Velvet Abyss

Chapter 24: Strength

Mari was still far too shaken to lead the conversation, so she allowed Yoshiki to take the reins and guide the conversation in whatever direction he felt like.  The growling in her stomach had ceased a little, the pain growing fainter as time passed.


“Whoever killed these people must have had considerable magical ability.”


“I killed them.”


“That was a casual admission to murder.”


“I don’t care these people deserved to die.”


“You’re wrong about that, Mari.”


Yoshiki’s voice was calm yet commanding, and Mari felt compelled to listen to whatever he had to say as she let another chewy morsel of charred rabbit slide down her throat.  He finished the last of his rabbit skewers before speaking again.

“I’m not wrong this entire country deserves to burn.”

“Eyes blinded by fury can never see with clarity.”

“This church and the royal family I’ll crush them both for what they did to me.”

“Have you not squared your grudge already you slaughtered an entire village, and all they did was kill one little girl.


Mari lunged towards Yoshiki, seizing him by the throat and lifting him into the air until she was burning with a dark aura and overflowing with killing intent.  “So you have some strength.” Yoshiki said.  


“It’ll never be enough a thousand lives would not equal the value of hers and I will not rest till I’ve torn down everything that man has built the church and his country.”


“Grandiose words, but words a cheaper than piss show me with action.”


Yoshiki pried himself free of Mari’s grasp with ease, dashing backwards and preparing himself to face Mari.

“You really want to die don’t you?” Mari grunted through gritted teeth, every breath filled with malice.


“You kill me that's precious, feel free to try though."


Mari launched herself forward swinging at Yoshiki in a frenzy though Mari was fast her furious flurry of blows never found their mark Yoshiki dodged them all with grace all the while wearing that same smug look on his face.


“Seijuro” Mari scowled.

“You forgot my name already?”

“I’ll kill you!.” Mari roared.

“Void Magic Third Form: Sanguine Orthrus.”

“Solid effort, but that won’t work.”


The great hound charged towards Yoshiki, its mouth salivating and ready to rip him apart limb from limb. It did just that, devouring him hole in one mighty bite, the great hound made its way over to me and I caressed its gigantic cheek.

“Good girl.”

“Now than let’s go attack the capitol of this wretched country.”

“Afraid I can’t let you do that.”

“Yoshiki? How you should be mince meat by now.”


A burst of white light shone through the skin of the hound and soon enough an explosion erupted, blowing the beast into meaty chunks.  Yoshiki emerged covered in spit, but otherwise unscathed.


“You really thought that was enough to kill me?”

    “Just die.” Mari said in a maddening dash.”

    “Enough of this foolishness.”


Yoshiki easily surpassedMari’s speed and drilled his fist straight into her stomach, careening her threw the table on the stage and into the great hall. Mari felt the void’s power leaving her body once again.


Mari vomited blood from being punched in the stomach and felt like keeling over, but staggered to her feet through the pain.

 “You up for round two or are you done?”

 Yoshiki sat down on one of the few wooden tables still standing


“I can't continue I don’t have the stamina.”

“Well, that’s a blessing if you had kept going your body would have burned out.”

“So that was void magic?”

"" Mari huffed. 

“It’s an element that few hold knowledge of and seldom still have ever seen in action there have been those foolish enough to try and form a pact with the void spirit but they’ve always ended up devoured soul and all, yet for some odd reason here you are the first of your kind."


“The first what?”

“The first void mage in Ascarian history.”

“Now will you calmly hear me out or are you going to try and murder me again?”

“I’m sorry it’s just once something triggers that state I can’t think rationally and all I want is to do kill”

“I suspect that’s the void’s influence you’re not strong enough to manage it so it takes control, turning you into a violent animal.”



Yoshiki walked towards Mari placing a hand on her shoulder he looked down upon her with a smile that cleared Mari’s anxiety if only for a second.


“You and I yearn for the same thing, Mari.”

“The destruction of the Church of Flanade."

 “But not at the expense of the innocent citizens who don’t have a choice in the matter.

                                   “How much do you know about the Eris War?”

                                   “Nothing other than they’re the ones who started the war.”

               “That’s just Flanade propaganda.”

                                  “Eris isn’t the oppressor in this war they’re the rebellion.”

                                  “I have a proposal for you”

“Whatever you’re peddling, I’m not interested alright, so piss off. “

  “You’re free to do as you wish, but at least hear what I have to say first.”

 "Just get on with anyway not like i can move right now anyhow."

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