Urban Dimension Library

Chapter 190

"I'm so envious! When will Hong's Group open a hovering car? When the time comes, I will sell my kidney and buy one. "

"The upstairs thinks too much, even if the hovering car is open for purchase, it will be like a big white robot, which needs to be strictly reviewed. "

"Speaking of the big white robot, I'm angry, when will my review pass!"

"yes, it's just business, why set up such a strict censorship?"

"According to the grapevine, it was Hong's Group that found out that someone really wanted to sell their kidneys and buy Dabai robots, so they raised the censorship system. "



"I'm rubbing, don't let me know who hurt me, I'm @#!@的都排了一礼拜了, it's not my turn to review, I'm also drunk. "

"Hongshi Group has really done a lot in this matter. "

"Guys, don't talk about it, go and see, something big is wrong. "

"What's wrong?"

"Watch the news yourself. "

The outside world caused a huge sensation after being exposed by netizens because of the video of Hongteng driving a hovering car in the traffic jam section of Rongcheng.

After the video was leaked out of Xia Guo, it was played on the YouTube website of the Free Country and received more than 100 million views in 24 hours.

Now, not only the Xia Guo network exploded, but even the foreign network also exploded.

The whole world watched the video of Hongteng driving the hovercar over and over again.

If you can't get it, the more you want to get it.

Especially those who have money.

There are a lot of world-famous sports cars in the family, but none of them can compare with the hovering car.

What's more, there is only one hovercar in the world.

Scarcity is expensive.

There is only one in the world, and the scientific and technological content is still the first in the world, and the model is dazzling.

The world's rich are going crazy.

However, Hongshi Group does not open the sales business of suspended vehicles.

Xia Guo's car companies are also red-eyed.

All of them worked behind the scenes to help Hongshi Group apply for a license for an automobile manufacturing company.

Dredging all kinds of relationships, and, take the initiative to contact Tong Feng, hoping to give Tong Feng help.

However, while thanking those who took the initiative to call and hoped to help them get through the joint point of the automobile manufacturing company's license, Hongshi Group still did not act on this matter.

The Xia Guo compound is also very cooperative, please do cold treatment on this matter.

Xia Guo car companies are very depressed.

If ordinary people had received this kind of help, the license plate of the car manufacturing company in difficulty would have already come down.

But the license plate of Hongshi Group's automobile manufacturing company has not moved at all until now.

At this time, some people thought of Hongfei's last sentence at the press conference: if the license plate of the group's automobile manufacturing company is not down, the suspension engine reviewed by the group will be fully covered by the military.

Suddenly, the Xia car companies and the rich people of the Xia country all sprinkled their anger on the Xia Guo compound.

For the Hong's group and the Xia military, they don't dare, and they won't get angry.

But the Xia Kingdom compound was unlucky.

Various business tycoons talk about why it is so difficult for Hongshi Group to apply for a license for an automobile manufacturing company.

All pointed the finger at the Xia Kingdom compound.

Then, the news of this was spread, and the people were full of excitement waiting for the news that Hongshi Group had applied for a license for an automobile manufacturing company, but it was extinguished by the news of the rich people of Xia Guo.

Why did the people look forward to it?

Because, according to the urine of the Hong's group.

They don't dominate an industry.

Hongshi Group's suspension vehicles have completely crushed the automotive industry.

In order to prevent this from happening, Hongshi Group will license the suspension engine technology to other car companies.

This matter has been promised by Hongfei himself at the press conference.

Hongshi Group will support domestic car companies.

As long as the domestic car companies produce suspension cars, the price will definitely be much cheaper than Hongshi Group.

Even if the performance is not as good as Hong's Group, as long as it can be suspended, they are satisfied.

Therefore, the people of Xia are all waiting for Hongshi Group to apply for the license of the automobile manufacturing company.

This means that Hongshi Group will sell suspension cars, and other car companies in Xia Guo will also get technical support from Hongshi Group to manufacture relatively cheap suspension cars.

It's just that the rich people collectively blame the Xia Guo Compound for the problem of the Hong's Group's delay in applying for a license, and when the people heard this, they all blamed the Xia Guo Compound for being eccentric.

Later, the media in Western countries also shouted that they were aggrieved for the Hong's group and that the Hong's group was not worth it.

Moreover, he also said that as long as the Hongshi Group can come to their country, they can enjoy what kind of treatment they can enjoy.

According to these Western media reports, the top management of Hongshi Group all pouted their lips with a look of disdain.

Xia Guojun's military also pursed his lips with a look of disdain.

Xia Guo's compound also pursed his lips with a look of disdain.

However, the people of Xia took it seriously, and the rich people of Xia took it seriously.

So, on the Internet, in reality, launched a group of activities to support Hongshi Group.

After Hong's father got Tong Feng's report, he said nothing with a strange face.

The activities to support the Hongshi Group gradually expanded, and more and more people joined the activities.

This event was supported by the wealthy people of Xia Guo, and there was also the shadow of Western forces.

In the end, Hong's father was afraid that if things continued to make trouble, it would not end well.

sent Tong Feng to hurriedly hold a press conference to explain the matter.

"Dear journalists, I have gathered you here today because I would like to announce one thing to our customers who support us. "

"Regarding the reason why it is said on the Internet that it is Xia Guoyuan, the automobile manufacturing company license of our group company has not been applied for for a long time. "

"I am here, solemnly affirming that the license plate of Hongshi Group's automobile manufacturing company is not because Xia Guo Compound did not give approval, but because the application materials of our group company have not been completed. "

"As for the materials that weren't ready?"

"I can answer you now, that is, the factory of the suspension car has not been built, and the supporting equipment factory has not been built, so the license plate of the automobile manufacturing company has not been built. "

"Here, I would also like to thank the car company friends who took the initiative to find our group and helped speed up our group's application for an automobile manufacturing company license recently, as well as other wealthy friends, Hongshi Group is really really grateful for your selfless help. "

"However, we really don't need it, this application is also because our factory is not up to standard, so it was not approved, you really don't need to help, thank you, thank you. "

After Tong Feng finished speaking, he stood next to the podium and bowed to the camera lenses in the hands of the reporters, thanking the car companies and tycoons who took the initiative to help Hongshi Group.

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