Vagabond’s Ambition

32: Commencement of the Raid


Making their way through the all-enveloping void-black darkness that filled this cave, each party member was lost in their own thoughts as they wandered through the barren caverns. Her feet plodding along, their pace slow this time to stay with the group, Kaitlyn’s mind was dwelling on the earlier hug she shared with Rachel, a small embrace for good luck before their group entered the cave. 

Sharing a hug, Kaitlyn for a moment was lost in the embrace, remembering how Rachel’s arms were like sturdy handrails, wrapping around her. How Rachel’s seemed to cascade in waves, covering Kaitlyn’s own face when they hugged. How Rachel’s breaths tickled her edge of her ear as they let go. 

Remembering that last one, Kaitlyn, quiet as a mouse, reached up to feel her ear still warm and red from embarrassment, hiding it even though the party was already walking in darkness. 

Beyond Kaitlyn’s personal conflict brewing like a gentle storm within her own head, the 6 adventurers, after a not-so-long trek, arrived at the border that divided the cave from the dungeon. 

“That certainly is a lot of monsters...” Jayce sighed, unslinging his spear from his back, “Shall we just... get going then?”

Seeing the nods of agreement coming from the other 5 adventurers, Jayce, crouched like a wild beast ready to pounce, gave a small countdown. 





At his final exclamation, Jayce led the charge like a valiant commander on the battlefield, jumping up while infusing his spear with crackling sparks of blue lightning. 

Having entered the dungeon and drawn the attention of a vast swath of monsters, Jayce let loose his now sparking spear that gave off a harsh blue light. 

With it flying forward, the spear plowed through rows among rows of monsters, like the knife of an experienced chef cutting their vegetables. Then, as the spear let out the lightning from within it, frying nearby monsters as it flew, it came to a stop after carving a jagged crevice into the dungeon floor. 

“Return!” Jayce commanded, his voice booming through the chamber as his spear shot back to him, “Into battle we go!”

Unsheathing his sword behind Jayce, Nao, amazed at the sheer power that Jayce had, felt the pressure to pull his own weight, rushing into battle, slaughtering the weak enemies one after another. 

His sword was like an ever-changing, ever-shifting masterpiece. One moment Nao’s sword resembled a gentle flowing stream, weaving its way through the monsters, leaving a trail of blood and dismemberment behind it. Another moment Nao’s sword was like a vengeful gale, smashing and blowing its way through the waves of enemies, sending fountains of blood shooting into the air. 

Sasha, pulling out her ever trusty rapier was like a swift wind, running through the enemy horde, stabbing, jabbing, and killing enemy after enemy. Each enemy she felled didn’t even know what had hit them, only falling to the ground with a hole in their head or chest. 

On the other side of the room were streaks of lightning and a steady count, all stemming from Alix’s fighting style. Counting a steady tempo, Alix’s attacks were like streaks of lightning, leaping forward and back as they counted. 







Each varying tempo allowed for a different combo, pushing Alix to jump from enemy to enemy, a streak of lightning exterminating enemies like clockwork. 

Contrary to his teammates though, Dexter’s fighting style was what many would consider crude: pure physical domination. With light martial arts forming the foundation of his moves, Dexter seemed to bulldoze through the enemy horde, his punches and kicks pulverizing the enemies one by one. 

His booming laugh echoing through the chamber, Dexter shouted encouragement to his allies as he fought, casual in the face of this small army of enemies. Shouting some advice to Nao to back off a little to not get surrounded, he turned, hearing Jayce’s warning, punching the enemy that had snuck up on him. 

The air rippling and wind forming, Dexter’s basic punches and kicks seemed to create small shockwaves, ripping apart any enemy he punched. 

All the while, the last member, Kaitlyn, went to work, her twin jet-black blades reaping the lives of an uncountable number of enemies: annihilation.

With the spell skill she had been blessed with, her combo, similar to Dexter’s unnatural strength, Jayce’s lightning spear, and Oliver’s spiritual guidance, her abilities seemed to grow and grow as the battle went on. 

Attacks became faster, stronger, more precise. 

Adding this onto her natural ability, Kaitlyn was like a war goddess, a dragon versus snakes. 

Unlike Jayce and Dexter, the two leaders of not only their past party but also the current party, Kaitlyn was dead silent, her eyes empty, focused only on decimating the foes before her. 

Around her, Nao and Alix who had never seen the heroes fight were shocked, especially about Kaitlyn, they had heard the stories that every street peddler told, as did every other person in the world, but didn’t expect this level of skill that seemed to transcend human limits. 

Slashing and staying focused on his own battle, Nao still noticed how nearby there was almost a genocide beside him. A black-haired warrior with empty icy-blue eyes that could almost be called a whirlwind of death and destruction. 

Alix, even further than Nao, also held similar thoughts, having to be conscious of Kaitlyn as at any moment, stray body parts or long crevices from powerful strikes could appear below their feet. 

As the battle dragged on, the amount of enemies decreased at a quick rate, the massive room of monsters being whittled down and emptied. 

With the monsters dwindling, one by one the adventurers dropped out, allowing for the remaining adventurers to not worry about getting in each other’s way. First it was Nao, then Alix. Then moments later they were joined by a sweating Sasha, then a while later, Dexter and Jayce, leaving the last remnants for Kaitlyn. 

“Crazy stuff...” Nao marveled, taking a long sip of water while crouching on the ground. 

Wiping some of her sweat, Sasha nodded, out of breath from all the fighting, “She’s been able to do stuff similar to that ever since she was around 14...” 

Remembering the random fruit gathering quests they’d do at 14, Alix was speechless while supporting themselves against the wall, watching Kaitlyn finish up the last few enemies.

Doing some stretches, Jayce also sighed, “Amazing as always...”

Heyo heyo writing this uhm... as usual..

Thanks for reading you all!! please leave a commenttt

uhm.. yeah...

please take care all you reader peoplessss

... damn i am tireeeedddd...

need to sleep my 12 hrs a day...

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