
Chapter 78: Mutatholis, The City of Mutants

The shuttle landed on the outskirts of Mutatholis behind a small outcropping of rocks sitting next to a river. The city had built itself up around the river, two gigantic bridges connecting the neighborhoods. Dylan took stock of the area as he stepped out of the shuttle, admiring the design of this new city. On one side stood a thriving metropolis of office buildings and wonders. On the other, suburbs dotted the landscape, transforming into sprawling apartment complexes as they reached the river.

"Alright, we're going to check in with the local heroes guild," Oro said. "Have fun doing your heist. Oh, there are checkpoints around the city limits to keep villains out, so watch out for those."

"Ha! As if some petty defenses can stop me!"

Oro gave Dylan a thumbs-up as he left to follow his friends.

Dr. Zlo waved goodbye and turned to his minions, "Alright! Our target today is a school that holds a secret laboratory with some Phlebotinium! We're going to steal it."

"How are we going to do that, boss?" Cass asked.

"With style, Cass. With style."

Dr. Zlo swung back around to face the city and pointed his cane, "Soon, this city will know the greatness of Dr. Zlo!"

The villain stepped forward to head into the city. As he did, a box appeared in his vision.

Welcome to Mutatholis, the city of mutants! Whether it is something in the water, or a localized virus, this city is known to produce more mutant humans than any other throughout the world. The local Mayor's office is the official leader of Mutatholis, but many would argue the City Attorney and Chief of Police are the real powers in the city.

Those looking to stand for truth and justice can talk to the local Heroes guild, the City Attorney, or the Savior School for Mutant Education. Less savory individuals can find local mutant gangs that work outside the law. Or maybe the morally grey should look for the chief of police and the Mutant Registration Militia (MRM). They would be willing to talk if it meant usurping the local mutant control.

"Hey, neat, this place has a lot more going on than Haven did," Shizuka said. She appeared leaning on Cass's shoulder, startling the minion and causing him to drop his tray.

"Cass, you really need to get used to surprises," Dr. Zlo sighed.

"Sorry, boss."

"So, what's the plan, Stan?" Shizuka asked.

Dr. Zlo looked back at the message. He could guess the school mentioned was the same school holding the secret Phlebotinium lab, and if Dr. Zlo was someone like Dextra, he might try to work with the police or MRM. But he was Dr. Zlo! Criminal mastermind, he didn't need help from local groups to succeed.

"First off, we need to get into the city," Dr. Zlo answered.

Shizuka crouched behind a small shrub, staring at the checkpoint leading into Mutatholis. Compared to Haven City, Mutatholis's defenses were castle walls to the island town's palisades. Slabs of concrete separated the ninja from the city, and guards patrolled in pairs on top of the walls. Periodically, towers rose into the air, housing snipers or other sharpshooters. There were even guard dogs patrolling the perimeter.

Yes, Mutatholis's defenses were a far cry from the simple protections of Haven City. This city was a location that knew the power of super-beings and did their best to plan accordingly. But none of that mattered to Dr. Zlo. Shizuka watched from her hiding place as the man escorted one of his minions to one of the checkpoints around the town. The older minion, though Shizuka couldn't remember the name.

Shizuka had never paid that much attention to things that didn't interest her. And currently, her focus settled on the chrome butler, Cass. There was something about the NPC's demeanor that made her want to mess with it. Maybe it was because Cass always reacted, like a mouse that startled when a cat walked into the room.

Dr. Zlo's voice brought Shizuka out of her daydreams, "Hello Mutatholis! I am Dr. Zlo, and this is Mabel. We have traveled far across the world to reach this city and are looking to enter without any trouble. Would you be so kind as to let us pass?"

"Hands in the air!" Shouted a guard. Both Mabel and Dr. Zlo raised their hands to the sky.

"Hardly the way to treat guests," Dr. Zlo remarked.

"Silence, criminal!" another guard commanded. "You're under arrest for attempting to break into the city without using proper channels."

Dr. Zlo turned to Mabel, "I hardly see how asking to use the front door is attempting to break in. Perhaps these men need a lesson in manners."

"Sure, hon," Mabel replied. She faced the guards nearest to her, "Boys, don't you think you should let an old lady and her escort through?"

The majority of the guards stiffened, but a couple didn't react to Mabel's words. At least not in the way everyone expected.

The few guards unaffected by Mabel's power pulled out radios and started shouting into them. "Class M threat! Repeat, class M threat! Squad in sector 646 neutralized and under the control of a rogue mutant! Request immediate backup!"

"Jacques, get them!" Dr. Zlo commanded.

"Boys, could you silence your friends for a little while? Mamma needs some peace and quiet."

The controlled guards nodded, bringing out their weapons and firing at the other guards. Dogs barked in alarm as gunfire erupted, adding more sound to the cacophony. Shizuka took that as her cue to act.

Performing the quick motion for her substitution art, the ninja teleported next to Dr. Zlo in a puff of smoke. The cloud masked the group, hiding their movements for a few seconds.

"Mabel, get as many as you can under your control, then send them to assault the walls. We'll make our escape in the confusion."

"Got it, hon."

Mabel directed her group of guards to attack while the rest rushed the gate. But one of the unaffected guards had made their way over and was trying to close the doors. Shizuka teleported again, appearing next to the guard in a cloud of smoke. With a practiced flick of the wrist, the woman pulled throwing knives out of her inventory and tossed them at the guard.

The first few impacted against the guard's armor, which caused the guard to recoil backward in surprise. As the knives clattered to the floor, Shizuka pulled out a wakizashi and slashed downward. The short sword bit into the guard's shoulder, eliciting a grunt of pain. The guard responded with an unaimed shot.

Smiling coyly, Shizuka teleported behind the guard, leaving her sword in the process. She grabbed another sword from her inventory, using it to decapitate the defender before the NPC could turn around. The body fell to the ground, disappearing in a puff. Shizuka bent down, grabbing her discarded sword and what looked to be a clip of bullets.

With the route secured, the ninja turned back to look at Dr. Zlo. The villain strode confidently through the chaos, Cass standing beside him. The butler seemed oddly confident in the firefight. Shizuka realized the reason why when he glanced at Dr. Zlo and straightened a little. It seemed like the little guy wanted to look good for his boss. How cute!

With nothing else to do at the moment, Shizuka teleported out of the gate room and back to Dr. Zlo. She appeared right in front of Cass and poked him on the nose. The butler jumped back in surprise, readying a grenade of some sort. Next to him, Mabel rolled her eyes. Quartet whistled.

Jacques filed in around the group, protecting them from any stray fire. The few guards unaffected tried to take shots at Mabel, but the woman's short stature and protective clothing made it impossible to get a good shot. Her mind-controlled guards fired back, bullets sometimes connecting with the other guards. As they passed the gates, Mabel grabbed control of others waiting nearby.

"Okay, now we run!" Dr. Zlo shouted.

Shizuka whooped in excitement and followed. Mabel commanded the guards to hold off anyone that came while Quartet covered the area in a smokescreen. Cass tossed the grenade in his hand at a group of guards coming from the left. He stumbled on a rock as he threw the grenade, but a team of Jacques grabbed the silver man before he hit the ground. They hoisted him onto their shoulders and sprinted after Dr. Zlo.

Eventually, the sounds of battle died down, and Dr. Zlo stopped the procession. "Alright, let's find somewhere to hold up while I search for a few things."

"You still need to explain your entire plan to me, Zloey," Shizuka teased.

"Call me Dr. Zlo. And I will tell you the plan once we're out of sight."

A Jacques lifted a maintenance hole and pointed down. Dr. Zlo recoiled in disgust.

"Jacques! We don't skulk in the sewers like some mutated experiment gone wrong. We're above that."

A loud crash echoed across the streets, followed by a deafening shout, "Where is the intruder!"

"On second thought," Dr. Zlo said. "The sewers might be our only recourse."

Pinching his nose, the villain descended into the dark of the sewers, his entourage following behind. Shizuka spent a few seconds to create a clone with the last of her energy and sent it running off in the opposite direction. That should keep anyone from looking around. That done, she followed Dr. Zlo down.

Shoes squelched in the damp as Shizuka landed, and a rank smell wafted through her nostrils.

"They really didn't need to add the sewer smell," she said, making a face.

"Indeed. Though the disgusting stench gives me an idea for a crime," Dr. Zlo responded. "But, that is for later. Right now, we have some crimes to do!"

"You're telling me about the plan now, right Zlo-bo?" Shizuka said.

A laser beam flew by overhead. "I warned you about the names, didn't I?"

"Oh, don't be so uptight. Dextra will never like you if you have a stick up your *ss."

Dr. Zlo shook his head, refusing to react to Shizuka's jab, "Oh, how simple your worldview must be."

"You should try it sometime. But seriously, what's your plan? Or are you still thinking it up?"

Dr. Zlo scoffed, "Hardly. The plan is simple, the Jacques will crash a sporting match at the Savior School for Mutant Education. While the faculty is distracted, I will enter the facility and track down their secret lab."

"Wow," Shizuka said after a beat. "That is a simple plan. Maybe too simple, what happens if you can't find the lab?"

"I'll try again later! One setback cannot stop the might that is Dr. Zlo!"

"Alright then, Zlo-go," Shizuka stepped to the side to dodge a laser strike, "how about I do some recon for you? Find out where things are while you grab all your materials. I'm assuming you won't send your minions in as-is?"

"Hmm, you're right. I could use some reconnaissance." Dr. Zlo looked at his minions, "Einstein! Are you there?"

A squeak resounded from Quartet's pocket, and a white nose popped out. A mouse paw followed, waving in the direction of Dr. Zlo.

"Excellent! Would you be able to infiltrate this city and find a map of the school?"

The nose wiggled up and down, which Shizuka assumed meant yes since Dr. Zlo continued.

"Perfect!" He turned to the ninja, a smug smile on his face, "You see, I have it under control."

Shizuka laughed, "Alright then. Maybe I'll help out the Jacques when they attack."

"A grand idea! But first, we have to find a few things."

Dr. Zlo opened up his map, searching for locations that held the materials for his plan. A bit later, he smiled in triumph. Shizuka followed along as he barked orders, ready for whatever plan the insane Dr. Zlo came up with.

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