Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 8 - The Flaming Fists - Part 3

Ascalon reminisced, memories from before the whole ordeal had started. It was when they were still at the bar, talking to each other after having dinner…

“...And these ‘light poles’, and the ‘moving pictures’, are all powered by this ‘electricity’?” Asked Ascalon, who had been bombarding Lilithra and Selorien with mundane questions, which the duo, but mostly Lilithra, had been happy to answer.

“Yes! That’s pretty much it! It’s not magic, well, not usually! Electronic devices and stuff.” The girl replied, a huge smile on her face.

Then, she brought out a small, black device, similar to what the Sergeant had used before, and it lit up as she fiddled with it. “For example, this is one of science’s wonders: A smartphone!” The blonde man appraised the object like a child staring at a toy.

“With this, I can communicate with people from all over, even from other countries! It also has many other functions; it’s like an encyclopedia of knowledge packed into your pocket!” She raised it with both hands as if it were some kind of holy object, after repeating some words she had heard somewhere, with Ascalon staring in reverence.

Then, she pointed it at him, and a flash of light took him by surprise. “It can also take photos!” The girl exclaimed, showing Ascalon a depiction of him!

It was incredible, such astounding technology. Ascalon was deeply impressed by how such a tiny gadget could be so versatile. “But she mostly uses it to play games and contact the Guild, hehe.” Added Selorien, laughing softly in a mischievous manner. Lilithra quickly hit him on the shoulder, blushing a bit.

This made another question pop out from Ascalons lips. “What are those ‘Guilds’ I keep hearing about? I reckon I get the gist of it, but still…” Lilithra and Selorien both realized they hadn’t told him about that yet.

The elf didn’t seem interested in explaining complicated things, so it was no wonder that Lilithra began to speak again. “Right. When the Gifted network appeared, a lot of trouble came with it. Before, only certain, uhm, individuals and races had what we now call “gifts”. They were mostly legends or tales until then. You could think of it as magic, powers, etc.! It all boils down to special abilities, alright?” She stated, taking a pause for the knight to absorb the information.

Sounded a lot like magic, blessings, and ‘bloodline’ abilities back in his world. He pondered for a second, and nodded, letting her proceed.

“So, people were all over themselves with these newfound abilities. Mostly the bad kind of people, to no one’s surprise.” The girl rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by these troublemakers.

She then took a sip of water from a nearby glass, and continued. “But that’s not all! Somehow, the Gifted network attracted a whole other interdimensional mess. Kaiju: giant ugly creatures! Towers: they’re like gateways to dungeons, with both danger and treasure! Wanderers: which you already know of. And well, some other stuff. Everything changed.”

Ascalon listened intently, it all sounded like a fantasy, but he knew she wasn’t toying with him or lying about it. It was, in fact, a topic both intriguing and worrying.

“And well, normal people can’t deal with giant horrors, ravenous beasts, or ‘supervillains’. So! The nation’s leaders took inspiration from old stories, fiction and the like, and proposed the creation of Guilds! Incentivised by money and fame, and all that, you know?” He actually did know! Somewhat. Honor, wealth, pride, even greed—they were very common things where he came from.

She perceived the understanding on his face and smiled before continuing. “And, uhm, that’s a short summary, I guess. There are a lot of Guilds around New Lumingard, and outside too of course! Some are… “better” than others, so to say, haha… We’re from the Casanova Guild, by the way! Although we’re just newbies.” She said, a bit ashamed of the name. But the knight didn’t really get it.

He smiled in appreciation for the explanations as he replied. “I am deeply grateful for all the answers, Lady Lilithra, Sir Selorien. I gather that if you belong to this Casanova Guild, it must be a most righteous group!” Both friends looked at each other for a moment and laughed. Selorien looked especially energetic this time around.

“Well, it’s not a bandit’s den, at least.” Added the elf jokingly.

Lilithra giggled, but a hint of sadness could be seen behind it. “Haha yeah… At least they accepted us newbies.” She broadened her smile, looking resolutely at the knight.

“There are some weirdos here and there, but they’re all great people. I can finally help those in need thanks to them! Like you, Ascalon!” She looked around sheepishly, embarrassed by her own words. The master, who had been cleaning up some glasses in silence, smirked from behind the counter, and Selorien followed suit.

Ascalon greeted her smile with one of his own and bowed slightly in appreciation. “But this is just the beginning, right Lil? She has some biiiiig plans for such a shortie.” Selorien cracked a more daring smile, and Lilithra shifted in her seat, trying to hide her face under her hood.

“Why did you bring that up?! Uhm, don’t laugh, okay Ascalon?” She asked the knight, now fiddling with her hair shyly, as a soft voice escaped from her lips. “Someday, I want to make my own Guild.” She peeked at the blonde man with anticipation, wondering what kind of expression he would make.

Ascalon looked at her with wonder, his good eye resting on her gaze. “That seems like a grand ordeal… Why is it that you want to take on such a task?” He questioned, with no deep meaning behind his words, but only simple curiosity. Selorien looked at the girl, urging her to answer.

Lilithra looked really bashful, but gathered herself and continued. “Well… I want to help people, as I said—and don’t get me wrong. The Casanova Guild has been good to me, but… I also want to make a place for everyone, something more.” The girl stated, resolution and seriousness burning in her yellow eyes.

She took a deep breath, showing how nervous she was behind her bravado, and continued. “I want to accept those who are shunned by others, because of their circumstances, looks, or whatever… A haven for people that want to show the world that they’re not what others make them.”

Lilithra paused for a moment, smiling softly and blushing slightly. “I want to give people courage, a second chance—I want to be brave for them when they feel alone in this world that can be so cruel!” Ascalon simply heard her in silence, basking on her determined words.

A few seconds of silence came to pass. Selorien wore a kind expression, while the master wiped away some tears in the background. “I… you know, I have a… Troubled past, I guess. I don’t want people to, uhm, go through stuff like that. It’s just my selfish wish, though!” She spoke reluctantly, as it seemed to be a really personal topic. Ascalon felt a tingle in his chest, sensing a certain bond with the girl.

She was speaking from her heart. A heart forged by whatever circumstances she had to face in the past. And he admired her conviction. “I see. That is a marvelous goal to have.” Responded the knight, smiling gently at the girl. Lilithra beamed a huge smile as her cheeks reddened once again, thinking she was being such an embarrassment that day.

But she felt happy that Ascalon could understand her, even though she was still keeping details from him. She felt a bit guilty, but she couldn’t just unpack her whole story on him, who was still on his very first day in this world. Maybe another time, she could take off that hoodie and come out of her shell willingly.

Everyone enjoyed a moment of calmness, content with the situation. It didn’t take long for Ascalon to start asking more questions, and the mood quickly turned more cheerful as they talked to each other about various things.

Back in the present, Ascalon lamented his weakness. Anger was directed at himself for wavering at the mere sight of Lilithra’s true form. What if she was a demon? This world was obviously different, and the girl he had come to know throughout the day was anything but an evil being.

There was a chance it was all a facade, but… To him, she seemed like a kind, charitable soul, and so he had decided to put prejudices behind and focus on what lay ahead—for the time being.

The situation at hand was still tense. Selorien and Lilithra were worried about the knight, who had become involved in their affairs. But the elf was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

He had his suspicions, but what if Ascalon was actually really strong? The blonde man had been calm and composed throughout the entire day, only showing more emotions when asking questions or marveling at things that seemed new to him. He also seemed to detect threats with uncanny precision and had ample time to react to them.

There was also the way he had introduced himself. Selorien hadn’t thought much of it at the moment, but now he considered that the knight had quite the grandiose and imposing set of titles. He was supposedly a commander in charge of a whole alliance, too. If he could back these words, it would mean business.

To top it all off, the way he interjected between Lilithra and Rosco had everyone taken by surprise. Escarlata herself was fixated on the knight with a nervous expression, despite not having taken her eyes off Selorien through the whole event, until now.

The elf himself hadn’t noticed Ascalon moved, and his race’s keen eyes could pick up on things easier than the average person. Maybe, just maybe, he was about to witness something amazing.

Meanwhile, In the maid’s mind, many thoughts raced as she tried to analyze the situation. When she was appointed to this mission, she wasn’t told anything about this wanderer, other than being notified of his presence. Although he gave her an odd feeling, she thought he wouldn’t be much of a hassle, seeing how he had kept himself out of the affair.

But things took a different turn. She had enough experience in her line of work to know that the man was going to be a problem from now on. There was no way a normal human could’ve moved in such a way, especially when she herself didn’t notice it until it was too late—she wasn’t one to brag, but she was one of the strongest people in the whole city. She tried to maintain her composure.

Her orders were clear: she had to stop the young master and couldn’t interfere in anything else. If the Master had only given her an easier task, like assassination… But it seemed to be a show of pity toward his grandson—to let the girl be dealt with by a third party, as if that would be a lesser blow. She banished these thoughts, and solely focused on the scene.

On the other hand, Rosco and his entourage looked confused, perplexed and some even scared. The knight’s ultimatum had hit deep, his imposing figure seemingly untouchable. Rosco took a moment to try and calm himself, appraising the blonde man from head to toe. He didn’t seem to be well-equipped, aside from the great lance he had just conjured.

His clothes looked old and worn out, but the air around him exuded not only confidence, but indifference. Rosco knew that the man before him was looking at them as if they were mere hoodlums, a walk in the park. His words backed his bravado, too. Rosco felt angry at such disrespect, but something gnawing at the back of his head stopped him from lashing out.

It told him that crossing that man would be a mistake.

In the distance, Moleman clenched his teeth. Was he being too hasty with the preparations? His associates weren’t going to be happy. He was so close to snatching the girl away, but that wanderer seemed to be a threat to his plans.

Yet, just like Rosco, he couldn’t decide to take action either. But what if he didn’t need to? A flash of inspiration crossed his mind as he smiled under his hood. That’s right, he just needed a scapegoat, someone who would act with just a little push—a perfect distraction.

After all, the Flaming Fists were just that, little puppets he had manipulated, getting them involved just to take the fall if needed. It was time to put them to good use. He cleared his throat, and took the initiative.

“So even the great Rosco gets scared.” He claimed boldly, knowing which buttons to push. His smile widened as he watched the object of his mockery tremble in anger.

“Shut up!” Rosco screamed at the top of his lungs, finally unsheathing his great scythe in a fluid motion. His mastery over the weapon was such that the floor cracked in a line under its wake, and his underlings started to get hyped up at the sight.

But the knight didn’t seem fazed, as he watched in silence with a furrowed brow. This made Rosco feel angrier, and even ashamed. It had been a long time since someone had taken him lightly, and it was a memory he didn’t want to recall. More importantly, he couldn’t stain the Flaming Fists’s reputation now. He had to leave his doubts aside and punish the arrogant bastard that stood before him.

As if sensing the man’s resolution, Ascalon grabbed his great lance with his right hand. He assumed a posture, the pointy end of Exemplaris towards Rosco, who suddenly lunged forward.

“Let’s go, bastard!” Screamed the scythe wielder. There wasn’t much distance between them to begin with, so it took but a moment before he reached the knight.

The scythe drew an upward arc through the air, aiming to split in two the blonde man, with no hesitation nor holding back. As it cut through the air, the blade burst into flames—Rosco’s signature skill, and kind of a requirement to be in the Guild.

Flame coating.

—Skill info—

Miscellaneous skill.

Rank: C - Level 60.

Potential: B.

Attribute: Fire.


Coats an object with the fire attribute, increasing attack power by 10% and inflicting fire damage on contact.

Additional effects:

* Has a 15% chance to inflict a lasting burn on the target.

But Ascalon, unbothered, struck downwards with his lance, intercepting the attack and stopping it completely. The clash made the air reverberate, sending a wind shockwave that made Lilithra cover her face, being so close to the impact. Some of Rosco’s companions even stumbled backwards, being as weak as they were.

‎“H-how?!” Exclaimed Rosco in astonishment, seeing how his attack was dealt with so easily. His arm felt a bit numb, too. Clenching his teeth, he grabbed the weapon with both hands, his muscles bulking up as passive skills began to activate one by one.

Strength Up.

—Skill info—

Miscellaneous skill.

Rank: C - Level 61.

Potential: B.

Attribute: None.


Boosts the user’s strength attribute by 10%, depending on the skill’s rank and level.

Speed Up+.

—Skill info—

Miscellaneous skill.

Rank: C - Level 67.

Potential: A.

Attribute: None.


Boosts the user’s agility attribute by 12% , depending on the skill’s rank and level.

Honed Senses.

—Skill info—

Miscellaneous skill.

Rank: C - Level 59.

Potential: None.

Attribute: None.


Increases the user’s reaction time and motor reflexes, depending on the skill’s rank and level.

Additional effects:

*Increases effectiveness of tracking, surveying, exploring and other related abilities, depending on the skill’s rank and level.

Feeling the power well up, senses sharpened and newfound speed, Rosco unleashed a flurry of attacks onto Ascalon. To the untrained eye, it might have looked like a random barrage out of desperation, a savage set of blows; but in reality, every swing aimed for a vital spot. And, at the same time, each one was being challenged.

Neck—parried. Torso—blocked. Left arm—diverted. Ascalon was meeting every single attack head-on with his trusty lance, making precise and small movements, leaving witnesses in stunned silence. The way he wielded that huge spear with such finesse was a sight to behold. Escarlata herself was enraptured by the clash.

Rosco was undeniably skilled despite his personality, as she already knew. But the blonde man was in a league of his own. While the Flaming Fist tried desperately to find an opening, the knight remained calm, not even deigning to launch a counterattack. It was clear he wasn’t taking the fight seriously.

At the sight, Escarlata felt a thrill she hadn’t experienced in years—a bloodlust for battling strong opponents, to break them into submission with her own hands. It was a familiar feeling she had buried deep, due to her new employer’s wishes. She was even biting her lips, relishing on the flourishing feeling. What if she interfered, just this once?

She had her orders, but the desire to plunge into the knight’s back was gnawing at her. She was ready to throw herself at the battle, about to ambush the blonde man, when suddenly he turned slightly, his gaze locked onto her.

Ascalon’s good eye was focused on hers, freezing her in place. A shiver ran through her whole back, as a blue screen appeared in front of her. A warning.

A L?gend h?s ca?t his gaze u?on you.

—Skill info—

Unknown skill

Rank: ??? - Level ???.

Potential: ???.

Attribute: ???.



The network is still learning about this skill.

The words shook her to the core, as she gasped for air seemingly at death’s door. She fell to her knees, her legs crumbling under an unseen weight. She realized the man standing there was a warrior like no other, and his gaze alone made her question everything she thought she knew about power.

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