Vagabond’s Ambition

26: Random Coincidence… (Totally Random)

“Yeahh... I mean, to make some comparisons, hygiene over here is harder, but most other things are better,” Rachel elaborated, wiping her mouth as she took a break from eating her food, “Like we had much better ways of cleaning ourselves, such as fancier toilets and showers. However, the ones here are still passable, so not much was lost.”

“That’s impressive... I can’t even imagine stuff like more advanced toilets and showers,” Kaitlyn murmured, marveling at the technology of Rachel’s original world while eating her pasta. 

These two, continuing their conversation throughout dinner, talked about a variety of topics, including cuisine, living conditions, air quality, living style, stress, among many other things. With only a small magic lamp and plant between them, the two were sucked into their own world, laughing and discussing without sparing a single thought for everything else. 

During their dinner, however, a different group of three, walking through downtown looking for a place to eat noticed the two lovebir-... the two friends, enjoying their dinner. 

“Guys... let’s not eat here,” Damien muttered, pushing Josephine and Oliver away from the door, “Let’s just find another place to eat...”

“W-Wait, wait, why is that?” Josephine questioned, pushing against Damien, “This place seems pretty nic... ah yes, let’s get going, what a brilliant idea!”

Chuckling while taking a quick glance at Rachel and Kaitlyn, Oliver asked while following behind Damien and Josephine, “So... how do we rate this? Like... we can’t just be like, good on Rachel... Like certainly good for her, but there’s certainly stuff we gotta say about what we just saw.”

“I mean, yes, good on her,” Josephine laughed, pushing her hair out of her face, “But honestly, instead of what happened earlier, I’m now wondering more about the chances she’s not going to come home tonight...” 

“I’m assuming you mean the other meaning of not coming home, not kidnapping,” Damien coughed, looking around for a different restaurant that looked good. 

“Dumbass, of course, I mean that, Kaitlyn’s not going to kidnap Rachel, girl barely has ever had friends before,” Josephine retorted, pointing at a different nice restaurant on the other side of the square, one that would be mostly obscure and serve good dishes, but still have a line of sight to Rachel and Kaitlyn.

“I’m more confused on how training became a dinner date...” Oliver muttered to himself, content to just think to himself while listening to the bantering Josephine and Damien, “Rachel’s never been one with a lot of initiative after all...”

Ignoring Oliver’s mutters, Damien looked over at the engrossed Rachel and Kaitlyn, commenting as he sat down, waving over a waiter, “They’re really lost in their own world though... They haven’t known each other for too long, so Josephine how would you rate it? Oliver, you too, I want to hear your opinion!”

With a wave from Oliver signifying that she could go first, Josephine, adjusting an invisible pair of glasses, laughed, “I ship it! Of course I do, Kaitlyn’s cute and a nice person. Also, from my expertise as the person who correctly predicted the formation of 38 couples in our uni at an accuracy of 95%, I’d say that those two getting into a relationship would also go pretty well... I know that Rachel isn't really a toxic person, and from what I’ve seen, Kaitlyn isn't either.” 

“However,” Josephine added, raising a finger for emphasis, then pushing it into Damien’s face, “It’s going to take forever, I swear to f*cking god. They’re both so dense... or more like Kaitlyn is dense and Rachel is perpetually gay panicking.” 

Nodding along to Josephine’s reasoning, trusting her expertise, Oliver paused for a bit, letting everyone order before explaining his thoughts, “I think that... with my experience of predicting 3 couples in our uni at my accuracy of 25%, I’d say that they probably will at least try dating at some point. I don’t know how it’ll go, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started dating. It can always change from there after all.”

Taking a long sip of water from his cup, Damien raised his finger to show that he’d talk right after he finished drinking, letting a pause fall onto the table. 


Continuing to drink water from his cup, Damien slammed it down only after finishing the entire thing, wiping his mouth while avoiding the stares from Oliver and Josephine that seemed to say ‘really?’ 

“I-I was parched, okay? Hot damn... let a guy live his life, can’t even chug a massive cup of water in peace anymore... Anyway, I agree. That means... we’re kinda all in agreement, yeah? What should we do now...”

“Nothing,” Josephine murmured, still in disbelief that Damien downed the entire cup of water, “We just let it unfold naturally, I feel like that’s the best way to let this type of thing move forward.” 

Also in disbelief, as the cup itself was fairly large, one could fit their entire fist into the cup after all, Oliver nodded in agreement, thanking the waiter for bringing them their food, “We still need to make an effort to get stronger though. At this rate, if Rachel starts getting private lessons from Kaitlyn, we’re going to need to pick up the pace of our own training as well.” 

Inspecting his food, taking in how good it looked before he would start eating it, Damien added, “I feel like the ‘power of love’ is going to make her improve faster too...”

Choking on her food from Damien’s comment, Josephine doubled over coughing, clearing her throat and motioning that she was fine, “Yeah... I mean... even us three have been... well-acquainted, one could say, with the power of love in the past...”

Watching both Damien and Oliver look away in shame, Josephine teased, “What~ you ashamed of your exes~?”

Nodding with fervor, Damien grumbled while stuffing his face with food to hide his embarrassment, “I remember what I did with this one ex I had... she was kinda crazy... this martial artist, with reddish-brown hair, liked true crime...”

Snorting, listening to Damien’s description, Oliver tried his best to not make a scene while slamming the table suppressing his laughter. Josephine on the other hand squinted more and more as a red blush crept up her face while Damien continued, “Yeah... she was really crazy, she likeeee... was pre-med and stuff, even went to the olympics for martial arts... damn real coincidence but also kinda got summoned to another world with me... so random... wonder how she’s doing these days.”

“You f*cker!!” Josephine hissed, bonking Damien on the head over and over again with his now-empty cup. Then, taking a deep breath to calm down, Josephine asked, “Any... anyway...I’m surprised you’re not more embarrassed about the other one... I’m more embarrassed about my other exes rather than that relationship I had with you.” 

I actually wrote a lot todayyyy...

sleepy tho-...

Thanks for reading thoughhh~!! please leave a commenttt

take care of yourselves you reader peaople

i feel so unproductive over summer... barely started my summer hw...

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