Velvet Abyss

Chapter 15: Daphne

The look in Shinobu’s eyes reversed from burgeoning lust to sincere concern. The look of dominance crumbled as she reverted to her original self.  The tears continued to flow and Shinobu held me in a comforting embrace.

She ran her fingers gently through my hair and I was at ease once again I knew why I was crying but I couldn’t verbalize it not to Shinobu or anyone else.  I was crying because I was happy for the first time in years I felt something other than numbness or self hatred.  

This remarkable woman had shown me more love and affection than my family had for the longest time, I love you Shinobu I couldn’t bring myself to confess these feelings just yet I wanted to wait for a proper moment when I didn’t have remnants of her cum on my face.

“You going to tell me why you’re crying?”

“I can’t, you wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m a nun listening to weird confessions is part of the job description,  you trust me don’t you Mari?”



I wasn’t about to tell her I offed myself because my life was a depressing train wreck and that I magically reincarnated here even with magic, no one would be stupid enough to believe that I’d sound delirious.


I steeled myself before composing my thoughts, my body was still on a high from the surprise sex so articulating my thoughts was going to be more prudent than ever.


“I know it’s silly, especially when compared to your life, but I’m crying because this is the first time I’ve felt loved in years.  For as long as I can remember my life was sterile, dull and devoid of affection.  Hell, I didn’t even love myself.”

“So that’s the reason you were crying, Oh what a relief.”

“Wait what?” I said.

“I was afraid it was something serious like the sex was bad.”

“You bitch, I’m pouring my heart out to you and that’s all you can say?”

“Just shut up and come here.”


 Shinobu kissed me again I paused for a second then reciprocate if this kept up I think I was danger of falling for her even harder The sensation of her lips against mine was intoxicating, like a drug I couldn’t get enough.


“How long have you been here, Mari?”

                        “Almost two months, why?”

                       “Than you should already know that you’re cherished around here.  The kids adore you, the younger sisters, and Caroline are fond of you too.”

“Yeah but that doesn’t matter to me.”

“Oh, and what does matter to you Mari?”

“Shinobu I’ve got something to tell you…”


The conversation was cut short when my bedroom door slammed open. A tall woman that I had never seen before was standing there, she was tall with pale skin, dirty blonde hair and golden eyes that pierced like knives.


She also had a rather nasty scar under her left eye. She scowled at me as she entered the room like she owned the place.  

“Haven’t you heard of knocking, lady?” I said.

“We’re a little busy think this can wait”


The women ignored me. It was then I realized that she was never looking at me; she was starring right past me fixating on Shinobu.  “Hey Daphne, you’re not supposed to back till next week.”  Shinobu said.


“So this is the stray dog you adopted.” Daphne said.

“Look, I know what this looks like, but.” Shinobu said.


A blast of wind erupted in the room blinding me and when I could see again Shinobu was gone my eyes scanned the room looking for her.  “Shinobu!” I screamed.  Daphne was clutching her throat in her hand and had her suspended above the ground.


“You’re a naughty girl Shinobu first you took in the stray without my consultation, that I can overlook.  But you broke our most important precept.” Daphne said.


“Now care to remind me what that precept is.”

“Nuns of Flanade are to abstain from all earthly pleasures, Sex is strictly prohibited.”

                               “I’ll make an example out of you than I’ll exile your pet.”


I rushed over to Shinobu, my blood frothing and at a boiling point I might not have magic but there was no way I was going to watch the women I love treated so heinously.  Damn this woman for ruining our time together.  


“Get your hands off her”

“Bind my target with raging winds, Ventus Vincula”


Handcuffs and leg irons made of wind wrapped around my body, forcing me to my knees. The wind was freezing cold and felt like my skin might peel off.  She could cast a spell without saying the full chant. So this is the strength of a fully realized sorceress.


“Know your place, you disgusting bitch.”


Shinobu’s eyes were dancing with fear, I never wanted to see that horrid expression on her face, I realized this practice must be commonplace around here.  Either Shinobu had experienced it firsthand or had seen it play at because she was trembling from the moment Daphne entered the room.


“Sister Daphne, you don’t have to do this.”

“Shut your mouth, you filthy whore.”

“Fuck you,” I said

“Stay out of this stray, Shinobu knew what she was doing.”

“Yeah fucking me, it was wonderful. What’s wrong with that.”


 Daphne snapped her fingers and wind formed around my mouth acting as a magical mouth gag, damn wind magic was versatile.

“Oh lord of flame, I am your emissary, grant on to me a blade ablaze, flamski…”


Daphne drilled her fist into Shinobu’s stomach, winding her and causing her to vomit, Daphne then slapped Shinobu hard across the face.  

“Trying to attack me, You’re bold.”


Daphne relinquished her grip as Shinobu plummeted, smashing in the ground with a frail grunt.  Daphne beat Shinobu, laying into her with kicks and punches.  With every hit, the rage brewing inside me grew closer to erupting.


“Fucking this mongrel and daring to raise your hand to your elder sister. You’ve really done it this time, Shinobu.”


“Big Sister...Please..Forgive me.” Shinobu said.


Daphne stomped on Shinobu’s stomach grinding her boot hard into her exposed skin, Shinobu cried in agony begging Daphne to desist.  “I’ll kill you” I murmured through the gag.  Daphne removed her leg from Shinobu but not before delivering a swift kick to the guts, prompting Shinobu to vomit again.


“You’ve got balls for a girl with no Ballum.”

“When you get to my level, you can smell it on people, None of the elemental spirits favor you, what a pity.”

“Just shut up and watch stray.”


Daphne hoisted Shinobu up by her hair slamming her against the wall with significant force, what kind of twisted joke is this you expect me to kneel like a dog while the women I care about more than anything in this shitty world is tortured well screw that shit.


“How should I punish you, Maybe I’ll take one of your eyes, Oh I know how about I cut out your tongue so you can never talk back to me?  Yeah, I like the sound of that.”


Daphne produced a silver blade from under her dress and caressed it gently across Shinobu’s quivering cheeks.  


“Now let’s have a look at that tongue of yours.”

“No, Please, Big Sister, Don’t, I’m begging you, I’ll be a good girl.”


I need your help; I know you’ve been ignoring me, but I need your power right now.  Help me please, I’ll do anything, give me strength.   “Velvet!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.


 So you finally called my name, took you long enough you shitty human, I’ve been so very bored, I don’t know why you care about this nun but watching you mope around all day without her would be too pathetic. So let’s have some fun partner.


Velvet’s voice whispered in my ear and I felt my body surge with power and an intense desire to kill pulsed through every fiber of my being.  I’m going to kill that woman.


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