
Chapter Forty Four - 044

Chapter Forty Four - 044

They spent some time discussing strategy and plans for their...infiltration was probably the best term, Felix decided. The Silver Ranks had done their scouting that morning but wouldn't be able to do anything that night, not with the giant's on their guard. That assassin had stirred up the entire encampment, and now nearly a hundred giants and Hoarhounds were combing the city. What's more, the Silver Ranks still had not found any trace of her.

Felix's mood soured at the thought of Ilia.

"What about Callie? Can we afford to wait?" Evie asked.

Magda's face was drawn, but her voice was sure. "We don't have a choice. With the giants on the move and no idea of the comings and goings in that central building, we're blind. We can't move without more information, not if we plan to get out alive."

"Callie's strong. She'll make it through," Harn added, patting Evie on the shoulder.

That reminded Felix of what he hadn't yet told them, and he spoke up. "I saw her this morning. Your friend."

"Where?" Magda half rose from her seat, pinning him down with her stare.

"In the square before the bronze domed building, when that huge Risi leader was doing his evil monologue," Felix said. "She looked pissed."

A laugh bubbled up out of Magda's throat, surprising everyone, even herself.

"Yeah. That's sounds like her." She scratched near her eye and blinked a couple times. "Thanks. Again."

Felix just inclined his head. What else could he have done? He cleared his throat. "Do you know what the giant's meant by the Song? Or what this 'Mother' supposedly is?"

"Hoarfrost superstition. Some of the 'smarter' monsters find religion, somehow," Harn sucked at his teeth before fishing out a small side knife. "Dunno if I'd cahll thaht smaht, but..." he shrugged, knife picking at his teeth.

"The point is, the giant's think there's something of value down in that hole. But it's probably just the artifact the Guild's been after," Magda added.

"Right, the one you mentioned," Felix shook his head. "Gotta be honest, a lot of what they said made zero sense."

"Yeah, same here. I heard a lot of that speech from my perch, I just couldn't see much of the square. Saw that huge blue bastard, though. Big chunks of floating ice and all." Evie took a long pull from a metal flask before passing it back to Harn. "If we have to fight him and all the others...I don't know how we can."

"We will think of a way," Vessilia chimed in, hands carefully cleaning her spear. "We have to." Evie nodded, picking idly at her food.

Ultimately it was decided that they would hunker down for the night before Harn would venture out again in the early morning to scout. In the mean time, all of them began to train under the direction of their team leaders. Each of the Tin Ranks immediately moved out and began a set of exercises that differed pretty wildly, but all seemed tailor made for their physiques.

Felix watched them a bit before turning to Harn and Magda himself. He wanted to train his Skills and body, but he had something to do first.

"Magda, Harn," Felix started, and the two of them turned toward him. They were still wearing their impressive armor though their weapons were set aside or sheathed. Felix swallowed and began again. "I need to talk with you both."

Harn looked at Magda with a frown, his scar pulling at his mouth and turning it into a grimace. For her part, Magda simply waved her hand. "Let me have my say first, kid."

Felix blinked, surprised. "Uh, sure."

"It was a big thing, helping us without knowing anything about us. Frankly, when I saw you putting dents in iron armor with your fists, I thought you musta been a plant. Someone from the Guild sent to spy on us." She let out a small bitter laugh, clearly at herself. "I'm not--it's been a tough few months."

Felix waved his hands. "Nothing to be sorry for; after hearing your story, I get it."

Harn grunted. "Point is, after seeing you in action and how you've helped us out, it's time for us to start trustin' ya."

Magda smirked and nodded. "What he said. He's a big galoot but he can spin a phrase when he wants." Harn shoved her with his elbow, but it wasn't even hard enough to rock her. "I've said it a few times now, but thank you. You don't have a pony in this race, so stickin' around isn't something you have to do." She stuck out her hand.

Felix felt himself flush again, cursing his stupid sense of embarrassment even as he grasped her hand and shook it. "I'm just doing what anyone would do. There are people in trouble. We can get them out. Least I could do is help."

Magda gave him a look, like she wasn't sure what she was seeing. "Not really a common impulse, not around here. But it's appreciated." She cleared her throat and took her hand back. "Now, what did you have to tell me?"

"Oh, ah," Felix extemporized. He had come over here with a half-formed plan about his origins. To spill the beans, as it were. But now he had a perfect excuse to keep those details to himself, which was a relief. What they don't know can't hurt me. "I need teachers. My own education has been...self-administered."

Harn and Magda shared a look before they both nodded.

"How can we help?"

The first thing Felix wanted to do was get some answers. While Magda went about instructing her trainees, Harn sat down and started grilling Felix.

It was the opposite of what Felix intended, but Harn explained that if he was going to help train him, the grizzled warrior would have to know what Felix's baseline status was at this point.

"Do you have your Omen Revealed?" Harn asked, leaning back against the carved wall.

"Yeah," Felix said, standing awkwardly in front of him. It felt weird to be looming over the warrior, who seemed more interested in his flask than the questions.

"Care to tell me what it is?" Harn tried, though his voice sounded doubtful.

"Um, sure. It's the Magician."

Harn's eyebrows went up, and he pulled his flask away from his mouth. "Magician? Ya sure?"

"Yeah? Why?" Felix asked.

"Nothing, really. Just ain't a common one, is all."

"Oh...that doesn't make sense. Isn't Atar a mage?" Felix wondered, looking up at the slender teen who was busy doing pushups of all things, and not well.

"Sparky?" Harn shrugged. "Yeah, he's a magic focused kid; s'how he was raised down in Te'thys. He hasn't Revealed his Omen yet, but I doubt it'll end up the Magician."

It still didn't make sense. Magic was the Magician's whole deal right? That's why Felix's Willpower and Intelligence got bumped. Right?

"Why?" Felix asked.

Harn shrugged again, taking another pull of his flask. "Magic ain't a Human specialty, never has been. Elves though, yeah they got magic in spades. Probably find the Magician Omen all over em."

Felix chewed at his lip, mentally going over his list of questions. "Then what is an Omen? I thought it had something to do with your class..."

"Class? What's that?" Harn asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Like your specialty? Warriors are good at physical combat, mages are good at magic, clerics are good at healing? And so on?" Felix explained, miming a few punches and magical looking flourishes for good measure.

Harn laughed.

"That's the dumbest thing I've heard. It's Skills and Titles that determine your specialty, and even then, that's only a guideline." Harn's face soured slightly. "And don't talk about priests. You don't want anything to do with them."

Felix wanted to ask more, but could tell Harn wasn't going to answer anything along those lines. I'll just ask the others at some point.

"You ready to answer my other questions, or do you just got like, a list a these?" Harn spat something thick off to the side. Felix could hear it splat nearby.

Gross. "Yeah, sorry. I just got a couple more questions. This wasn't really, uh, it, yeah just a few more." Felix recovered his train of thought before he let too much slip about his origins. He had at least thirty different questions he wanted to follow up on, but he figured he'd have to narrow this down. He wanted to get training soon. "Do you know what all the Omens are?"

Harn rolled his eyes. "Some. Quill-pushers back at the Guild probably got a whole list, but ya learn a few from time to time. Let's see, mine is Strength, Magda's got the Star, and I've heard tell of the Wheel, Chariot, Justice, and even one called the Lovers, if you can believe it."

Harn chuckled, but Felix's eye grew wide. "What?"

"I know. Odd. But hey, they give solid boosts per level, so any Omen is good."

Felix barely heard him, focused instead on his own revelation. The Omens are named after...tarot cards? How? Or do I have that backwards? Are our tarot cards named after the Omens here? The correlation raised more questions about this world and his own, and just how interconnected they were.

Harn stood up and started walking to the far side of the room. "Alright, that's enough questions. Wait," Harn paused and turned back to Felix. "What's your Born Trait?"

"Uh, Keen Mind."

Harn looked nonplussed. "What's that?"

Felix straightened up and said, "Perfect memory."

Harn quirked and eyebrow and walked away. "...Alright."

Felix followed, more than a little deflated.

Harn's method of training felt a lot like gym class at first.

Felix was made to do fifty push-ups, fifty sit ups, and then run around the room five times. At the end of it, Felix was a little out of breath but mostly felt fine. His Strength and Endurance scores had grown far beyond such a simple exercise.

"What's your Stamina down?" Harn asked as he came to a stop.

"About five percent," Felix said after checking his display. Harn made a noncommittal noise and sucked at his teeth again.

"Gimme a list of yer highest leveled Skills," he said after a moment.

"All of them?" Felix clarified.

"Nah. Anything over, say, level 20. That'd do it."

Felix looked at his Status, briefly considering how much he wanted to reveal to the powerful warrior. Should I keep some of this secret? He waffled for a dozen seconds before deciding to keep all of his Epic rarity Skills a secret. No need for him to know everything, right? After compiling his list, he looked around for paper. "Do you want this written down, or should I read it off?"

"What?" Harn asked, frowning. "No, just show me the Skill list."

Felix's head rocked back in surprise, but he quickly reorganized his Skill list and, on a guess, willed it over to Harn. It was strange, but Felix could immediately see a blue window pop into existence before the Silver Rank.

So you can share your windows with anyone? That's handy.

Skill List:

Acid Resistance 20

Acrobatics (U) 21

Analyze 21

Acid Stream 22

Exploration (U) 21

Influence of the Wisp 22

Stealth 23

Dodge 24

Unarmed Mastery 24

Stone Shaping 24

Poison Resistance (U) 25

Pain Resistance (U) 28

Fire Within 29

Meditation (U) 30

Manasight (U) 31

"Blind gods, why do you have so many Skills?" Harn looked alarmed as he scrolled through the window Felix sent.

"Kinda just happened, really," Felix explained with a shrug. "I've been through some weird stuff recently."

"I'll say. Ya got three different Resistances here, a bunch of spells, some evasion Skills, one combat Skill, and the rest are all mental buffs a'one kind or another. Lotta Rare and Uncommon Skills too..." Harn gave Felix a surprised but respectful look. "This is almost as impressive as it is completely ridiculous. How're ya expecting to keep up with all these Skills?"

Felix didn't know how to answer that, so he just shrugged. "I'd try my best, I guess. I mean, I got them this far, right?"

Harn smirked, but Felix wasn't sure how to read the man. Was that amusement? Criticism? Nervous tic? The man kept talking, though.

"Normally I'd put together a regimen based on yer highest Skills, the ones ya use the most. But seeing as yer some sorta high achiever, I figure we can focus on the basics a fightin before we worry about Tempering." Harn walked over to his huge rucksack and began shoving items around inside. Felix felt a sudden rush of excitement as he registered what the warrior was telling him.

"You mean my Formation?"

"Hm? Yeah, I can sense you haven't completed any Tempering yet. You got, what? One Body Essence?" Harn asked over his shoulder.

"Yeah. I got it when I made Apprentice Tier in Poison Resistance," Felix confirmed. "How can you tell?"

Harn laughed without turning around. "Do this long enough and ya get the knack. Sides, my Brawler's Physique does more'n make me fight good." Harn turned back around, this time holding a hard leather-looking case. He walked back toward Felix and set it on the ground before speaking up again. "Ya used a poison of some sort, right? Pretty strong one, if strange. It feels slow, like Narvum Oil," he paused. "It ain't Narvum Oil, is it?"

Felix felt like Harn's eyes were seeing right through him, somehow. Whatever his Brawler's Physique was doing, it was an unpleasant sensation that squirmed against his Perception. "Uh, maybe? It was a strong poison, some sort of paralytic that slowly made all my everything stop. I don't know what it was called," Felix rubbed his side, where the dagger had stabbed him. "And I didn't dose myself, if that's what you're saying. That assassin got me."

"Nah, that ain't Narvum Oil. Venom of the Narvum don't paralyze, and woulda given ya the runs fer a week." Harn's eyes narrowed, inspecting something about Felix's body, like he was reading a book Felix couldn't see. Abruptly he whistled, low and long. "Hoo, didn't know ya got the Sworn ta poison ya during yer Formation though! Hah! I'd kill ta have seen the look on her face when you stood back up."

Felix found himself chuckling. "It was pretty good, yeah."

"What Essence ya take?"

"The Essence of Inevitability. Though I'm not sure what that does, or even means," Felix admitted. "I don't fully understand why my Apprentice Tier Skill even took parts of the poison into itself."

"That makes sense. Most keep the details on Tempering from the younger ones fer their own protection. Too many promising students thought themselves too special ta wait; Tempering before yer ready is deadly." Harn took another swig from his flask. "Special potions or rare treasures are used to Temper your Body, Mind, and Spirit. Yer system extracts a number of Essences from the brew, and ya pick during your Tier Formation.

"I got a few basic Iron types here, meant for the Tin Ranks ta bring them up to snuff." Harn unsnapped the locks on the leather case he brought over, throwing open the lid and displaying a series of small vials, each containing a silvery liquid. Like mercury, almost. "But even these common type Essences can go twisty quick. They're can as easily kill ya as strengthen ya. Much like yer poisoning."

Felix Analyzed them, and they all came back with similar descriptions: Essence Draught of Iron Mind, Essence Draught of Iron Body, and Essence Draught of Iron Spirit.

Name: Essence Draught of Iron Mind

Type: Essence Draught

Lore: Essence Draughts are used to Temper the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Used upon achievement of a Tier, they help to expel impurities and refine the vessel. This Essence Draught is infused with the Mind Essences of Iron.

Rarity: Common

Abruptly, the spark of memory flared in Felix's head. He had a liquid just like that. He'd had it ever since he found the Henaari's corpse.

"Other things can be used, but it's easier and cheaper ta get an alchemist to make up a basic Iron Essence Draught for Apprentice Tier." Harn gestured to the manifold rack of silver vials. "Less effective than a natural treasure or the like, but helluva lot easier ta take. Still hurts like a bitch, though."

"What if you reach Apprentice Tier in more than three Skills? Or have already reached apprentice tier and didn't Temper yourself?" Felix buckled down and asked the questions that were burning in his mind, the ones he'd worried about from the moment he learned about Tempering.

"Tempering more than three Skills is a waste. Resources and time. It won't have any added benefit, not at Apprentice Tier." Harn gestured to the vials again. "If ya failed to Temper yourself the first time, ya got two choices. Both ain't great. One is to raise another Skill to Apprentice Tier, which ain't easy and'll take time. Option two is a lot more painful and highly dangerous." Harn frowned, his eyes drifting down to the Skill list Felix sent to him.

"I've got Pain Resistance, I can handle it," Felix quietly asserted, feeling confident in that at least.

Harn's expression wasn't lazy confidence or smirking amusement. It was stone solid and just as cold. "No ya can't, kid. To Temper yourself fer a Skill that passed beyond yer Tier Formation, you have to break the Skill itself."

"What?" Felix wasn't quite sure he heard that correctly.

"Break the Skill. Ya sunder yer understanding, sacrificing the Skill to alter yerself. It's not something done by anyone except the desperate, but I've heard stories. It's not pleasant and can have...side effects."

Shit. So I DID screw it up. Felix bit his lip. No way I'm gonna go breaking my Skills just for this.

"So what should I do? I figure Tempering is my next step, right?" Felix asked.

"I'd suggest you put Tempering out of your mind for now. If one a yer Skills goes into Tier Formation, then ya can snag one a my Essence Draughts. Just do it quick, mind." Harn picked up the vials and set them off to the side.

At Harn's insistence, Felix changed his Skill display, reorganized into new broad categories of Body, Mind, Spirit, then broken down from there.



Resistances: Acid Resistance , Level 20; Cold Resistance , Level 6; Fire Resistance Level 14; Heat Resistance (U), Level 14; Pain Resistance (U), Level 28; Poison Resistance (U), Level 25; Bastion of Will (E), Level 28;

Combat Skills: Blunt Weapon Mastery , Level 3; Dodge , Level 24; Long Blade Mastery , Level 9; Parry , Level 2; Small Blade Mastery , Level 8; Staff Mastery , Level 1; Thrown Weapons Mastery , Level 10; Unarmed Mastery , Level 24; Blind Fighting , Level 18; Corrosive Strike , Level 18

Physical Enhancements: Running , Level 18; Stealth , Level 23; Swimming , Level 3; Acrobatics (U), Level 21; Breath Control (U), Level 17; Free Climbing (U), Level 15; Armored Skin , Level 16; Physical Conditioning , Level 19


Mental Enhancements: Acting , Level 6; Improvisation , Level 4; Intimidation , Level 2; Make An Entrance (U), Level 3; Meditation (U), Level 30; Lessons of the Past , Level 13; Deep Mind (E), Level 24

Information Skills: Analyze , Level 21; Tracking , Level 13; Exploration (U), Level 21; Herbalism (U), Level 17


Spiritual Enhancements: Companion Pact (U), Level 14; Dual Casting (U), Level 13; Mana Manipulation (U), Level 4; Manasight (U), Level 31

Spells: Cloudstep , Level 1; Acid Stream , Level 22; Fire Within Level 29; Influence of the Wisp , Level 22; Invocation , Level 1; Mantle of the Long Night , Level 1; Shadow Whip , Level 13; Stone Shaping , Level 24; Reign of Vellus , Level 26; Sigils of the Primordial Dawn (E), Level 3

Admittedly, some of the Skills didn't quite fit in the categories he envisioned, but other than have a "Random" grouping, it was the best he could manage so far.

As he did that, he opened his satchel and fetched his hard potions case. Inside were a number of empty vials, he had six now, plus the filled one. That one was filled with a measure of liquid silver, heavy and thick. For the first time in days, he tried to Analyze it.

Analyze is level 22!

Name: Essence of Wandering Spirit

Type: Essence Draught

Lore: Essence Draught are used to Temper the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Used upon achievement of a Tier, they help to expel impurities and refine the vessel. This Essence Draught is infused with the Essence of Wander.

Rarity: Uncommon

So it's a Spirit Essence. Wander...does it have something to do with the Henaari's religion? The Endless Raven?

"Alright," Harn clapped his hands, the sound startling Felix from his menus. "Now that's outta the way, first thing we gotta do is teach you how to fight. From what I've seen, you've got a lot of bad habits, kid."

Felix laughed. "You're not wrong. Fighting isn't exactly my thing."

Harn grunted. "Good thing you met me, because it's what I know best. C'mon," he smacked his chest, the metal on metal clanging.


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