Urban Dimension Library

Chapter 217

"Come on, let's demonstrate. Hongfei sat in the conference room of the medical laboratory building.

Next to them were Old Man Yuan, Professor Qin and others.

Not only that, but there were also Luo Jiajia and others in the conference room, filling the entire conference room.

How can people not be on the scene to witness such an important historical moment!

Hai Lao and Mu Lao glanced at each other, nodded, and said, "Okay, please watch this picture." "

After saying that, a bloody picture was projected, and a large area was marked with black color.

"These are cancer cells in the body of a cancer patient at Rongcheng Provincial Hospital last month. "

"The cancer has spread in the body, and if the diagnosis is not accidental, the patient will probably not live for three days. "

Then, Mu Lao waved his hand, and a new bloody picture appeared.

It's just that the black color of this picture is missing a lot.

"This is the result of our re-testing of this patient yesterday. "

"Here, we can clearly see..."

"Wait. Hongfei interrupted Mu Lao's 28 speech.

Mu Lao stopped explaining and looked at Hongfei suspiciously.

Everyone also looked at Hongfei suspiciously.

Hongfei said expressionlessly: "I want to ask, who is this patient?"

Hai Lao and Mu Lao glanced at each other, trembling and not daring to reply.

Everyone also reacted at this time, and they also looked at Hai Lao and Mu Lao with a serious face.

Hongfei picked up the big red robe of the elephant white rice spirit liquid bubble on the side, took a sip, and said, "Why don't you speak! Hurry up, our time is precious." "

"Hongfei, I think..."Professor Qin wanted to intercede for the three of them, but was rudely interrupted by Hongfei.

"Shut up, this is the Medical Laboratory Building, not the Physics Laboratory Building. Hongfei stopped Professor Qin's speech with an expressionless face.

This scene not only frightened Professor Qin, but even everyone present was stunned.

Hongfei has always respected Professor Qin, but now, he shouts at Professor Qin.

The old man Yuan next to him was silently smoking a cigarette, and the smoke soon filled the entire conference room.

"Go on, don't let outsiders disturb this explanation. Hongfei motioned to Hai Lao and the others to continue.

Hai Lao and Mu Lao glanced at each other, and were about to speak, when suddenly, Aunt Hua next to her spoke: "This is our nephew, who is this year old." "

When everyone heard Aunt Hua's words, they looked at Mu Lao.

Hai Lao and Aunt Hua did not have children for some reasons in their early years, and Mu Lao's wife died of dystocia, leaving a son.

Hongfei looked at Mu Lao silently, and then said, "Understood, please continue." "

Hongfei's tone did not change, and he was still as calm and flat as ever.

But the more this is the case, the more frightening Hongfei becomes.

Aunt Hua wanted to explain something, but was stopped by Mu Lao on the side.

Mu Lao shook his head at her, stepped forward with a smile, and continued the explanation just now.

"At present, a large number of cancer cells of the patient have been eliminated, and if there is a course of treatment or so, I believe it will be cured. "

"What principle is it based on?" said Old Man Yuan as he raised his hand.

Mu Lao bowed slightly to Old Man Yuan, and then said: "The cancer cells that we are all afraid of are actually in everyone's body, but not everyone will get cancer. "

"Cancer and cancer cells are really two different concepts. "

"Cancer cells are a type of cell in our body, and they are actually harmless to the human body. "

"But some cancer cells mutate and then turn into tumors. "

"Some tumors, which are benign, do not have much impact on the body, while some are malignant and have a serious impact on the body. "

"We determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant and can observe the symptoms. The benign tumor is small in shape and similar to its own tissue morphology, while the malignant tumor is large in shape and very different from its own tissue morphology. Benign tumors grow at a slower rate, while malignant tumors grow at a rapid rate. Benign tumors are less harmful to patients and will only have local compression symptoms, while malignant tumors will destroy the tissues, organs and functions around the body, resulting in body dysfunction and even failure. Benign tumors are easily cured after surgical resection, while malignant tumors are prone to recurrence after surgical resection. The distinction between benign and malignant tumors is clear. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You can understand that ordinary cells and cancer cells that have not mutated absorb nutrients from the human body slowly, while benign cancer cell tumors will speed up this absorption, but it will be moderated and will only have a little impact on the absorption of nutrients by other cells in the body. "

"Malignant cancer cell tumors can predate nutrients and have a devastating effect on other cells in the body. "

"With this idea as the direction, we are taking medicine for this cancer cell according to the characteristics of the silver frost grass nutrient solution, and the treatment effect is beyond imagination. "

"Bang bang. "

"Bang Bang" []

Hongfei was the first to applaud, and then there was applause one after another.

"Wonderful, very exciting, it's easy to say, but it's definitely hard to do. "

"Let's not talk about how to target the drug according to the cancer cells, let's just say how to limit the silver frost grass nutrient solution to a certain part, so that the silver frost grass nutrient solution can penetrate this restricted part, which is very difficult. "

"And, if I'm not mistaken, this drug must be very toxic, and this treatment, if some of the amount of the drug is sent to other tissues, will also kill those tissues. "

"When the time comes, it's not about saving people, it's ... Kill... 340. People. "

Hongfei applauded as he stood up and spoke.

However, Hongfei's words, the more he went to the back, the more indifferent his tone became.

Hongfei's eyes are like a sharp sword.


Instantly cut through the camouflage coat of Hai Lao and others.

At this time, no one at the scene was applauding, but looked at Hai Lao and the others with a stunned face full of disbelief.

As a scientist and a senior researcher, how can I not understand that some scientists and researchers sometimes go crazy to experiment with life when they do experiments.

Such researchers and scientists are taboo for researchers all over the world.

In particular, medical research will cause taboos for other scientific researchers.

Because in medical research, it is very common to use the link of human drug testing.

Internationally, nine times out of ten, news about pharmaceutical companies is this type of news.

This made Hongfei very disgusted.

It is also obviously a medical laboratory building, but Mr. Yuan is the owner of the laboratory building.

Obviously, Mr. Yuan is only a plant hybrid genetic scientist, but he serves as the owner of the medical laboratory building.

And let Old Man Yuan serve as the second-in-command of the Hong's Research Institute.

This is not to let Mr. Yuan provide convenience for his own laboratory building, but to let Mr. Yuan suppress the medical laboratory building.

It's a pity that Old Man Yuan is easy-going by nature.

Người mua: KaTwo

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