling behind. In fact, they seem to be taking serious damage from the Bug Legion players now unlike before when they were barely hurt when hit.

The situation was going bad for the Red Legion all of a sudden.

If I'm correct, it started becoming this way after Red used that Holy Sacrifice skill to heal himself.

"Young Master. Our allies."

"Don't worry. I got it!"

Red then plants his shield into the ground as he shouted, "Guardian Sacrifice!"

A sort of field was deployed on the battlefield, and the Red Legion players suddenly started to gain the upperhand again as they pushed the Bug Legion players back, while barely taking any damage themselves.

Meanwhile, Red isn't moving an inch as his allies push their enemies back.

Oh... So the kid was using a damage-sharing skill or something like that.

Guardian Sacrifice to take one's allies' injuries for themselves, and then Holy Sacrifice to replenish the one's HP after taking their allies' injuries. It's the ultimate combo for a self-healing tank. The only downsides are that Guardian Sacrifice gets deactivated when Holy Sacrifice gets used, and that the user cannot do anything else when using Guardian Sacrifice.

How interesting... I wonder if Himeji will be something like that. They're both Shielders, aren't they?

The war then went for a bit longer, as I continued to watch both Legions duke it out back and forth like a tug-o-war match. And after a while, I thought to myself.

I.... should probably stop enjoying the show and stop the war already, huh?

So, with my trusty bat— I mean, staff, I raised it up high and then aimed down at the battlefield.

"Multi-Aqua Laser!"

Using my new ultimate spell, I blasted a beam of water at one point on the ground and dragged it straight down to draw a line, splitting the two forces. The players of both Legions who saw my attack coming quickly move to avoid it from hitting them. Most of them evaded it, but there were a few who did not and ended up dying to my attack. Oops. Sorry...

"What was that...?"

"It-- It came from above..."

The players then looked up and that's when they saw me flying above their heads.

"That's-- That's--!?"

Uhh... Should I say something to them?

"Hello~!" I waved to them, smiling.

"It's Yoru! She's here!" Yelled a member of the Red Legion.

"Wha wha wha-- What is our mistress doing here!?" A member of the Bug Legion shouted as well.

And now, the atmosphere of the situation has suddenly turned awkward.

The Red Legion were staring at me with caution and confusion.

While the Bug Legion were looking at me somewhat anxious.

I guess hello wasn't the right word to say to them.

"That's enough. Both of you." I said to them as I descended onto the Bug Legion's side.

All eyes are on me as I turned to face my supposed fan club.

"You guys are the Bug Legion, correct? Who is your leader?" I asked them to bring the man or woman forward. Then, one player whom I presume is their leader, stepped up to greet me.

"Greetings, our mistress! It is an honour to see you here!"

"You're the leader of these guys?" I asked him.

"Indeed. I am—"

"No need to hear it." I interrupted the dude's introduction and immediately went for the head.

"Repent!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!" He energetically shouted back as his body was knocked back.

""Leader!"" The rest of the Bug Legion yelled as they quickly moved to catch the guy in their arms.

"Uhh... What is going on?"

"I have no idea."

The Red Legion seemed to be saying something behind me. But right now, my attention is focused on the Bug Legion in front of me who looked afraid despite being my fans.

"M-M-Mistress, may we ask what has upset you?" A Bug Legion member asked after seeing his leader flew five meters back from the impact of my bat.

"My name is Yoru. Not Mistress. As for what I'm upset about: Nothing really. I was just told that you folks are ruining other people's fun and was requested to stop you guys since you all are my quote-unquote 'fan club'."

"Indeed we are!" The Bug Legion's Leader got up. He sure recovered quickly, as he then preached. "Yoru, the Umbra Witch. We have been fans of you ever since you massacred all of us in the night match during the game's first event. The absurd way you fought, the chaos you ensued. They were beautiful and a hella entertaining to rewatch in the highlights each time, which made us fall in love with you more! That's why we, as a collective fan of yours, have formed the Bug Legion in your honour!"

Oh geez... He's loud as fuck.

"So... You were all players I have killed before in the battle royale event. Why call yourself the Bug Legion though?"

"That's because it was what you used to massacre us before joining in the bloodbath yourself. We even learned how to tame an army of bugs thanks to you. But of course, the numbers we have are pale in comparison to what you had back then."

I taught them that? When did I do that?

"Additionally, I was the one you specifically stomped to death when you made your entry onto the battlefield." The Bug Legion's leader claimed proudly.

"Right... I don't remember you. Sorry."

The Bug Legion's leader became silent as it seemed like I heard something crack in him. Or it was just my imagination.

"Anyways, I would appreciate it if you guys would just stop Pk-ing other players and ruining their fun of the game. Speaking of which, why are you guys even doing something like this again?" I asked them since I kind of forgot the reason for their actions which Diego told me, after excitedly beating up a good number of the monsters in this area with my new staff.

"About that, Miss Yoru. They were apparently doing it for you." Said a sweet and gentle voice whispering into my ear behind me, as I flinched and jumped away, turning around to face the owner of said voice behind me.

"Ah. You are..."

I recognised them, it was Red and his ninja maid. The owner of that sweet voice presumably belonged to the ninja maid.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Yoru. My name is Sayaka." The ninja maid introduced herself, then turned to Red who was cautiously hiding behind her. "And this my Young Master and our leader, Red." She said.

"Umm... Nice to meet you, Miss Yoru. My name is Red." Said the kid, nervously introducing himself after his maid had already done so for him. Acting completely different from earlier when he was fighting the Bug Legion.

"Cute." was my first thought when he spoke to me in such a manner.

What's more, there was this weirdly strange yet familiar feeling of wanting to protect the kid welling up in me upon meeting him face-to-face.

"Nice to meet you, Red, Sayaka. I am Yoru. Don't worry. I am not your enemy here." I politely returned the greeting to them. However, they seemed kind of quiet when I did so.

"U-Umm... Miss Yoru...?" Red called me.

"Hm? What's wrong, Red—?" I was about to ask. But that's when I realised I had unconsciously walked up to the kid and is now patting him on the head.


Upon realising my rudeness, I quickly pulled my hand back.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Red."

"No. It's alright, Miss Yoru. Or rather, it felt weirdly nice." He said, with an adorable smile shining brightly like the sun.

My goodness! How can such a young boy be so cute!?

I can see how the Red Legion was formed. The kid's charm is too much! It's a weapon that can surpass Metal Gear!

I then turned to Sayaka to not be distracted by Red and asked her, "So what do you mean when you said they were doing it for me?" I went back to the topic, as Sayaka answered.

"To simply put it, those Bug Legion players behind you wanted to stop any other players from reaching the next city, so that they can have you be the first to clear the Liberation Quest in the Sacrecy Region when you attempt it. And since you were the first to clear the Liberation Quest in the Lucidum Region, I'm sure you would know: There are perks to being the first to clear the Liberation Quest of an un-liberated region that other players wouldn't normally get."

"Ah... That's true." I said in agreement. After all, I do have the Unique Skill, Liberator of Arialight, which was obtained after becoming the first to clear the Liberation Quest at that city.

Also, now I remember the reason.

"Umm, Miss Yoru." Red then called out to me.

"Yes? What is it, Red?" I asked the kid.

"Are you going to attempt the Liberation Quest once the next city is found?" He questioned me, looking anxious as he awaits my response.

Right... The kid wanted to have the glory of clearing the Liberation Quest in the Sacrecy Region first, didn't he? He's probably anxious thinking I might take that from him now that I'm here.

"No. I'm not really interested in that." I answered. "I mean, I have already cleared the Liberation Quest at Arialight before and to be honest, attempting that solo was a risky maneuver. I'm not going through that again."

"Is that so...?"

"Yes. So you can have that glory all you want."

Red's face lit up when he heard that I won't be interfering with his goal.

"Thank you so much!" He said ecstatically and jumped with joy.

Sayaka formed a smile too upon seeing her Young Master happy and bowed to me with gratitude too.

"Thank you, Miss Yoru."

"No need to thank me, Sayaka. It's not like you needed my permission anyway." I said to them. "Besides, I'm busy preparing to beat a raid boss right now. So I can't be bothered with that." I added.




And suddenly, the whole crowd had gone silent. All eyes were staring at me with looks of astonishment and disbelief.

Oh crap. I then realised my mistake. Come to think of it, there didn't seem to be any other player who knew about the Pinocchio raid boss. Which means... I've just leaked valuable information.

"A- A raid boss...?"

"Miss Yoru, you've found a raid boss?"

Crap crap crap... I need to somehow fix this!

"A- Ahem! Sorry. I think you have misheard me. I said that I was busy preparing to build a restaurant right now. Yup. So I can't be bothered with Liberation Quest. That's right."

"Oh! Is that what it was?" Said Red, believing my bullshit.

Good! The kid bought it!

"No, Young Master. I'm pretty sure she said 'raid boss'."

Crap! The maid didn't buy it!

"No no... I said 'restaurant'. Well, to be exact, it will just be a food stand for now. I already have the store prepared actually. But now, I just need to find a good spot in Arialight to build it."

"Is that so...?" Sayaka questioned me with a judging gaze.

"Yes. That is so." I replied, gazing back directly into her eyes.

Then, she relented.

"I understand. My apologies for misunderstanding." Said Sayaka. Even so, I'm pretty sure she still didn't buy it.

"It's alright." I replied, being glad that we're on the same term. Then, I turned to the Bug Legion behind me.

"You guys heard that, right!? I'm building a restaurant in the city!" I announced loudly, making all of them understand that clearly.

"Yes, Mistress! We heard you!"

"You're building a restaurant in Arialight!"

"It's Yoru! Not mistress! I'm glad that you guys understand though. Now bugger off and don't go ruining other people's fun again! Do that, and I'll let you guys be the first customers of my restaurant when it opens!"

"""Yes, Mistress! Thank you very much!"""

"Like I said: It's Yoru! Now screw off!"

By my decree, the Bug Legion then dispersed. Thus, ending the war between them and the Red Legion.

"Now then, my job here is done. So I'll be heading off now. Good luck on your endeavours, Red." I then said my goodbyes to the Red Legion.

"Thank you, Miss Yoru. And good luck on your restaurant!" Red said his goodbyes too as he, Sayaka and the rest of the Red Legion saw me off.

"Telekinesis." I used my skill on the Eye of the Accursed staff. Sat on it and flew off back to Arialight to report to Diego about my job well done.

Meanwhile, Red and his legion were still looking up at the sky, watching Yoru fly off.

"Amazing... So she really can fly!" Red remarked in awe, seeing something which he had only heard about on the UFO forums.

"Indeed, she can." Sayaka added, being in awe as well.

"Miss Yoru was also kinder than I thought, wasn't she? The way she patted my head earlier... It reminded me of Big Brother Yoruto when he used to come and visit our old mansion."

"Yes... And not just that, but her demeanor too. It was quite similar to Young Master Yoruto when we conversed."

"That's true. Ah! Could Miss Yoru perhaps be Big Brother Yoruto then?"

"Surely not. Miss Yoru is a mother in real life, remember? And besides, Young Master Yoruto doesn't play games if I recall correctly." Sayaka stated and then changed the subject. "Let us go, Young Master. Now that the Bug Legion will not be interrupting us anymore, thanks to Miss Yoru, we can proceed with our quest."

"Ok! Then let's go, everyone!"


And thus, the Red Legion continued their quest to search for the next city.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

So sorry for making you all wait.

I hoped you enjoy this chapter! :)

Have a nice day.

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