Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 18

"How is it?"

"Try again!"

After I fed my milk to grandpa, Elene analyzed his body. It was a struggle to get him to drink it. Because Grandpa was unconscious, I had to slowly put it into his mouth.

'His body is very hot and his sweat is cold'

After a night of taking care of him, I don't think his fever is getting any better. Grandpa's face, which was usually full of vigor, was now pale and his body was shivering violently. I couldn't bear to see him like this.

"It's already a glass, is there any reaction?"

"Wait... this... Continue. It looks like the dark mana is unraveling a bit. We should give it some more"

"How much should we give?"

"I think we should give it continuously until he regains consciousness"

"Alright, I'll make some more. Please make a fire in the fireplace."


"And watch Jimmy for a while"


It's been three days since the snowstorm. The cold pierced through the ceiling. Out there, the sound of the cold wind came crashing down again and the wood supply was running low.

"Elene, can you use your telekinesis to look for wood out there?"

"No way! The mana load is too much to look for a log"

"Then can you use your fire magic continuously? I think the firewood will run out tonight"

"That's also impossible, my mana have a limit and right now I'm not in my full ability. Don't you have a small stove that you can buy?"

"I can't keep relying on it, after all it's very wasteful and it's not cheap either. It use more magic stone each time. I will use it for emergencies only"

I need to go out and look for wood. This cold might last longer and it might get worse.

There was already snow up to my waist in front of the door. I brought a double set of clothes and an axe to look for wood.

Of course it's white outside, covering all the way up to the trees in the forest. And now the sun was a little dim like it was setting even though it was noon.

The spare wood had already been put in the house. Since there was no dry wood or fallen trees I had no choice but to cut down nearby forest tree.

I immediately headed to the forest while looking around.

"It looks like there really aren't any monsters"

I still haven't found any monsters around. Grandpa said that monsters don't come out in winter.

Even if I meet the monsters, I'll stay calm. Now they're no match for me. Even I can crack an orc's head with a single blow.





It didn't take long for me to cut down the tree and chop it into small pieces. The 3 meter tall pile of clean wood that I had tied up could soon be carried home.

Although it looked very heavy I was able to carry it on my back without difficulty because of my stats. I carried it while running a little and being careful of the snowy road.

I placed it next to the house and quickly went back inside.

"Huh... task completed. How's grandpa?"

"I think it's a little better mama. The energy curse is getting weaker but the fever is still high."

"Can you make a healing potion from my milk?"

"I'll try to make it later"

"Okay, I'll wait. Now it's time to give more medicine"

Every 3 hours I give the medicine and check on him. Grandpa must be monitored frequently to see his progress. Fortunately, the curse inside his body has weakened and now I need to think about how to deal with his fever. I've also prepared medicines to treat his fever but it hasn't shown any results.

After entering grandpa's room I checked his temperature. I think my breast milk healing is a bit lacking. Maybe I should add another dose.

"Urgh! What is this smell?"

Instantly I smelled a foul odor that I thought was coming from Grandpa. I immediately opened the blanket and sure enough grandpa was shitting his pants. I don't blame him for not realizing it.

Actually, right now is also the time for me to wash grandpa and change his clothes. People who are sick even in cold weather still have to pay attention to their hygiene.

I undressed first. Since grandpa was wearing a simple shabby t-shirt I could easily take it off.

"What is this?"

The first time I saw Grandpa's body under his clothes was a thin, dry body with a bulging belly. I don't know if this is normal for an old man but later when he's healthy I'll try to get him to eat more.

After that I took off his pants which were also worn out but he wore them very often. I guess I'm still a bit hesitant to do so but keep the moral aside, I used to be a man before reincarnated and I think it's just like looking at a friend's naked body in the public shower together.

'Eh? What is this again- pffft, it's so small! So small! Ha ha ha'

"I'm sorry grandpa, I really can't help it"

I couldn't stop laughing at that. I didn't expect that what was under his pants was just a cute little worm. I thought this was far from normal. This grandpa's penis was no bigger than my pinky. I think it's the same size as a child.

I wanted to laugh again but I held back because I had to finish my task before I died from this smell.

It took me 15 minutes to clean up the feces and wash Grandpa's body, then change him the new clothes.

I quickly left Grandpa's room because I couldn't stand the smell of his feces.

I had prepared food but now my appetite was gone.

"What did you eat? Oh wait he’s still not eaten yet."


"Still no sign Elene? What about that potion of yours?"

"I guess I was wrong again or your milk has less and less effect when mixed with other substances. I've analyzed it but that seems to be the case"

"It's been 5 days and there's no sign of the snow stopping damn it!"

I went back to check on my grandpa who hadn't woken up for five days. His dark energy had begun to fade but his body condition had not improved at all.

I put my palm to his forehead but his temperature was still hot. His body was full of sweat and the only nutrition he got was from my milk.

"Come on grandpa, wake up and let's get out of here."

While stroking his head I prayed for his recovery.

I still don't like the god of this world who forcing to brought me here but I don't know who else to ask for help.


"Grandpa? Grandpa! God… at last!"

"...Uh cold"

"Well just wait grandpa, I'll give you an extra blanket. Elene!"

"Uh... cold mama, cold..."

After that, grandpa started shivering hard again. Elene still not came. So I quickly covered him with more blankets that I fold but he still complained of being cold.

"Cold... mama..."

He's probably looking for his mother. But at such an old age why was he still doing it.

A crazy idea came to my mind. I went back to doubting it again, but after what happened I guess it's not a problem anymore. I'm less ashamed of this now.

"This is an emergency! This is an emergency!"

I quickly took off my jacket and thick clothes. It seemed that the container that was overwhelmed by supporting my two large boobs had also come off. Now I left my upper body exposed.

I quickly got under the blanket and placed Grandpa in my arms. Grandpa, who has a small body like a child, can easily reach all over my body. It also made it easy for me to spread my warmth.

I hugged grandpa tightly under his thick blanket. I didn't think about anything else and focused on warming him up.

Slowly his body started to stop shivering and he also hugged me in his sleep.

I felt grandpa start to move around looking for a comfortable place on my chest. Like a baby about to suckle, his hands groped my chest looking for a nipple to suck on. Grandpa's mustache and beard came into contact with my skin, creating a strong tingling sensation. His small but rough hands were massaging my breasts.

I quickly gave him what he wanted. I thrust my nipple into his mouth and he immediately devoured it gently. If people saw this I would definitely be embarrassed. This is an adult breastfeeding act that normal people shouldn't be doing. Maybe I think I'm the pervert now.

"Uh-oh! Not like a perverted goblin"

He continued to suck on my nipple that was full of milk. I gave him the left one because the right one was Jimmy's favorite. My son can't lose either.

"Mama I brought you a Blanket- what are you doing?!"

"Shhh! Please be quiet, he's calmed down now."

"But! But! But! That's mine!"

"Elene you weren't born yet, after all it was grandpa who did the most and the first one I met. So I should at least repay him first"

"But! I'm your child! He's an old man! What are you doing mama!"

"Aren't you also the old granny who forced herself into me? Calm down, I gave you Jimmy's. Now one of mine isn't enough for just one baby."

"But-but... I don't want a used one! I want a new one!"

"Elene had an abortion!"


"Take care of your brother for a while and I'll give you a gift"

"Eh! Really?"


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