Velvet Abyss

Chapter 28: Two Halves

Though I tried to rebuff her attempts of friendship Setsuna proved far more persistent than I ever dared to imagine, she followed me at every turn no matter how I hard I tried to evade her she would always manage to find me.

“This routine is getting old give it a rest already.”  I thought not that she ever paid any attention pressing onward with her misguided pursuits

Eventually her earnest efforts where enough for me to crack only a little so we started spending time together in the library with me reading and Setsuna more often than not snoring very loudly making it impossible to concentrate.

She was selfish like that always forcing her whims onto others with no regard for anyone but herself, one day her she aggrevated to me to my whits end while she sat on the opposite side of the table whistling a little tune so I snapped at her.

“Will you shut up with your infernal whistling.” I screamed

“Tough crowd, so you’re saying no to an encore.”

“Will an encore make you leave me alone.”


“Just who the hell are you anyway.”

“I’m Setsuna.”

“That’s not what I’m asking, you’re not a sister in training nor are you a holy instructor, so what are you doing here?”

“I’m observing.”

“Observing what?”

“That which piques my interest. namely you.”

“There’s nothing interesting about me.”

“I beg to differ you’re the most interesting girl here.”

“How do you figure that.”


The first side of the scroll had been filled so Mari flipped it in an effort to continue reading only the top half of the other side was readable the bottom half was utterly indistinguishable.

Setsuna told me that she admired how open and frank I was and how I put my real self on display and didn’t play the part of a perfect sister like all the others who wanted to gain the hierarchy with the end goal of being crowned an elder sister and standing tall as one the High Bishops most trusted.

“All I want is food in my stomach and a good book to read.”

“But you already have all that do you not.”

“Not nearly enough.”

“Are you looking forward to tomorrow?”

“To the bimonthly assembly, not really.”

“You asked why I was here right?”

“Yeah, I recall asking something like that less than a minute ago.”

“Well that’s the real reason why, I’m delivering a speech tomorrow.”

“You're delivering speech but that would make you..”

“Nobody special, I do hope you’ll attend for me Little Shinobu.”

Setsuna said happily as she booped me causing me to recoil I always hated being touched back then.

“I’m not little, you’re just old.”

‘Hey we can’t all be ten years old.”

“Anyway I must be going now I hope to see you tomorrow.”

“You know I don’t really have a choice right.”

“See you tomorrow.”  Setsuna said ignoring me.

Setsuna had really been getting on my nerves but a small part of my was happy to have a friend even though I knew it would be short lived once a sister turns eleven their proper tutelage begins and than they’re shipped off on their sacred pilgrimage after their eighteenth birthday.

The day of the address came and I watched on listlessly as the bishops went over their reports in excruciating detail I remember my eyelids felt heavy because I had taken the opportunity to stay up far past curfew perusing the myriad of marvelous offerings in the library

I was on the brink of dozing off while standing up when the bishop made an announcement that shook me to my core and still does looking back a decade later.

“Loyal sisters of Flanade please rise and bring your hands together to welcome our exalted guest.”

“Her Royal Highness First Princess Setsuna Mori Rosalia Hyogo.”

My jaw hit the floor all this time I had been insulting and scolding the princess of my country, I felt shivers race up and down the lengths of my spine, she could have me executed on grounds of insolence alone.

But nothing ever came of those fears Setsuna stayed at the Citadel for sixth months after the announcement and the majority of her free time was spent with me.  I think what drew her to me initially was my not knowing shit.

I talked with her how I’d talk with anyone which must be refreshing when everyone in your life is bending over backwards to kiss your ass in hopes of currying favor or raising their standing in court.

“You’re shitting me.” Mari said

The middle of the page was completely unreadable save for the last few lines which meant that Mari would be missing out on a huge chunk of her letter, oh well there wasn’t any helping it so Mari skipped to the bottom paragraph.

This amulet was a gift from the most precious woman of my past and it’s the gift I want the most precious woman of my future to have. The amulet is two halves of a whole.

This will be my final request Mari, claim a half for yourself and see that the other half is returned to Setsuna.  Thank you for everything my darling.

I love you always.

Sincerely, Your Shi

Salty tears fell from Mari’s eyes staining the parchment which she held with her trembling hands.

“You’re really demanding you know that Shi.”

Mari inspected the amulet it was heavy and she could tell at glance that it held great significance.

She still planned to burn the Hyogo dynasty to the ground but she’d honor her fallen lovers final request before that, she couldn’t put her to rest otherwise.

So with a heavy heart Mari left the village she had called home for the past two months and embarked for Edelgard the beating heart of the Eris Empire the time for revenge and retribution drew near.

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