
Chapter 89 – Privateer Activity

"Whereas piracy is illegal and carried out by criminals, privateers are considered legal, at least by whichever nation sponsored their activity. Amongst the nations of Ur-Teros, the Elmaiya Empire is known to frequently sponsor privateers, making the waters around the continent unsafe for merchants from everywhere else.


That said, while it was an open secret that many privateers were sponsored by the Empire, there was never any solid proof to be had, and the words of pirates rarely had worth in a court of law, which allowed the Empire to cultivate a measure of plausible deniability over the matter.


The fact that the Empire often boasted of possessing the strongest military of the continent - a fact only really disputable by the Lichdom, given that nobody knows just how great a horde the Bone Lord might pull out should he truly get serious - made the other nations mostly shut their mouths, and instead, hired their own privateers to aim mostly at Elmaiyan merchant ships instead.


This era in the history of Ur-Teros, roughly lasting a few centuries and only dying out around three centuries ago, was called the "Golden Age" of piracy by many." - Garth Wainwrought, Professor of Socioeconomics at the Levain Institute for Higher Learning, circa 600 FP.

Southern Ocean

South of Elmaiya

In the Open Seas south of Ur-Teros

1st day, 4th week, 7th month, year 75 VA.


Only a single day had passed since they departed from the Empire. It was nearing noon, and Aideen was chatting with Jerrod and his wife on the deck. Their children was in the hold below, together with Illyana and her mother, because they were talking about considerably more serious topics.


"So yes, Jerrod, one thing you would have to prepare for is the very distinct possibility that you will outlive your wife, and daughters, and even their children at that, unless you're fortunate enough to have one of them rise as an unliving as well," said Aideen to the couple with a serious tone, full of melancholy. "I already outlived many of my family myself, and it always hurts… to separate like that."


"I know, dear," Jerrod said to his wife as he reassuringly grasped her hands in his. The couple had exchanged glances and often conversed silently, the magnitude at which their lives changed a complete surprise to both of them. Just two weeks ago they were just peasants living in a humble village. Now, one of them is supposedly immortal. "As long as I live, nay, exist, I'll look after our children, and any descendants they had as well. This I swear."


Aideen watched with some sadness as the couple hugged each other, in the sad knowledge that they would one day be parted from one another by the passage of time. She left them to their peace for the time being, and just sighed.


Aideen's attention was diverted when Rianna, the agent who had arguably overstepped her authority during the mission, approached her. The young woman had some trepidations over her actions, as they were technically overstepping her bounds, and though the other assured her she would be fine, she somewhat dreaded what awaited her in Ptolodecca since she was recalled as well. Aideen had already decided to put a good word in for her, as her showing of initiative likely saved a life in this case.


"What is it?" Aideen asked as Rianna drew close enough that they could speak easily. She noticed that the young woman - a tall human with slightly pointed ears, as apparently her great grandfather had been an elf of Drietven's time who married a human woman - looked somewhat nervous still, but clearly had something to report.


"Crow's nest reported a ship on the horizon, to our south, headed our way," said the young woman quickly as she saluted. "No confirmation of allegiance, nor any flag sighted."


Aideen frowned at the last bit of information, as ships in the open seas typically display their flags prominently, unless they lost theirs in a storm or other incidents. It could well be one such unfortunate case… or it could be pirates hiding their identity.


In the former case, the proper thing to do would be to offer aid should the other ship be in need of it. On the other hand, in the latter case, it would mean battle. Aideen was not particularly worried about pirates to be fair, as the crew of the ship were all veterans from Ptolodecca, and most of the passengers were agents of the Death's Hand.


"How large a ship? How fast?" Aideen asked to Rianna.


"A three mast ship, probably a smaller galleon. They have the wind behind them and square sails, so they would be faster than us either way unless the wind changes," answered the young woman fluently, having memorized the information she was to report. "Estimated approach in three to four hours."


"Have everyone ready for battle, just in case, though we'll probably know well before then," said Aideen in a commanding tone. While she had no official rank in Ptolodecca's chain of command, her status as the Bone Lord's "favorite" granddaughter effectively means that everyone on the ship would heed her commands. "Jerrod, Martha, you two might want to wait this out in the hold, just in case."


"I would like to stay, milady," said Jerrod with conviction, even as his wife nodded along as an encouragement. "If I really cannot die again… then I would like to repay my debt of gratitude at least a little where I can."


"Suit yourself," replied Aideen with a satisfied smirk. "Get yourself some weapons and armor from the bosun. Oh, and try not to fall overboard. It'd be a pain to have to scour the ocean floor to look for you."


"And should some fish think of you as a meal and take you away in its belly in the meantime, deities only know where you'd end up!" She added with a teasing laugh. "So either stay on board, or swim well, Jerrod!"


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