Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 12 - Shopping District & Casanova Guild

It was the second day of Ascalon in New Lumingard. The weather was pleasantly cool thanks to a gentle breeze, with clouds that drifted in and out, occasionally shielding passersby from the sun. The knight and his companions were walking through one of the many busy streets of the city, as he listened to them talk.

Lilithra was as energetic as she had been the day before, while Selorien kept his signature laid-back attitude, managing to keep up with her, though answering at a more leisurely pace. Ascalon was learning a lot about these two by just watching them. Their mannerisms, things that made them smile or groan, and even words and actions they seemed to avoid.

Most of these were subtle things, except for one of Lilithra’s quirks: She had her head completely covered by her hoodie, once again. Ascalon pictured her horns, which could barely be noticed below the fabric, pointing up, and wondered why she was so reluctant to show them.

His own prejudice and experiences with demons aside, this world seemed very welcoming when it came to the many races that populated it. But Lilithra’s kind appeared to be the exception, as Rosco had put special emphasis on calling her a “demon bitch.”

It may have been a coincidence, or just a way for the man to vent his frustrations in the form of an insult; but seeing Lilithra go out of her way to hide her heritage did show some signs.

It was the girl’s voice that blew his cloudy thoughts away and brought him back to reality. “We’re here!” Her face was suddenly in front of his, with a huge smile to greet him.

“The shopping district!” She exclaimed with energy, while stepping aside and waving her arms toward the path in front of them.

Ascalon peered at the sight, seeing a bustling road ahead, an abundance of people going from window to window as they observed the different stores. Many signs glowed in a multitude of colors and stylish designs. Some even had decorations with silhouettes that mimicked the objects that were probably sold inside. The lively atmosphere was quite the contrast to the gloomy thoughts that occupied his mind mere moments ago.

He looked at Lilithra and Selorien and bowed slightly as he smiled. “Well then, I am in your hands.” He exclaimed, knowing full well that he was going to be dragged around by these two no matter what he might have thought of their outing.

He knew they were pretty excited, Lilithra mostly, to get him new clothes. It was the sole reason he had declined Ron’s gifts, after all. Selorien sighed and smiled, while Lilithra shifted from one foot to another in place.

“Leave it to us!” She exclaimed, as she raised her hand and gave Ascalon a thumbs up. The wind blew gently, as if inviting them in, so the group complied.

What ensued from then on, was utterly marvelous. Ascalon was taken from shop to shop, as he wondered at the many distinct types of clothes and their varying designs, purposes, and colors. There were elegant, full sets of suits just like Ron’s, or more comfortable, sporty attire.

There was no doubt that the people in this world put a lot of effort into their appearances, as he could gather from Lilithra and Selorien’s styles. It was a form of self-expression, something he had never considered before. In Excadia, his ‘wardrobe’ consisted of the same everyday clothes and his armor, in an endless loop—there was no expectation for anything else in a war-ridden land.

He was also amazed at how people could simply try out the clothing right there, by entering a small compartment that was even equipped with a mirror. Lilithra and Selorien would bring him many different pieces of garments, and he would then put them on, and come out to inquisitive judges of fashion.

From time to time, Lilithra would ponder, hum, blush, or smile excitedly. So many emotions would show up on her face at the mere sight of Ascalon changing attire. It was, honestly, a bit embarrassing for him.

Selorien wouldn’t pass up these chances, snapping pictures with his ‘smartphone’ and laughing. In the end, it was really peaceful… It made Ascalon wonder: what would have happened if his world were like this? Or if he wasn’t chosen by the Gods to begin with?

With many conflicting thoughts in his mind, he continued indulging his companions until they were satisfied. By the end of their shopping spree, they had chosen a dark blue jacket, a white t-shirt, a pair of round red sunglasses, beige jeans, and stylish brown boots for him. He felt completely different as he gazed upon himself in the mirror, but he quite liked the look.

Exhausted from all their shenanigans, the group was now sitting in an open cafe, enjoying a well-deserved rest and the gentle breeze. Ascalon drank a cup of coffee, sipping slowly as he appreciated the calm after the whole shopping ordeal.

Lilithra was watching him with a satisfied expression, leaning back in her chair as she smiled, while Selorien scrolled through his phone with a vacant look. Though sometimes, girls would approach the elf and ask for pictures and such, which was a curious sight.

Ascalon looked around, admiring the passersby absentmindedly. Memories flashed before his eye, a tingle of sadness making his chest feel tight. He was getting used to all this peacefulness, forgetting about his old world… and he was unsure if that was a good or a bad thing. But he also kept thinking about other things in the back of his mind—like the people who were seemingly following him around.

They maintained a good distance but weren’t nearly as skillful as Selorien’s maid. Though sensing no hostility, Ascalon was letting them be, especially because he figured it had to be Ron’s doing. But still, why were people in this city so obsessed with skulking about?

Then, Lilithra’s voice made him focus again, so he put down his coffee as he listened. “So, what did you think?” She asked anxiously, a shy smile on her lips.

The question was a bit broad, so he decided to answer with what first came to mind. “It was quite the ordeal. It felt somewhat exhausting, but I enjoyed the experience thanks to you both. I shall pay you as soon as I can.” He exclaimed, smiling gently as he bowed slightly.

Selorien and Lilithra exchanged triumphant looks. “You’re very welcome! And don’t worry, let’s say it’s your welcome gift. Anytime you want, we can come back to freshen up your wardrobe, too!” She spoke with a voice full of energy, and an even bigger smile.

Selorien giggled to himself, still playing with his phone. “Gotta say, you look damn cool Ascalon.” He added, as he snapped a new picture of the knight.

Lilithra nodded in understanding, proud of herself for having picked most of his attire. Ascalon laughed softly, a bit embarrassed, as he enjoyed the atmosphere.

“Oh! Also, there are some places we wanted to show you, but we have some stuff to do later so that will have to wait.” The girl added, piquing Ascalon’s interest.

Seeing his expression, she continued. “There’s an antique store, gadget and gems boutiques, artifact sellers and buyers, even weapon and armor shops—you can get some neat stuff around here. Sometimes it’s better than dealing with headquarters’ stiff rules and whatnot.” She said, showing a hint of annoyance at her last point. It did seem like headquarters would put a lot of conditions on such matters.

He nodded in appreciation and answered. “I would be grateful if we could visit these establishments when the time arises”. Lilithra and Selorien agreed, getting used to Ascalon’s old-fashioned statements.

As time marched on, they talked about various topics. Little details, mundane occurrences, things to simply pass the time.

Ascalon mostly kept to himself, but listened intently to his companions, and participated when they clearly wanted him to chime in. He was feeling the development of a real bond with these two, and a sense of belonging in an unfamiliar place—something he hadn’t expected to find so quickly.

What broke their peaceful resting time was an alarm coming from Lilithra’s phone, signaling it was half-past noon, just like the sun did as it shined from above.

“Ugh, well, we gotta go meet our Guildmaster—he’s the guy you saw yesterday, remember? I doubt anyone could forget about him, sadly.” She exclaimed, clear displeasure in her tone of voice.

Ascalon was about to ask why they were in that Guild if they disliked interacting with their leader so much, but Rosco’s words about no one accepting Lilithra echoed in his mind, and decided to remain silent.

“Uhm, will you be fine on your own? I really, REALLY, don’t want you near the Guildmaster!” She pleaded out of nowhere as she stood up, taking Ascalon by surprise.

Selorien started to laugh loudly at Lilithra’s sudden request. “Hahaha! Oh Lil, what? Hehe. Do you think he’ll corrupt Ascalon or something? Pfft! Haha!” Interjected the elf, still giggling uncontrollably.

“Well, yes, that’s one of the reasons!” Ascalon chuckled softly, and stood up. Selorien did his best to also get up amid giggles.

Then, the knight walked around the table, and put a hand on Lilithra’s shoulder. “No, I want to accompany you both, if you would allow me.” The girl peered at his face, meeting his gentle gaze, and sighed in resignation.

“Alright… but don’t take him seriously, okay? He’s a good guy but… also a real weirdo.” Her eyes showed discomfort, and, at that point, it was clear that dealing with her Guildmaster was quite the ordeal.

To be honest, he was really interested in this character, after all that ominous talk surrounding him. So far, he had only seen his appearance and some of his strange mannerisms.

“Lead the way.” Exclaimed the knight, as both Lilithra and Selorien got ready.

They navigated the streets once again, coming across many interesting buildings and parks, until they finally arrived at their Guildhouse.

It wasn’t nearly as impressive as the headquarters’ buildings, but it was indeed imposing, and more to Ascalon’s liking. It was a mansion, built in concrete and black marble, and exuded a really sophisticated yet mysterious vibe.

A tall steel fence enclosed a vast garden, and there was even a fountain on the way to the building. It really stood out from the surrounding structures, not only because of the colors and design, but also for its pillars, statues, and a giant glowing sign that read “Casanova”, followed by an image of a rose.

That detail totally ruined its image, and clashed with the rest of the mansion in a way that couldn’t simply be ignored. Both Lilithra and Selorien could feel Ascalon’s disappointment. They patted his back in understanding—they also hated that sign. Putting their feelings aside, they approached the huge ornate gates of the garden.

A ‘beep’ sound could be heard as the doors opened slowly, giving way to the interior of the fenced area and a cobbled path that led to the abode. Lilithra and Selorien took the lead, and Ascalon followed behind them while appreciating the well-maintained greenery around.

Mere moments later, they had entered the building. The mansion looked as extravagant inside as it did outside, decorated with paintings, striking red curtains, candle-filled chandeliers, and other sophisticated furniture. Many banners showed the same rose symbol that was shown outside, and the knight concluded that it was the Guild’s emblem.

Ascalon marveled, reminiscing about a similar sight he had admired back in his world: the castle of Lord Rasa’h—an enigmatic nosferatu who had refused to side with either the forces of good or the demons. It was regrettable, as he was a powerful being, and maybe with his help, Ascalon could have reached a better outcome… but it was not the time to dwell on that.

There were also some people around, who looked at the trio with varying expressions, each of them sporting a long, red scarf. Some seemed uninterested, others annoyed, and a handful perked up in curiosity. But neither Lilithra nor Selorien stopped to talk, limiting themselves to waving to a few of their guildmates as they continued.

They went up a grand staircase, and arrived at the entrance of the room that seemed to be the Guildmaster’s office. Lilithra took a deep breath, but before she could even knock, a voice rang from inside.

“Come in!” She froze for a moment, but then opened the door and went in. Selorien followed, and Ascalon stood there—his intention was only to accompany them, after all, as he had no intention to interfere with their Guild’s business.

“You too, Mr. Wanderer!” The voice rang again, and Ascalon raised his brow in surprise, but ultimately decided to go in.

As he entered the room, he saw the blonde man standing by a large, ornate desk. The man smiled, and gestured to a set of chairs in front of it.

“Please, take a seat, my lovelies.” Lilithra and Selorien followed the invitation, and looked at Ascalon as if urging him to sit as well.

Did that “lovelies” phrase include him too? Ascalon pondered as he took a seat, with Lilithra and Selorien to his right.

The Guildmaster walked over to his extravagant chair, akin to a small throne, and following in everyone’s actions, sat down as well. He crossed a leg, and brought both elbows to his desk, interlocking his fingers as he rested his chin on them.

“Mr. Wanderer, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lucio Cormante, and I’m the leader of this humble Guild: Casanova.” Humble? Ascalon thought, but simply nodded and answered.

“It is an honor to meet you, sir Lucio Cormante. My name is Ascalon Rendland.” He added, as the Guildmaster smiled with satisfaction.

Introductions aside, Lucio scanned the trio from left to right before speaking again. “I see you have become friends! That’s wonderful.” He said, his tone of voice gentle but somehow… something didn’t sit right with Ascalon.

“You can fill out the paperwork after I get the report from Lil and Selly, okay? But, for now, welcome to the Guild!” Ascalon’s baffled expression seemed to confuse the man, as Lilithra and Selorien exchanged sour looks.

Ascalon took a moment to think, and came to the conclusion that the man thought he was there to join Casanova. “Pardon me, but I have no intention of joining your Guild.” As his words left his lips, Lucios expression darkened, as if he were told terrible news.

“What? Are you… yes, you are serious.” He said, his voice cracking with sadness. He posed dramatically, covering his eyes, a tear glistening as it ran down his face.

Ascalon understood right then why his companions loathed interacting with this man, as he seemed really into… theatrics, to say the least.

“Oh, pardon my misunderstanding! I just thought… Since you were such good friends…” Lucio peeked through his fingers to see Ascalon’s reaction. It was an underhanded comment, but Ascalon let it slide and bowed in apology.

Lilithra shifted nervously in her seat, her fists clenched. Lucio hummed and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the interaction. Then, he adopted the same posture as before, with his head resting on his hands.

“Alright then, I’m sure I’ll convince you eventually.” His words exuded confidence and pride. “Now then, Lil, Selly, recount yesterday’s events for me, please!”

For the next half an hour or so, the duo of friends gave a report to the Guildmaster. Ascalon noticed that they omitted some parts, like their visit to The Chalice, but he kept silent. The Guildmaster simply absorbed the information as it came, nodding from time to time, and without interrupting them.

After the summary, Lucio pondered with a serious expression. “Hmm, it seems like the Flaming Fists think that we’re some kind of pushovers, since we aid headquarters from time to time… To think they would just come and try to recruit someone from under our noses, and fight against us so openly.” He exclaimed, a bold smile with a hint of irritation appearing on his face.

“Guess we’ll have to pay them a visit, huh? I’ll make the preparations.” His words this time carried a heavy undertone, and Lilithra and Selorien tensed up—it probably meant a Guild War.

He then smiled gently, as if to push away the cloudy mood.

“Don’t you lovelies worry about a thing! For the time being, remain on standby. Show Mr. Ascalon around and all that!” Stated Lucio, his voice full of cheeriness as he started shooing them away. Lilithra and Selorien nodded and left reluctantly, while Ascalon bowed deeply.

“Farewell, Sir Lucio.” Were his parting words.

As he approached the exit, he could feel a deep, dangerous tension in the air. The Guildmaster really meant to wage war against the Flaming Fists.

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