Vagabond’s Ambition

44: Introductions


As a cold wind caused the door to creak while opening back and forth, blowing a small amount of snow onto the floor right inside the door, several figures could be seen on the second floor, all meeting up for the first time. 

The largest person at the large circular table by a fair margin, Dexter began the discussion, being the default leader before they went to meet up with Chelsea. 

“So you might be wondering why we all met here, especially the newcomers who haven’t been here before, seems kinda useless to meet up right before we go to Chelsea’s and meet up a lot more, right?” Dexter joked as a few guild workers poured everyone some tea, drawing a few lonesome laughs. 

“Well, Chelsea is all about business, and she’s crazy about her procedures,” Dexter began, his smooth, confident voice drawing in everyone at the table, “Therefore, many, many years ago, we hold this meeting just to see who’s going to be coming, then do some introductions for newcomers, do some bonding, then head off together. That last part is important since Chelsea also quite enjoys holding a massive welcome, so us all getting there around the same time is useful...” 

Clapping, Dexter shook his head with a smile, “Well, I’ve digressed, so let’s go around the table and do some introductions shall we?” 

At the table were a plethora of people, of all ages, of all sizes. Beside Dexter was the normal guildmaster at Mariken, Yesin, an S-Ranked Adventurer who was an older man. His hair gray with streaks of white did nothing to diminish his imposing presence and sharp, determined eyes that seemed to pierce anyone in front of him. 

However, as imposing and this short old man was, any adventurer who was based out of Mariken would have almost crapped themself at his change in demeanor when talking to Dexter, Sasha, Jayce, and Kaitlyn. Unlike normal, with a genial smile and warm eyes he had welcomed his comrades from the war, catching up to them as a grandfather might to his grandchildren. 

Beyond Yesin who was beside Dexter, there were of course Jayce, Sasha, and Kaitlyn. Beside them were the otherworlders, with Kaitlyn and Rachel sitting next to each other by total coincidence. Totally. Next to the A.C.A were Alix and Nao, hanging out and talking about their most recent exploits and debating the logistics of using a boulder as a weapon. 

However, the other adventurers at the table were all big-names in their own right, there was Clayton, Gwen, Aspen, Jerod, Thalia, Mercadia, and Fergus. 

Sitting around the table, the atmosphere was tense yet also tight-knit as a sense of camaraderie arose between the adventurers present as introductions began, with jokes being thrown here and there. 

Sitting next to Alix was Clayton, otherwise known as the Ravenous Jackal. Unlike his name however, Clayton was quite the warm and welcome person. The oldest out of 5 siblings, he always carried himself well, his two large curved machetes being the only indication of his ruthless, wild battle style. 

Next to Clayton was Gwen, a poor child similar to Nao in many ways really who had risen to fame in recent years. Known for his joking around, Gwen was a bare fisted martial artist who utilized every limb in his body during his attacks while using every event in his life for his jokes. 

During his introduction, Gwen managed to lighten the serious atmosphere, telling a story about the time he hunted double the amount of giant A-Ranked Scorpions for a quest, getting animated and passionate while causing everyone at the table to double over laughing. 

With the table taking a moment to catch their breath after Gwen lamented his arduous journey to carry 4 giant scorpions back to the guild hall all by himself, Aspen introduced himself. 

Aspen, carrying three swords on his back was quite the famed adventurer as he wasn’t known for his great deeds or his great evils, but instead for his constant challenges towards the other adventurers at his rank. Throughout his introduction, while seeming calm and collected, he, at random, would point to one of the first-time adventurers and challenge them, proclaiming that after all the introductions were over, he’d beat them all one by one. 

The table sighing and facepalming at Aspen’s antics, Jerod cleared his throat, providing a short and gruff introduction filled with heartwarming content that shocked those who didn’t know him. 

As a large muscular man, still behind Dexter by a fair margin, Jerod was known as the Impenetrable Fortress; however, during his introduction, he spent most of the time detailing some stories about his dog and his newest knitting project. 

Next was Thalia, as the only archer of the group, she did hold a unique position, an air of mystery. However, that air of mystery was shattered moments after she opened her mouth and pulled down her mask, with her previous mystery dissolving to reveal a much warmer and younger person beneath the layers. 

Spilling her quiver of arrows onto the ground in the middle of her introduction, she froze, apologizing over and over as everyone helped and picked up the 50-some-odd arrows that had fallen to the ground. 

After Thalia was Mercadia, a noble girl from a lower ranking family in the former Varis Empire now section that belonged to the Eustass Republic. Having been inspired to begin adventuring from Sasha’s exploits even before the Demon King war, Mercadia set off against her parents will, picking up the sword and, after hours of grueling work, injury after injury, and an amount of sweat that could probably fill and ocean, Mercadia rose to an S-Ranked Adventurer. 

Now, in the present day, still righteous and still holding onto the innocent ideals of her childhood, Mercadia was an icon similar to Sasha, inspiring many young girls and women to pursue their dreams. Along with that, she was one of the most respected S-Ranked Adventurers, one those just below the heroes that saved the world from the Demon King. 

After Mercadia had introduced herself, there was only one person left, a young man who had been staring daggers into Oliver, Damien, Josephine, and Rachel, sitting there with a loathsome expression as he tried to burrow a hole into anyone talking with his eyes: Fergus. 

Thanks for reading~!! Please leave a comment~!!

uhmm... yeah ik that was a hugeee character dump, but no worries you're like.. not supposed to really remember them all, its just a cursory glance, each character will have their own little moment to shine so uhh... yeah

to those who celebrate it too, i hope you all had a good july 4th yes yes uhmm... yeah

my life is chilling, took a couple of naps during the day as usual... averaging like 11-12 hrs of sleep quite nice tbh yes yes... not looking forward to school

Thanks for reading thoughh~!! take care all you reader peoples~!!<3

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