Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 18 - Sudden Tragedy

The sight before them was one of absolute despair. The group who had looked so animated before entering the dungeon, was now reduced to a frail state, tragedy reigning over them in a sharp, cruel contrast.

Lilithra watched the scene with a hand covering her mouth, her eyes drawn to a man who hurriedly draped a sheet over multiple people lying on the floor. She gasped, immediately realizing they were bodies.

She felt her stomach churn, but managed to keep her composure somehow. Dealing with the wolves' corpses had already been unsettling enough, but this was so much more somber, knowing they were people.

Maybe she was a hypocrite, she thought, but promptly shook her head to regain her focus. “Was… was the boss that strong?” She asked in a low voice, only heard by Ascalon and Selorien, thinking one of these could have easily been her if not for the knight. Ascalon appraised the situation in silence, while the elf’s expression was taken over by doubtfulness.

The Fluffy Warriors were numerous, and the dungeon itself wasn’t that high in rank, so it was unexpected that they had suffered so many losses at the end—especially after reaching the peak so quickly, meaning they hadn’t faced much trouble until then. While Selorien was deep in thought, Lilithra recalled someone in particular, and her yellow eyes darted frantically in hopes of finding her.

Lilithra sighed in relief upon spotting her: Lyra, who trembled weakly in place. However, noticing the blood dripping from Lyra’s forehead, anxiousness took over, prompting her to quickly rush to her side.

“Lyra!” She exclaimed with worry, as she approached the now startled girl.

“Ah… L-Lilithra, was it…? H-hi…” The girl answered in a feeble tone, forcing a sad smile on her face. But it was an ephemeral gesture, since her expression turned downcast almost immediately.

Lilithra was taken aback, trying to find the right words. “Uhm, are you okay? What happened?” She asked the most generic questions possible, and felt like an idiot.

The trembling girl didn’t seem to mind, and opened her mouth a few times as she let out inaudible sounds, hesitating to speak. Before she could articulate any word, tears started to roll down her face, and soon she was sobbing, shielding her face from view with both hands.

Ascalon and Selorien observed from behind, as Lilithra reached out to the girl, wanting to comfort her. But she stopped her hand mid-air with reluctance, and dropped it to her side once again. Lilithra realized she was a complete stranger to Lyra, so she had no right to cross the boundaries. She hated that she stopped herself, but couldn’t do anything about it.

Everyone was waiting patiently for Lyra to stop crying, but she began to speak amidst her sobbing, choosing her words carefully.

“W-we… got t-to the b-boss…” She took a deep breath, and Selorien took the chance to interject.

“Was the boss too strong?” He asked inquisitively, but the girl looked at him shaking her head in denial, as horror overcame her expression.

“T-the boss w-was going well… but t-then Ian… Ian!” She exclaimed in anguish, mentioning someone’s name. It was the gentle-looking guy they had met before, wasn’t it?

Her eyes opened wide as she forced herself to relive the scene in her memories. She hung her head down and narrated the events with a pained voice.

“Ian s-started attacking us. He t-took advantage of the boss and a-attacked us from behind… He wasn’t acting like himself, he-he was acting like… Like a maniac…!”

The girl looked up at them, her face showing a trembling smile. “The e-ever so gentle I-Ian… Said I w-was a f-fucking disgusting m-mixed race!” Lyra sobbed once again, her eyes puffed and red, the heartbreak clear in her shaky voice. Selorien and Lilithra showed alarmed expressions, knowing something Ascalon did not.

“He always p-praised my fluffy ears! A-and now he… he did su-such horrible things to our friends…! Why?!” She crumbled to her knees, crying desperately. It was truly a sorrowful sight.

The group didn’t know what to say. What could they even say? They simply stared at her in silence, with worried expressions. What she retold sounded terrible—they couldn’t begin to understand just what she was feeling right now, being betrayed by someone she seemingly trusted so much.

Ian himself looked harmless and gentle when they met him, so they were shocked to learn about his betrayal. Lilithra looked as if she was going to cry at any moment, varying emotions swirling inside her.

But suddenly, an angry voice could be heard nearby. They all turned in unison, gazing at a forming commotion. “Let me go! I have to find him!!!” A short man of child-like appearance protested. It was Lyra’s older brother, who was being held down by three men in white attire.

“S-Stop please, Mr. Levi! You’re in no condition to go, and won’t catch up to him anyway!” Said one of the men, struggling to hold the small person. Levi, as the man in white called him, looked furious beyond belief, his eyes burning with deep hatred.

Lyra slowly raised her head and looked at his brother amidst her crying, and they locked eyes. The view of her sister in such a state seemed to infuriate Levi even more, who started to grind his teeth as a blue-colored swirling aura began to surround him.

Ascalon noticed immediately the impending danger looming over these men, who tried their best to hold back Lyra’s brother, and moved with hastiness in their direction. As gently and as quickly as he could, he pried them away and pressed down on Levi, pushing him down in an instant. Levi’s face went from anger to surprise, as he was suddenly suppressed.

He looked at Ascalon and his face slowly showed recognition, before his brows furrowed and he shouted. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! Let me go!” The boy ordered in anger, but Ascalon shot him a firm stare.

“I beg you to reconsider, Sir Levi. You seem to be heavily wounded.” He stated matter-of-factly, his eyes studying the multiple injuries on Levi’s body.

But the young-looking man looked even more furious. “What is it to you?! Who-who even are you?!!! This is our Guild’s business!!!” His words at the end carried truth; he was completely right. This wasn’t Ascalon’s business—but he had decided to interfere anyway.

He had a guess at what Levi wanted to do: to go after Ian, who betrayed them. But in his condition, the only result would be Lyra crying her heart out once again, and that would be a painful sight for both Ascalon and his friends.

At that moment, Ascalon felt a familiar presence, surrounded by a few more that he also recognized. A new voice cut through the air, with a gentle yet firm tone. “Would you please step down, Mr. Ascalon?” Ron’s voice reached his ears, as he approached with a group of people close behind.

They were the ones that had been tailing Ascalon since he had left headquarters. He had forgotten about them since entering the Howling Chasm, as they clearly didn’t go in after him.

Ron smiled politely, as a set of new people arrived after him, rushing in to help. They seemed more experienced, specialized so to say, as they quickly began to cast spells, or more likely used skills, to heal the wounded. The men in white were helping beforehand, but clearly weren’t healers. Ascalon looked at Ron, and the man nodded in response, so he decided to stop pushing Levi down.

Levi himself seemed more calm, looking relieved at the healing being done on his friends. Lyra approached him, having stopped crying, and helped him get up. Then, Ron spoke again.

“My apologies Miss Lyra, we came as fast as we could after we received your distress call.” He directed his words at the girl, who looked at him with a vacant expression, exhausted from crying.

“T-thanks, Mr.Ron…” Lyra answered weakly, as her brother gently patted her head.

Levi let out a heavy sigh as some of Ron’s entourage approached him. He nodded, and they started healing him, their hands glowing with a green light. Ascalon thought that looked similar to the healers he used to know back in Excadia, just that they usually relied on a golden, holy power.

Ron stepped forward, and glanced at Ascalon and his friends. “Excuse my rudeness, but I would like you to keep out of this matter.” He spoke with a smile, but behind it, Ascalon felt clear suspicion. Did Ron maybe think he had a hand in this situation? It was to be expected, though he felt a bit offended.

Lilithra nodded hesitantly, still worried about Lyra, but she understood that it was another Guild’s private business. It’s not like she was friends with them either, but still, she was overcome with sympathy—she couldn’t help but feel bad after seeing such a sweet girl so saddened. She glanced at Lyra and waved sheepishly. The girl smiled and bowed to Lilithra’s group.

Ascalon pondered for a moment, appraising the scene before him. Many of the Fluffy Warriors were regaining their senses and recovering, but others remained motionless on the cold floor. He clenched his fists, as the whole ordeal didn’t sit well with him.

However, with their request for them to leave, there was nothing else to be done. He bowed to Ron, who had been staring at him the entire time, and started to walk away, Lilithra and Selorien close behind.

But after a few steps, Lilithra stopped and turned around, dashing to Lyra’s side. The girl’s cat ears perked up, while Ron watched with a raised eyebrow and Levi stepped protectively in front of her sister.

“Uhm! I’m sorry! I know I’m just butting in, but, contact us if there’s anything we can do to help!” Lilithra spoke hurriedly, as she sent a message to Lyra through the Gifted network, containing her contact information. Then she bowed a few times and ran back to Ascalon and Selorien’s side. Ron, Levi, and Lyra simply watched them go with a mix of surprise and suspicion in their expressions.

Once she returned, both Ascalon and Selorien looked at her with gentle smiles and resumed their walk. Selorien sighed and spoke as they left.

“You’re such a busybody.” His soft tone betrayed the snarky comment as he patted Lilithra’s head.

“She just looked too sad.” Lilithra answered with total seriousness.

Something in that heart-wrenching event had stirred something within her, hardening her resolve to help those in need. Ascalon couldn’t help but notice the conviction in her eyes as he peered briefly at her face, thinking once again that he wanted to be of help to her.

But these thoughts were slowly pushed back as they walked in silence through the streets, each of them reflecting on different, yet similar things. Ascalon couldn’t really delve much into his pondering, realizing Ron’s group was tailing him again. This time, however, he felt a bit irritated.

Time passed, and with the recent events lingering in their minds, the group arrived at their usual place: The Chalice. It was almost night, and for once, the place was bustling with activity, the Master doing his best to fulfill all the patrons’ requests. Though he didn’t appear to be even breaking a sweat. Fortunately, their three seats at the counter were empty, probably thanks to Raphael.

They had taken the chance to put on their everyday attire on the way, instead of the warmer clothes they had equipped in the dungeon. The Gifted network sure was handy, allowing them to equip clothing on the go, with no need for stops or changing rooms. Ascalon would never cease to be amazed by the mysterious system. They now were feeling more comfortable and wouldn’t stand out, not more than usual, at least.

Tiredly dragging their feet, the group walked to their spot and finally sat down. Lilithra leaned on the counter, plopping her upper body onto it and calling out in a childlike tone.

“Uncleee~ foooood~!” Ascalon chuckled, while Selorien fiddled with his phone. Some of the customers giggled in the distance, maybe regulars who knew how Lilithra behaved. Raphael waved at them and momentarily disappeared behind the kitchen door, before coming back with three plates full of food. He was prepared for everything, wasn’t he?

Looking at their faces, he made a surprised expression, as he served them their food. “You guys look terrible. Tell me about it later, alright?” He spoke in a soft, understanding tone. He was such a wise man; Ascalon admired his noble demeanor. Lilithra nodded at her uncle’s words and started to eat slowly, his friends following suit.

The night went on, clients came and went, and Raphael closed The Chalice for the day. He approached the group, who had been mostly silent, and leaned on the counter. He noticed Lilithra was poking at a few leftovers, a habit she had when she was racking her brains about something.

He let out a soft 'hmmm0, but didn’t say anything, knowing she would speak her when ready. As if reading his mind, she sat straight, her face showing determination. Ascalon and Selorien perked up, the latter kind of lying down lazily across two seats.

“Uhm, alright so. I’ve been reflecting on our dungeon outing.” Said Lilithra suddenly, and Selorien groaned.

“Liiil, you still thinking about that?” His voice carried a hint of exhaustion, knowing exactly what she was referring to.

She puffed her cheeks, as per usual, and continued. “Shut up, Selly! Let me speak, please.” It seemed she wasn’t in the mood for joking, so Selorien kept quiet.

“I’m-I’m just sorry, guys. I thought I was ready for that dungeon but… I was way over my head.” She expressed her feelings, the three guys around her listening intently.

“But I promise I won’t hold you back next time. I will do my best from now on.” Her eyes lit up with conviction. “If I want to reach my goals, I have to get stronger! Not just for me… but also to help others out. Today I really felt so, so helpless. I want to change that!” She exclaimed, her words bathed with resolution and a bit of cheesiness.

But those who listened to her shared similar expressions among them, filled with warmth and completely moved by her heartfelt declaration. After a few moments passed, and being the center of everyone’s stares, she blushed and hid beneath her hoodie.

Raphael suddenly laughed, and walked over to her, patting her head. “Alright, you should get some rest now.” He spoke with tenderness. Then he gazed at Ascalon.

“As for you… Just stay in the room you’ve been using if you want to. I know this one wants you to lodge here, and I trust you.” He said with a conflicted grin, glancing at Lilithra as she looked up with her eyes sparkling.

“You could work here to pay me. Will help you get accustomed to this place, to New Lumingard—trust me.” Ascalon was pleasantly surprised by Raphael’s generosity, so he bowed deeply in response.

Raphael had a valid point. He couldn’t simply live there for free; he had to earn his stay! And working around The Chalice would do him good, as it would allow him to learn more about New Lumingard and its inhabitants—a marvelous opportunity.

“I am once again in your debt, Sir Raphael.” Ascalon spoke with reverence, as he maintained his bow. Lilithra and Selorien smiled, while Raphael laughed.

“You sure are, haha! Now get to sleep, all of you. Have a safe trip, Selly.” He directed those words at Selorien, who yawned sluggishly and promptly stood up. The elf stretched and waved at everyone lazily.

“Night peeps.” He then headed for the door, leaving some parting words behind him, a view Ascalon was already used to.

Behind him, Raphael smiled and Lilithra repeated Selorien’s words before getting up and stretching a bit too. She was sore all over. “See you tomorrow, Ascalon.” She waved, grinning softly, her yellow eyes peeking at him. Ascalon bowed in response, and watched her go up the stairs.

It was about time for him to head to bed too, now in a room he could actually call his own. He felt happy at the thought and got up, nodded at Raphael, and followed after Lilithra.

Tomorrow was going to be a new day.

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