
Chapter 81: The Finishing Touches

Psy-ops was confused. He knew Dr. Zlo wanted to attack a sporting event, but the most recent news from the city police mentioned he just robbed a music store. Psy-ops had been sure he said sporting event at that uniform store. The villain must still be working on the beginnings of his plan.

Psy-ops tried to guess what Dr. Zlo would do next as he traveled to the music store. The villain had taken marching uniforms and now stole a bunch of instruments. From the looks of it, Dr. Zlo wanted to make a marching band. Most likely to crash that sporting event he mentioned.

Could that be the entire plan? This was the guy who went and stole a Quli mothership. Sure, Dr. Zlo's first appearance showed him kidnapping the Mayor's daughter, but that was still an important figure in Haven City. So while the villain's plan looked simple, Psy-ops figured there was more to it. He just had to find out where Dr. Zlo would attack.

Dr. Zlo and the rest of his merry band of minions waited inside an abandoned apartment complex a few miles away from the music store. They were waiting for one of the mice to return with information on the school. Dylan hoped his mice returned soon. Waiting was always the worst part of the game. It was a good thing he had other things to plan.

Any good marching band needed some extras added in. He already had Shizuka as a cheerleader, but Dr. Zlo needed that bit of oomph that pushed the marching band over the edge. A single cheerleader wouldn't cut it. Heck, a squad of cheerleaders wouldn't cut it.

Dr. Zlo needed to think bigger; he needed something that screamed flair and pizazz. He needed dancers. But not just any dancer would do, no. Dr. Zlo needed dancers with the same flair he gave to his schemes. Luckily, he had the perfect creations for such a thing.


Dr. Zlo's greatest creation to date, for what could be greater than an imitation of himself! The Zlobot is gifted with all of Dr. Zlo's mannerisms but lacks the innate genius required to create its maker's incredible contraptions. That isn't to say these machines are worthless at their job. No, Zlobots have an innate understanding of engineering and physics that allows them to craft some genuinely terrifying contraptions.

Picture of Dr. Zlo (1)

Top hat (1)

Monocle (1)

Suit (1)

Cane (1)

Mustache Cream (1)

The Theory of Everything (1)

It's All About Me (1 song)

Bad Guy (1 song)

Ego (1 song)

Mannequin (1)

Computer (5)

Graphics Card (5)

Wire (2 m)

Of course, these Zlobots would need to be dancers, and Dr. Zlo had two left feet. Dylan went back to work in his power tab, designing a device that granted his robots the smoothest dance moves. While he was at it, he decided to see if he could transform a few of the instruments into something a bit deadlier.

Dance-o-tron 3000!

Anyone can dance with the Dance-o-tron 3000! Just strap the device to your wrist and let the music take control!

Dance pad (1)

Wristwatch (1)

Moto Jacket (1)

Sequined Military Jacket (1)

Dance shoes (1)

Sonic Trumpet

A weapon of brass destruction! This trumpet has been modified to fire blasts of sonic energy when pressing the trigger. Otherwise, this acts like a normal trumpet.

Trumpet (1)

Bass Speaker (1)

Toy Hedgehog (1)

Gun (1)

Dylan snickered at the pun. When the thought crossed his mind, he couldn't help but add it to the description. He resolved to add more puns to the other instruments.

Sonic Flute

A truly breathtaking weapon! The sonic flute fires blasts of sonic energy when the trigger is pulled. Otherwise, this acts like a normal flute.

Flute (1)

Bass Speaker (1)

Toy Hedgehog (1)

Gun (1)

Sonic Drum

A weapon that leaves others beat! The sonic drum fires blasts of sonic energy when the trigger is pulled. Otherwise, this acts like a normal drum.

Snare Drum (1)

Bass Speaker (1)

Toy Hedgehog (1)

Gun (1)

One internet search and a few purchases later, Dr. Zlo was the brand new owner of three Zlobots. Each one modeled to look exactly like their creator. Strapped onto each of the Zlobots' wrists were digital watches with eight arrows pointed outward. Periodically, the arrows flashed in a pattern.

A different instrument sat in each Zlobot's hand, one of the sonic weapons created. Each instrument looked like its regular counterpart, except for a handle and trigger tacked onto the side. The location of the trigger wouldn't hinder any music-making, but it did make the instruments unwieldy.

Shizuka popped into view. "So whatcha using these for Zloski?" she asked.

"Call me, Dr. Zlo!" responded Dr. Zlo and every Zlobot. The villain glared at his creations but declaring himself the real Dr. Zlo would only cause more trouble. It wasn't the time for his Zlobots to turn on him, not yet.

"These Zlobots are here to run the operation in my stead," Dr. Zlo started. "As you know, I will already be preoccupied with other matters. So I'm leaving it up to them to cause chaos and destruction."

"Right, other matters," Shizuka nodded. "Well, don't worry, I'll take care of your Zlobabes while you're away."

Dylan knew she kept taunting to get a rise out of Dr. Zlo. But while Dylan would choose to ignore the jabs, Dr. Zlo could never let someone keep up the taunting without retaliation. It seemed his bots thought the same.

The three Zlobots all brought their instruments to bear, grabbing the strange handles and pulling the trigger. A cone of sound erupted from the weapons, all heading straight at Shizuka. The ninja teleported away, appearing next to Cass. The few remaining glass windows in the apartment shattered, sending glass pieces down to the street below.

"One of these days, you will pay for your insolence," Dr. Zlo said.

"Maybe, but not today," Shizuka taunted.

Dr. Zlo sneered, then felt a tug on his pants leg. He looked down to see one of his mice, its white fur coated in dust. The mouse squeaked as the villain bent down to set his computer near the mouse. It walked over to the keyboard, and Dr. Zlo noticed the small creature limped as it did.

Mighty one, we have found the location of the secret laboratory, but it is heavily guarded.

"I see," Dr. Zlo replied. Shizuka appeared behind him to read the mouse's text.

The door to the lab is located in their science center, behind a bookshelf on mutant anatomy. Making our way inside wasn't difficult, but several automated turrets guard the entryway, Mighty One. At first, we expected the guns to ignore us, but the turrets activated when Pascal walked forward. I barely made it out with my life.

"Did you find out anything else?" Dr. Zlo asked.

Yes, Mighty One. I've learned there will be a football match tomorrow evening—the Savior Mutants vs. the Mutatholis Meatheads.

"Excellent! Good work! I will make sure you are rewarded."

Thank you, Mighty One. If you would be so kind as to grant me a jar of mixed nuts?

"A single jar? You are too humble, my tiny creation! I will gift you the largest jar I can find! After all, Dr. Zlo is someone who rewards success and punishes failure!"

The mouse squeaked happily at the prize, and Shizuka couldn't help but pick up the small rodent. The mouse chirped in surprise at the ninja's antics and tried to squirm out of the woman's grip.

"I'm naming you, Snuggle," she cooed.

"They already have a name," Dr. Zlo commented. "Though, I'm not sure what it is."

The mouse squeaked again and pulled itself free from Shizuka. It landed on the computer and started typing.

Mighty One, this one is called Hertz.

"There, you see? Hertz. Not Snuggle. Honestly, what self-respecting villain names their creations something cutesy."

"Just for that, I'm naming any minion I get cute names. Like, Bearsy, or Snugglepuss."

Dr. Zlo shuddered. "Those poor minions. But, we're getting off track! We know the school has defenses, and that a game is coming up tomorrow. The Zlobots will lead you, Quartet, and the Jacques while I take Mabel and Cass to steal the phlebotinium!"

"No, I will lead Mabel and Cass!" One of the Zlobots proclaimed.

"No, I will!"

"No, I will!"

The three bots turned to each other, glaring at their proclamations. Each bot brought their sonic weapon to bear, ready to blast anyone who disagreed.

"Wait!" Dr. Zlo yelled.

The three Zlobots turned to look at him.

"Are you sure you want to take Mabel and Cass? Think about it; stealing the Phlebotinium means being in the shadows. Do you want to let the others take the spotlight?"

"Hmm, the Zlobot is right," said a Zlobot.

"Yes, I'd never dream of letting someone else steal my thunder," said another bot.

"Very well, I shall work with these imposters to show everyone my greatness!" said the last bot.

Dylan breathed a sigh of relief. Next time, he would make sure to make the bots right before the crime. Leaving them to their devices for so long was bound to be trouble.

"Excellent," Dr. Zlo said to his bots. "Glad that's gotten sorted out. Now, if you need me, I'll be in the other room. I suggest practicing a routine with the Jacques before tomorrow. Can't have yourselves looking like bumbling buffoons when you enact your scheme."

"The bot's right! Come on imposters, let's whip these Jacques into shape!"

Dr. Zlo stepped out of the room as the three Zlobots commanded the Jacques to start marching. He snickered as one of the Zlobots berated a Jacques for stepping on his foot. Good to know his simplest creations still had it. He picked up Hertz as he left. The little mouse deserved his treat.

Shizuka followed behind, laughing at the antics of her new companion. Creating doubles of yourself that believed themselves to be the real creation was classic cartoon villainy. She couldn't wait to see what else Dr. Zlo had in store.


Guys! I met him!

Fought him and everything!

He's in Mutatholis now!

Found him stealing instruments and talking about a master plan

And I got to fight him!

It was epic!

John smirked as the message appeared in the group chat. Ever since Dylan made that video, people flocked to chat rooms talking about Dr. Zlo and his team, Menagerie. Most of the conversation revolved around Vert's interference in the game, but a few people saw Dr. Zlo as someone to imitate. John scoffed. As if Vert would notice those copycats.

But the resulting fanbase had made it easy to find others willing to do John's dirty work. Namely, finding out where Dylan went next. He'd found that ridiculous robot a few days ago and junked it like the scrap it was. John didn't even bother to absorb the tech. He had better stuff at his disposal.

He read over the message from one of Dr. Zlo's fans again. It seemed Dylan was in Mutatholis now, stealing some stupid music instruments of all things. No doubt for some weapon that he was making.

John's smirk twisted into a smile. It was time to begin round two of their fight.

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