Urban: His understanding is incredible, and he becomes an immortal starting from practicing martial

Chapter 5

Twenty days later.

When Bai Xuan looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a little surprise.

What to say?

A body with sharp edges, clear lines, well-proportioned and explosive muscles.

And that white jade-like skin.

The Extreme External Refining Method works from the outside to the inside, layer after layer to exercise the skin, muscles, fascia, and skeleton to the extreme.

Exercising the skin tissue to the extreme will naturally cause changes in the skin, but Bai Xuan didn't expect the changes in the skin to be so obvious.

White as jade, without the slightest flaw.

It is said that white covers a hundred ugliness, Bai Xuan's appearance is not bad, this body can be called perfect muscles, with this white jade-like skin, it looks too handsome.

"With this appearance, you can directly debut as a star. "

"Even the current male stars, how many can compare with me?".

"It's just that I'm not interested in making money through this means. "

"After this period of study, I have mastered top-notch computer technology, and it won't take long to make a lot of money. "

"So how should such a high appearance be used?".

"Maybe it can only be used to hook up with beautiful women?".

Bai Xuan is also a normal male, and naturally has a certain interest in the opposite sex.

It's just that Bai Xuan is very picky, otherwise he would have found a girlfriend a long time ago, and it's not that there are no girls chasing him.

But after awakening his anti-heaven understanding, Bai Xuan will more or less become more arrogant and picky.

After all, the future self will inevitably be able to become an otherworldly existence.

How can such a self find an ordinary beauty casually?

Even if you want to find it, you are looking for a beautiful woman who can help you to a certain extent, such as a genius beautiful girl with top scientific research ability.

IQ and appearance must be high, otherwise how can you be worthy of yourself?

Although it is said,

There may be no one in this world who can be worthy of himself.

If it's the opposite sex that doesn't deserve you.

Unless he looks very good-looking, Bai Xuan doesn't even have the idea of having fun.


If it's just very good-looking, there's nothing else good about it.

Bai Xuan is naturally just playing.

"Forget it. "

"Let's not talk about the impact of appearance. "

"After all, there's more to skin than just looking good. "

As soon as his thoughts turned, Bai Xuan remembered the definition and function of skin.

The skin is an organ that wraps around the surface of the body, is in direct contact with the external environment, and has the functions of protecting, excreting, regulating body temperature and feeling external stimuli, and is the largest organ in the human body.

And the skin is divided into two layers, epidermis and dermis, and the epidermis is on the surface of the skin, and can be divided into two parts: stratum corneum and germinal layer.

The cells that have been keratinized make up the stratum corneum, which becomes dandruff when it falls off, and the cells in the germinal layer continue to divide to replenish the stratum corneum, and the germinal layer has melanocytes, and the melanin produced can prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the internal tissues.

The epidermis is a layered flat epithelium, while the dermis is a dense connective tissue with many elastic fibers and collagen fibers, so it is elastic and tough.

The dermis is thicker than the epidermis, has abundant blood vessels and nerves, and has subcutaneous tissue under the skin, which is a loose connective tissue with a large number of fat cells, and the skin also has many appendages such as hair, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and nails.

"Although the extreme external refining method has strengthened the hardness, elasticity, and toughness of the skin to the extreme, the skin also has the ability to excrete, perceive, and regulate body temperature, and it should continue to be strengthened in the future. "

"But when you think about it, it's not realistic to want to strengthen all the functions of the skin in one go, so you have to take it step by step. "

"I'm not in a hurry, I still have a lot of time. "

"And speaking of which, since the skin's defense has been trained to a limit, the bullet will definitely not be able to stop it, but can I stop the fruit knife now?".

"Give it a try. "

Picking up the fruit knife, Bai Xuan pressed it gently.

The skin was sunken, and there was no broken skin, and as the force continued, the skin was flushed with red marks, and it seemed that it was about to be torn by the blade, so Bai Xuan stopped.

"It's true that a fruit knife can't cut my skin without force, but a healthy adult male can still cut my skin with a fruit knife as long as he uses all his strength. "

Pinching the tight muscles under the skin again, Bai Xuan continued to think.

"The Extreme Outer Refining Method, Skin Refining Chapter has been successfully cultivated. "

"Next is the meat refining chapter, my muscles have been trained to a certain extent through the Tai Chi fitness method, but it is still too far from the limit. "

There are about 639 muscles in the human body, which are composed of about 6 billion muscle fibers, of which the longest muscle fiber is 60 centimeters, and the shortest is only about 1 millimeter.

Large muscles weigh about two kilograms, small muscles are only a few grams, and the average person's muscles account for about 35 to 45 percent of their body weight.

According to the different structure and function, it can be divided into smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle, and according to the morphology, it can be divided into long muscle, brevis muscle, flat muscle and orbicularis oculi muscle.

Smooth muscle mainly constitutes internal organs and blood vessels, with the characteristics of slow contraction, long-lasting, not easy to fatigue, etc., myocardium constitutes the heart wall, both of which do not contract with the will of the person, so it is called involuntary muscle.

Skeletal muscle is distributed in the head, neck, trunk and limbs, usually attached to the bone, skeletal muscle contraction is rapid, forceful, easy to fatigue, can be contracted with the will of the person, so it is called voluntary muscle, and skeletal muscle is striated under the microscope, so it is also called striated muscle.

The way to build muscles is simple, just need to stimulate the muscles through continuous training, which will lead to damage and destruction of muscle fibers.

During training, muscle tissue is stimulated by stress and tension, resulting in micro-tears in muscle fibers.

Subsequently, the body repairs these torn fibers through a repair and regeneration process and increases the size and strength of the muscle tissue.

After muscles are stimulated, the body releases chemicals called growth factors.

These growth factors promote muscle fiber regeneration and stimulate muscle cells to increase the synthesis of more protein.

Protein is the main component that makes up muscles and plays a vital role in muscle growth.

When muscle cells synthesize and store enough protein, muscle fibers grow in size and strengthen, a process known as muscle metabolism.

Over time, after repeated stimulation and repair, the muscle fibers gradually enlarge, and the entire muscle tissue becomes stronger.

However, the exercise capacity of the human body is limited, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to exercise all the 639 muscles.


For Bai Xuan, who has an anti-heaven understanding, this is not a difficult thing.

The Extreme External Refining Method can do it.

"It's time to work out, and when you're done, it's time to start making money. "

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