Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 2


"Ouch! Ouch! This hurts! My breasts hurt! What is this?!"


"Stop it! Damn- Huh?"


My left breast hurt like someone was sucking it hard.

There was a faint silhouette of something trying to squeeze my breast while sucking my nipple. I tried to move my body that was crushed by it.

"Who is this?! You suck it all! Let me go!"

I don't know who it is but I think its body looks like a child. Ignoring my words it continued to try to suck my breast hard which made me hurt even more.

I tried to remove it from my body but its grip was very strong.

Reflexively, I tried to shift my body towards the moonlight. And how shocked I was to see who it was.

"Mo-monster! Monster! Goblin!"

Because I was startled and screamed, the monster that looked like a goblin in fantasy games immediately bit my nipple.

"Ouch-tah-tah! Stop, please stop! Stop! You tearing my nipple! Damn it! Damn it!"

The more I twitched to free myself, the more he grabbed my breasts hard and bit them. Tonight was really my first unlucky day meeting a monster.

"Ouch! Okay-okay, fine, go ahead and suck but can you let go? I won't let you go."

Maybe forcing him was a bad idea. I tried to be gentle and stroked the monster's head like a child.

To my surprise, the monster calmed down and didn't bite my nipple anymore. But he still continued to suck on it. It didn't feel like it would be long and it might get worse if I let it continue.

Then I thrust out my right breast and slightly twisted my nipple. A little milk came out.

The goblin then started sniffing it. Having changed his target, this goblin immediately let go of my left breast and was amazed when I twisted my nipple that was leaking milk.

With his eyes distracted, I, who was slightly freed, stomped the goblin away from me. Throwing him forward and making him hit the wall of the hut.

With my adrenaline pumping, I immediately got up and grabbed a wooden stick that was nearby. I had prepared this stick just in case.

Immediately, the goblin lunged at me. I tried to avoid it but because of my big belly I couldn't move freely and fell backwards.

The goblin didn't waste it and tried to attack me again.

Ignoring the pain in my stomach, I hit the goblin so hard that he bounced off.

I went straight to him and punched the goblin for fear of him getting up again.

"Damn! Shit! Shit!"




The goblin finally didn't move after I hit his head so many times.



After killing it, there was a notification-like sound in my ear.

My mind was still muddled by the events just happened but now I was shocked again by some floating text that appeared in front of me.

[Identity not registered...]

[Searching for alternatives...]

[Congratulations, the player system is open!]

[Congratulations! You leveled up]

[You can check your status!]


A transparent monitor instantly appeared in front of me.

Wait a minute, isn't this the system menu in games?! This is real!

I suddenly burst into tears. Sadness and fear pierced my chest. But then relief and joy replaced it making my mind even more chaotic.

'Sob... Shit! This is how a woman feels when she's scared. I can't stop crying'

I tried to pull myself together for a long time. But I realized something else that I had forgotten.

"What? No"

Looking at my feet standing on a puddle of water and blood, I realized what was going on.

Because the adrenaline rush earlier made me forget about the state of my own body.



"Huh-huh... Heeh!"

"Relax-relax... Huuh!"

"Relax and push!"

I felt the baby's head already on the edge of the exit. I was now trying to make a final struggle.

"Huh-huh... I can already feel the exit widening"

"Come on! Urgh... Last push! Heeh! Arrggh!"


"Heaah! Finally..."

The baby's head finally came out. Although the shoulder was still attached, I was able to get the rest out with a gentle push, not as hard as getting the head out because my hole was already quite wide.

I only found out when I experienced this myself now.

"Huaaaa! Huaaaa!"

"Calm down baby, easy"

'Hah, what a relief!'

I struggled from midnight to dawn. My stomach hurt so much at the beginning of contractions. My vagina was also very sore for trying to get this baby out.

My insides felt like they were being twisted and turned. Every push made my strength run out. But now I could relax because the baby was born safely.

Panting, I tried to lift my upper body that was lying down. It really hurt like hell.

Seen in the midst of the chaotic situation below, the baby covered in blood was crying loudly.

With a suddenly awakened maternal instinct, my body grabbed the baby and tried to soothe it in my arms. I'll clean it up later after I've regained my strength.

Immediately the baby tried to reach my chest and I gave him my clean right nipple.

With his little mouth he sucked slowly and my milk flowed quite fast.

I felt relieved. And this moment gave me a little peace from last night's events.

Then I felt my left breasts which were still a little bloated from being bitten and also my vagina that still feels sore.

"Good thing it's not torn"

I immediately pulled the umbilical cord that was still inside my vagina to remove the placenta. I could see the rest of the blood flowing again after the placenta was removed.

I guess my uterus and vagina became stiff after giving birth so I didn't feel it when I pulled it.

After that I sat back while trying to replenish my energy.

This little bit of calm made me remember the status window from earlier.


Instantly a transparent light filled with neat writings appeared in front of me. This was the status window that the reincarnation was proud of.

"Let me see"



Name                    : Myranda

Job                         : None

Gender                : Female

Age                        : 26 Years

Race                      : Human

Level                     : 5

EXP                        : 67/80


HP                          : 58 (+15)

MP                         : 18 (+8)

Strength              : 15 (+5)

Agility                    : 18 (+6)

Dexterity             : 15 (+3)

Intelligence        : 10 (+3)

Vitality                  : 16 (+4)

Luck                       : 10 (+2)

Attractiveness   : 10



Brave Lioness: dare to do what you fear (Less Fear)

Willpower: hard to give up (Vitality regenerates every minute when facing enemies above level)

First-kill: kill the first monster above user level in less than 2 minutes (Strength and Agility increase by 5% when facing enemies above level)

Golden-Goblin slayer: kill the first golden goblin (Gain more exp when killing golden goblins)

Wet-Nurse: giving milk will split a little exp to the target.



Wait, the goblin I killed last night was a golden goblin? Isn't that like a jackpot in fantasy games? I'm really lucky?

But what's with the wet-nurse traits?


[Congratulations! You got the job. Please choose!]

[Congratulations! You got a skill]

[Skills can only be unlocked after selecting a job]


Oh! I have to choose a job first before knowing what skills I'll get.

Maybe the fighter class or the one on the front lines suits me. I don't like to think too much and immediately beat up whoever my enemy is. Spear or sword master is also good, even though my body is female but I think it's even cooler like in games.

I immediately chose the job with the 'Yes' option.

[Choosing a suitable job...]



[Congratulations! A job selected!]

'This system is really pushy'

Shouldn't I be the one to choose? There should be a choice of jobs that will appear, right?

[Job: Holy Mother]



"Hey what's this!"

"Where are the options?! What's with Holy Mother again? I don't want this!"

'Reset! Reset! Reset!'

[Job has been selected, cannot be changed]

"God, lord, administrator, whoever it is, please unplug this shit!"

[Job already selected, can't be changed]

"Damn! Why did you tell me to choose in the first place!"

Arrgh... my Isekai adventure is ruined, no more hope, no cool job, it's all gone!

I immediately checked the description of this job. From what I know, a job is one of the most important things. It can determine your entire life.

[Holy Mother]

[This is an interpretation of the holy life force, the player has a strong body and can recover quickly. From it can produce medicine for diseases and can also resurrect from the dead]

[You get the skill! Appraisal Lv1]

[You get the skill! Body Management Lv1]

[You get the skill! Milk Potion Lv1]

[You get the skill! Slice Lv1]


I don't know what I got but according to the job, I got a strange skill. I guess I'll just have to give up now.


[Appraisal Lv1: identify targets (max 5 meters). Targets are both living and non-living things]


This is a skill that I really need right now! In the middle of nowhere, I can't just take or use anything. It could be poisonous or cause negative effects.


[Body Management Lv1]



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