Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 27

As soon as we heard the screams of the people we rushed out to prepare for the attack. It wasn't the first time these people had faced this situation but seeing the amount of tension here I thought the monster attack this time was unusual.

Carrying Jimmy, the girls and I looked around for Toru's whereabouts.


"You guys! We're being attacked by goblins!"


"Don't underestimate it. The mercenaries said they saw hundreds!"


'Okay mama, wait... they are indeed hundreds. More like 300. It's a large number but they seem to be in a hurry. Maybe they're starving and I think it will be easier to fight them than the stealthy ones'

'But the mercenaries will have a hard time dealing with all of them too. I'm also afraid to expose our strength here'

'I could use a magic scroll to kill them all at once. But it will be immediately visible to many people'

'Grandpa, do you have another way?

'No ma'am. To not stand out like you said we might have to use a little camouflage magic'

'No other moves or skills? That's the same as attacking directly. Elene can you attack him from afar and not be seen?'

'I can do remote magic. And I don't think the magic users in the mercenaries will detect this magic of mine either. Using multi-cast magic requires a large amount of mana. Mama give me your milk, while doing it so I will cast the magic'

'Okay cry'

"Huaaaa! Huaaaa!"

"Calm down little Elene. I'm sorry, my little girl is not feeling well. Please let me stay in the tent."

"It's okay ma'am. Your children might be scared. Let me and Mine take care of them outside."

"Okay you two. I'll take a look at the conditions there. Please take care of each other."

"Thank you all. And also please leave immediately if the situation doesn't allow it."

I immediately went back into the tent and nursed Elene. She calmly chanted the spells Sonar Eye with a wide view, Damage Transfer to transfer the impact of the attack and Stealth to eliminate traces.

The unique magic that Elene has is Magic Channeling, one of the functions of which can make her do multiple casts. However, not all of them can be cast together. She said that the level of magic and the compatibility of type of the magic determined whether the spells could be cast together.

When chanting that, she can attack with a wide range like between dimensions. All of that is done together and with a lot of mana consumption as well. Depending on the distance, it would consume more energy. For his attack spell, she chose a Lightning magic scroll that had been compressed to minimize the area and prioritize attack power.

All the preparations have been done. Now she is sucking my milk vigorously. This was also the first time I saw her chant this attack.

'Mama I'm ready'

'Execute immediately! Exterminate away from people's sight first'


There was no sound like lightning outside. Because Elene had made as little impact as possible so that people would not notice.

'40, 60...100...120 more moms, all that's left are the ones the mercenaries are fighting'

'Good! Start helping carefully. I want everything to be over soon without being noticed'


From afar, faint shouts of victory could be heard and began to grow louder. It was confirmed that the group of goblins had been exterminated and we were now able to calm down.

"Madam! Madam! You won't believe this. The mercenaries can take out hundreds of goblins in an instant! They're so cool!"

'The spell has worked. Let them do the rest'

"Toru-toru says we can rest easy now. There are no more monsters attacking."

"Thank you all for looking after me. We'd better get some sleep. Let the men take care of the rest."

"Just a moment ma'am, we're going out again. You can sleep first."

"Okay. Take good care of yourself."

After sucking up so much mana, my body also became tired. After all, if we stood out we would get attention and that's not always good. Especially since I was new and didn't have a name yet.

Regardless of the situation outside, we went straight to bed. With this body I think I fell asleep quickly. This is a good thing because I remember my old life as a night bat, rarely sleeping but still being able to wake up early.


In the late morning we continued our journey. It was a long way to go so we couldn't wait to have breakfast. The mercenaries were used to this and the passengers could prepare their meals on the train.

Back with the calm atmosphere under control, Toru and I and the others began to get closer. Because of the girls' conversation last night Mine was more expressive. We continued also with light conversation until we got bored and started to get sleepy.

The season in this forest has changed from cold to hot, making the animals more aggressive in their search for food. Including the forest mosquitoes that breed quickly in stagnant water, they kept bothering us with their bites and buzzing. It's a good thing I bought mosquito repellent.

Some of the things I bought from the shop also exist in this world. Even so, I was still selective in taking things out because there was no way that something like the refrigerator we were now carrying wouldn't get us more attention.

Along the way, Verra enthusiastically recounted last night's battle and the unsolved mysteries.

I, who heard that, could only smile. Of course the mercenaries claimed that they were the ones who took out all the monsters. But I didn't care. It wasn't a great achievement either. Unless it was a dragon or a legendary monster, I'd rather leave it to someone else. I don't need that yet.

The sound of horses being galloped regularly and the fragrant smell of the forest accompanied our journey.

I don't know if after coming out of this forest if I'll be able to enjoy tranquility. I should definitely prepare for it.


"That waterfall is so beautiful"

"It's one of the iconic spots in this forest. But you won't talk about it at night. It'll change in an instant."

"What happened?"

"From what people say, if you spend the night there you'll get lost and can't go back"

"Why Verra?"

"Yes ma'am, from what I heard, people used to camp around the waterfall because of its beauty. But they had some bad luck. Overnight almost everyone disappeared without a trace. The people who were looking for them also didn't want to linger there because they were afraid. Until now, it has not been found whether the victims are alive or dead."

"Scary! I don't want to!"

"Scary enough but-"


[New quest!]

 'Yes! Finally something from the system appears!'

"But I think I want to go there just once"


"No! You can't go there!"

"This-this Madame is in the middle of the wilderness! You can't stop and come back anytime!"

I had already established my current destination. Since I got the quest, I wanted to at least take a look at it once in a while even though the quest was very difficult. But the quest I received this time had no indication of difficulty.

"Thank you kids for worrying about me. But it looks like I have some very important business over there."

"Little baby..."

"Your children, ma'am, what you're doing will be dangerous for them too. No ma'am, you should just come with us!"

"Sssshh... I'll give you a hint. You saw that the monster last night was mysteriously killed, right? Mercenaries don't have that kind of ability, he he"


"I'll leave from here. Goodbye all of you. Be careful while adventuring. Mine you must be brave, Verra as an older sister protect your younger siblings and Toru you must be able to take care of them both"


Having said goodbye to them, I quickly asked the coachman to stop. People wouldn't stop to wait because this trip was already scheduled. They also didn't care about other matters as long as they received enough payment.

I gave 10 gold coins each to Verra and the others. It was enough for their temporary living expenses. At least the parents gave a small favor to the children.

"Thank you ma'am! We'll definitely return the money."

"Being a successful adventurer is enough to repay me. Cheer up young man"

"Have a nice trip"

"Take care ma'am and little baby"


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