
Chapter 76: On to New Heists


Oh dude I am so ready!

But I can't right now

Got a test coming up

And Dream's making me study

Won't be on until next week


Aw man



Sorry dude

Dylan deflated a bit as he saw Riptide's response. Running the crime without the surfer didn't sound like something Dr. Zlo would do. Mainly because a tidal wave bomb wasn't something Dr. Zlo thought to use in crimes. The villain focused on other endeavors.

But now Dylan had to think about those other endeavors. What was the next big crime in store for Dr. Zlo? He walked out of the makeshift villain building pondering the idea. A sharp voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Dr. Zlo, just the man I wanted to talk to."

Dylan looked up to see Dextra standing in front of him. "Ah, Dextra Black. I see you require my genius once again."

"Moreso your talents in creation," Dextra replied. "Your plans for the city are impeccable, but we don't have the workforce to make the dual city of Skyline a reality. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of powerful materials we'd need."

Dr. Zlo threw back his head and laughed, "Ha! Nothing will get in the way of my plans! Just use some of my funds!"

"Oh, money isn't the issue. Not yet, at least." Dextra walked over and grabbed Dr. Zlo by the arm, "Walk with me."

The villainess pulled Dr. Zlo along for a few steps before the two found a rhythm. The two walked side by side as Dextra brought Dr. Zlo over to the edge of the fledgling city. Hans stood with Cass, holding drink trays and flanking an ornate table. Carved wooden chairs sat next to both, and Dextra led Dr. Zlo over to the two.

"Since we're going to be having a lengthy conversation, I figured it would be best to have refreshments."

"I gotcha a martini, boss," Cass said helpfully. He held the tray out for his owner, but before Dr. Zlo could take the drink, a smoky hand snagged the glass.

Shizuka appeared at Dextra's side and downed the martini in one gulp, "Oh man, he makes good stuff."

"That was for the boss!" Cass exclaimed.

"It's fine, Cass," Dr. Zlo said. "I'm sure you can prepare another in no time flat."

Dr. Zlo placed himself into one of the chairs and crossed his legs, "So, what do you plan to discuss?"

Dextra sat in the other chair and leaned forward. "As you know, money is no issue for us at the moment. However, the cost of materials adds up, and there are some that can't be bought. Take Alienite for example, only the Quli hold onto that. But without the material, this city would not be possible. I've been trying to uncover the location of large stashes of Alienite for the levitators, but the aliens are more cunning than I anticipated. Only the leader holds a large enough quantity of Alienite."

Cass handed Dr. Zlo his martini, which the villain took and sipped. "Are you saying we need to get involved in this war?" he asked.

"It's either that or we discover other options," Dextra replied. The villainess crossed his arms, "Tell me, is it possible for your power to create a levitator that doesn't use Alienite?"

"Let me see…" Dr. Zlo opened up his power and re-entered the levitation generator. As the description appeared, he altered it to specify the power source as something other than Alienite. A few seconds later, the power spat back the answer.

Dr. Zlo frowned, "It seems that if we don't use Alienite, we need Phlebotinium."

"How much?" Dextra asked.

"Two grams."

"That's more than I expected but still less than Alienite. And I happen to know where Phlebotinium is located."

Dr. Zlo leaned forward eagerly, "You do?"

"Oh yes," Dextra smiled. "The material is a limited resource, found throughout the world in the surface below. However, little of it is mined, as the material changes the world around it in unpredictable ways. But most of the excavated pieces are given to secretive labs for study. Lucky for you, I have a perceptive brain. The city we're heading to has at least three such facilities. I'm sure each would have ample Phlebotinium for us."

"And where are we headed?" Dr. Zlo asked. He took another sip of his martini, which turned out to be empty. He glared at Shizuka. She winked and returned his gaze with a smug glance.

Dextra chose to ignore the antics, "A little place called Mutatholis."

"Bless you."

Dextra sighed, "No, that's the name of the city. Mutatholis is home to more mutants than anywhere else in the world."

"What types of mutants?" asked Dr. Zlo.

"All kinds. I'm told there is a school for them."

"Really? A school?" The beginnings of an idea started to form in Dr. Zlo's head. He had the idea for a musical episode at one point, if he remembered right.

"With sporting events and everything," Dextra replied. "Though I'm told the use of mutant abilities during sports is banned."

"Interesting…" The idea started to coalesce. Skyline needed Phlebotinium, and Dr. Zlo knew for a fact that Dextra already pinpointed the locations of the material.

"I assume that one of these secret labs is located near the mutant school?"

"Not near it," Dextra replied. "The lab is located under the school. There are also labs near the city center and under an abandoned islet in the river running through the city."

"Let me take the school," Dr. Zlo said. "It's giving me an idea." Images of his Jacques walking around with band instruments filled his head.

"Then I'll leave it up to you. But, try not to take too long. We do need you to create our inventions."

"About that," Dr. Zlo started. "I'd rather not sit in a room all day crafting. People need to understand my greatness!"

"Of course, I understand completely," Dextra replied. "It is not my intention to keep you locked up. I am looking to recruit others to our cause, ones that perform the same tasks as yourself. Of course, I also wondered if you couldn't create a replacement, something like your Zlobots for example?"

"How do you mean?" Dr. Zlo asked. He reached out for his martini and took a sip.

"Your current creations are, let's face it, simple," Dextra stated.

"Simple? Simple! I'll have you know the Zlobots copy my likeness in every way!"

"But they can't perform your job," Dextra explained. "That spark of genius allowing you to invent incredible devices is hidden to them."

Dr. Zlo spread his arms wide, sloshing the martini around as he did, "Of course! I can't have my creations be as smart as I am! They might get ideas."

Cass chose to ignore that statement and the implied insult.

"However, Skyline needs some form of menial labor. The heroes and villains aren't going to build everything; we all have better things to do. It doesn't need to be Zlobots, maybe a factory similar to your power?"

Dr. Zlo sat back down, his hand resting under his chin in thought, "Hmm, I see your point. Very well, let me see what I can do. What exactly do we need?"

"First off, we need workers," Dextra said. "Followers that don't mind menial labor. Second, we need a way to create upgrades without needing you or other crafters. Lastly, we need to worry about defenses."

"Workers are easy. I can make more Jacques." Dr. Zlo opened his tab and recalled the instructions for making a lackey factory. This time, he added in a description of the gadget.

Lackey Factory

This factory can be used by anyone to create various minions and followers. By scanning an idea into the computer and adding the correct materials, anyone can become the new owner of their very own minion!

Full Face Mask (1)

Scanning Machine (1)

Mannequin Doll (1)

3-D Printer (10)

Superglue (1 bottle)

Funnel (3)

When finished, Dr. Zlo explained the idea to Dextra, who nodded in agreement. "I think that works for now. It'll let us build different types of workers. I'll purchase the materials for three machines, and we'll set them up outside. Next is the upgrade machine. And don't worry about defenses right now, Nikola has that covered."

Nodding, Dr. Zlo went to work creating a machine that allowed others to do what he did. Eventually, he settled on something. His power chugged along, working tirelessly to list the needed materials. Minutes passed as Dextra and Dr. Zlo sipped on drinks provided by Cass. Finally, the power finished.

The Mad Factory

This device is a marvelous invention created by Dr. Zlo to allow others to build their own crazy devices! By typing in what they want and a brief description of the idea, the Mad Factory interprets the description as best it can and lists the required materials. Once all the materials are collected, the Factory goes to work crafting the best item it can!

Phlebotinium (2 g)

Conveyor Belt (10)

3-D Printer (10)

Funnel (5)

Desktop Computer (25)

Touchscreen Monitor (2)

Robotic Arms (15)

Portable Scanner (1)

Copper Wire (50 m)

Gold Plated Cables (10 m)

Angry Magazine (1 issue)

Smart Device (1)

"This is by far my most ambitious invention to date," Dr. Zlo said after he listed off the materials.

"It is a rather expensive machine," Dextra admitted. "But worth it. Once all the materials arrive, I'd like you to create each factory. After that, feel free to be on your way."

Hans brought out a laptop for Dextra, who went to work ordering the materials needed along with more building supplies. Dr. Zlo spent the time messing around with the levitation generator. He'd forgotten he specified the generator to levitate inorganic materials at specific heights. Which meant his martini glass sat floating in the air when he let go of it earlier. From the look of it, materials would hover in the air horizontally every five feet.

Dylan wondered if he could use the idea somehow, but Dextra finished up before he could think too deeply about it. With the materials ordered, Dr. Zlo went to work creating the lackey factories.

"Now, I don't have the Phlebotinium for the other device, but once someone retrieves the pieces from Mutatholis, I'll let you know."

"Understood," Dr. Zlo bowed. "Until we meet again, Dextra Black."

"Goodbye, Dr. Zlo. Don't cause too many problems for me."

"That depends!" said Dr. Zlo as he left. "How do you feel about marching bands?"

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