Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 12 Private Life

"Night General?" Li Yelai looked at his code name with a little regret.

In fact, he had told his superiors that he wanted to get the code name of 'Lancer'.

After all, I might have to use one-handed spear skills in the future.

It's not too much to bear the title of a spearman.

Cheese, on the other hand, suggested that she should be given the code name "Snow Leopard" so that she could form a Cheese Snow Leopard combination with her. Li Yelai didn't know the mystery, nor did he know what combination of cheese and snow leopard could be.

In short, it seems that no matter which one it is, the leaders do not agree.

‘What’s wrong with a spearman? Don't they know that all the great generals in history were masters of guns? Xiang Yu, Ma Chao, Zhao Zilong, Yue Fei, Gao Chong.’

Young Li Yelai complained in his heart, thinking that the higher-ups were too stingy.

Later, Li Yelai agreed to the group invitation of ‘Cheese’.

Cheese told him about this yesterday. The individual handlers can then be contacted on the liaison. Forming a small group can make it easier to communicate with each other.

After entering the small group of cheese pullers, Li Yelai discovered that there were still acquaintances inside.

Starfire, Detective, Shadow Stream, Cheese, and Heavy Cavalry. Except for Cheese, the others are all newcomers to the East City branch in this issue.

At this time, I noticed that Li Ye came to join the group chat and made a speech.

"Welcome, Night General. It's a pity that I still didn't choose Snow Leopard." Cheese made a crying and laughing expression.

Li Yelai typed in response: "I didn't choose my spearman either. I don't know why."

"Oh, I know this. I heard that you were so lucky that you dared to take the code name of the Lancer. You were struck to death by lightning in a matter of minutes! This is the protection of you from above." Cheese sent an emoticon and responded: " I don’t know the specific reason. Maybe it’s a secret that only highly awakened handlers know.”

Will you be struck by lightning as a spearman? Li Yelai frowned, thinking that maybe the higher ups knew some mysterious information.

But he didn't really care, it was just a code name, and Night Commander was pretty good.

"Okay, now that you have obtained the code name, you are now the official handler. If you have time, go to the forum and improve your knowledge. If you don't understand anything, just ask in the small group." Cheese said: "Also, take some time to go to the branch to master your psychic weapons and build some equipment."

"彳亍!" Li Yelai responded, left the group, and clicked to enter the forum.

This forum is a communication platform shared by all official psykers in the recent giant cities.

Many senior processors will share their experiences or discuss problems on it.

It can also be regarded as a communication path with the handlers of other giant cities. Of course, some confidential information will not be exposed above.

Anyway, there are various posts on it.

[Lava Mine City Processing Department, obtain the magic potion formula for the third awakening of the specific ability of the Whispering Path. A bottle of magic potion is sold for 300 merit points, and the purchase of other giant cities requires a 10% handling fee and a transportation fee of 10 merit points. 】

[Border City No. 2, Class B taboo object - Weiyang was discovered. Two full squads were dispatched and suppressed successfully! Suppression strategy.】

[Border City No. 3, the Ember Church used evil sacrifices to summon virtual creatures, but was stabbed to death by a newcomer! 】

[In Border City No. 1, a handler successfully completed his fifth awakening. Congratulations! 】

There are a lot of posts, including posts about myself.

Li Yelai smiled inwardly, clicked on the post, and saw a video on it. Astonishingly, it was the scene where he descended from the sky and stabbed the monster to death. It’s just that the pixels are not high, and the front face is not captured, and the facial makeup is not visible.

Most of the responses under the post were, 'Is this a newcomer? Damn, dick, dick! ’

‘Why don’t you come to our lava mining city! ’

‘What a spear and sword technique falling from the sky! ’

‘Whose general is this? ’

These are useless comments.

Later, Li Yelai continued to search for the post and finally saw his target.

[List of psychic weapons for each giant city]

It records a large number of officially collected psychic weapons, their effects and prices.

This is Li Yelai's real goal, and it can even be said to be one of the main reasons why he became a handler.

He wants to find a prop that can suppress his sister's curse here.

Soon, he saw several objects that could suppress the curse.

[Anti-Psychic Helmet] While suppressing the opponent's and even one's own psychic powers, it can also suppress part of the curse, with zero risk of distortion. The price is 80 merit points. It's in Border City No. 1, so you have to pay 10 points for shipping. Total 90 points.

[Isolation Scarf] can isolate all-weather curses to a great extent, but the effect of powerful curses on high-level psykers is not obvious, and the risk of distortion is low. Sold for 200 Merit Points, in Lava Mine City. Add shipping fee 210 points.

[Broken Spirit Branch] comes from the Disaster Restricted Area, Mist Dragon Forest. Can greatly dispel psychic energy and temporarily suppress curses. The risk of distortion is medium. The price is 800 merit points and requires a handler of three levels or above to purchase it.

There are many things to suppress curses, but the prices are not low.

Li Yelai now has 30 merit points and is considered a rich man among newcomers. But I can't reach any of them.

However, there is no need to watch those with higher levels. The effect is stronger, but the risk of distortion is too great to be safe.

Li Yelai didn't dare to use such dangerous things on his sister.

There has to be a risk-free anti-psionic helmet that is more suitable.

90 merit points is not too far away.

Within half a year, if Li Yelai does more tasks, he might be able to get it together.

With that, although it would usually be a bit more troublesome, at least it would allow my sister to get out of the house.

Li Yelai thought to himself and set his next goal. Save merit points and buy an anti-psionic helmet!

Finally having hope, Li Yelai relaxed a lot. A big stone in my heart finally fell.

Then, I started checking other posts.

He doesn't know enough about psykers and needs to learn more in the forum's official guide.

There are seven official paths that have been identified. Gui Ling, Yao Yu, Shen Yu, Wanxiang, Netherworld, Lingmu, Zhenwu.

This ranking is based on the ratio of spiritual energy and physical enhancement at each awakening.

Awakening through the return to zero path, the ratio of spiritual energy/physical enhancement is 8:2.

Therefore, at the same level of awakening, psykers who return to the zero path have the strongest total psychic energy, and the abilities they obtain are often powerful ones such as elemental manipulation. But the body is the weakest. Therefore, when Xinghuo faced the virtual realm creature, his hand was cut off before he could resist.

By analogy, the final true martial arts path has a spiritual energy/physical enhancement ratio of 2:8.

The total amount of psychic energy is the least, but the physical strength is the highest.

This is also the reason why heavy cavalry is so powerful.

Just comparing her strength, she could probably hit Li Ye twice, right?

And Li Yelai is the path of all things. The ratio of spiritual energy/physical enhancement is 5:5, which is a stable development path.

You can compare your physical strength with those above, and you can also compare your spiritual energy with those below.

These are the characteristics of the Seven Paths, followed by the ascension/awakening of the psyker.

The psychic powers obtained by psykers each time they awaken are different. Li Yelai himself is a special case. His facial makeup was obtained from the black shadow.

As for most other all-powerful psykers, their first awakenings are often auxiliary abilities.

Such as extraordinary animal language or some kind of imitation ability of ordinary animals.

It is said that there is a comrade on the Vientiane Path who awakens an ability to change the color of the environment, similar to that of an octopus and a chameleon.

Theoretically, he is a latent master who is as good as the Nether Path. But his clothes cannot change color.

So much so that he had to take off his clothes to hide. What a miserable old man!

Only when you awaken for the second or third time will you have a chance to obtain attack means.

Of course, if you don’t want to look at your face, you can also drink specific potions.

It's the one mentioned in the previous post.

If you drink it when awakening, you can obtain its specific skills with a high probability.

In Cheese's words, every awakening is a guaranteed card draw in the mobile game.

Don't drink the magic potion, just draw the regular pool, everything depends on fate.

After drinking the magic potion, it is equivalent to the UP pool, which is another story.

The formula and materials of the magic potion are all large.

Therefore, many handlers are saving up to buy magic potions. This is pretty lucky.

Because the official grasp of specific potions is not comprehensive. Some processors have no place to buy even if they want to.

For example, Li Yelai is Wanxiang, and the official only has specific potions that are third and fifth on the Wanxiang path. After the second and fourth awakening, Li Yelai could only look at his face.

Li Yelai sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

For now, if you want to accumulate merit points faster, you have to do tasks more diligently.

Then one's own strength must be strengthened. As the saying goes, sharpening the sword will not miss the woodcutter.

Li Yelai thought to himself that he might have to spend some of his thirty merit points. Don't save enough points, and there will be no more people.

"It seems that I still have to find some time to build some equipment." Li Yelai thought to himself and turned off the contactor.

After get off work that day, Li rushed back to the branch at night.

Find the equipment department and make your request.

Cold weapon, suitable for hiding. As for what to add to it, let the equipment department decide.

This made the people in the equipment department nod repeatedly. They just like this kind of customers who are not pushy!

Then, he ruthlessly took away five merit points from Li Yelai! Li Yelai was very distressed, and only paid the merit points after asking many times whether the cheese price was reasonable.

Speaking of which, Li Yelai today is not much different from before he became a psyker.

It's nothing more than writing a report and uploading it to the branch every day.

Report whether you use abilities, whether you use psychic powers, whether you are discovered by the outside world, etc. I usually just stay in the antique shop, and I don't look like the disaster handler I imagined. Maybe this is better? However, although you can get a salary, there are no bonuses and merit points.

The next day, Li Yelai, who was still looking at the store, saw a dark car parked in front of the antique store.

A man in a black suit walked into an antique store carrying a suitcase.

After looking at the antique shop for a while, he went straight to Li Yelai.

In Li Yelai's confusion, the man handed the suitcase to Li Yelai and said with a mysterious face: "Mr. Yejiang, your goods are here, you can inspect them."

"Is this how you come?" Li Yelai's eyes widened. It means the boss is not here right now, otherwise he would have thought he was doing some illegal transaction!

"It's cooler this way!" The equipment department staff said with a smile: "Don't worry, no one will find me. We'll send your boss away in advance."

To pretend to be cool, take away the boss? Can't you wait until I get off work and go to the branch yourself?

Li Yelai complained in his heart, but opened the suitcase.

I found a jet black metal ax about the same length as a fire ax lying inside.

And the weird thing is, there are actually two jets on the back of the ax?

Li Yelai looked confused. Is this a cold weapon?

"You said that we can handle it ourselves, which is a sign of your trust in us. Naturally, we will do our best to build weapons for you. Although they are not psychic weapons, they also represent our highest craftsmanship." A member of the equipment department introduced happily.

"The entire weapon has been treated and cannot be detected by ordinary security inspection machines. I wanted to install a grenade launcher or a shotgun barrel for you, but considering that you are a psyker. Such things are of little use against similar people. It’s equipped with a built-in engine and injector that can accelerate your weapon in a straight line in an instant! Of course, you psychics can use this weapon, and most people will probably be dislocated.”

Li Yelai thought for a while and reluctantly agreed.

If the weapon is accelerated instantly, it can indeed work wonders.

Seeing Li Yelai's agreement, the members of the equipment department smiled happily: "If you have any questions, you can come to me. You can come to us to replenish this injector fuel for free. Do you need to build any other equipment? We are planning to build a small one recently. Chain Saw Melta Ax"

Li Yelai shook his head decisively and took away 5 merit points with just one weapon.

He doesn't have the spare money to do this.

After seeing off the members of the equipment department, Li Yelai returned to the counter. After looking at the metal ax for a while, he tried to swing it. It was quite heavy. He probably had to become a psyker to swing it easily. As for the power, Li Yelai planned to find an opportunity to try it after joining the branch.

Then, he stuffed it into his backpack.

However, I remembered the merit points I had already spent.

Li Yelai felt more and more heartbroken as he thought about it, so he spoke in the small group: "Everyone, is there any other way to earn merit points?"

"If you are in a hurry, just spend money. Some processors will sell their merit points when they are free. I would exchange them for about ten thousand or twenty thousand," the detective responded.

Ten thousand or twenty thousand for a little? Li Yelai was stunned, and instantly felt a sharp pain in his heart! Mistake! You should have inquired about the price of merit points in advance. I spent five points on it. Didn’t it cost 50,000 to 100,000 huge city coins?

"Apart from this? Are there any other opportunities to obtain merit points?" Li Yelai continued to ask.

But he received a private message from the detective.

"Night General, if you are in urgent need of merit points, would you like to take on a private job with me?" the detective asked, and sent an expectant expression: "The salary is very high,"

Li Yelai was startled, and then responded after thinking: "Then let me ask."

Then he chatted privately with Cheese: "What other private jobs does our handler have? Can you take over private jobs?"

Cheese took a while to respond: "Okay, the detective told you, right? The processing department will not interfere in this."

"Then what is private work?" Li Yelai asked.

"It's nothing more than some guys who are more or less aware of the existence of psykers. They plan to hire psykers with a high salary to help them do something. The real identity of the detective is a private detective. He should have some connections." Cheese responded: "But it is not ruled out that it may be someone If there is an abnormality, taking the job can be regarded as a guarantee. However, if you take the job, you must explain the situation to the branch in case there is an emergency nearby and you are not available. By the way, come to the branch after get off work and the team leader will look for you. , intending to make you familiar with your own psychic weapons."

"walk slowly!"

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