Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 33 - And so the Battle Ends

Both Ascalon and Selorien, from their respective locations, witnessed with awe the figure of their friend, rising slowly, her posture gaining confidence with each passing moment. She looked renewed, her eyes rekindled—it was as if the fight, for her, had only just begun.

Ascalon couldn’t bottle up his feeling of joy, his lips curling into a reassured grin, his good eye fixated on the horned girl. Selorien, on the other hand, wore an incredulous expression on his face, with his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly agape, yet also beamed with excitement. Lilithra was truly surprising everyone, probably even herself—she was giving it her very all against the enemy of her past.

Everyone at the VIP balcony seemed surprised, too, especially Theoldorien, who moments before was silently rooting for her demise. He looked exasperated—he clearly couldn’t stand to watch anymore, but his eyes were glued to the arena for one reason or another.

Ignis, who hadn’t cheered even a word for Rosco throughout the whole event, simply scoffed at the sight. He looked like a man who only expected the very best from his Guildmembers, and any other result was a complete failure. If that was truly the case, Ascalon would feel justified in not liking him.

Aside from the Guildmasters, the spectators, and even the colosseum staff, the two protagonists of the fight were the most surprised of them all. Lilithra couldn’t believe her eyes, which were wide open as she read her new skill. An overwhelming feeling of elation was engulfing her, and it was reflected in a bold smile.

Rosco gazed at her with both shock and suspicion. How could she stand so tall, seemingly recovered, after his relentless assault? It couldn’t be! There was no damn way she was unscathed! What had happened to the cowering, weak girl from mere moments ago?!

“I won’t fall for such a simple bluff, stupid bitch!” He shouted with clear desperation in his voice, his body hesitating to move. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be. His thoughts were spiraling out of control, plunging into a deep, black abyss.

Lilithra, on the other hand, felt at the top of the world, her feet moving before she could even think about her next move. She simply had to act, she had to take advantage of her newfound strength, and the time limit of her incredible new skill.

She darted at a speed that left her dumbfounded, cheering erupting from the audience as they saw the underdog biting back. A myriad of feelings overflowed as she thrust her banner forward, the wind parting before her attack, her hair dancing wildly as she advanced.

For the average spectator, she had become a blurry bolt of red. Rosco gritted his teeth to the point it hurt, while raising his scythe to the right side, his hands firmly gripping the handle. He wasn’t going to let her, of all people, look down on him!

He was still strong—stronger than her! The outcome against the blonde wanderer couldn’t repeat itself, not against Lilithra of all people. She was just bluffing, probably a last desperate attempt!

His weapon burned fiercely as he spun to the left, using the force of the rotation to swing his scythe in a powerful horizontal slash. The weapon traced an arc that sent a huge shockwave forward, in the form of a crescent flame that could engulf Lilithra whole.

Yet, to his surprise and desperation, she pierced through the fire, her advance unstoppable. He panicked as his thoughts raced. The face of the one-eyed wanderer flashed in his mind, and he backstepped, slashing through the air in the opposite direction.

Lilithra decided to leave her shock aside, which had peaked after piercing through a giant flame attack, and fully committed to the fight. She felt more in tune with her body, her movements, her breathing. Her footsteps were precise, and her yellow eyes could spot openings in Rosco’s defenses.

She recalled her training with Ascalon and Selorien, her dear friends, and felt a surge of gratitude for their guidance. Experience was truly king, and everything she had learned was going to be put to the test!

Confidence overflowing, she closed the gap in a sudden burst of speed. As soon as her weapon was in range of Rosco’s defensive slash, she stomped with her forward foot and thrust the spear end with great force. The cross-shaped trio of spears met the scythe’s blade with precision, the impact reverberating around them.

Rosco couldn’t believe that Lilithra had mustered such strength; it was as if a different person had taken her place. He felt infuriated, his face contorting into a reddened, raging expression. He leaned back, raising his scythe high, the flames leaving a glowing trail behind it.

Then, with fierce determination, he started a frenetic succession of slashes—the same relentless rampage that had put Lilithra against the ropes before. But, once again, the girl went against his expectations.

With her newfound heightened senses, Lilithra started to swing her banner in various directions, slashing, thrusting, and even spinning the whole weapon with both hands as she met the attacks head-on.

“Heeya!” Lilithra shouted, pumping herself up with enthusiasm as she gracefully parried her opponent’s strikes.

Rosco despaired at the sight, putting even more effort into his barrage. He couldn’t understand what was going on. It was like a sick joke; maybe he was dreaming. Or… she had to be cheating, somehow! Maybe the wanderer was buffing her stats! They were laughing at him, both of them!

As his thoughts bordered madness, he saw the girl smile. She seemed to be relishing on his misery! He felt humiliated, enraged to no end. But also suffocated by a painful feeling rushing through his entire body. It was a sensation he thought had been buried deep, a feeling he knew very well in the past.

Just how had things turned out like this? He had fought through blood and mud to get to where he was. People weren’t making fun of him anymore, nobody was after him—he was Rosco, the Crescent Glint, and no one could mess with him, not until that night. That’s right… everything had crumbled the day he met the wanderer. It was all his fault. And now even Lilithra was on par with him, with THE Rosco.

Although the man was absorbed by his own thoughts, his attacks didn’t relent, yet Lilithra beamed, her eyes sparkling with amazement. She was ecstatic about how well she was handling the fearsome Rosco’s barrage; she felt she could do anything! Though she knew she had little time left.

It was then that, out of the pit of Rosco’s despair, an idea surfaced. What if… this was just karma? He felt taken aback by the sudden notion, and Lilithra, focused as she was, didn’t miss the chance.

Amidst the cheers and hype of the spectators, Lilithra moved with finesse. A corner in the cross-shaped spears met Rosco’s weapon, sliding through the scythe’s edge until it reached the connection between the blade and the handle. With both weapons interlocked, she pivoted on her right foot and spun with calculated timing, aiming to disarm Rosco with her momentum.

To the surprise of everyone present, the huge, flaming scythe flew through the air, spinning wildly before burying its edge in the ground, a good distance away from them. Lilithra’s face was overcome with astonishment, and Rosco, in his moment of distraction and weakness, couldn’t comprehend what had just happened.

He felt a prickle of pain in his chest, and slowly looked down, seeing Lilithra’s weapon poking at him slightly. “Wha…?” He exclaimed weakly, his thoughts in disarray. Lilithra gasped for air, her figure moving up and down as the crowd erupted in deafening cheers.

In a rare occurrence, Selorien jumped with excitement, screaming her friend’s name. He hoped she hadn’t seen him, recomposing himself and clearing his throat, yet unable to hide his wide smile.

Meanwhile, Lucretia slowly clapped with a flabbergasted look on her face, a half smile adorning her darkened lips. Even Richard had been completely absorbed by the fight, and was appreciating her prowess.

But the proudest of them all sat atop the stands, in the VIP balcony. Ascalon’s face was one of pure satisfaction and joy, his gentle gaze and tender smile focused on Lilithra. He was overcome with emotion, and didn’t know what to do with all the energy that was rushing through his body.

He was so enraptured that he didn't notice how the old elf stood up and left, his face a somber reflection of disappointment. Escarlata walked after him but turned back to shoot a quick glance toward the knight. She wondered if she would ever be on the receiving end of such a warm gaze. Shaking her head and blushing slightly, she left after her master.

Everyone else was at a loss for words. Jay’s face was a mix of shock and admiration, while Calista clapped excitedly in her seat. Urvan, on the other hand, yawned with disinterest, and the scrawny-looking Credence was biting on his nails, his eyes seemingly looking beyond the arena.

Ignis sighed with irritation, and promptly got up and left. He didn’t want to watch anymore, whatever the outcome would be. But before crossing the door to the exit, he let out a few words coated in venom.

“Hmmph! Hope you enjoyed the spectacle, because it won’t happen again.” He addressed the whole room with disdain, but everyone was too distracted by the arena to fully pay attention to his cryptic message. He left in indignation, his figure disappearing in the shadows of the corridor.

Ascalon managed to compose himself briefly, wondering why these two—Ignis and Theoldorien—had left without waiting for the match’s conclusion. Most likely, they were just fed up with the event, or didn’t care as much for the result anymore.

Still, as much as he rooted for Lilithra, he knew Rosco could still fight; especially because she was too much of a softie to finish him off. It was both endearing and concerning, but he decided to simply accept that part of her, at least for that one time.

Rosco stood still, overwhelmed by a profound sense of perplexity. Somehow, he felt the day he met the blonde wanderer had sealed his fate. His defeat, the plunge into self-doubt, and Lilithra’s unexpected growth—he felt as if he was unraveling. Was he ever truly strong? His warped thoughts couldn’t even come up with decently fabricated excuses or justifications. He was at a loss.

His thoughts drifted as far back as when he was a kid, begging on the streets, powerless. It was something that had nothing to do with his current self nor the fight, yet why? Why would these memories resurface? Why would they come to haunt him now? He was deeply shaken, but was right in some aspects.

His fate had indeed been sealed by crossing paths with Ascalon. Rosco was too proud of his abilities, feeling at the top of the world. But being at the top, he could only crash after facing the inevitable: there’s always someone stronger.

Lilithra had the upper hand only because of these multiple factors at play; any other opponent on Rosco’s level would’ve probably won against her. From the lingering trauma of Ascalon’s fight, to her unexpected growth. The pressure born from his ever irritated Guildmaster’s expectations, his own doubts and insecurities, and the fact that he was assailed by emotions that he didn’t even know how to handle.

In a show of frustration and confusion, Rosco clutched his head between his hands, crouching slightly as he shouted with a raw, anguished cry. “Gaaaahhhh!!!” His voice resounded above the spectator’s cheers and applause, shocking part of the audience. It was then that the most unexpected voice broke through his stupor.

“Are you okay…?” Lilithra’s concerned voice gently echoed through the colosseum, a wave of warmth spreading across the audience. Rosco lifted his head slowly, his eyes glistening slightly, unable to hide his turmoil.

“What are you?” Rosco asked in agony, his soul feeling like it was being torn apart, his face twisting into a confused and frustrated look. How could she ask him that? After everything that had happened? He felt a pit in his stomach as he stood, his figure wavering.

Without another word, he walked to his scythe, reaching out for the handle with his extended right arm; he looked lost, his steps uneven. Lilithra readied herself, a hint of agitation on her face. Her skill’s duration had run its course, and she was feeling the exhaustion, the pain, and the dullness all around her body. The only thing she could do now was put on an act of confidence and strength, though she lacked the energy to even do so.

To her surprise, the scythe disappeared as soon as he grabbed it. He had put it in his inventory—a choice that bewildered everyone who knew the slightest bit about him. Without even looking back, he simply walked to the exit, leaving the arena.

The colosseum fell into silence, as the spectators tried to come to terms with what had transpired. It was Selorien’s voice that broke it.

“Hell yeah, Lil!” The elf shouted, putting both hands around his mouth to further amplify the cheer. Her head turned in Selorien’s direction, a shy smile appearing on her lips. Then, a second voice, from far above, cut through the arena with resounding firmness.

“Splendidly done, Lilithra!” Ascalon’s voice reached her ears, and she looked up with tears beginning to well up in her eyes, her cheeks reddening as many emotions began to swirl in her chest. There stood the knight, his arm raised high, his fist clenched tight.

“I did it guys!” She screamed in answer to her friends, pumping both hands in the air.

At the sight, the crowd exploded in cheers and shouts, chanting her name, congratulating her, and even asking her out! She felt overwhelmed by their reactions, and looked anxious as she shifted in place, seemingly unaware of what to do. Thankfully, J-Rider was there to save the day.

“Aaaaaand the winner is Liliiiiiithraaaaaaa!!!”

At the announcer's words, she bowed frantically toward the many stands, and walked slowly toward the Casanova’s location. She was clearly exhausted and in pain, but the excitement she was feeling helped distract her. Selorien awaited her with a hand in the air, which she clapped in a weak high-five as she passed him by, smiling from ear to ear.

“Hoooooly heeeeell people, that was an unexpected match! Some of you are probably regretting betting on Rosco, huh? That just goes to show that, in the colosseum, anything can happeeeeeeeeen!!!”

He screamed with energy, and once again, a bundle of flares shot into the sky from around the arena. At their highest point, they all exploded in a dazzling display of multiple colors and shapes, illuminating the ever darkening sky.

“And of course… Let us all congratulate the winners: the Casanova Guild!!! You sure showed those scumbags!”

J-Rider’s voice boomed and the people cheered in agreement, the excitement showing no sign of stopping.

“But, what do they win, dear J-Rider? Well, aside from the huge boost in popularity, the sponsors who’ll be fighting to reach out to them, and all that boring stuff, we have some cool goodies for them! because the colosseum is always thankful for everyone’s patronage!”

The crowd gasped in anticipation, wondering about what kind of prizes were going to be revealed. The Colosseum was always thankful for Guilds fighting it out in the arena, since it was good for business, and prizes were given to the winning side as part of the ‘show’ and as a token of appreciation.

“First of all, thanks to the generous officers at headquarters, we have a whole new territory for them…! That's right, a clean plot of land for them to build another Guild hall, a casino, or whatever the hell they fancy!”

The crowd clapped at the prize, though it wasn’t as exciting as they had imagined.

“From the ministry of travel, we have a seal of approval for incursions! They’re now permitted to travel to and from any city and beyond! That's right folks, that includes the off-limit, god-forsaken zones! even if no one wants to go there anyway!”

This time, the spectators let out amazed gasps before cheering excitedly. Ascalon didn’t really understand the enthusiasm behind the audience, but felt it was an important prize.

“But there’s more! Aside from the pooled prize money, we also have a reward for each individual member!”

As he announced that, a podium started to emerge from the ground at the center of the arena. A few staff members rushed toward it, as lights shone upon a set of items displayed over the surface of the platform.

Lilithra and Selorien looked at the sight with curiosity and eagerness, as a familiar voice reached their ears.

“Nice job, my lovelies! Let’s now reap the rewards of our hard work!” It was Lucio, who appeared at their side flamboyantly, a confident grin on his face. Immediately, Selorien’s mood turned sour, as he scoffed at the Guildmaster.

“You have much to explain about these matchups.” At his accusatory tone, the whole room fell silent, while Lucretia and Richard perked up. Lucio shot him a smile, narrowing his eyes as he replied.

“Oh? Whatever could you mean?” The blonde asked in a carefree tone, as he skipped forward toward the arena.

Selorien sighed deeply in resignation, while Lilithra peeked at him with curiosity. Whatever answers he sought would have to wait… for now, he could only keep up with the charade.

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